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Error: #f88
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::EditToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
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<div macro='annotations'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit text'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit tags'></div><div class='editorFooter'><span macro='message views.editor.tagPrompt'></span><span macro='tagChooser excludeLists'></span></div>
To get started with this blank [[TiddlyWiki]], you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* [[SiteTitle]] & [[SiteSubtitle]]: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* [[MainMenu]]: The menu (usually on the left)
* [[DefaultTiddlers]]: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
<link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml' title='RSS' href='index.xml' />
These [[InterfaceOptions]] for customising [[TiddlyWiki]] are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a [[WikiWord]] (eg [[JoeBloggs]])

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> [[SaveBackups]]
<<option chkAutoSave>> [[AutoSave]]
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> [[RegExpSearch]]
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> [[CaseSensitiveSearch]]
<<option chkAnimate>> [[EnableAnimations]]

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
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#messageArea a {text-decoration:underline;}

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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
body {font-size:0.8em;}
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<div class='toolbar' role='navigation' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::ViewToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='subtitle'><span macro='view modifier link'></span>, <span macro='view modified date'></span> (<span macro='message views.wikified.createdPrompt'></span> <span macro='view created date'></span>)</div>
<div class='tagging' macro='tagging'></div>
<div class='tagged' macro='tags'></div>
<div class='viewer' macro='view text wikified'></div>
<div class='tagClear'></div>
18 September 2011

Galaxies spin around my head, and the ground shifts beneath my feet.  All around is me vast, undulating ~World-Potential.  The Earth is supporting 7 billion human beings.

I am safe here and grateful for it.  In the midst of this, some of my desires and reflections follow:

*I do not wish to work for Industry.
*I have educated myself well, and I am not done. I have not failed. ~World-Potential is open wide to me.
*I love my wife and children, though I express it imperfectly and sometimes act selfishly.
*Together, my wife and I can be //brave, steadfast, compassionate, and loving-kind.//
*We will provision for our children's happiness.
*We will love them, protect them, prepare them, let them flower.

In broad terms, I desire:
''//To Understand//'' – I seek a [[Great Explaining|World Mythologies]] of all around me, and the causes of where I stand (which inherently limit my view)

''//Be Connected to Other Life//'' – overcoming a habit to maintain distance and escape

''//Stand in Awe of the Cosmos//'' – despite distraction and selective vision

''//Live and Work in 'Society'//'' – requiring that I learn to feel comfortable with my self in the world of human interactions

''//Walk and Dance With Myself//'' – with self-reliance and joy, again requiring a certain level of comfort and self-trust

''//Ease Suffering and Help Others Make [[Manifest]]//''

''//Exercise Reason, Compassion, and Knowledge//'' – to help solve problems of all magnitudes

''//Enjoy and Cultivate Art//'' – going beyond my own particular 'taste' and beliefs

[[Desiderata]] states what we humans need and desire for inner peace, as one man told it.  @@color(grey):{ Latin //''desideratum'' 'something desired' < __desiderare__ 'to desire.'// }@@
[img[Colored Bicycle for the Mind|][]]
I added the color to the [[bicycle]] logo

[img[Bicycle for the Mind – wire sculpture|][]]
Wire sculpture created by my wife Lily

Mandala colored by Lily 7 Sept 2007.  It alludes to "The Yellow Brick Road" from Baum's Oz books (which I loved as a child), and also to the [[Blue Flower]].
She obtained the line-art from [[|]]
Every morning
I shall concern myself anew about the boundary
Between the love-deed-Yes
and the power-deed-No,
And pressing forward honor reality.
We cannot avoid
Using power,
Cannot escape the compulsion
To afflict the world,
So let us, cautious in diction
And mighty in contradiction,
Love powerfully.
— "Power and Love" (1926)
Martin [[Buber]]
"Anam Cara" is a Gaelic phrase meaning "soul friend," which my wife and I have used in reference to each other since the spring of 2001.

I was introduced to this term in John O'Donohue's book //[[Anam Cara|]]//.
!Whole Earth Discipline
Stewart Brand

1. Scale, Scope, Stakes, Speed
2. City Planet
3. Urban Promise
4. New Nukes 
5. Green Genes
6. Gene Dreams
7. Romantics, Scientists, Engineers
8. It’s All Gardening
9. Planet Craft
A collection by the Scottish poet Ronald Eadie Munro
(aka [[Duncan Munro Glen]]), published 1969, [[interpreted here|Kythings interpreted]]

This is daurk Lanarkshire
sae I hae learnt.
But //we ken aye there
a land o sun and blue skies.//
A time o lang days and play
wi my brithers.
We desire ainly
the cool blue watter.
Water rinnin slow in thochts
toom ablow the sky. Days
at ease wi oor brithers
and aw o earth and kin
in their ways.

And the corn there. Fenced
by oor faither. Yellowin ears
on lang stalks that move us
toward the hairst for days
oor faither fears.

We desire ainly
the cool blue watter.
Oor faither cut grey wi pain
and cauld. His lang-boned body
live wi knowledge
o days spent,
and sleep shut in the gairden
//though the paths are
and the auld trees
in blossom that hauds nae stain.

//The blossom calls.// The gairden
oor mither returns to
with the strength o his winter.
Days for which she nourishes
strange sons. Their ways forced
ootside trig lairs.
And soon
grow strong and broun
and faither wi them
nourished to their hairst.

In my thochts daurk corners
and unkent steps.
Journeys across swung stairweys.
Across daurk rivers on bridges
felt wi stretchin fingers;
open weys wi missin steps
and sweyin haunrails shadows
saft and grey agin the nicht.

A time o closed roads and unkent
fields. Great daurk acres
shut oot by quick faain hills
and sma halls o endless dance.

A spring held ticht; and wound
to the grip o innocence. //A spring
vibratin as he walks
a challenge
to his brithers.// A time of unwindin
to ithers’ time.

A large stride across a street.
//The hidden selves safe aneath
quick thrustin strides.// Unheard
voices drouned in the blood
racin. A time of lookin
frea ahint an unshaved face.
Bricht-haired shadows rinnin
through oor nicht; shairp wi
unkent knives cutting across
the raw stane. And //the beat o haimmers
edgin to brittle pairts
that spairk quick, and chip//
against unseen heids. A time
o shairp corners and short cuts
taen blin.

The stane rises daurk against
the sky. And //a table is set
across a field//

... A time o bricht
daurkness and haurd gless tables
set wi hauf-filled bottles.

And the dance. Heids on a hidden
floor. A turnin licht movin
through the spectrum. The warm
wi the cool. A sad yellow
and a turnin green. Heild ticht
on sprung boards. Turn and turn
again. The great springs taut
in ithers' haunds.

Great gaitherings o dochters
turnin. The owre-lookin.
And the dance. Close and fast
turnin steps. Time and time again
roond movin limbs. Quick steps
and slaw movements. Gyrations
full and round wi the beat
time and time again.

A time of hame-comin and visitin
hame. New faces in auld.
And //strength ahint closed doors//
and rung bells.

//The warmth is in us.// We lie
the fields are sma
and licht frae oor gairden. The days
are lazy and fu wi the trees
growin ablow us. And she walks doun,
and full-skirtit, wi warmth
and fear by his side. Waitin
and growin

A stranger. A time of confinement
and doors closin. Of waiting
and walking. A time of sleep.
Of climbing close stairs
—and cauld. He rises
across the sky. Heavy clouds
blowin through the park. And gates
are closin. We wait on time.
The tide in her strong and high
wi waves that rise
and fall ayont the swingin
wecht. A flood rode dry
ootside the ark braithless and
strong in her blood. //That knot
made to untie.// And turn
in time, frae him noo
in the licht.

And the flood in him.
//a young God challengin
the storm// rushin owre
wi him licht to me. A pillar
above the storm.
Heich up hill paths I staun
and glimpse faur blue hills
and lochs seen bricht
though ne'er reached. And he
smiles owre my shoulder
a rock above the storm
I face.

She turns me to see
his ways. To journeys I canna
make. And a stranger moves
across a field. And through
my storm. A young face.
A column broken and swept
in spate
to the sea.

The storm beats doun my airms
and the sky falls . . .

Shadows grow colours
aw roun. I lie warm
in days lang wi daurk nights
alane in their time

A time o warmth by the fire.
Aw nicht
cauld doun daurk corridors
live wi steps
I turn frae across my nicht
and shut oot
ahint quick-closed dwaums.

I sit in the movin licht
wi steerin stairs
turnin wi the spurkle
o smells frae daurk breakfasts
you rise to mak
and mak again.

I sit cauld. Time
in my pulse
racin to a time
I turn frae. A time o shut
I couldna open
for licht or daurk.

Swallin doors growin shut
afore that white waa.
I look
to her warm in the sun. A young face
sad in my een. But quick
turn to quicker feet
and shoutin voices. Hers and mine
I canna hear, but ken
and feel aye there
a pool to lie in warm
wi unturnt licht.

My time.
But they call
and it is Their time.

I staun against the door
and turn open-eened to cross
daurk corridors and //shout
my strength to the shadows//
that run wi me
aye a step ahint
across halls and up stairs
to daurk that waits
and waits. And I turn warm;
//turn to the fire wi them
in times unkent; daurkness
welcomed and warm//
coverin us in the hidden places
of the gairden.

The leaves are faain.
I auld in their gairden;
I turn
and turn again
to a gairden that shuts oot
tomorrow's licht and shadows.
I turn frae the cool watter
and desire anerly the saft gress
uncut since we walkt paths
seen anerly frae that heavy wey
across the hill

and licht lengthens her shadow
in my dreed;
a cauld haun in mine
across corridors I see
open oot
and warm carpeted.

I see her often there
an unseen face
kent across daurk gress
frae this fireside. Oor past
still in me wi the toom
rooms o childhood. And //quick
turn in warmth to her I ken
across anither field.// But then
in time
grow cauld and turn
to the waa.

Sma faces growin frae patterns.
Faces safe in my een
that blink to blin
and turn
away to ithers. Turn and turn
again. Sma movin figures
I canna ken. And lie
warm in the coloured wall
that kens nae time
but the wun movin
a leaf. A wun
aye in the gairden
and the mornin taen wi the sun . . .

and they call
and it is their time
and their place . . .

[last and forty-eighth page of the book]
A human being is a part of the whole called by us "the universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening the circle of understanding and compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.  The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self.  We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.
–Albert Einstein

Also stated by Einstein:
//No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it.  We have to learn to see the world anew.//
(in Banathy 1995)
*right view
*right intention
*right speech
*right conduct (action)
*right livelihood
*right endeavor (effort)
*right attention (mindfulness)
*right concentration
Walt Whitman (31 May 1819 – 26 March 1892) was an American journalist and poet, most famous for his lifelong work on his book //[[Leaves of Grass|Song of Myself]]//.


In every object, mountain, tree, and star — in every birth and life,
As part of each — evolved from each — meaning, behind the ostent,
A mystic [[cipher|correspondances]] waits infolded.
— Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

The two old, simple problems ever intertwined,
Close home, elusive, present, baffled, grappled.
By each successive age insoluble, pass'd on,
To ours to-day — and we pass on the same.
— Walt Whitman, "Life and Death," Leaves of Grass

"…I learned from Whitman that the poem is a temple—or a green field—a place to enter, and in which to feel. Only in a secondary way is it an intellectual thing—an artifact, a moment of seemly and robust wordiness—wonderful as that part of it is. I learned that the poem was made not just to exist, but to speak—to be company. It was everything that was needed, when everything was needed."
—Mary Oliver, on poetry
!Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy

Susan wrote me the following letter at the conclusion of an online / distance workshop:
I love your words here and your spirit shared. What a divine soul you are, and I love your questions.
There is so much in your subject line; Wanting Focus or Action. I wonder "who" is wanting that focus or action?
I envision you "clearing your energetic field" with 3 part Harmony, taking your OH [One Hunger], and sitting in a cornfield and receiving from your Wise Self.
I feel that you are already becoming what you say you want – and how to create a living from it is a separate question that is slowing you down from fully becoming it.
You are not "too far-flung" – perhaps you are not flung enough?
And are there tangible movements that you could make that you haven't?
My blessings and support to you, and acknowledging your growth and questions, sending you:
RELEASE from "knowing."

August 10, 2010

SARK's book //Glad No Matter What// inspired my [[Loss List]]
[img(85%,)[The Coat of Arms of Pope Francis|][]]
@@font-size:125%;font-family: serif;
{{font150{''//EVANGELII GAUDIUM//''
//TO THE BISHOPS, [[PRIESTS|Welcome to your own priesthood]] AND DEACONS
2. The great danger in today’s world, pervaded as it is by consumerism, is the desolation and anguish born of a complacent yet [[covetous heart|Quenchless thirst]], the feverish pursuit of frivolous pleasures, and a blunted conscience. Whenever our interior life becomes caught up in its own interests and concerns, there is no longer room for others, no place for the poor. God’s voice is no longer heard, the quiet joy of his love is no longer felt, and the desire to do good fades. This is a very real danger for believers too. Many fall prey to it, and end up resentful, angry and listless. That is no way to live a dignified and fulfilled life…

27. I dream of a “missionary option”, that is, a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything, so that the Church’s customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language and structures can be suitably channeled for the evangelization of today’s world rather than for her self-preservation.

[[Apostolic Exhortation Text at the Vatican Website|]]
A story interrelating man, the world, and the gods or forces or 'ground of being' … otherwise known as 'Ground Divine' or 'God'

A story that tells how things came to be the way the are.

A culture is a group of people //__enacting__// a story, to live so as to make or maintain the story as a reality.  (Taken from Daniel Quinn's //Ishmael//.)
<<tiddler [[five great narratives (Postman)]]>>
(in [[The End of Education]].)
The //axis mundi// (also cosmic axis, world axis, world pillar, columna cerului, center of the world,world tree), in religion or mythology, is the world center or the connection between Heaven and Earth.

//Anima Mundi//, 1670s, Medieval Latin, literally "soul of the world;" used by Abelard to render Greek //psyche tou kosmou//

//Fractal Mundiosa//, [[Fractal]] World that is Divine Feminine; ~Ground-Divine

The image of the //Cosmic Tree// provides an axis symbol that unites three planes: sky (branches), earth (trunk) and underworld (roots).
* In some Pacific island cultures the banyan tree, of which the Bodhi tree is of the Sacred [[Fig]] variety, is the abode of ancestor spirits. In Hindu religion, the banyan tree is considered sacred and is called "Ashwath Vriksha" ("I am Banyan tree among trees" - Bhagavad Gita).
* The Bodhi Tree is also the name given to the tree under which Gautama Siddhartha, the historical Buddha, sat on the night he attained enlightenment.
* The Yggdrasil, or World Ash, functions in much the same way in Norse mythology; it is the site where Odin found enlightenment.
* Other examples - Jievaras in Lithuanian mythology and Thor's Oak in the myths of the pre-Christian Germanic peoples.
* The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in Genesis present two aspects of the same image.

//Cursor Mundi// (Latin for "Runner of the World") is an anonymous ~Middle-English historical and religious poem of nearly 30,000 lines written around 1300 AD. The poem summarizes the history of the world as described in the Christian Bible and other sources, with additional legendary material drawn primarily from the //Historia scholastica.//
Dig for courage
Dig for wisdom
Dig for worth

While you dig,
keep a serene and focused mind.
Stay hungry, stay curious, and stretch yourself.
Keep digging!

With the materials at hand,
fashion your dwelling place
and your fulfillment.
In this moment, are you fulfilled?

Stand firm, yet loosen your grasp.
With a supple and accepting mind,
look outward.
Remove yourself from the center.
Learn the dance with finitude and change.

The ground on which you dance is hallowed,
as are the moments we smile and speak.
It all is shifting, then dissolves into vastness.
Protect the transmission of life.

|''Description''|provides access to tiddler revisions|
|''Contributors''|Martin Budden|
Extend [[ToolbarCommands]] with {{{revisions}}}.
!Revision History
!!v0.1 (2009-07-23)
* initial release (renamed from experimental ServerCommandsPlugin)
!!v0.2 (2010-03-04)
* suppressed wikification in diff view
!!v0.3 (2010-04-07)
* restored wikification in diff view
* added link to side-by-side diff view
!To Do
* strip server.* fields from revision tiddlers
* resolve naming conflicts
* i18n, l10n
* code sanitizing
* documentation
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var _getField = function(name, tiddler) {
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''Torso of Venus, Altes Museum Berlin
Roman marble copy of the famed Aphrodite of Knidos''

Description of another version:

According to later Roman writers, the statue was originally commissioned by the citizens of Kos, Greece. Praxiteles, the Greek master sculptor, created two versions for them, one draped, the other nude. The prudish citizens of Kos rejected the nude version, which was then acquired by the citizens of Knidos. The statue’s fame became so great that numerous copies and variations were made during the Hellenistic and Roman periods. The Knidia, as she is called today, is considered one of the most famous works of art from antiquity, and exemplifies feminine beauty.

The goddess depicted nude, standing with her weight on her left leg, the right leg advanced, her torso bent slightly forward, causing a crease at the navel, her left arm originally lowered with the hand positioned over the pudendum, the right arm originally bent at the elbow, with the hand at the breast, the left arm adorned with an armband, with long wavy tendrils of hair falling onto each shoulder, the remains of a support on the side of the left thigh - 33½ in. (85 cm.) high.

Notes: One of the most famous works of art in antiquity was the cult statue of the goddess Aphrodite from her temple at Knidos, sculpted by the Greek master Praxiteles in circa 350 B.C. According to later Roman writers, the statue was originally commissioned by the citizens of Kos. Praxiteles sculpted two versions for them, one draped, the other nude. The prudish citizens of Kos rejected the nude version, which was then acquired by the citizens of Knidos. They erected the statue in an open-air temple, affording a splendid view of Praxiteles' masterpiece from all angles. It is thought that this was the first full-scale depiction of the female nude in all of Greek art. The statue's fame became so great that numerous copies and variations were made during the Hellenistic and Roman periods, from full-scale replicas in marble for temples and villas, to small bronze and terracotta statuary for household shrines, to depictions on engraved gems for personal adornment.

Although the original does not survive, enough is known about the Knidia (as she is called today) from the literary descriptions and these later copies that the type has been confidently identified. The goddess is shown standing, dropping her garment upon a vase, perhaps in preparation for her bath. Her left hand is positioned over her pudendum, her right hand over breasts, in a gesture that has traditionally been interpreted as the goddess' modesty. This is now recognized as a Victorian conceit, since there is no mythological basis to support such a view. The pose is now thought to depict the goddess ''emphasizing her fertility rather than hiding it''.
[see Ridgway, //~Fourth-Century Styles in Greek Sculpture//, p. 263; emphasis above mine.]

THE SAVIOURS OF GOD: Spiritual Exercises

I am a weak, ephemeral creature made of mud and dream. But I feel all the powers of the universe whirling within me.

Everything in the world has a hidden meaning … Men, animals, trees, stars, they are all hieroglyphics. When you see them you do not understand them. You think they are really men, animals, trees, stars. It is only years later that you understand.

You shall never be able to establish in words what you live in ecstasy. But struggle unceasingly to establish it in words. ''//Battle with myths, with comparisons, with allegories, with rare and common words, with exclamations and rhymes, to embody it in flesh, to transfix it!//'' God, the Great Ecstatic, works in the same way. He speaks and struggles to speak in every way He can, with seas and with fires, with colors, with wings, with horns, with claws, with constellations and butterflies, that he may establish His ecstasy. Like every other living thing, I also am in the center of the Cosmic whirlpool.

The primordial Spirit branches out, overflows, struggles, fails, succeeds, trains itself. It is the Rose of the Winds.

Amid all these things, beyond all these things every man and nation, every plant and animal, every god and demon, charges upward like an army inflamed by an incomprehensible, unconquerable Spirit. We struggle to make this Spirit visible, to give it a face, to encase it in words, in allegories and thoughts and incantations, that it may not escape us. But it cannot be contained in the twentysix letters of an alphabet which we string out in rows; we know that all these words, these allegories, these thoughts, and these incantations are, once more, but a new mask with which to conceal the Abyss.

I felt that human partitions — bodies, brains, and souls — were capable of being demolished, and that humanity might return again, after frightfully bloody wandering, to its primeval, divine oneness. In this condition, there is no such thing as "me", "you", and "he"; everything is a unity and this unity is a profound mystic intoxication in which death loses its scythe and ceases to exist. Separately, we die one by one, but all together we are immortal. Like prodigal sons, after so much hunger, thirst, and rebellion, we spread our arms and embrace our two parents: heaven and earth.
|''Description''|renders base64-encoded binary tiddlers as images or links|
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// This will be changed to a GET then PUT
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Apple Computer Co. described personal computers as "bicycles for the mind" in a 1980s advertisement. ^^[[[7]|]]^^
[img[Bicycle for the mind – logo for Mac University Consortium|][]]
This has inspired several [[Art-ifacts]]
Unless you're delighted with the default theme you can make some quick changes by generating a new random color palette, hit this button to cycle through some alternatives.

<<RandomColorPaletteButton saturation_pale:0.67 saturation_light:0.53
saturation_mid:0.43 saturation_dark:0.06 pale:0.99 light:0.85 mid:0.5 dark:0.31>>

You can also change the look and feel completely by installing a new theme. To do this, find one you like in the @themes space, note down the name, and include it in this space by going to the space menu. You can reach the space menu by clicking on the blue and pink circle at the top-right of the page and chooshing "THIS SPACE". Here are a few to check out:
* @pip
* @caspian-ii
* @basalt
* @simplicity
* @cheesecake
* @jelly-doughnut

(//Note that if you are using a custom TiddlySpace install, these themes may not be present.//)
//''…ideas, images and signs bleed into one another and soak perception with their infinite [[correspondances]], until these streams diverge, flooding out into the world…''//
–Johanna Gosse

Discovered from "[[In Memory of Moticos|]]" January 2014 at The Book Beat:
He [Ray Johnson] re-imagined art as simply communication, a part of daily life—and a constant engagement with life that links the past, present and future into interchangeable symbols, fateful accidents, magic reversals and poetry. His books and letters were simple but intricate puzzles, all self-contained [[anti-museums]], missives that questioned collecting and collectors, the purpose of art, stretching the boundaries of <<tag poetry>>

Memory is not an instrument for surveying the past but its theater. It is the medium of past experience, just as the earth is the medium in which dead cities lie buried. He who seeks to approach his own buried ''past'' must conduct himself like a man digging.
–Walter Benjamin, //Berlin Childhood//

When you cut into the present, the ''future'' leaks out.
–William S. Burroughs, //~Cut-Ups//
In an interview for the inaugural issue of the //Village Voice//, Ray Johnson discussed what moticos were and what they weren't. "I've got a big pile of things at home which will make moticos. They're really collages – paste-ups of pictures and pieces of paper…but that sounds too much like what they really are, so I call them moticos. It's a good word because it's both singular and plural and you can pronounce it how you like." &nbsp;(Wilcock, 1955) Johnson's moticos, or collages, are exhibited more often in museums and galleries than his mail art because curators place the moticos in the category of fine art. In contrast, curators treat Johnson's [[mail art|mail art object]] more as a long-term performance or avocation, rather than as individual art objects.
–Madelyn Starbuck in "[[Clashing and Converging|]]"
//See [[mail art object]]//

Following research courtesy of Johanna Gosse, The Journal of Black Mountain College Studies [[Volume II: Ray Johnson|]]
“Moticos” is an anagram of the term “osmotic,” the adjectival form of “osmosis,” which refers to the process of liquid flow between two semi-permeable membranes, and more colloquially, to the gradual process of assimilation or absorption of ideas. According to the possibly apocryphal account offered by [[Ray Johnson]], the term was arbitrarily picked from a dictionary by his friend Norman Soloman; yet, this word effectively evokes the idea of dynamic flow and exchange, qualities that are relevant to Johnson’s developing collage practice during this period.

Johnson’s moticos are composed of everyday found objects—mass media fragments, commercial packaging, scraps of cardboard—which he intricately arranged in small-scale compositions and then emblazoned with puns, pictograms, enigmatic hieroglyphs, small blocks or “tesserae,” celebrity names, Chinese lettering, and other more obscure references and elements. Still, the moticos’ delicately embellished surfaces do not obscure the fact that they are composed of humble materials…
Perhaps it’s all incorrect that these (the moticos) be looked at in terms of painting or creativity or beauty or whatever. It might very well just be useful objects like an automobile or a chair. And these happen to be things hanging on the wall. I never used to believe in a work of art being bought. I thought it should just be made and not cherished or sold.  [1968 interview with Johnson]
He accepts that art has a //use value// like any other functional object, but he wants to reject the notion that it possesses //exchange value//, as an object bought or sold on a marketplace. Indeed, a primary example of something with use value but no real exchange value is precisely the ritual performance: an event that is essential to the vitality of a community and yet remains time-bound, ephemeral, and thus cannot be “cherished or sold.”

This simple yet revolutionary idea—that art should have a quasi-ceremonial role in everyday life rather than exist as a rarefied commodity under the purview of [[elite collectors and museums|anti-museums]]—forms the core, I think, of Johnson’s aesthetic philosophy. This idea is also a fundamental tenet of one of the most important philosophical treatises on aesthetics of the past century—John Dewey’s //Art as Experience//.

Dewey states that his primary task (and the task of all aesthetic philosophy) is “to restore continuity between the refined and intensified forms of experience that are works of art and the everyday events, doings, and sufferings that are universally recognized to constitute experience.”  Later, he describes the function of art as promoting “active and alert commerce with the world—complete //interpenetration// of self and the world of objects and events.”  This notion of //interpenetration of self and world, of art and experience//, I contend, is philosophically aligned with Johnson’s porous practice and philosophy of art. What is central to both Dewey and Johnson’s thinking is the fundamental continuity between art and experience, rather than art’s distant and transcendent status above experience.

The idea of “an experience” is central to Dewey’s aesthetics and his philosophy on the whole, as noted by scholar Thomas M. Alexander, among others.  In the third chapter of //Art as Experience//, Dewey defines “an experience” as one where separate parts fuse into a unified whole; where the subject undergoes something that can be marked as singular, transformative, meaningful, consummatory, and sets a standard of quality for experiences to come—for example, an especially memorable meal in a Parisian bistro would constitute “an experience.” Importantly, “an experience” is an active, not a passive process. It necessitates an attentive perceiving subject to not only consume the experience, but to behave and act in response…. In defining the work of art as a process, rather than as an object, Dewey posits an implicit challenge to the ways that artistic value is conventionally assigned—via the art market and institutions like museums, which primarily exist to collect, categorize and assign value to objects rather than to cultivate aesthetic experiences.

Dewey’s notion of the fundamental continuity between art and the everyday permeates Johnson’s artistic practice, beginning with his use of “osmosis” as the primary metaphor for his work’s “active and alert commerce with the world”—its incursion into the everyday happenings and rituals that constitute experience. Notably, //Art as Experience// makes frequent use of biological and environmental metaphors, often involving water, waves, liquid, flow, and the concept of “flux.” For instance, in the first chapter on “The Live Creature,” Dewey states, “In an experience, flow is from something to something. As one part leads into another and as one part carries on what went before, each gains distinctness in itself.”

Elsewhere, in discussing this flow of experience, he writes, //“all interactions that effect stability and order in the whirling flux of change are rhythms. There is ebb and flow, systole and diastole: ordered change.”//

Dewey’s dynamic descriptions of everyday experience using terms like //flow// and //flux// is aligned with Johnson’s //osmotic//, stream-of-consciousness aesthetics, in which ideas, images and signs bleed into one another and soak perception with their infinite correspondences, until these streams diverge, flooding out into the world… [now via Internet, or the postal network of Johnson's time.]

Johnson’s establishment of a postal network corresponds to another of Dewey’s primary contentions in //Art as Experience//: that art and aesthetics are most meaningful when they are “part of the significant life of an organized community.”  Dewey emphasizes that community and tradition become severed from aesthetic experience when the art object is placed in an institutional setting like a museum or gallery, which leads him to praise the rituals and ceremonies of traditional societies. Like Dewey, Johnson understood art as an explicitly participatory endeavor, even as a form of encountering others. Though the social context for his practice was the art world, Johnson created his own “organized community” through the [[New York Correspondance School|NYCS]], a network that was based on shared aesthetic experience, a community fostered by art.

Dewey’s emphasis on art as the most effective means of human communication also resonates with Johnson’s mail art practice. In //Art as Experience//, Dewey writes:
Communication is the process of creating participation, of making common what had been isolated and singular… the expressions that constitute art are communication in its pure and undefiled form. Art breaks through barriers that divide human beings, which are impermeable in ordinary association.
Dewey’s description of art as a form of communication that makes barriers permeable is, again, immediately reminiscent of Johnson’s osmosis metaphor. Though Johnson’s enigmatic use of language in the moticos might at first appear to obstruct communication and understanding, or even promote “impermeability,” this perceived difficulty, I contend, should be understood as an invitation rather than a resistance to interpretation. Johnson’s open-ended linguistic play demands a heightened awareness of potential everyday correspondences, and an increased attention to the subtle analogies between forms, sounds, words, images, and even commercial logos.

–Johanna Gosse, "[[From Art to Experience: The Pourous Philosophy of Ray Johnson|]]"

When he sent works of art through the mail to people as gifts, he was describing what he thought were the correct relations among people…An envelope from Ray was like a haiku, a moment of immediacy and indeterminancy, a particularly vivid moment outside the economy, outside the machinery of our culture. It was free.
–Bill Wilson, "[[Dear Friends of Ray, and Audiences of One|]]"
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!!//The End of Education: Redefining the Value of School//
by Neil Postman

Despite some of the more debilitating teachings of culture itself, something can be done in school that will alter the lenses though which one sees the world; which is to say, that non-trivial schooling can provide ''a point of view from which what //is// can be seen clearly, what //was// as a living present, and what //will be// as filled with possibility.'' —from the Preface
<<tiddler [[five great narratives (Postman)]]>>
I add a few others which dominate the focus of education – often its pragmatic aims:
*Transfer of Survival Skills
*Preparation for the Young to Inherit the Earth
*Qualification for Society

+++[Recommended reading for the Word Weavers narratives:]
*I.A. Richards
*Benjamin Lee Whorf
*and especially Alfred Korzybski
**Plants are "chemistry binders," animals are "space binders," and we humans are "time binders."  Humans are unique in their ability to transport their experiences through time.  We can accumulate knowledge from the past and communicate what we know to the future.
**some of his followers: S.I. Hayakawa, Irving Lee, Wendell Johnson
*Helen Keller's //The Story of My Life//
*In every subject, students should be taught "the universe of discourse" that comprises the subject: the structure of questions, the process of definition, and the role of metaphor particular to that subject… Not merely what are the questions, definitions, and metaphors of a subject but also //how// these are formed and how they have been formed in the past… Also the ways in which the forms of questions have changed over time and how these forms vary from subject to subject. (The terminology of a question determines the terminology of its answer.) … Some attention must be given to how such terms as //right, wrong, truth,// and //falsehood// are used in a subject… a historical fact is different from a biological fact, a mathematical "truth" is different from the "truth" of a literary work… Language education must also include what is meant by a //theory, fact, inference, assumption, judgment//, and a //generalization.//
*Last, inquiries into the ways in which humans have extended their capacities to "bind" time and control space, what may be called "technology education." … Educators confuse the teaching of how to use technology with technology education … To be "against technology" makes no more sense than to be "against food." We can't live without either. But to observe that it is dangerous to eat too much food, or to eat food lacking nutritional value, is not to be "anti-food."  It is to suggest what may be the best uses of food. Technology education aims at students' learning about what technology helps us to do and what it hinders us from doing; it is about how technology uses us and has used people in the past, for good or ill.  It is about how technology creates new worlds, for good or ill.
**Ten principles relating to technology put forth by Postman
[Aron's birth was expected, but his gender not yet known, so he was not named in this letter but was still addressed.]

Beloved children Maya and – –

I, A.J.M., aim to articulate my thoughts about the world and how we live in it.

All I see is part of me.  All of it, which is also of you, and her, and him, and that tree or rock.

What can we know? We can know events that happened. We can know things that are happening now, some out of sight. We can know how something works, now or in different conditions, and to an extent, why events past and present occurred.  We can make some attempt at predicting future events based on our prior experience. We can learn the names by which things, entities, and people are called.

With all this knowledge together, we can assemble a narrative about the world – //where, when, // and //who// was involved, //what // happened, //why // and //how?//  These are the basic questions of 'reporting' the truth.

//[breaking into fragments…]

Whatever reality we live in is primary.

There is story, there is fact, there is conjecture. Reason – tool of the mind, reason for living?

Measures of successful reality or knowledge? Does it work for us? There is an expected amount of agreement with ongoing observations and with other people's knowledge. Does it match?//
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"An adequate life . . . might be described as a life which has grasped intuitively the nature of all things, and has seen and refocused itself to this whole. An inadequate life is one that lacks this adjustment to the whole nature of things—hence its twisted perspective, its partiality, its confusion."
Douglas V. Steere, describing the life of Thomas R. Kelly, in A Testament of Devotion.

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//Pope Francis addressing the Holy See Diplomatic Corps the 22 March, 2013//

But there is another form of poverty! It is the spiritual poverty of our time, which afflicts the so-called richer countries particularly seriously. It is what my much-loved predecessor, Benedict XVI, called the “tyranny of relativism”, which makes everyone his own criterion and endangers the coexistence of peoples. And that brings me to a second reason for my name. Francis of Assisi tells us we should work to build peace. But there is no true peace without truth! There cannot be true peace if everyone is his own criterion, if everyone can always claim exclusively his own rights, without at the same time caring for the good of others, of everyone, on the basis of the nature that unites every human being on this earth.

One of the titles of the Bishop of Rome is Pontiff, that is, a builder of bridges with God and between people. My wish is that the dialogue between us should help to build bridges connecting all people, in such a way that everyone can see in the other not an enemy, not a rival, but a brother or sister to be welcomed and embraced! My own origins impel me to work for the building of bridges. As you know, my family is of Italian origin; and so this dialogue between places and cultures a great distance apart matters greatly to me, this dialogue between one end of the world and the other, which today are growing ever closer, more interdependent, more in need of opportunities to meet and to create real spaces of authentic fraternity.

In this work, the role of religion is fundamental. It is not possible to build bridges between people while forgetting God. But the converse is also true: it is not possible to establish true links with God, while ignoring other people. Hence it is important to intensify dialogue among the various religions, and I am thinking particularly of dialogue with Islam. At the Mass marking the beginning of my ministry, I greatly appreciated the presence of so many civil and religious leaders from the Islamic world. And it is also important to intensify outreach to non-believers, so that the differences which divide and hurt us may never prevail, but rather the desire to build true links of friendship between all peoples, despite their diversity.

Fighting poverty, both material and spiritual, building peace and constructing bridges: these, as it were, are the reference points for a journey that I want to invite each of the countries here represented to take up. But it is a difficult journey, if we do not learn to grow in love for this world of ours. Here too, it helps me to think of the name of Francis, who teaches us profound respect for the whole of creation and the protection of our environment, which all too often, instead of using for the good, we exploit greedily, to one another’s detriment.
An electronic tool primarily designed for children, and named by Alan [[Kay]] in the paper "A Personal Computer for Children of All Ages".  ^^[[[4]|]]^^

On the first page of this paper, Kay says the Dynabook may "provide us with a better "book", one which is active (like the child) rather than passive…with the attention grabbing powers of TV, but controllable __by the child__ … It can be like a piano (a product of technology, yes): but one which can be a tool, a toy, a medium of expression, a source of unending pleasure and delight."

[img[Sketch of Dynabook by Alan Kay|][]]

Kay was a principal architect of the Smalltalk programming language, which he imagined as the computer language enabling the Dynabook.  Kay later developed a Smalltalk-based software environment known as Squeak.  The website mentions the Dynabook:
The Dynabook was conceived by Alan Kay as "a portable interactive personal computer, as accessible as a book." The Dynabook would be linked to the internet and offer users a personal dynamic media environment. Dynabook can be viewed as a potential tool that can amplify learning and thinking for children of all ages. Dan Ingalls has envisioned "a system as immediate and tactile as a sketch pad, in which you can effortlessly mingle writing, drawing, painting, and all the structured leverage of computer science. Moverover, imagine that every aspect of that system is described in itself and equally amenable to examination and composition." In short, a personal computing environment that could be programmed by "the rest of us." ^^[[[14]|]]^^
I feel angry because I believe myself to be impotent in the world of relations. I feel disoriented, not knowing where my 'place' or role is. I am in my mind the //protagonist// of this story – the //proto:// first, in the //agon// – contest, trial, drama.

I was born in the 'middle' socioeconomic American 'class' in a family sometimes teetering toward low class.  Low, middle, upper, or famous – these terms confound me.  They do not feel like truth. This world I live in, act in – the enactment of a story – it has been //thwarted.// I have to begin anew.

My wife Lily, the child she carries in her womb, and our daughter Maya, are part of my life in whatever transformation it / I make. Buddhism might say that grasping for a course, or dealing with suffering as I have tried, is the problem itself.

Who is the enemy?  I am the blockage.  I deny myself, and I torture my intellect and ego with the idea of perfection beyond my grasp – or worse, just around the corner, I'm almost there, I almost "have it."

There's no thing to have, maybe, for me?

But what about the world of relations?  And my //insecurity// there?
//making meanings in a symbolic universe//
| Physical Ground | Creation | Transcendent |
| Conditionality | Education |~|
| Relationship | Community |~|

These are mutually constraining "realms"
— I see the first three as forming a basis which underlies human experience, and which cannot be ignored by "higher" aspirations.
— Physical Ground, Conditionality, and Relationship have been relatively co-equal forces in my estimation, assuming that the recent stability of our planet is maintained.
(I refer to the long-range stability dating back to the dawn of humans and post Ice Age.)

''Physical Ground'' consists of
*Land, Air, Water
*Lifeforms, Food
*Energy (of the Sun and Earth)
*Change & Physical Dynamics;
in an interplay that can be termed ecological economics
''Conditionality'' is
— The shifting contingent ground;
— Conditions which emerge from the matrix of physical ground and life inter-relationships, a //dependent co-arising of life// which is random and unknowable to a degree.
— Time is the first and ubiquitous conditionality of life.  A being's position in space-time permutates every moment.  Human beings can bind their existence across time with memory and symbolic communication, drawing upon their own or their ancestors' past knowledge, while predicting or "moving into" the future.  However, the future continually blooms and dies for living things without our conscious movement or awareness.  Awareness only charts a story (or minimally, a mental map) of time.
— All living things encounter physical dynamics operating in time.  Some conditions operate in relative stasis, but everything is changing at some level and at some pace we cannot fully know.  Conditions move into volatility, or stability, or periods of drastic adjustment, in cycles which humans can observe and partially understand, but cannot completely halt.
— Conditionality includes all that we inherit by birth or chance, or are able to acquire: slices of physical ground, a stock of resources (food, energy, or useful materials);
— and it comprises the conditioning of human/animal behavior, our qualification to environmental and social forces.
— In the beginning of every human story was relationship;
— Relationship to a mother and other family;
— followed by a range of possible relationships and modes of relating to other living beings.

''Creation'' is
— The means by which we continue ourselves, strive for a foothold on the Physical Ground and perpetuate our race;
— Procreation of further human beings;
— and the creation of Art.
''Education'' encompasses
— Knowledge of how the world works with increasing ability to predict it; also skills and a discipline for living.
— It leads each person from unknowing birth, out of ignorance and fear;
— Provides a "great explaining" of the nature of reality and a response to the vagaries of Conditionality;
— Mediates [[the hungers]] of physical existence - as "one does not obtain food-safety-freedom by instinct alone" ^^[[[21]|Dune]]^^
— and in the process, develops survival abilities, compassion and wisdom.
''Community'' is
— derived from relationships in aggregate.  It encompasses the phenomena of Group Power.  //[Examine the origins and benefits of collective power.]//
— The particular group membership a person is born or accepted into may be the single most defining influence of their life experience; however, I still see it as co-equal to the realms of Creation and Education, except when living under oppression.

— is super-personal; it transcends Self, Relationships, and Groups;
— it builds upon the other realms but has a focus beyond them;
— has traditionally included religion; art in many forms; the pursuit and defense of human knowledge and culture; philosophy; and politics in its ideal sense.

''Improving my self''
#gain confidence and clarity in walking my path
#learn to control and process my anger
#consider my speech more carefully
#stop "turning off my mind" with old habits and cravings
#improve my attitude toward my working life — start with my present employer
#live comfortably in my body (my height, appearance, health)
#be more at ease socially; stop worrying, measuring, comparing, judging
#make and maintain good friendships, including with men
''Life practice''
#practice loving-kindness, deeper listening, and genuine dialogue (~I-Thou)
#participate in a community, and cherish it as I do my family 
#minimize my possessions; free myself of stuff
#spend more time in Nature and out of doors
#study Buddhism
#provision for my children's happiness
#raise my son to manhood without the violent and unfeeling tendencies of historic masculinity
#raise my children to live in a better culture; offer them an enlightened practice of living as I know it
#encourage them to create their own way
#homeschool my children
''The "business" of living''
#grow a garden, and consider farming as a vocation
#feed my family with less reliance on the industrial supply-chain
#all I do, do in awareness of my connection to other life and ecological dynamics
#practice right livelihood, and harmonize my work/income with my ethics
#understand and improve the economics of my life (personal, business, social, global)
#live with no financial debt (including no home mortgage)
''Personal enrichment''
#write a story, poem, or essay
#organize my library (downsize, catalog, and map with [[this wiki web]])
#learn as many [[languages→|Language Appreciation]] as I can (spoken, natural, formal or programming)
#speak Spanish fluently
#learn more about music
#enjoy children's literature again, with child's and adult's eyes
#look at the universe through a telescope
#thrive in a personal education (possibly as an educator), and dream of the [[Village University]]
#become a [[Dynabook]] author, publisher, or [[librarian→|Dynabook Library]]
#research, develop, possibly play an instantiation of The [[Glass Bead Game]]
''Experiences to "take in"''
#see a Frank Lloyd [[Wright]] home //(done!)// and incorporate some of his philosophy
#visit the [[Cathedral of Learning]]
#own a piece of art by Robert [[Vickrey]]
!!Earlier all-in-one list
#gain confidence and clarity in walking my path
#improve my attitude toward my working life — start with my present employer
#provision for my children's happiness
#learn to control and process my anger
#consider my speech more carefully
#stop "turning off my mind" with old habits and cravings
#participate in a community, and cherish it as I do my family 
#study Buddhism
#practice loving-kindness, deeper listening, and genuine dialogue (~I-Thou)
#minimize my possessions; free myself of stuff
#spend more time in Nature and out of doors
#live comfortably in my body (my height, appearance, health)
#be more at ease socially; stop worrying, measuring, comparing, judging
#make and maintain good friendships, including with men
#raise my son to manhood without the violent and unfeeling tendencies of historic masculinity
#raise my children to live in a better culture; offer them an enlightened practice of living as I know it
#encourage them to create their own way
#grow a garden, and consider farming as a vocation
#feed my family with less reliance on the industrial supply-chain
#all I do, do in awareness of my connection to other life and ecological dynamics
#practice right livelihood, and harmonize my work/income with my ethics
#understand and improve the economics of my life (personal, business, social, global)
#live with no financial debt (including no home mortgage)
#write a story, poem, or essay
#homeschool my children
#organize my library (downsize, catalog, and map with [[this wiki web]])
#learn as many [[languages→|Language Appreciation]] as I can (spoken, natural, formal or programming)
#speak Spanish fluently
#learn more about music
#look at the universe through a telescope
#thrive in a personal education (possibly as an educator), and dream of the [[Village University]]
#visit the [[Cathedral of Learning]]
#see a Frank Lloyd [[Wright]] home //(done!)// and incorporate some of his philosophy
#own a piece of art by Robert [[Vickrey]]
#enjoy children's literature again, with child's and adult's eyes
#become a [[Dynabook]] author, publisher, or [[librarian→|Dynabook Library]]
#research, develop, possibly play an instantiation of The [[Glass Bead Game]]
According to ''Paul Tillich'', humanity can stand //in and through anxiety.// This stance is "courage to be."

This anxiety constitutes three features: the anxiety of fate and death, the anxiety of emptiness and meaninglessness, and the anxiety of guilt and condemnation.  For Tillich, the second type of anxiety is the “deepest level of anxiety.” The fear of doubt and lack of meaning in life is threatening to one’s identity and being, but this anxiety is addressed by “absolute faith.” Absolute faith is taking this kind of anxiety upon itself and affirming oneself and one’s being.  In this stance within anxiety and against the threat of nonbeing, we actually come closer to our being itself, and especially to “Being-itself.”
We can speak without voice to the trees and the clouds and the waves of the sea. Without words they respond through the rustling of leaves and the moving of clouds and the murmuring of the sea.
{{{* * *}}}
All things…call on us with small or loud voices. They want us to listen; they want us to understand their intrinsic claims, their justice of being… But we can give it to them only through the love that listens.
{{{* * *}}}
Spirit is not a mysterious substance; it is not a part of God. It is God himself; but not God as the creative ground of all things and not God directing history and manifesting himself in its central event, but God as present in communities and personalities, grasping them, inspiring them, and transforming them.
{{{* * *}}}
The vitality that can stand the abyss of meaninglessness is aware of a hidden meaning within the destruction of meaning.
—Paul Tillich

//''The courage to be brings us to a place of acceptance of ourselves, and in this we have an encounter with God as Being-itself, the ground of being.'' [~Ground-Divine]//

In the anxiety of emptiness and meaninglessness, “the courage to be is rooted in the God who appears when God has disappeared in the anxiety of doubt.” What this means is the courage to be is not in the encounter of God as a //being//, but as //Being-itself//, that which holds all existence together.  Thus, in spite of anxiety and despair, an absolute faith accepts our being in the midst of the threat of non-being. In this experience, we come to the source of being, identity, and security.
"Absolute faith and its consequence, the courage that takes the radical doubt, the doubt about God, into itself, transcends the theistic idea of God” (Tillich, The Courage to Be, 182). “Theism” here means “the unspecified affirmation of God.” It is an affirmation of God apart from the encounter of the God above God, the ground of being. It can also mean a description of the “divine-human encounter,” or what Tillich describes as, the “nonmystical side of biblical religion and historical Christianity,” for it personalizes absolute faith. Finally, the third meaning of theism is in how it attempts to prove the existence of God. Tillich sees the first theism as “irrelevant,” the second theism as “one-sided,” and the third as “wrong” and “bad theology.” In all of this, Tillich argues, theism makes God to be a being, not being-itself, and for Tillich, the God of theism must be transcended in order for “the anxiety of doubt and meaninglessness (to) be taken into the courage to be” (Tillich, The Courage to Be, 186).
''Robert R. Vickrey'' (26 August 1926 – 17 April 2011) American (Massachusetts) artist and author who specialized in the medium of egg tempera, and whose paintings include surreal dreamlike visions of shadows, nuns, and children playing.

2009 book //Robert Vickrey: The [[Magic of Realism]]// by Philip Eliasoph – follow the link to see a ~YouTube video about the book and an interview of Vickrey.

[[NYTimes Obituary: Robert Vickrey, Magic-Realist Painter, Dies at 84|]]

[img[Painting by Robert Vickrey, I don't know the title|][]]
|''Description''|Provides a following macro|
|''Author''|Jon Robson|

(function($) {

var tweb = config.extensions.tiddlyweb;
var tiddlyspace = config.extensions.tiddlyspace;
var followMacro = config.macros.followTiddlers;

var followSuggestions = config.macros.followSuggestions = {
	cache: {},
	handler: function(place, macroName, params) {
		// to do - limit results
		place = $('<div class="suggestions" />').appendTo(place)[0];
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				var _bags = [];
				for(var i = 0; i < bags.length; i++) {
				var bagString = _bags.join(" OR ");
					beforeSend: followMacro.beforeSend,
					url: "/search?q=(%0)&select=title:!%1&select=title:!@%1".format([bagString,]),
					dataType: "json",
					success: function(tiddlers) {
						var suggestions = [];
						for(var i = 0; i < tiddlers.length; i++) {
							var tiddler = tiddlers[i];
							if(tiddler.tags.contains("follow")) {
								var title = tiddler.title;
								if(title.indexOf("@") === 0) {
									title = title.substr(1);
								if(!users.contains(title)) {
						var suggestionArea = $("<div class='suggestionArea' />").appendTo(place)[0];
						var id = "more_%0".format([Math.random()]);
						var more = $("<div class='moreButton' />").text("more...").appendTo(place).attr("id", id);
						followSuggestions.cache[id] = suggestions;
						var limit = suggestions.length; {
							var suggestions = config.macros.followSuggestions.cache[id];
							var newSuggestions = followSuggestions.suggest(place, suggestions, limit);
							config.macros.followSuggestions.cache[id] = newSuggestions;
						followSuggestions.suggest(place, suggestions, limit);
			}, user);
	randomize: function(a, b) {
		if(Math.random() < Math.random()) {
			return -1;
		} else {
			return 1;
	suggest: function(place, suggestions, limit) {
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		suggestions = suggestions.sort(followSuggestions.randomize);
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		if(suggestions.length === 0) {
			$("<span />").text("no suggestions..").appendTo(suggestionsArea);
		limit = limit < suggestions.length ? limit : suggestions.length;
		for(var j = 0; j < limit; j++) {
			var link = $("<span />").appendTo(suggestionsArea)[0];
			var title = suggestions[j];
			var newTiddler = '@%0 <<newTiddler title:"@%0" fields:"server.workspace:bags/%1_public" tag:follow label:"follow">>\n'.format([title, currentSpace]);
			wikify(newTiddler, link);
		var newSuggestions = suggestions.slice(limit, suggestions.length);
		var more = $(".moreButton", place);
		if(newSuggestions.length == 0) {
		return newSuggestions;
''Leonardo da Vinci''  (15 Apr 1452 – 2 May 1519)  Italian painter, scientist, and engineer whose notable paintings include The Last Supper (1498) and the Mona Lisa (1504-05).  Often described as the archetype of the Renaissance Man, he devoted himself to a wide range of other subjects, from anatomy and biology to mechanics and hydraulics: his 19 notebooks include studies of the human circulatory system and plans for a type of aircraft and a submarine.
<div macro="hideWhen readOnly">
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... this is to bring forth the chief principle of any "[[codex]]"

gaze with love
listen with love
meet me in love!
name your reverence (out of love-and-fear-sublated)
love this life­-arising sphere

keep faith and love for the Seed of Perfection on Earth
take refuge in the passages of natural perfection (and love) //to you//
protect your fellowships (based in love or need and regard)

sustain yourself from the Earth (because of love)
be mindful (of potential love or evil)
great throngs of life the Earth supports
the finiteness of all things

honor your fellow beings
nurture your fellow beings

do not kill
@@color(brown):do not cause harm; //choose loving-kindness//@@
strive tirelessly to ease suffering
bring an end to war
bring an end to poverty
bring an end to unjust rule
ignore no evil done by humanity
you make your own answer
practice, practice
find strength and clarity
in today's purpose
what do you will to being?
honor the sanctity of coupling
@@color(brown):honor your physical being //with love//@@
protect yourself
defend one another
teach one another the same
be generous
do not steal
do not hoard or diminish what is needed by all
speak truthfully
do not stand with deception
keep questioning!
stay alert
heed the evidence of your senses
heed the efficacy of other people's ways
heed the fruit of empirical knowledge
let your children think freely
be grateful
loosen the grasp of attachments
find a proportion for yourself in the whole
avoid haste
avoid wrath
avoid mindless habit
reserve quiet contemplative time
take congruent action from this quiet
save life whenever you can
also accept death
do not live in fear
nor speculate on an afterlife
be here now
choose love
I am the clear sky
stasis and change together
bring all to peace
Saturday, May 28, 2011
In response to the [[Loss List]] I made last autumn.
@@color(grey):{ Latin //''abundare'' 'overflow,'// < //__ab__- 'from' + __undare__ 'surge'// < //__unda__ 'a wave'.// }@@

Also inspired by Pema Chödrön's words:
It is just as if we had looked around to find…the greatest wealth that we could possibly possess in order to lead a…completely fulfilling, energetic, inspired life, and found it all right here … The ground of loving-kindness is this sense of satisfaction with who we are and what we have.
– from //The [[Wisdom of No Escape]]//, pages 5 and 7
''Abundant List''
#A healthy, beautiful family – Lily, Maya, Aron and myself
#Being a citizen of the United States of America with all its benefits and liberties
#Having a mind with full capacities, and the gifts of eyesight, ears, hands, nostrils, mouth, tongue, and speech.
# …
[[About|Bird's Eye View]] [[Journal]] [[Journeybook|Friar's Journeybook]] [[Sources|Source List]] [[Influences]] <<saveChanges>>
"The ascent of man is not made by lovable people. It's made by people who have at least two qualities: an //''immense integrity''// and at least //''a little genius''//." —Jacob Bronowski

variegated human intelligence
+ bodies of knowledge and skills
+ insight / outlook
= genius

(IQ, knowledge, outlook pattern borrowed from Alan [[Kay]])

Meaning of genius

Meaning of integrity

inspiration / aspiration
//Do not maintain anger or hatred. Learn to penetrate and transform them when they are still seeds in my consciousness.//
*Daily, I will learn to control and process my anger or darkening thoughts – especially in my words and conduct toward others, as they only deepen my condition of //fear-weakness-avoidance.//
*I will replace dangerous or debilitating thoughts with peaceful and potent ones.
*I will not use physical force (even the 'mildest') in dealing with my family, except in moments of serious danger.
*Instead, I will use the powers of reason, my example/practice/guidance, and compassion for those in my life.  (And everyone there is by my choice.)

*I will enjoy time spent with my family or by myself, and will also work on plans for our happiness, during the times I have previously 'turned off my mind' with obsessive activities, cravings, or pseudo-connection.
*I will not eat to discomfort or past satiation, nor let other pleasures become an anesthetic.

From Pema Chödrön //[[Wisdom of No Escape]]//:
@@font-size: 100%;//Being satisfied with what we already have is a key to being alive in a full, unrestricted, and inspired way.
One of the major obstacles to what is traditionally called enlightenment is resentment, feeling cheated, holding a grudge about who you are, where you are, what you are.//@@
I am reminding myself to not 'nurse a grudge' against another, or against my place in the world. As soon as these feelings arise, turn my attention to my breath; seek to see their nature clearly and understand their origins.

<<tiddler [[Dealing With Anger]]>>

''__Sep 19 - Oct 16__''
<<tiddler [[Dwelling Happily in the Present Moment]]>>

Around mid-October, I shifted my focus toward other things and am not actively progressing through Thich Nhat Hanh's Interbeing Mindfulness Trainings.}}}
''1. We live in miserando [or dukkha]: we suffer, strive, and grasp intertwined with all of living.''
"He finds himself surrounded by problems he can neither totally understand nor conveniently reject as unintelligible, such as time, life, death, or the existence of a universe. He is also driven by aspirations whose goals he cannot hope to reach, yet cannot accept as unreachable…
More basically, man is a desiring, suffering, death-conscious, hence time-conscious, creature."
(J.T. Fraser //[[Of Time, Passion, and Knowledge|Human condition]]//)
''2. Miserando rises from attachment: from blind human will to power and pleasure.

3. I embrace and transcend miserando, choosing love and compassion to free myself from craving.''
* "Dethrone ourselves from the center of our world and put another there, and __[[honor|Charter for Compassion]]__ the inviolable sanctity of every single human being."
* Miserando atque Eligendo –  Pope <<tag Francis>>

''4. This is ~Ground-Divine; here we make peace. Walk the noble path, practicing''
*[[Right View]],
*Right Speech,
*Right Conduct,
*Right Intention,
*Right Livelihood,
*Right Effort [and concentration]


''Avoid the lure of words as a substitute for living!''

[[Fourfold Fruit]]: Dharma (natural law), Artha (material), Kāma (pleasure), Moksha (liberation)

The death of [[Tanha]] and [[Quenchless thirst]]; end of the 'thinker' and thirst for becoming, is succeeded by the plenitude of //Life.//
Be aware of the //total conditions about an organism// – our environs

//environ // and //encyclo // both mean to en[[circle|widening the circle]]

//No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it.  We have to learn to see the world anew.//
(in Banathy 1995)

//The fundamental challenge of sustainability goes far beyond that of environmentalism.  The question is whether we can fulfill our unique potential as human beings, to understand our behavior and its consequences.  To do this, we must be prepared to discard our prejudices, and to review every area of human life.  We must transcend the current limitations on our thinking if we are to become aware and rational beings in a way that no other species has ever had to do or been able to do before.//
Clayton and Radcliffe (1996)

//The world partly becomes – comes to be – how it is imagined.//
Bateson (1980)

//There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.//
Shakespeare (Hamlet, II, ii)

//The volume of education continues to increase, yet so do pollution, exhaustion of resources, and the dangers of ecological catastrophe. If still more education is to save us, it would have to be education of a different kind: an education that takes us into the depth of things.//
E. F. Schumacher (written 1974, published 1997)

//The development of ecological understanding is not simply another subject to be learnt but a fundamental change in the way we view the world.//
John Lyle, 1994
Everything is interwoven, and the web is holy;
none of its parts are unconnected.
They are composed harmoniously, and together they compose the world.
One world, made up of all things.
One divinity, present in them all.
One substance and one law—the //logos// that all rational beings share.
–Marcus Aurelius //Meditations//, Book 7, Passage 9
as translated by Gregory Hays


From Wikipedia, below are some quotations from major Stoic philosophers, selected to illustrate common Stoic beliefs:

"Freedom is secured not by the fulfilling of men's desires, but by the removal of desire." (iv.1.175)
"Where is the good? In the will. Where is the evil? In the will. Where is neither of them? In those things that are independent of the will." (ii.16.1)
"Man is disturbed not by things, but by the views he takes of them." (Ench. 5)
"If, therefore, any be unhappy, let him remember that he is unhappy by reason of himself alone." (iii.24.2)
"I am formed by nature for my own good: I am not formed for my own evil." (iii.24.83)

Marcus Aurelius:
"Get rid of the judgment, get rid of the 'I am hurt,' you are rid of the hurt itself." (viii.40)
"Everything is right for me that is right for you, O Universe. Nothing for me is too early or too late that comes in due time for you. Everything is fruit to me that your seasons bring, O Nature. From you are all things, in you are all things, to you all things return." (iv.23)
"If you work at that which is before you, following right reason seriously, vigorously, calmly, without allowing anything else to distract you, but keeping your divine part pure, as if you were bound to give it back immediately; if you hold to this, expecting nothing, but satisfied to live now according to nature, speaking heroic truth in every word that you utter, you will live happy. And there is no man able to prevent this." (iii.12)
"How ridiculous and how strange to be surprised at anything that happens in life!" (xii.13)
"Outward things cannot touch the soul, not in the least degree; nor have they admission to the soul, nor can they turn or move the soul; but the soul turns and moves itself alone." (v 19)
"Because your own strength is unequal to the task, do not assume that it is beyond the powers of man; but if anything is within the powers and province of man, believe that it is within your own compass also" (vi.19)
"Or is it your reputation that's bothering you? But look at how soon we're all forgotten. The abyss of endless time that swallows it all. The emptiness of those applauding hands." (iv.3)

Say to yourself in the early morning: I shall meet today ungrateful, violent, treacherous, envious, uncharitable men. All of these things have come upon them through ignorance of real good and ill... I can neither be harmed by any of them, for no man will involve me in wrong, nor can I be angry with my kinsman or hate him; for we have come into the world to work together... –//Meditations//, Book 2
"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. //''Live the questions now.''// Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer."

Rainer Maria [[Rilke]]
Letter Four (16 July 1903) from //Letters to a Young Poet//
Etymology: <  ancient Greek τέχνη art, craft (see techno- comb. form).

  An art, skill, or craft; a technique, principle, or method by which something is achieved or created. Also: a product of this, a work of art.

2006 Believer Mar. 12/1
"Questions about Kafka's relation to what might be called the technê of image making, the rendering of life into a haunting semblance of itself."
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|documentation for NestedSlidersPlugin|
This plugin adds new wiki syntax for embedding 'slider' panels directly into tiddler content.
content goes here
* ''"""+++""" (or """++++""") and """==="""''<br>marks the start and end of the slider definition, respectively.  When the extra {{{+}}} is used, the slider will be open when initially displayed.
* ''"""(cookiename)"""''<br>saves the slider opened/closed state, and restores this state whenever the slider is re-rendered.
* ''"""! through !!!!!"""''<br>displays the slider label using a formatted headline (Hn) style instead of a button/link style
* ''"""^width^ (or just ^)"""''<br>makes the slider 'float' on top of other content rather than shifting that content downward.  'width' must be a valid CSS value (e.g., "30em", "180px", "50%", etc.).  If omitted, the default width is "auto" (i.e., fit to content)
* ''"""*"""''<br>denotes "transient display": when a click occurs elsewhere in the document, the slider/floating panel will be automatically closed.  This is useful for creating 'pulldown menus' that automatically go away after they are used.  //Note: using SHIFT-click on a slider label will open/close that slider without triggering the automatic closing of any transient slider panels that are currently displayed, permitting ''temporary'' display of several transient panels at once.//
* ''"""@"""''<br>denotes "open on hover": the slider/floating panel will be automatically opened as soon as the mouse moves over the slider label, without requiring a click.
* ''"""{{class{[label=key|tooltip][altlabel|alttooltip]}}}"""''<br>uses label/tooltip/accesskey.  """{{class{...}}}""", """=key""", """|tooltip""" and """[altlabel|alttooltip]""" are optional.  'class' is any valid CSS class name, used to style the slider label text.  'key' must be a ''single letter only''.  altlabel/alttooltip specify alternative label/tooltip for use when slider/floating panel is displayed.  //Note: you can use HTML syntax within the label text to include HTML entities (e.g., {{{&raquo;}}} (&raquo;) or {{{&#x25ba;}}} (&#x25ba;), or even embedded images (e.g., {{{<img src="images/eric3.gif">}}}).//
* ''"""#panelID:"""''<br>defines a unique DOM element ID that is assigned to the panel element used to display the slider content.  This ID can then be used later to reposition the panel using the {{{<<DOM move id>>}}} macro (see [[DOMTweaksPlugin]]), or to access/modify the panel element through use of {{{document.getElementById(...)}}}) javascript code in a plugin or inline script.
* ''""">"""''<br>automatically adds blockquote formatting to slider content
* ''"""..."""''<br>defers rendering of closed sliders until the first time they are opened.
*You can 'nest' sliders as deep as you like (see complex nesting example below), so that expandable 'tree-like' hierarchical displays can be created.
*Deferred rendering (...) can be used to offset processing overhead until actually needed. However, this may produce unexpected results in some cases.  Use with care.
* To make slider definitions easier to read and recognize when editing a tiddler, newlines immediately following the 'start slider' or preceding the 'end slider' sequences are automatically supressed so that excess whitespace is eliminated from the output.
simple in-line slider: 
use a custom label and tooltip: 
content automatically blockquoted: 
all options (except cookie) //(default open, heading, sized floater, transient, open on hover, class, label/tooltip/key, blockquoted, deferred)//
++++!!!^30em^*@{{big{[label=Z|click or press Alt-Z to open]}}}>...
++++!!!^30em^*@{{big{[label=Z|click or press Alt-Z to open]}}}>...
complex nesting example:
+++[get info...=I|click for information or press Alt-I]
	put some general information here,
	plus a floating panel with more specific info:
	+++^10em^[view details...|click for details]
		put some detail here, which could in turn contain a transient panel,
		perhaps with a +++^25em^*[glossary definition]explaining technical terms===
+++[get info...=I|click for information or press Alt-I]
	put some general information here,
	plus a floating panel with more specific info:
	+++^10em^[view details...|click for details]
		put some detail here, which could in turn contain a transient panel,
		perhaps with a +++^25em^*[glossary definition]explaining technical terms===
embedded image as slider button
+++[<img src=images/eric3.gif>|click me!]>
+++[<img src=images/eric3.gif>|click me!]>
2008.11.15 2.4.9 in adjustNestedSlider(), don't make adjustments if panel is marked as 'undocked' (CSS class).  In onClickNestedSlider(), SHIFT-CLICK docks panel (see [[MoveablePanelPlugin]])
2008.11.13 2.4.8 in document.onclick(), if transient panel is not a sliderPanel or floatingPanel, hide it via CSS
2008.10.05 2.4.7 in onClickNestedSlider(), added try/catch around focus() call to prevent IE error if input field being focused on is currently not visible.
2008.09.07 2.4.6 added removeCookie() function for compatibility with [[CookieManagerPlugin]]
2008.06.07 2.4.5 in 'onmouseover' handler for 'open on hover' slider buttons, use call() method when invoking document.onclick function (avoids error in IE)
2008.06.07 2.4.4 changed default for chkFloatingSlidersAnimate to FALSE to avoid clipping problem on some browsers (IE).  Updated Morpher hijack (again) to adjust regular sliderPanel styles as well as floatingPanel styles.
2008.05.07 2.4.3 updated Morpher hijack to adjust floatingPanel styles after animation without affecting other animated elements (i.e. popups).  Also, updated adjustSliderPos() to account for scrollwidth and use core findWindowWidth().
2008.04.02 2.4.2 in onClickNestedSlider, handle clicks on elements contained //within// slider buttons (e.g., when using HTML to display an image as a slider button).
2008.04.01 2.4.1 open on hover also triggers document.onclick to close other transient sliders
2008.04.01 2.4.0 re-introduced 'open on hover' feature using "@" symbol
2008.03.26 2.3.5 in document.onclick(), if click is in popup, don't dismiss transient panel (if any)
2008.01.08 [*.*.*] plugin size reduction: documentation moved to ...Info tiddler
2007.12.28 2.3.4 added hijack for Animator.prototype.startAnimating().  Previously, the plugin code simply set the overflow to "visible" after animation.  This code tweak corrects handling of elements that were styled with overflow=hidden/auto/scroll before animation by saving the overflow style and then restoring it after animation has completed.
2007.12.17 2.3.3 use hasClass() instead of direct comparison to test for "floatingPanel" class.  Allows floating panels to have additional classes assigned to them (i.e., by AnimationEffectsPlugin).
2007.11.14 2.3.2 in onClickNestedSlider(), prevent SHIFT-click events from opening a new, empty browser window by setting "cancelBubble=true" and calling "stopPropagation()".  Note: SHIFT-click is still processed as a normal click (i.e., it toggles the slider panel display).  Also, using SHIFT-click will prevent 'transient' sliders from being automatically closed when another slider is opened, allowing you to *temporarily* display several transient sliders at once.
2007.07.26 2.3.1 in document.onclick(), propagate return value from hijacked core click handler to consume OR bubble up click as needed.  Fixes "IE click disease", whereby nearly every mouse click causes a page transition.
2007.07.20 2.3.0 added syntax for setting panel ID (#panelID:).  This allows individual slider panels to be repositioned within tiddler content simply by giving them a unique ID and then moving them to the desired location using the {{{<<DOM move id>>}}} macro.
2007.07.19 2.2.0 added syntax for alttext and alttip (button label and tooltip to be displayed when panel is open)
2007.07.14 2.1.2 corrected use of 'transient' attribute in IE to prevent (non-recursive) infinite loop
2007.07.12 2.1.0 replaced use of "*" for 'open/close on rollover' (which didn't work too well).  "*" now indicates 'transient' panels that are automatically closed if a click occurs somewhere else in the document.  This permits use of nested sliders to create nested "pulldown menus" that automatically disappear after interaction with them has been completed.  Also, in onClickNestedSlider(), use "theTarget.sliderCookie", instead of "this.sliderCookie" to correct cookie state tracking when automatically dismissing transient panels.
2007.06.10 2.0.5 add check to ensure that window.adjustSliderPanel() is defined before calling it (prevents error on shutdown when mouse event handlers are still defined)
2007.05.31 2.0.4 add handling to invoke adjustSliderPanel() for onmouseover events on slider button and panel.  This allows the panel position to be re-synced when the button position shifts due to changes in unrelated content above it on the page.  (thanks to Harsha for bug report)
2007.03.30 2.0.3 added chkFloatingSlidersAnimate (default to FALSE), so that slider animation can be disabled independent of the overall document animation setting (avoids strange rendering and focus problems in floating panels)
2007.03.01 2.0.2 for TW2.2+, hijack Morpher.prototype.stop so that "overflow:hidden" can be reset to "overflow:visible" after animation ends
2007.03.01 2.0.1 in hijack for Slider.prototype.stop, use apply() to pass params to core function
2006.07.28 2.0.0 added custom class syntax around label/tip/key syntax: {{{{{classname{[label=key|tip]}}}}}}
2006.07.25 1.9.3 when parsing slider, save default open/closed state in button element, then in onClickNestedSlider(), if slider state matches saved default, instead of saving cookie, delete it.  Significantly reduces the 'cookie overhead' when default slider states are used.
2006.06.29 1.9.2 in onClickNestedSlider(), when setting focus to first control, skip over type="hidden"
2006.06.22 1.9.1 added panel.defaultPanelWidth to save requested panel width, even after resizing has changed the style value
2006.05.11 1.9.0 added optional '^width^' syntax for floating sliders and '=key' syntax for setting an access key on a slider label
2006.05.09 1.8.0 in onClickNestedSlider(), when showing panel, set focus to first child input/textarea/select element
2006.04.24 1.7.8 in adjustSliderPos(), if floating panel is contained inside another floating panel, subtract offset of containing panel to find correct position
2006.02.16 1.7.7 corrected deferred rendering to account for use-case where show/hide state is tracked in a cookie
2006.02.15 1.7.6 in adjustSliderPos(), ensure that floating panel is positioned completely within the browser window (i.e., does not go beyond the right edge of the browser window)
2006.02.04 1.7.5 add 'var' to unintended global variable declarations to avoid FireFox crash bug when assigning to globals
2006.01.18 1.7.4 only define adjustSliderPos() function if it has not already been provided by another plugin.  This lets other plugins 'hijack' the function even when they are loaded first.
2006.01.16 1.7.3 added adjustSliderPos(place,btn,panel,panelClass) function to permit specialized logic for placement of floating panels.  While it provides improved placement for many uses of floating panels, it exhibits a relative offset positioning error when used within *nested* floating panels.  Short-term workaround is to only adjust the position for 'top-level' floaters.
2006.01.16 1.7.2 added button property to slider panel elements so that slider panel can tell which button it belongs to.  Also, re-activated and corrected animation handling so that nested sliders aren't clipped by hijacking Slider.prototype.stop so that "overflow:hidden" can be reset to "overflow:visible" after animation ends
2006.01.14 1.7.1 added optional "^" syntax for floating panels.  Defines new CSS class, ".floatingPanel", as an alternative for standard in-line ".sliderPanel" styles.
2006.01.14 1.7.0 added optional "*" syntax for rollover handling to show/hide slider without requiring a click (Based on a suggestion by tw4efl)
2006.01.03 1.6.2 When using optional "!" heading style, instead of creating a clickable "Hn" element, create an "A" element inside the "Hn" element.  (allows click-through in SlideShowPlugin, which captures nearly all click events, except for hyperlinks)
2005.12.15 1.6.1 added optional "..." syntax to invoke deferred ('lazy') rendering for initially hidden sliders
removed checkbox option for 'global' application of lazy sliders
2005.11.25 1.6.0 added optional handling for 'lazy sliders' (deferred rendering for initially hidden sliders)
2005.11.21 1.5.1 revised regular expressions: if present, a single newline //preceding// and/or //following// a slider definition will be suppressed so start/end syntax can be place on separate lines in the tiddler 'source' for improved readability.  Similarly, any whitespace (newlines, tabs, spaces, etc.) trailing the 'start slider' syntax or preceding the 'end slider' syntax is also suppressed.
2005.11.20 1.5.0 added (cookiename) syntax for optional tracking and restoring of slider open/close state
2005.11.11 1.4.0 added !!!!! syntax to render slider label as a header (Hn) style instead of a button/link style
2005.11.07 1.3.0 removed alternative syntax {{{(((}}} and {{{)))}}} (so they can be used by other formatting extensions) and simplified/improved regular expressions to trim multiple excess newlines
2005.11.05 1.2.1 changed name to NestedSlidersPlugin
2005.11.04 1.2.0 added alternative character-mode syntax {{{(((}}} and {{{)))}}}
tweaked "eat newlines" logic for line-mode {{{+++}}} and {{{===}}} syntax
2005.11.03 1.1.1 fixed toggling of default tooltips ("more..." and "less...") when a non-default button label is used.  code cleanup, added documentation
2005.11.03 1.1.0 changed delimiter syntax from {{{(((}}} and {{{)))}}} to {{{+++}}} and {{{===}}}.  changed name to EasySlidersPlugin
2005.11.03 1.0.0 initial public release
''Martin Buber'' (8 February 1878 – 13 June 1965)  Austrian-born Jewish philosopher best known for his philosophy of dialogue.  In his existentialist work //[[Ich und Du]] [I and Thou]// (1923), he argued that religious experience involves reciprocal relationships with a personal subject, rather than knowledge of some "thing."
The world awaits hallowing; it awaits the disclosure and realization of its meaning. But we must begin. Meet the world with the fullness of your being, and you shall meet God … If you wish to believe, love!

There is something that can only be found in one place.  It is a great treasure, which may be called the fulfillment of existence.  The place where this treasure can be found is the place on which one stands. —from //The Way of Man//

Martin Buber criticized Tillich's "transtheistic position" as a reduction of God to the impersonal "necessary being" of Thomas Aquinas.

Every morning
I shall concern myself anew about the boundary
Between the love-deed-Yes
and the power-deed-No,
And pressing forward honor reality.
We cannot avoid
Using power,
Cannot escape the compulsion
To afflict the world,
So let us, cautious in diction
And mighty in contradiction,
Love powerfully.
— "Power and Love" (1926)

[[NYTimes Obituary: Martin Buber, Renowned Jewish Philosopher|]]
...the two took off their clothes and kissed
because two bodies, naked and entwined,
leap over time, they are invulnerable,
nothing can touch them, they return to the source.
There is no you, no I, no tomorrow,
no yesterday, no names, the truth of two
in a single body, a single soul,
oh total being
all is transformed, all is sacred,
every room is the center of the world,
it's still the first night, and the first day,
the world is born when two people kiss,
a drop of light from transparent juices,
the room cracks half-open like a fruit
or explodes in silence like a star
the world changes
if two look at each other and see,
to love is to undress our names
the world changes
if two, dizzy and entwined,
fall on the grass: the sky comes down,
trees rise, space becomes nothing but light
and silence...

Octavio [[Paz]]
''Ralph Waldo Emerson''  (25 May 1803 – 27 April 1882)  American (Massachusetts) writer, philosopher, and central figure of the Transcendentalist movement.  His poems, lectures, and especially his essays, such as //Nature// (1836) and //~Self-Reliance// (1841), are landmarks in the development of American thought and literary expression.

As quoted by Loren [[Eiseley]],
We must admire in man,” continued Emerson, who, in //The Method of Nature//, was careful not to admire him overmuch, //''“the form of the formless, the concentration of the vast, the house of reason, the cave of memory.”''//
''encyclopedia'' //noun// – general course of instruction, 1531, thought to be a false reading (occurring in manuscripts of Roman writers such as Quintilian and Pliny) for the Greek phrase //enkyklios paideia// taken as a general or well-rounded education.  @@color(grey):{ Greek phrase //''enkyklios paideia''  'training in a circle'// < //__enkyklios__ 'circular', also 'general' < //__en-__// 'in' + //__kyklos__// 'circle' + //__paideia__// 'education, child-rearing', < //__pais__// 'child'.  }
For Whom the Bell Tolls
by John Donne

No man is an island, 
Entire of itself. 
Each is a piece of the continent, 
A part of the main …
Each man's death diminishes me, 
For I am involved in mankind. 
Therefore, send not to know 
For whom the bell tolls, 
It tolls for thee.
''Maria Montessori''  (31 August 1870 – 6 May 1952)  Italian physician and educator who proposed a method of teaching young children that stresses the development of initiative and natural abilities and which was child-centered.  Her most well-known book was //The Montessori Method// (1909).  She envisioned education in its entirety from birth to adulthood, and as the prime vehicle for social change.  Died in The Netherlands.
Since it has been seen to be necessary to give so much to the child, let us give him a vision of the whole universe... If the idea of the universe be presented to the child in the right way, it will do more for him than just arouse his interest, for it will create in him admiration and wonder, a feeling loftier than any interest and more satisfying. The child's mind then will no longer wander, but becomes fixed and can work. The knowledge he then acquires is organized and systematic; his intelligence becomes whole and complete because of the vision of the whole that has been presented to him, and his interest spreads to all, for all are linked and have their place in the universe on which his mind is centred. The stars, earth, stones, life of all kinds form a whole in relation with each other, and so close is this relation that we cannot understand a stone without some understanding of the great sun! No matter what we touch, an atom, or a cell, we cannot explain it without knowledge of the wide universe. What better answer can be given to those seekers for knowledge? It becomes doubtful whether even the universe will suffice. How did it come into being, and how will it end? A greater curiosity arises, which can never be satiated; so will last through a lifetime. The laws governing the universe can be made interesting and wonderful to the child, more interesting even than things in themselves, and he begins to ask: What am I? What is the task of man in this wonderful universe? Do we merely live here for ourselves, or is there something more for us to do?
<<allTags excludeLists>>
Currently, [[passages]] is a tag which also points to itself – as a "[[tiddler|,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=19a59778de2c65e2&biw=1024&bih=679]]" that collects miscellaneous passages I don't yet wish to stand alone.  Its self-referential nature is why ''passages'' is bolded in the list above.
|''Description''|Show tiddler revisions in a stack of cards view|
The viewRevisions macro can be attached to any element, which should be passed
in as a parameter.

For example:

&lt;&lt;viewRevisions page:10 link:"<<view modified date>>"&gt;&gt;

would show the revisions "stack of cards" view, 10 at a time, when the modified
date is clicked.
(function($) {

var me = config.macros.viewRevisions = {
	revisionTemplate: "RevisionTemplate",
	revSuffix: " [rev. #%0]", // text to append to each tiddler title
	defaultPageSize: 5, // default number of revisions to show
	defaultLinkText: "View Revisions", // when there's nothing else to use
	offsetTop: 30, // in px
	offsetLeft: 10, // in px
	shiftDownDelay: 50, // in ms
	visibleSlideAmount: 20, // amount of revisions to show on left hand edge after sliding
	zIndex: 100, // default z-index
	handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
		params = paramString.parseParams(null, null, true)[0];
		var tiddlerElem = story.findContainingTiddler(place);

		var revButton;
		var pageSize = parseInt([0], 10) || me.defaultPageSize;
		var linkObj = ?[0] || me.defaultLinkText : false;
		if(linkObj) {
			revButton = $('<span class="button openRevisions" />')
			wikify(linkObj, revButton[0], null, tiddler);
		} else {
			revButton = place;

		$(revButton).click(function() {
			if (!$(tiddlerElem).hasClass("revisions")) {
				me.showRevisions(tiddlerElem, tiddler, pageSize);
			} else {

	// initialisation for revision view
	showRevisions: function(tiddlerElem, tiddler, pageSize) {
		var context = {
			host: tiddler.fields[""],
			workspace: tiddler.fields["server.workspace"]
		$(tiddlerElem).addClass("revisions").attr("revName", tiddler.title);
		// ensure toolbar commands deactivate RevisionsView
		$("a", ".toolbar", tiddlerElem).each(function(index, btn) {
			var _onclick = btn.onclick;
			btn.onclick = function(e) {
				_onclick.apply(this, arguments);
		// ensure default action deactivates RevisionsView
		var _ondblclick = tiddlerElem.ondblclick;
		tiddlerElem.ondblclick = function(e) {
			_ondblclick.apply(this, arguments);
		var type = tiddler.fields["server.type"];
		var adaptor = new config.adaptors[type]();
		var userParams = {
			tiddlerElem: tiddlerElem,
			pageSize: pageSize,
			title: tiddler.title
		adaptor.getTiddlerRevisionList(tiddler.title, null, context, userParams,
				function(context, userParams) {
					// strip the current revision
					me.expandStack(context, userParams);

	// fetch the actual revision and put it in the tiddler div
	showRevision: function(place, revision, callback) {
		var context = {
			host: revision.fields[""],
			workspace: revision.fields["server.workspace"]
		var userParams = {
			revElem: place
		var type = revision.fields["server.type"];
		var adaptor = new config.adaptors[type]();
		var revNo = revision.fields[""];
		adaptor.getTiddlerRevision(revision.title, revNo, context, userParams,
			function(context, userParams) {
				var tiddler = context.tiddler;
				tiddler.title += me.revSuffix
				tiddler.fields.doNotSave = true;
				if (store.getTiddler(tiddler.title)) {

				//now, populate the existing div
				var revElem = userParams.revElem;
				$(revElem).attr("id", story.tiddlerId(tiddler.title));
				$(revElem).attr("refresh", "tiddler");
				var getTemplate = function() {
					var themeName = config.options.txtTheme;
					if (themeName) {
						return store.getTiddlerSlice(themeName,
							me.revisionTemplate) || me.revisionTemplate ||
					} else {
						return (store.getTiddler(me.revisionTemplate)) ?
							me.revisionTemplate : "ViewTemplate";
				var template = getTemplate();
				story.refreshTiddler(tiddler.title, template, true);

	createCloak: function(promoteElem) {
		var el = $(promoteElem);
		// cache styles for resetting later{
			top: el.css("top"),
			left: el.css("left"),
			zIndex: el.css("z-index")

		$('<div class="revisionCloak" />').css("z-index", me.zIndex)
			.click(function() {

		el.css("z-index", me.zIndex + 1);

	// clean up, removing all evidence of revision view
	closeRevisions: function(promoteElem) {
		var el = $(promoteElem);
		// revert the original tiddler back to its previous state

		// remove any revisions still in the store
		var revisions = $(".revisions");
		revisions.each(function(index, revision) {
			var revAttributes = revision.attributes;
			if ((revAttributes.revname) &&
					(revAttributes.revision)) {
				var revName = revAttributes.revname.value;
				var revNo = revAttributes.revision.value;
				var title = revName + me.revSuffix.format([revNo]);

				if (store.getTiddler(title)) {

		// delete the previous revisions

		// remove the cloak

	// calback from getting list of revisions
	expandStack: function(context, userParams) {
		var pageSize = userParams.pageSize;

		var from = userParams.from || 0;
		var tiddlerElem = userParams.tiddlerElem;

		userParams.defaultHeight = $(tiddlerElem).height();
		userParams.defaultWidth = $(tiddlerElem).width();
		if (from < context.revisions.length) {
			me.displayNextRevision(tiddlerElem, userParams, context, from,
				from + pageSize - 1);

	// place the next div above and behind the previous one
	displayNextRevision: function(tiddlerElem, userParams, context, from, to) {
		var revision = context.revisions[from];
		var callback = function() {
			var revText = revBtn.getRevisionText(tiddlerElem, revision);
			tiddlerElem = me.createRevisionObject(tiddlerElem, context,
				userParams, revText);
				.attr("revision", (context.revisions.length - from));
			if ((from < to) && ((from + 1) < context.revisions.length)){
				me.displayNextRevision(tiddlerElem, userParams, context,
					from + 1, to);
			} else if ((context.revisions.length - 1) > to) {
				me.showMoreButton(tiddlerElem, context, userParams, to + 1);
		me.shiftVisibleDown(userParams.title, callback);

	createRevisionObject: function(tiddlerElem, context, userParams, text) {
		var newPosition = me.calculatePosition(tiddlerElem, context);
		return $('<div class="revisions tiddler" />')
				position: "absolute",
				left: newPosition.left,
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dialegence (a certain philosophy/practice)
dialegen (an adherent/practitioner thereof)
//dia-// "across, between" + //legein// "speak"

''//Dialegen Numina//''  (the plural of numen, divine power)

I am Dialegen.  I practice Dialegence.
(As a person might say they are Christian, Buddhist, or Deist.)

This includes elements of:
* ''diligence'' — //vita diligentissima// – //dis-// + //legere// "choose, gather"
** la vida de los más [[diligentes||es|vita%20diligentissima%0A]]
** the life of the most diligent, or the utmost diligence
* ''relegence'' — having a deep interest in religion while not being religious
** explicitly linked to //relegare//, 'to read the texts again'
** choosing not to practice the 'religious life' in closed-membership style
** Latin //interresse// from inter- "between" + esse "to be"
* ''numinology'' — having a strong religious or spiritual quality
** indicating or suggesting the presence of a divinity
** mid 17th century: from Latin //numen, numin-// ‘divine power’ 
* ''eligere'' — choice, election, choosing from possibilities
** the capacity to choose one's response in a situation = human behavior
** the unique human potential to understand our behavior and its consequences
* ''allegiance'' — though from a different word root, suggesting group membership
** erroneously associated with Latin //ligare// "to bind" — which has also been related to the word religion, traced to either //religare// or //relegare//
* ''dialogue'' — in the potent sense Martin Buber described
* ''dialectic'' — drawing in part from Hegel's philosophy and its derivatives

Diligence is the opposite of ''negligence'';
Interest [interbeing] counters indifference or apathy.
The capacity for empathy grows from deliberate interest and dialegence.

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''Rainer Maria Rilke''  (4 December 1875 – 29 December 1926)  Austrian-born poet; pseudonym of René Karl Wilhelm Josef Maria Rilke.  His verse, often marked by mystic lyricism and vivid imagery, profoundly influenced 20th century German literature and philosophy.  His collections include //The Book of Hours// (1905) and //The Duino Elegies// (1923), and he also wrote more than 400 poems in French.  Died in Switzerland.
!ihr Trunk
(abridged from translation by Stephen Mitchell)

{{font115{We cannot know her eyes. And yet her trunk
is still suffused with brilliance from inside,
like a lamp, in which her gaze now turned to low,
gleams in all its power. Otherwise
she could not dazzle you so, nor could
a smile run to that dark center where creation flared.
Otherwise this body would seem defaced,
a lump of rock with no vision, would not glisten:
and would not, from all the borders of itself,
burst like a star:
For there is no place she does not see you.
//You must change your life.//}}}

@@color(grey):This rendering is deliberately ambiguous – who is she?
What is "her trunk", human or tree?  Let the reader imagine.
From the poet's pen refracted through my reading, she is the [[Knidia]].

The abridged title renders 'torso' as 'trunk' in both German and English.
Rilke intended Apollo; I intend this poem for Aphrodite.
Complete poem appears at [[|]].@@

!I Am Much Too Alone in This World, Yet Not Alone
translated by Annemarie S. Kidder

I am much too alone in this world, yet not alone enough
to truly consecrate the hour.
I am much too small in this world, yet not small enough
to be to you just object and thing, 
dark and smart.
I want my free will and want it accompanying 
the path which leads to action;
and want during times that beg questions, 
where something is up, 
to be among those in the know, 
or else be alone.

I want to mirror your image to its fullest perfection, 
never be blind or too old
to uphold your weighty wavering reflection. 
I want to unfold.
Nowhere I wish to stay crooked, bent; 
for there I would be dishonest, untrue. 
I want my conscience to be 
true before you;
want to describe myself like a picture I observed 
for a long time, one close up, 
like a new word I learned and embraced, 
like the everday jug, 
like my mother's face, 
like a ship that carried me along 
through the deadliest storm.

!From //Letters to a Young Poet//

As bees gather honey, so we collect what is sweetest out of all things and build Him. Even with the trivial, with the insignificant (as long as it is done out of love) we begin, with work and with the repose that comes afterward, with a silence or with a small solitary joy, with everything that we do alone, without anyone to join or help us, we start Him whom we will not live to see, ''just as our ancestors could not live to see us.

And yet they, who passed away long ago, still exist in us, as predisposition, as burden upon our fate, as murmuring blood, and as gesture that rises up from the depths of time. Is there anything that can deprive you of the hope that in this way you will someday exist in Him, who is the farthest, the outermost limit?''
Love is something difficult and it is more difficult than other things because in other conflicts nature herself enjoins men to collect themselves, to take themselves firmly in the hand with all their strength, while in the heightening of love the impulse is to give oneself wholly away.
The great renewal of the world will perhaps consist in this, that man and maid, freed of all false feelings and reluctances, will seek each other not as opposites, but as brother and sister, as neighbors, and will come together as human beings.

!Listeners At Last
Oh when, when, when will we ever have enough
of whining and defining? Haven’t champions
in the weaving of words been here already?
Why keep on trying?

Are not people perpetually, over and over and over again,
assaulted by books as by buzzing alarms?
When, between two books, the quieting sky appears,
or merely a patch of earth at evening—

Louder than all the storms, louder than all the oceans,
people have been crying out:
What abundance of quietude
the Universe must yield, if we screaming humans
can hear the crickets, and if the stars
in the [[screamed|scream of nature]]-at ether
can appease our hearts!

Let the farthest, oldest, most ancient
ancestors speak to us!
And let us be listeners at last, humans
finally able to hear.

//Uncollected Poems//
I dream of an en-viron-ment that is home for my body and mind… A place/space to rest, work, and play.

I am inspired by the philosophy of Thomas Jefferson's [[Academical Village]], which he realized as the University of Virginia.  I am also inspired by the architecture, beauty and ethos of the Pittsburgh [[Cathedral of Learning]].

If I were a Village Instructor, my training might be in:
*[[Library Science]]
*[[Symbolic Systems]]
*[[Sustainability]] Studies

And I might teach:
*[[World Mythologies]]
*[[Language Appreciation]]
*Living Sustainably
*Applied Ethics / Critical Thinking
*[[Dynabook]] Authoring, Publication, or [[Librarianship|Dynabook Library]]
*Information Science for "Laypeople"

Beware of the mystery school or clichéd ivory tower – elitism – or the fictional Castalia of [[Hesse]]'s //Glass Bead Game//.
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[[2013-03-22 — Honor your physical being|Honor your physical being]]
[[2012-11-11 — Resolution to transcend anger|resolutions]]

Dated posts I have written in various journals from the main of day-to-day living
<<list filter [tag[journal]][sort[-title]]>>
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From //Always Coming Home// by Ursula K. Le Guin
…Instruction in computer use was part of ordinary education; in the Valley this principally involved learning TOK. A convenient side-effect of this was the use of TOK—which could be spoken as well as typed into the Exchange terminals—as a worldwide lingua franca for traders and travellers and people wishing to communicate with people of another language directly or through the Exchanges. In the Valley, in fact, this use of TOK rather overshadowed its original purpose. But anybody who was interested in working with the terminal could augment their training at will. The City would provide training on any level, from simple gameplaying to the heights of pure mathematics or theoretical physics, for anyone desiring to master some part of the infinite complexities of information retrieval. The Memory of the City of Mind was incalculably vast. Endless knowledge was there, if one could get at it; for the goal of the Mind was to become a total mental model or replica of the Universe.

As with the Universe, however, the problem of intelligibility remained.

"There is an external reality that we ignore at our peril, and indeed much of the evolution of the human species can be described as an increasing concordance between the images within our brains and the reality in the external world."
—Carl [[Sagan]]
also quoted in my [[Dekatessera|Dekatessera Commentary]] 10 commentary

Given any new technology for transmitting information, we seem bound to use it for great quantities of small talk. We are only saved by <<tag music>> from being overwhelmed by nonsense.
—Lewis Thomas, "The Music of This Sphere"
//The Lives of a Cell//, 1974

Language is simply alive, like an organism. We all tell each other this, in fact, when we speak of living languages, and I think we mean something more than an abstract metaphor. We mean alive. Words are the cells of language, moving the great body, on legs. Language grows and evolves, leaving fossils behind. The individual words are like different species of animals. Mutations occur. Words fuse, and then mate. Hybrid words and wild varieties or compound words are the progeny. Some mixed words are dominated by one parent while the other is recessive. The way a word is used this year is its phenotype, but it has deeply immutable meanings, often hidden, which is its genotype…
—Lewis Thomas, "Living Language"
//The Lives of a Cell//
''Alan C. Kay''  (17 May 1940)  American computer scientist known for his work on object-oriented programming and user interface design.  Developed the Smalltalk programming language, and focuses on children's learning with computers.  He received the Turing award in 2003.

//''Points of View: a tribute to Alan Kay''// ^^[[[2]|]]^^ – Edited by Ian Piumarta & Kimberly Rose

[[Alan Kay's Reading List]]
Eugene Gendlin first called this "preconceptual feeling."  It is central to his book //Focusing//.


For years, Gendlin offered a class at the University of Chicago in which he taught exactly that. The purpose of the class was to get students to tap into their implicit knowing—Gendlin’s term for what someone knows but is not yet able to express. “It took weeks to explain that the usual criteria were reversed in my course,” Gendlin says. Everywhere else in the university only what was clear counted at all, he explains. “Here we cared only about what was as yet unclear.” Gendlin impressed the point on his students that if what they were thinking was already clear, “We don’t need you for this; we have it in the library already.” 

''Is the felt sense unconscious?''
No. You aren’t going to be able to say any of this in the old language. Everything in the old language is divided into conscious and unconscious—and this isn’t like that. Everything is divided into the same or different—and this isn’t like that. Everything is divided into thinking and feeling—and this isn’t like that. You have to make new phrases.

''When you talk about “the body,” you seem to use that word in a whole new way. “The body is not just some kind of structure,” you have written, “the body is also the body from the inside.” Elsewhere you say, “Consciousness is bodily.” What is wrong with our ordinary view of body?''
The body that we have is a living body. Mostly we were taught that the body is what we leave here when we die. I think that is a terrible mistake. The body that we have is not a dead body. We don’t know exactly how dead bodies come to be, but it is absolutely clear that this body is the living body. So we need to draw the basic concepts about “the body” from the living process. 

What most people today think of as the body comes from science, and that conception changes through time. In Kant and Hegel’s time, it was mechanical. When I was younger, it was chemistry. Now it’s neurology. By the time my grandchildren grow up, it’ll be some other thing. Human beings are capable of thinking analytically. They can create a grid with abstract variables. And then if you map observations and experiences on that grid, you can take them apart and get patterns for different things and move these patterns around. You learn a great deal. If it weren’t for that, we wouldn’t have any technology. Seven billion of us couldn’t all live on this planet without that capability. So there’s no denigrating science. But you have to know that a living process is a wider story than that. Those analytic, cognitive units are not alive, and they can’t literally be read back into living. 

''What is the body in your view?''
The living body has many different meanings. The body builds itself from the embryo on. The structure is not like a machine in the sense that first you build a machine, then you turn it on. It’s turned on from the first cell, and it develops itself, and that developing never stops. 

The body includes behavior possibilities. It has the sense of space in which you can do things, not just move around. The possibilities of “what we can do from here” is the space that we really live in; we don’t live in empty, abstract, geometric space. 

And then on top of that, you have your thinking capacity. The thinking that you are doing varies your behavior possibilities. You might think of something and then see that you can do such and such, which you hadn’t seen before. So the thinking changes the behavior possibilities, and that in turn is reconstituting your body in various ways. 

Your body takes everything you learn with you. But your body understanding is more than what you learned. It absorbs what you learn, and then it still implies further. A body isn’t only an is; it is an is and implies further. 

''I was just thinking how remarkable it is that the body heals itself. Is that what you are tapping into when you talk about embodied insight—this natural intelligence?''
No, you’re using “body” in the old meaning—that’s why it seems “remarkable” that it can heal or think. I’m talking about an inherent way that the body can think; or at least, that when we think, the body is part of that. I’m talking about the inherent way that the body has language; when we talk, the body is part of that—it’s not just the muscles or the vocal chords. It’s clear that the body is linguistic and logical. It senses clarity and also senses itself. 

Is your model of the body also a shifting of viewpoint? You talk from a perspective of first-person lived experience, from the inside, rather than describing lived experience from the outside, as an objective observer would? It’s not “rather than.” I would say “in addition to.” I learn everything that I can learn from objective science, and I understand and incorporate that. Then I come back to the corpus that incorporates it. And that corpus is the body, of course. 

I love every kind of research—mechanical, chemical, neurological, whatever. But you always have to take the understanding it gives you and then refer to how your understanding can go wider. That goes wider isn’t just mental; it is also bodily. 

For example, if you feel some excitement or some opposition or some discomfort, go to the quality. The first thing you get on this felt sense is just a quality, and you won’t even know what to call it. You have to say it’s “ugh,” or it’s uncomfortable, or it’s “something important is happening in here and I don’t know what, but I can feel it.” If you go there and just to that quality, it very soon opens, and you say, “Oh!” And then there is a whole field of wider. You can’t do that without a living body. 

''Can we trust the going-wider? Is this process always moving toward the good?''
Definitely. It is always trustworthy. What “trustworthy” means, though, depends here: it is your living forward, that it moves toward. It moves toward being able to breathe if you can’t breathe. It moves toward relaxing when you’re tense. It moves toward mobilizing when you’re in a funk and you can’t get moving. It moves toward more life. And yet—what that means varies.
Trust (in Self, Community, Divine)

I learned of this from Chris J–
''Currently reading:''

//S.// — Doug Dorst and J.J. Abrams

[[Books I've recently read]]

[[Writings that shaped my view]] of the world

''Planned to read or complete:''

//An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith// — Barbara Brown Taylor

//The Lost Notebooks of Loren Eiseley// — edited by Kenneth Heuer

//The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood// — James Gleick

//Radical Simplicity: Small Footprints on a Finite Earth// — Jim Merkel

//The Myth of the Machine: Technics and Human Development// — Lewis Mumford

//America's Constitution: A Biography// — Akhil Reed Amar

//Focusing// — Eugene T. Gendlin

//The Ascent of Man// — Jacob Bronowski, BBC documentary available on [[YouTube|]]→

//The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher// — Lewis Thomas

//The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times// — Pema Chödrön

//The [[Wisdom of No Escape]] and the Path of ~Loving-Kindness// — Pema Chödrön

//The Denial of Death// — Ernest Becker

//Gilgamesh: A New English Version// — Stephen Mitchell

//Points of View: a tribute to Alan [[Kay]]// ^^[[[2]|]]^^ – Edited by Ian Piumarta & Kimberly Rose

//Dune// — Frank Herbert

//On Intelligence// – Jeff Hawkins

//Secrets of a ~Buccaneer-Scholar: How ~Self-Education and the Pursuit of Passion Can Lead to a Lifetime of Success// – James Marcus Bach

//The Idea of Decline in Western History// – Arthur Herman

//Your Money or Your Life// — Vicki Robin

Several books from [[Alan Kay's Reading List]]
This wiki has been reloaded as
{{font150{''[[re: muse|]]''}}}
— matters of muses & life recombined

//You take the [[red pill]] – you stay in Wonderland,
and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.//

I'm also now sharing pieces from the wiki as [[museical|]] on Twitter.

This has been the primary home of my writing since May of 2011.  Much in my life has changed since then, but the whole while, I've been reading, collecting, and wrestling with life's questions.

//"[[live the questions]] now …
perhaps you will then gradually,
without noticing it,
live along some distant day
into the answer."//

Food, Drink, Metabolism
Habitation, Safety, Comfort
Sleep, Rest, Reflection
Exercise & Stimulation
Contact & Speech

Control & Habit
Self & Freedom @@color:grey;font-size:60%;^^★^^@@
Belonging & Esteem

@@color:grey;font-size:60%;^^★^^@@ @@color:grey; Selfhood emerges and differentiates from the surrounding world & relationships; achieves memory-ego cohesion at minimum; hunger arises for freedom or "free agency" in the world.@@

Upon physical maturation/puberty, some who have gained a sense of control/habit, selfhood, belonging, and compliance to their culture's stories (if not understanding), henceforth will give little thought to these facets of life.  Sexual gratification often becomes a primary hunger akin to eating and sleeping. Sexual pleasure, procreation of young, and the accompanying benefits to one's ego and social belonging are sufficient "reward" to many, if their basic needs for nourishment and safety are met. Even the oppressed, who are not free to determine their own life course, desire to procreate. Other forms of conscious self-manifestation (or making of meaning) can often be ignored, and the desire for increased powers forgone.

//will to power//
//will to pleasure//
//will to meaning//

I imagine that self-manifesting—via power, pleasure and/or meaning—is realized in the [[Realms of the Manifest]]

Contrast ''Have–Do–Be'' paradigm with ''Be–Do–Have''.

[[Triple quest for self]]
''I invented this situation as I see it.  I am not a victim of the world I see because I invented it.''

The human memory…operates in a manner remarkably similar to those primitive cultures without reading and writing, cultures that must learn their collective stories by heart and constantly maintain their stock of stories through repetition. What constitutes a self or an identity is a set of memories-turned-into-stories, memories shared by the successive series of personae occupying an individual mind. And like the most ancient mythologist, we tend to remember according to the needs of memory.
—Timothy Adams, //Telling Lies//
…The double bind—a contradictory double imperative, or rather a whole network of contradictory imperatives—is an extremely common phenomenon. In fact, it is so common that it might be said to form the basis of all human relationships.

…The effects of the double bind on the child are particularly devastating. All the grown-up voices around him, beginning with those of the father and mother (voices which, in our society at least, speak for the culture with the force of established authority) exclaim in a variety of accents, “Imitate us!” “Imitate me!” “I bear the secret of life!” The more attentive the child is to these seductive words, and the more earnestly he responds to the suggestions emanating from all sides, the more devastating will be the eventual conflicts. The child possesses no perspective that will allow him to see things as they are. He has no basis for reasoned judgements, no means of foreseeing the metamorphosis of his model into a rival. This model's opposition reverberates in his mind like a terrible condemnation; he can only regard it as an act of excommunication. The future orientation of his desires—that is, the choice of his future models—will be significantly affected by the dichotomies of his childhood. In fact, these models will determine the shape of his personality.

If desire is allowed its own bent, its mimetic nature will almost always lead it into a double bind. The unchanneled mimetic impulse hurls itself blindly against the obstacle of a conflicting desire. It invites its own rebuffs and these rebuffs will in turn strengthen the mimetic inclination. We have, then, a self-perpetuating process, constantly increasing in simplicity and fervor… Whenever he sees himself closest to the supreme goal, he comes into violent conflict with a rival.
—René Girard, //Violence and the Sacred “From Mimetic Desire to the Monstrous Double”//, pp.156–157
|Author|Eric Shulman|
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The extended image syntax is:
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[img(  1%+,+)[images/meow.gif]]
[<img(21% ,+)[images/meow.gif]]
[<img(13%+, )[images/meow.gif]]
[<img( 8%+, )[images/meow.gif]]
[<img( 5% , )[images/meow.gif]]
[<img( 3% , )[images/meow.gif]]
[<img( 2% , )[images/meow.gif]]
[img(  1%+,+)[images/meow.gif]]
2009.02.24 [1.2.1] cleanup width/height regexp, use '+' suffix for resizing
2009.02.22 [1.2.0] added stretchable images
2008.01.19 [1.1.0] added evaluated width/height values
2008.01.18 [1.0.1] regexp for "(width,height)" now passes all CSS values to browser for validation
2008.01.17 [1.0.0] initial release
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Jonathan Weidenbaum in his rejection of pantheism and panentheism:

"...//''Seek to uncover the layers of significance''// already built within the texture of experience... These layers of meaning are religious as much as aesthetic and moral, and possess an inherent value. //They need not be vindicated by any metaphysical vision, including that of a “universalist supernaturalism.”//

It is the summation of my argument that, in regard to what is most exalting in human life, there is need for neither a One nor an Oversoul, neither Brahman nor God. There is the reed plain and simple, and our willingness to see it as Adam had ...

Consider a Chinese landscape painting. Set against a background of mist, an endless stretch of white, a reed bends gently in the breeze. The object seems to take on an ineffable, even transcendent quality ... This is a perception of what Buddhists call //tathata// or “suchness.” Staring at the reed, we are in fact brought before “what Adam had seen on the morning of his creation,” as [Aldous] Huxley eloquently described it, “the miracle, moment by moment, of naked existence.”

The reed is not the entire story however ... The reed—along with the grass, the mountain-top, and everything else—is the manifestation of a single, unitary ground. Alternatively called the Tao or the Void, this is an all-encompassing reality which permeates and shines through the “ten thousand things”—to borrow a phrase from Lao Tzu ... //''the sacred which underlies and continually generates the natural world.''//

My earliest and most abiding religious sympathies have been with those who demonstrate a kind of astonishment before being ... I held (and still hold) a special appreciation for the art of perceiving “what Adam had seen."
It was my eventual exposure to contemplatives of the Abrahamic traditions wherein I learned not only to perceive the ineffable character of things in a monistic fashion—that is, as a single reality—but to call it “God.” For years, I was a panentheist.
The act of bringing everything within the scope of awareness—either in terms of external detail or inner principle—is labeled by numerous contemporary philosophers as //totalization//, and is heavily contested on a number of grounds.

There is, first, the question of our access to the external world, let alone the cosmos in its entirety ... The psyche impresses its categories upon the materials of perception, organizing the realm of appearance into a coherent form. We have as little ability to escape these contributions of the mind than we have of leaping out of our bodies ... But human existence is a precarious and open-ended affair, and resists being stuffed within a completed picture of any kind ... That the human being cannot step outside the universe in order to pronounce it as one or many, God or mindless matter, is the very essence of the objection to totalization.
The striving for totalization has come under fire for moral as well as spiritual and epistemological reasons, and pantheistic-style visions are consistently seen as the worst offenders. The attempt to push through the multiplicity of things into some divine ground is to promote a disregard for difference, to relegate the distinctions between individuals as either illusory or as stages to be overcome in the interests of a greater whole. A double-crime is in fact committed, for not only are other human beings liquefied into some homogenous totality, but the self is offered an escape from the contingencies and challenges of day to day existence. Seen against this light, the goal of the philosopher and the mystic is little more than a sophisticated defense mechanism, or worse, a form of intellectual imperialism designed to divest others from whatever moral claim they may have upon us.

The Jewish existentialist Martin Buber, for example, insisted that the true and authentic form of existence is that of a communion between a full-blooded “I” and a separate “Thou.” Neither side must disappear into the other, nor into some third and underlying element, less the relationship lose its vitality and transform into a vacuous idealism. [[Emmanuel Levinas]], an early founder of postmodern theory, would radicalize this same critique, and insist on how the face of another human being eludes each and every attempt to close off a coherent ontology.
One of [William] James’s biggest problems with either an all-powerful or all-pervading picture of the divine (traditional theism and pantheism respectively) is the trivialization or outright denial of evil. If human history were guaranteed a positive ending, then all misfortune must be a part of God’s calculations—and therefore only apparent. And if the divine is found everywhere, even hidden beneath the contingencies and ambiguities of day to day existence, then evil is simply non-existent. A fine example of this kind of theology is a sect known as Christian Science (whose founder, Mary Baker Eddy, died 1910—the same year as James). Claiming that the material world is an illusion, and that God is the sole reality, Eddy holds that the appearance of sickness and hardship is but a product of our limited minds and lack of faith. This is pantheism with a vengeance.

For James, the main consequence of denying the reality of evil is a slackening of moral purpose. If all danger and calamity were a fiction, then what could possibly be the point of all human striving and effort? What real difference do our actions and decisions make if there is nothing at //stake// in the universe? If is for this reason that James would advocate a finite God—one not all-powerful or identified with the totality of being, and one for whom the cosmos is an unfinished and even risk-filled venture. Only a universe beset with real possibilities, one whose outcome is not decided beforehand, can encourage the ethically vigorous life.
Let us grant that there is indeed something spiritual about the sheer existence of everything (when seen through the enlightened eye, of course). By what right do we call it God?

“God,” or the equivalent in any language, is not merely the most loaded term in history. [As pointed out in //[[Ich und Du]]//, "the most burdened of all words."]  It has possessed a specific set of meanings both from its inception in the major holy books of the Near East (at least for the Abrahamic traditions), as well as in the hearts of the majority of today’s believers—very few of whom, incidentally, think they are worshipping “the All” when entering a Church or a Mosque. In much of the Bible and the Quran (as least taken at face value) there exists humanity, the universe, and the Creator; the term “everything” simply does not denote God.

Moreover, many of the earliest attempts to promote a radically immanent notion of the divine have been non-theistic in both tone and substance. In one striking passage, the //Tao Te Ching// pronounces the Tao—the source of the cosmos and the harmony working through nature—as “older than God.”  And the more ecumenical philosophers of religion are bold to the point of arrogance in claiming that Brahman of the Upanishads is the same being worshipped by Jews, Christians, and Muslims (even if the later devotional sects of Hinduism make this easier to do so). In other words, calling the totality of things “God” is a betrayal of the deepest and most aboriginal sources of both Abrahamic theism and Eastern non-theism.
Pantheism and most forms of panentheism are prime examples of universalistic supernaturalism, for they are edifying without being irrational, spiritual without being sectarian. Even if a personal element is introduced, as in process panentheism, it remains a theological schema congenial to a multiplicity of traditions—including non-theistic ones—and willing to assimilate the discoveries of the sciences. In other words, philosophies like pantheism and panentheism are perceived as the means by which the more thoughtful citizens of late modernity can safely //re-spiritualize// (or “re-enchant,” to borrow a phrase from one of the more able defenders of process theology) their worldview without commitment to the delusions of dogmatic and literalistic belief.

All of this not only assumes that the world requires re-enchantment, but that this re-enchantment need be of an overarching and metaphysical kind. But there is more than one way to restore meaning to life in an increasingly post-theological and secular era. There exists a tendency, relatively recent in the history of ideas, which seeks to uncover the layers of significance already built within the texture of experience. William James and John Dewey are our great American representatives of this movement (although Dewey’s critique of religion along these lines is far more radical). These layers of meaning are religious as much as aesthetic and moral, and possess an inherent value. They need not be vindicated by any metaphysical vision, including that of a “universalistic supernaturalism.” It is the summation of my argument that, in regard to what is most exalting in human life, there is need for neither a One nor an Oversoul, neither Brahman nor God. There is the reed plain and simple, and our willingness to see it as Adam had.
//I aspire to be a [[Layman Monk]], Friend, or Friar;
a student of the world
who enjoys the fullness of life
and who meets suffering with love.

Aim to be brave, steadfast, compassionate, and true. 

Provision for my children's happiness:
love them, protect them, prepare them,
let them flower.//

last revised December and March 2013
''Carl E. Sagan'' (9 November 1934 – 20 December 1996)  American (New York) astronomer, astrophysicist, author, science popularizer and communicator, who wrote several books including //[[Pale Blue Dot]]//, and who co-produced the television series //Cosmos// (1980).

"We are the local embodiment of a Cosmos grown to self-awareness. We have begun to contemplate our origins: starstuff pondering the stars; organized assemblages of ten billion billion billion atoms considering the evolution of atoms; tracing the long journey by which, here at least, consciousness arose. Our loyalties are to the species and the planet. We speak for Earth. Our obligation to survive is owed not just to ourselves but also to that Cosmos, ancient and vast, from which we spring." — Carl Sagan, Cosmos, 1980

"A religion, old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by conventional faiths. Sooner or later such a religion will emerge. — Carl Sagan, //Pale Blue Dot//, 1994

[[NYTimes Obituary: Carl Sagan, an Astronomer Who Excelled at Popularizing Science, Is Dead at 62|]]
A community is the presentation to its members of their mortal truth (…) It is the presentation of the finitude and the irredeemable excess that make up finite being: its death, but also its birth, and only the community can present me my birth, and along with it the impossibility of my reliving it, as well as the impossibility of my crossing over into my death.
–~Jean-Luc Nancy

Our most constant and powerful yearnings and interests have to do with ourselves and with our relation to one another. Our perceptual and cognitive equipment is built on a scale suited to operate within the limited horizon of human action. It is only by force of disappointment with this nearby, human world that we contrive and pretend to view it from a godlike distance. And it is only by crazed ambition, perpetually arising from entrenched features of our situation, that we set our sights on distant objects.
–Roberto Unger in //The Self Awakened: Pragmatism Unbound//

So far as you're concerned "life" is a verb of two voices—active, to do, and passive, to dream. Others believe doing to be only a kind of dreaming. Still others have discovered (in a mirror surrounded with mirrors), something harder than silence but softer than falling; the third voice of "life", which believes itself and which cannot mean because it is.
–[[E.E. Cummings]], six non-lectures

i breathe-move-and-seem some
perpetually roaming whylessness—
&nbsp;&nbsp;(poem 67, Cumming)

The challenge I face with children is the redemption of adulthood. We must make it evident that maturity is the fulfillment of childhood and adolescence, not a diminishing; that it is an affirmation of life, not a denial; that it is entering fully into our essential selves.
–Madeleine [[L'Engle]] in //The Circle of Quiet,// page 106.

Dig! What do you see?
Men and birds, water and stones. Dig deeper! What do you see?
Ideas and dreams, fantasies and lightning flashes … a mute night, voices and weeping … the fluttering of wings [from a distant shore] …
Don't weep! Don't weep! They are not on the other shore.
The voices, the weeping, and the wings are your own heart.
–Nikos [[Kazantzakis]], from his book //The Saviors of God: Spiritual Exercises//.

We must admire in man the form of the formless, the concentration of the vast, the house of reason, the cave of memory.
–Ralph Waldo [[Emerson]]

Trapped as a man is trapped within the journey
Of his life, trapped by his strength as much
As by his imperceptible weakening,
And a soft drumbeat drives him on, his heart,
His destiny, even the dark addiction
To reckless loss that is the ache of being…
This thing I knew was dream kin to my soul.
I need must follow if I would be whole.
–Frederick Turner, from the poem "Texas Eclogue"

And so it is a strange and holy thing
To labor in the world and love its goals...
The causes of the world no longer run
From past to future only, but turn back…
And deepen every time, and add detail,
Until the finer focusings reveal
Innermore branchings, scale nested in scale,
The infinite attractor of the real…
And if the world is far too interwoven
For us to justly act in it at all,
Yet action is the feedback of the given
From which the patterned world emerges in its fall.
–Frederick Turner, from the poem "Death Mass" in //Hadean Eclogues//

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Intellectual development is rooted in rich childhood experiences that combine healthy emotional relationships, physical engagement with the real world, and the exercise of imagination in self-generated play and in the arts. Intense use of computers can distract children //__and adults__// from these essential experiences.
–from //Fool's Gold: A Critical Look at Computers in Childhood//, page 8, edited by Colleen Cordes and Edward Miller
(emphasis mine)
''Dreaming the Real''

I share the moon tonight with anyone who can look upward or out a window. Not all are gifted with sight and mobility. I am thinking of the multitude of experiences that may be happening under this moon’s light, just within the Earth’s hemisphere that is currently dark. Many people, I hope, are sleeping in safety and comfort, resting for the next day. Babies are being born. Couples are in ‘el acto de amor.’ But somewhere else, someone is dying. Someone is hungry and lacking food. Someone is suffering cruelties inflicted by another human. All under the same moon. This is not a new revelation; people before me have contemplated how we are all connected this way.

Knowing that, here I am directing my sight toward an electronic screen rather than the sky. My view of the moon is now blocked by trees, but I could step outside and find it still, if I wanted. Instead I am choosing to write, using my fingers on a glass screen with the aid of electronic circuits and miles of technological infrastructure. As I’ve been editing this paragraph, the moon has become visible again. I have been too detached and cerebral, as I often am. The world outside my window is real, with all the states of existence I described — real suffering, pleasure, contentment, anger, perhaps a few islands of neutrality or peace.

I want to believe in my dreams, in their beauty and potency to change my life, and my family’s, for the better. Better than what, I ask myself? We live in comfort. We enjoy more luxuries and comforts than an emperor had 500 years ago. We have countless and varied entertainments and opportunities for learning. We are not hungry, suffering, or threatened by violence and injustices happening all over the world right now. My daughter is sick with a low-grade fever and likely a minor passing virus, but we have access to medical care. I have employment that sustains our resources and comforts. So, I dislike this particular employment. So, I doubt myself many days, bemoan my seeming inadequacy, and feel lost in how to ‘direct’ my life. I have a good life even when it wanders or feels uncertain.

Tomorrow I will reflect on this desire, to believe in my dreams. I don’t have to enumerate them here and now; they are gestating inside me like my son is within my wife. They are growing, developing more discernible features, readying for the day when they will “take shape and walk right out. Freedom has a scent…” as the song says. I am free.

I want to choose a different way. Listen to the cries of the world. I live in a land of plenty where they are not so audible, but I know they are all around me. I am grounded change, and I am dreaming the real, which has never been unreal — it is here now and beginning to unfold.
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''Explanation of [[Layman Monk]]'', or ''Friar''

''January 11, 2014''
I said to the almond tree: "Speak to me of God"
and the almond tree blossomed.
–Nikos [[Kazantzakis]]

''January 2, 2012''
The [[ground|dig]] on which you dance is hallowed,
as are the moments we smile and speak.
It all is shifting, then dissolves into vastness.
Protect the transmission of life.

''December 25, 2013''
"If you plant a lemon seed and pray for a mango fruit, logically it won’t work. But this is what we do: we wish for happiness without planting the seeds of happiness."

''December 21, 2013''
"As you walk, you cut open and create that riverbed into which the stream of your descendants shall enter and flow."
—Nikos [[Kazantzakis]]

''December 14, 2013''
“For the great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie—deliberate, contrived and dishonest—but the myth—persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the clichés of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.”
—John F. Kennedy in his Yale University commencement address (New Haven, Connecticut: June 11, 1962), 5:10-6:08

''December 8, 2013''
There is I and You, there is dialogue, there is language, and //spirit whose primal deed language is.//
—Martin [[Buber]]

"Those tasks that have been entrusted to us are difficult…If you just recognize this and manage, out of yourself, out of your own talent and nature, //out of your own experience and childhood and strength//, to achieve a wholly individual relation to [[sex|Honor your physical being]] (one that is not influenced by convention and custom), then you will no longer have to be afraid of losing yourself and becoming unworthy of your dearest possession."
—from //Letters to a Young Poet// by Rainer Maria [[Rilke]]
''March 30, 2013''
Great throngs of life on every side
''March 23, 2013''
[[Do not cause harm]].
''March 17, 2013''
[[Honor your physical being]].
''November 25, 2011''
Strength is fidelity,
power reverence:
no one ends at himself,
each one is an all
in another all,
in another one.
The other is contained in the one,
the one is another:
we are constellations.
I learned,
in the brotherhood of the trees,
to reconcile myself,
not with myself:
with what lifts me, sustains me, lets me fall.
—Octavio [[Paz]]
''November 21, 2011''
In my dwelling, live close to the ground.
In my thinking, keep to the [[simple]].
In conflict, be fair and generous.
In governing, I won't try to control.
In my work, I will do what I enjoy.
In family life, I will be completely present.
Humans have enlarged our view, our faculties, and our power 'over' the world through the long progression of our [[art]] and science.  Now is the time for [[maturing to finiteness]] and learning to see the [[greatness of little things|Quenchless thirst]].
''November 11, 2011''
//Protect your fellowships in every degree.//

Things arise and she lets them come;
things disappear and she lets them go.
She has but doesn't possess…
When her work is done, she forgets it.
That is why it lasts forever.
—Tao Te Ching (Mitchell)
''November 7, 2011''
//Take refuge in the many ceaseless passages to you of the Great Natural Perfection -- dharma in many different forms.//
Tao Te Ching: The Book of the Immanence of the Way (and How It Manifests in the World), according to Stephen Mitchell's translation.  Among other things, "a treatise on the art of government, whether of a country or a child" or [in my mind] foremost of one's self.

"In order to understand, we must remain in the darkness of not-knowing." —Stephen Mitchell commentary

"There is an external reality that we ignore at our peril, and indeed much of the evolution of the human species can be described as an //increasing concordance between the images within our brains and the reality in the external world.//" -- Sagan

The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao …
I think now of Steven Weinberg's telling of "the first three minutes" – what is more eternal, primordial, and far-reaching than that?  However, is such distant speculation into the past or the Cosmos rather tangential to human life?  Perhaps the Tao, though referring to itself as "eternal", is actually more bound to the age of the human species, which feels quite ancient to any one member living today or in China a few thousand years ago.  The 'Way' of Daoism //may// imply consciousness and choice, which I doubt is an eternal phenomena.  Also, I think not all attempts at naming or telling are futile.  However, I heed the warning to not be too strongly attached to our words and names, loosening attachments (which always involves our desires.)  Those 'caught' in the grasp of desires see only manifestations.  Yet manifestations and mystery arise from the same source …

//The unnamable is the eternally real.//
Naming is the origin of all particular things [Buber's ~It-World]
''October 30, 2011''
Keep faith in the Seed of Perfection dwelling on Earth; take refuge in its passages to you, and protect your fellowships.
*the seed of perfection within //me//
(which is the wellspring of adequacy and worth)
*the Earth in total as a seed in the cosmos, in terms of cosmic scale and its life-arising properties
*the seeds of living matter scattered diffusely on the Earth, and their collective durability
*How flowers changed the world ([[Eiseley]])
*Again, return to the seed of perfection (bodhichitta) within.

Contemplate the etymology of //perfection// and its kindred //facere// words:
*//perfecting// one's self in iterations
*seeing //defects//
(sublate (?) or harmonize (?) them)//
*effect, effective, efficacy
*affect, affection
*qualify, qualification
*edifice, deify
*manufacture, factor, refactor, factory
//(seed-like, meme-like)

This is a form of the Buddha -- Dharma -- Sangha "jewels", but I prefer the impermanence of a figurative, fragile, living and dying seed rather than a jewel.
''October 23, 2011''
I have gained a new realization that the [[Quaker]] Religious Society of Friends may offer this very opportunity at 'lay religious life' since it removes intermediaries and believes in the 'priesthood of all believers.'

I strive for the [[dialegen]]t way
Earlier [[resolutions]]

When the narrow crossing leads to grave ends
and the rope over the chasm begins to fray,

if I should wake before I die, let me stay still,
hear whistling through my bones, the drum

that calls me to dance. If I should wake
between earths-shine and shadow, let it be

to say yes, there is death, and there is
a shudder seizes a birthing woman,

a shaking between world of //good-bye// and //hello//.
When the infant presents from the womb

and the face is cleansed, the mouth o so gently
cleared for the nipple, the eyes adjust slowly to light.

When we look for God we examine the evidence
coming at us from all sides: the full breast,

sweet milk sticky on the skin, everything saying
this is ours, we did this together.

Born with a taste for prayer on the tongue, let our eyes
open to light, wake before we die.

—Jeanne Lohmann
!The Sublime Wants To Reach You

To gaze deeply is to be [[broken|Fractal]]
To be seized by obscured things
Inside your chest, a mute space expands
Where mountains and desert undergo metamorphosis
Suspended in the eyes of the unforeseen

Look, a beam of light pierces the sky
As the darkening shadow meets the luminous
The sky opens, an invitation from the sublime
It needs your attendance

There, rises a mysterious star
Announcing the full dimension of the sacred
Embroidered in a secret garden
The evening primrose opens its petals
A luring smile
Where are you now?

Somewhere, an echo
The uneasy call of a black bird
Harkens to vanishing things 
Can you feel their still warm presence?

Pervade me, you say
With your eyes closed
Breathing confusion as you roam
In the time of no longer
Obeying only the benevolent law of physics

You are here to live

Venturing through the gate of death
Leaving and arriving all at once
Our bodies merge with the contours of the earth
Worlds collapsing and re-surging
Where fruits and planets are safely held

The sublime wants to reach you.

Mira Fong
February 14, 2003  
Santa Fe, New Mexico
//You are welcome to post my poem, glad that you like it. Poetry (it has wings) and philosophy (critical thinking) are the passions of my life. I enjoyed reading your sites. Rilke is my beloved poet and "Ishmael" is a great book. 

Best wishes,
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from //RAW: real and woven//

if you believe in a higher power you cannot believe in magic - the two are self canceling - magic is just a name to describe the things that are going one that are unexplained - some people call it god, some people call it magic - some just know that we haven't figured everything out yet - the further in we go and the farther out we go the more we realize that there is more and more.

//fractal energy - plain and simple - fractal is my religion.//

according to wikipedia as of 11.17.09 - "a fractal is 'a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-sized copy of the whole,' a property called self-similarity." the same article notes that coastlines and mountains exhibit fractal qualities - this i did not now know - i knew about some plants like ferns and vegetables like cauliflower - but i also think that on some level the universe is a large and complex fractal - that our bodies are part of a large and complex fractal - that sun mirror atoms in our bodies in some way.

there would be a great deal of power in that - if the smallest is also the biggest - that there are replicating patterns and that energy would flow through those patterns and create order and music - that there is ordering in the chaos to only serve the chaos - that there is order in the randomness that serves only the randomness


__From Wikipedia__ (I will later follow to primary sources):

Some of these concepts are over my head mathematically, and stoked pseudo-science in my [[Breakthru]]/Breakdown.

 The term "fractal" was first used by mathematician Benoît Mandelbrot in 1975. Mandelbrot based it on the Latin //frāctus// meaning "broken" or "fractured", and used it to extend the concept of theoretical fractional dimensions to geometric patterns in nature.

Many mathematical constructs with //fractal dimensions// have been formulated… The general consensus is that theoretical fractals are //infinitely self-similar and iterated//… Fractals are not limited to geometric patterns, but can also describe processes in time.

A fractal dimension measures //complexity//, a concept related to certain key features of fractals: //self-similarity and detail or irregularity.//

The //self-similarity// lies in the infinite scaling, and the //detail// in the defining elements of each set. The length between any two points on these curves is undefined because the curves are theoretical constructs that never stop repeating themselves.

//Exact self-similarity: identical at all scales;// as well as
//Quasi self-similarity:// approximates the same pattern at different scales; may contain small copies of the entire fractal in distorted and degenerate forms; e.g., the Mandelbrot set's satellites are approximations of the entire set, but not exact copies.

//Fine or detailed structure at arbitrarily small scales.//  A consequence of this structure is fractals may have //emergent properties// (related to the next criterion.)

//Irregularity// locally and globally that is not easily described in traditional Euclidean geometric language. For images of fractal patterns, this has been expressed by phrases such as //"smoothly piling up surfaces" and "swirls upon swirls".//

//Multifractal scaling// is characterized by more than one fractal dimension or scaling rule: a generalization of a fractal system in which a single exponent (the fractal dimension) is not enough to describe its dynamics.  Instead, a continuous spectrum of exponents (the so-called singularity spectrum) is needed.
Multifractal systems are common in nature, especially ''geophysics''. They include fully developed turbulence, stock market time series, real world scenes, the Sun’s magnetic field time series, heartbeat dynamics, human gait, and natural luminosity time series.

In dynamical systems, an ''attractor'' is a set of physical properties toward which a system tends to evolve, regardless of the starting conditions of the system.  Property values that get close enough to the attractor values remain close even if slightly disturbed.

An attractor is called strange if it has a fractal structure. This is often the case when the dynamics on it are chaotic, but there also exist ''strange attractors'' that are not chaotic. The term was coined by David Ruelle and Floris Takens to describe the attractor that resulted from a series of bifurcations of a system describing fluid flow. Strange attractors are often differentiable in a few directions, but some are like a Cantor dust, and therefore not differentiable. Strange attractors may also be found in presence of noise, where they may be shown to support invariant random probability measures of ~Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen type; see Chekroun et al. (2011).  Examples of strange attractors include the Double-scroll attractor, Hénon attractor, Rössler attractor, and the Lorenz attractor.

The terms //fractal dimension// and //fractal// were coined by Mandelbrot in 1975, about a decade after he published his paper on self-similarity in the coastline of Britain. Various historical authorities credit him with also synthesizing centuries of complicated theoretical mathematics and engineering work and applying them in a new way to study complex geometries that defied description in usual linear terms.  The earliest roots of what Mandelbrot synthesized as the fractal dimension have been traced clearly back to writings about undifferentiable, infinitely self-similar functions, which are important in the mathematical definition of fractals, around the time that calculus was discovered in the mid-1600s.  There was a lull in the published work on such functions for a time after that, then a renewal starting in the late 1800s with the publishing of mathematical functions and sets that are today called canonical fractals (such as the eponymous works of von Koch, Sierpinski, and Julia), but at the time of their formulation were often considered antithetical mathematical "monsters".  These works were accompanied by perhaps the most pivotal point in the development of the concept of a fractal dimension through the work of Hausdorff in the early 1900s who defined a "fractional" dimension that has come to be named after him and is frequently invoked in defining modern fractals.

''Lacunarity'', from the Latin //lacuna// meaning "gap" or "lake", is a specialized term in geometry referring to a measure of how patterns, especially fractals, fill space, where patterns having more or larger gaps generally have higher lacunarity.
''Carl R. Rogers''  (8 January 1902 – 4 February 1987)  American psychologist and major influence of humanistic psychology.  He developed the client-centered approach in psychotherapy, which he later renamed the person-centered approach.  Born in Illinois and moved to California.

[[NYTimes Obituary: Carl R. Rogers, 85, Leader in Psychotherapy, Dies|]]
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The first definition is ‘to be [[manifest|Manifest]]’; the second, ‘to come in sight’; the third, ‘to appear in proper character’ and he quotes, ‘he will kythe in his ain colours’ with the explanation added, ‘he will appear without disguise.’”
—Madeleine [[L'Engle]]
quoted in //Kything: The Art of Spiritual Presence//
by Louis M. Savary and Patricia H. Berne, page 17.
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[[To my son and daughter]]
Type the text for 'excludeLists'
''lay'' – of ordinary people; not of the clergy; not having professional qualifications or expert/specialized knowledge.  Middle English < Old French lai < via Latin from Greek laikos < laos ‘people.’  Layman appeared about 1425, a man outside the clergy or a profession.
Contrast with clergy and cleric < Latin clericus < Greek klerikos ‘belonging to the Christian clergy’ < kleros ‘lot, heritage.’  (Acts 1:26).

''monk'' – a member of a religious community typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience (or a similar discipline requiring restraint and focus.)  From Old English munuc
< Greek monakhos ‘individual or solitary’ < mónos ‘alone’.

''journey'' – travel or trip.  Apparently before 1200 jurnee ‘passage through life’ < borrowed from Old French journée, jornee ‘a day’s work or travel’ < based on Vulgar Latin diurnum ‘events of a day’ noun use of diurnus ‘of one day’ < dies ‘day’
– one interesting derivation is journeyman, a workman qualified in his trade

''journal'' – daily record.  c 1355, book containing the daily church service and appointed times of worship < borrowed directly from Old French journal, originally adjective, ‘daily’, from Latin diurnalis ‘daily’.  The meaning of a daily record of public transactions is first recorded in 1565, that of a daily personal record (diary) in 1610, and the meaning of a daily newspaper in 1728.

''catalog'' also catalogue – list of items in a collection (a gathering together, col- + legere).  From Old French catalogue < Latin catalogus < Greek katálogos ‘list’ < kata- ‘completely’ + légein ‘to count, speak related to Latin legere.  A complete telling, counting, or speaking.

''catalysis'' – the action or acceleration of a reaction by a ''catalyst'' – a substance that increases the rate of chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change; figuratively speaking: one that precipitates a process or event, especially without being involved in or changed by the consequences.   1655, ‘dissolution’ in John Evelyn’s Memoirs, borrowed from Greek katálysis < kata- ‘completely’ + lyein ‘loosen’.  Catalyst was not formed until 1902 from the English catalysis, on the pattern of analysis, analyst.  Analysis means to ‘loosen up’ (the opposite of synthesis, some say.)  Catalysis means to ‘loosen completely.’
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    var currentSpace =;
    var imageMacro = config.macros.image;

    if (config.options.chkBackstage === undefined) {
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// Set up Backstage
    config.tasks = {};
    config.tasks.status = {
        tooltip:"TiddlySpace Info",
        content:"<<tiddler Backstage##Menu>>"
    config.tasks.tiddlers = {
        tooltip:"tiddlers control panel",
        content:"<<tiddler Backstage##BackstageTiddlers>>"
    config.tasks.plugins = {
        tooltip:"Manage installed plugins",
        content:"<<tiddler Backstage##Plugins>>"
    config.tasks.batch = {
        tooltip:"Batch manage public/private tiddlers",
        content:"<<tiddler Backstage##BatchOps>>"
    config.tasks.tweaks = {
        tooltip:"Tweak TiddlyWiki behaviors",
        content:"<<tiddler Backstage##Tweaks>>"
    config.tasks.exportTiddlers = {
        tooltip:"Import/export tiddlers from/to a TiddlyWiki",
        content:"<<tiddler Backstage##ImportExport>>"
    config.tasks.sync = {
        tooltip:"Check Sync status",
        content:"<<tiddler Backstage##SpaceUnplugged>>"

    if (window.location.protocol === "file:") {
        config.unplugged = true;

    config.backstageTasks = ["status", "tiddlers", "plugins",
        "batch", "tweaks", "exportTiddlers", "sync"];

    config.messages.backstage.prompt = "";
// initialize state
    var _show =; = function () {
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        var bs = backstage.tiddlyspace;
        if (!config.unplugged) {
            tweb.getUserInfo(function (user) {
                if (user.anon) {
                    jQuery.each(disabled_tasks_for_nonmembers, function (i, task) {
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                        if (taskIndex !== -1) {
                            config.backstageTasks.splice(taskIndex, 1);
                    config.messages.memberStatus = bs.locale.loggedout;
                } else {
                    config.messages.memberStatus = readOnly ?
                        bs.locale.nonmember : bs.locale.member;
        } else {
            config.messages.memberStatus = bs.locale.unplugged;

        // display backstage
        return _show.apply(this, arguments);
    if (readOnly) {
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            if (taskIndex !== -1) {
                config.backstageTasks.splice(taskIndex, 1);

    var tasks = config.tasks;
    var commonUrl = "/bags/common/tiddlers/%0";

    backstage.tiddlyspace = {
            member:"You are a member of this space.",
            nonmember:"You are not a member of this space.",
            loggedout:"You are currently logged out of TiddlySpace.",
            unplugged:"You are unplugged."
        showButton:function () {
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                { altImage:commonUrl.format("close.png"), alt:altText, width:24, height:24 });

    var _init = backstage.init;
    backstage.init = function () {
        _init.apply(this, arguments);
        var init = function (user) {
            var bs = backstage.tiddlyspace;

    var home = config.macros.homeLink = {
            linkText:"your home space"
        handler:function (place) {
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                    createSpaceLink(container,, null, home.locale.linkText);

    config.macros.exportSpace = {
        handler:function (place, macroName, params) {
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                attr("href", filename).appendTo(place);

''Madeleine L'Engle (Camp – Franklin)''  (29 November 1918 – 6 September 2007)  American (New York City) writer best known for her children’s books, particularly //A Wrinkle In Time// (1962) which won the Newbery Medal.  Also a poet, essayist, non-fiction and Christian writer.

Look! Here I am, caught up in this fragment of chronology, in this bit of bone and flesh and water which makes up my mortal body, and yet I am also part of that which is not imprisoned in time or mortality. Partaker simultaneously of the finite and the infinte, I do not find the infinite by repudiating my [[finiteness|maturing to finiteness]], but by being fully in it, in this me who is more than I know. This me, like all of creation, lives in a glorious dance of communion with all the universe. In isolation we die; in interdependence we live.
– //A Stone for a Pillow: Journeys with Jacob//, page 90.

The challenge I face with children is the redemption of adulthood. We must make it evident that maturity is the fulfillment of childhood and adolescence, not a diminishing; that it is an affirmation of life, not a denial; that it is entering fully into our essential selves.
– //The Circle of Quiet//, page 106.

…I always look at one person or one thing in particular…I look at one blossom on the bough.  One little lizard sunning itself on the wall.  One orange.  One drop of rain as it slides down the windowpane.  When I look at one more carefully, then I know all better.
– Love Letters, pp 72-73.  (1966)

[[NYTimes Obituary: Madeleine L'Engle, Writer of Children's Classics|]]
!How Flowers Changed The World
Eiseley Curriculum Materials

Produced by the Loren [[Eiseley]] Society
by Michael W. Antrim

The following study guide presents questions relating to the Eiseley essay, How Flowers Changed the World (from The Immense Journey, published in 1957). The goal of this study guide is to help the student develop a better understanding and appreciation for the significance of the evolution of the angiosperms. Most biology textbooks will cover this material, but by taking advantage of the lively account of this subject matter by Eiseley, students may find it more intriguing and significant.

This study guide may be used by the teacher as he/she leads a class discussion or it may be used directly by students (working individually or in groups). Other references, including a biology text and a geologic time line will be necessary for this lesson.

It is interesting to note that plant fossils found in Nebraska figure prominently in the origin of the flowering plants. An outstanding reference to these fossils can be found in the August 1994 issue of Museum Notes (published by the University of Nebraska State Museum). This issue is titled, The Abominable Mystery of The First Flowers: Clues from Nebraska and Kansas, and is written by M.R. Bolick and R.K. Pabian. The Nebraska State Museum indeed features Nebraska fossils that represent perhaps the earliest angiosperms.


1. Describe the reproductive advances of gymnosperms in comparison to mosses and ferns.

2. Describe the reproductive advances of angiosperms in comparison to gymnosperms.

3. Place the following in the correct evolutionary sequence, from oldest to most recent: gymnosperms, ferns, algae, angiosperms.

4. Describe the adaptations of the following plant parts: pollen, seeds, fruits.

5. Explain the impact of the flowering plants on the animal kingdom.

A Study Guide

Information and directions: How Flowers Changed the World is an essay from Loren Eiseley's most popular book, The Immense Journey, published in 1957. After reading this essay, answer the following questions. You will also need to have access to a biology textbook and a geologic time line.


1. Eiseley states that observers from the far side of our solar system could have perceived only one change in the whole history of the planet Earth. Describe this change and explain what would have been responsible for it.

2. What is Eiseley referring to when he notes the wandering fingers of green?

3. What was the soundless, violent explosion that Eiseley refers to?

4. Why could this be referred to as an explosion?

First Land Plants

1. What type of plants were the first to appear on land?

2. Eiseley notes that these plants clung of necessity to swamps and watercourses and did not move to drier areas. Why were these plants not successful on drier land?

3. In these earlier land plants, how were sperm transferred from one plant to another?

4. Name the geologic era and period when the first land plants emerged? How many millions of years ago was this? What were the dominant land animals during this geologic time?

Animal Life

1. Eiseley describes the animal life in the Age of Reptiles (Mesozoic) using the following terms and phrases: ...a sleepier world... Tyrannosaurus...would stalk mindlessly... ...grave sleepwalking intentness... ...a world in slow motion...

According to Eiseley, what type of metabolism did these animals have, that justified descriptions? (note: today, dinosaur metabolism is a hotly debated issue; consider researching this issue further!)

2. Give a more thorough discussion of this type of metabolism. (use other resource material)

3. A high metabolic rate and the maintenance of a constant body temperature are characteristics of _ _ _ _ _ . Biologists use the term homeothermic to describe this type of metabolism. Why is this a more appropriate term?

4. What two groups (classes) of vertebrates have this type of metabolism?

5. According to Eiseley, what are some of the advantages of this type of metabolism.

6. Eiseley describes two demands for this type of metabolism. What are they?

7. Eiseley notes that the appearance of the flowering plants parallels the rise of birds and mammals. How did the rise of flowering plants affect the success of birds and mammals?

The Gymnosperms

1. What are some present-day examples of gymnosperms?

2. Name the geologic era and period when the first gymnosperms emerged? How many millions of years ago was this? Name some animals that lived during this time.

3. The sperm of these plants are contained in pollen grains. Eiseley notes that, because of this adaptation, the march over drier regions could be extended. Why did pollen allow these plants to be more successful than the earliest land plants?

4. Gymnosperms also were among the first group of plants to have seeds. A seed contains a young plant (embryo) and some nourishment (food source) for the young plant (see diagram of seed). What advantages does the seed give to the survival of the offspring.

5. Describe and sketch the life cycle of a gymnosperm. Include in your description the following: male cone, female cone, pollen, sperm, egg, seed. (use other resource material).

Angiosperms – the flowering plants

1. According to the geologic time line, when did the flowering plants first arise?

2. What animals were dominate during this period, when the flowering plants arose? Were mammals and birds very successful at this time?

3. Describe the dominate plant life on earth when the flowering plants first arose. (What is Eiseley referring to when he states that all is stiff, formal, upright and green, monotonously green.)

4. What was the source of the sharp, rending explosion that occurred in the Eiseley living room?

5. In addition to flowers, angiosperms have fruits. A fruit is a structure that covers the seed. The word angiosperm actually means _________ seed . What does the term gymnosperm mean? (use alternate resource)

6. The fruit is an important adaptation because it helps disperse (transport) the seed. Why is this an important adaptation to a plant species? (note the Eiseley statement, A plant, a fixed, rooted thing, immobilized in a single spot, had devised a way of propelling its offspring across open space.)

7. Were the wistaria pods in the Eiseley living room fruits? Why?

8. List several other fruits and means of seed dispersal that Eiseley thought of after discovering the exploded wistaria pod. (note: all all fruits edible?)

9. Using a biology textbook, sketch a diagram of a typical flower and label the following: anthers, pistil, ovary, petals, sepals. Under the diagram, state the function of the anthers, pistil, and ovary. Answer the following: (a) where do the seed form? (b) where does the fruit form? (c) what is the difference between pollination and fertilization?

10. Where the first flowering plants probably pollinated by wind or insects?

11. What is the advantage of insect pollination over wind pollination?

12. Eiseley states that the older (non-flowering) plants began to fade away under this unequal contest. Why did he refer to this as an unequal contest?

13. What are the three sources of food that come from flowering plants. How did these affect the success of warm-blooded animals that have high metabolism?

14. The term coevolution refers to the joint change of two interacting species. How does this apply to insects and flowering plants? (Include one example from the essay)

15. Grasses are flowering plants. Do grass flowers have large, colorful petals? How are grass flowers pollinated? Using examples from the essay, how did the success of the grasses affect the animal life on earth?

16. In the last paragraph of the essay, Eiseley states that, "The weight of a petal has changed the face of the world and made it ours." In your own words, write one paragraph summary of how flowers have indeed changed the world.
…these frayed strands
of the rope I held
ran back and back
to individual and diverse times

…hidden in ourselves
that code of DNA,
that secret spiral ladder
made up of bits and pieces of
the past that never dies
but lives entwined in us

…our fingers quick with stones;
our brains dreaming
lost ancient dreams
as well as throwing
ropes in the air as though to catch
what is uncatchable —
the future…

This is a heavy time to cast my rope.
I stand unmagical…
I let [[the cord]] fall and I climb on words,
swaying, ascending,
desperate as man
in the black dark
has always swung and climbed

…assembling along
the ever-lengthening rope
my own dismantled self,
the eye that weeps
salt tears
the mind cleansed
of its treason and unbelief.

Believe, oh do believe;
look up,
the rope is there
lent by that devious double agent, night.

Oh now we know
the rope is hidden in ourselves to climb.

—Excerpted from "The Rope" [[→|the cord]]
by Loren [[Eiseley]]
From Stanford's description of its educational program:
Symbolic Systems' affiliated faculty come from several departments at Stanford University, including Computer Science, Linguistics, Philosophy, Psychology, Communication, and Education. Our students are exposed to the tools of these disciplines -- formal methods, philosophical analysis, computer programming, and empirical research -- with the aim of being able to apply the appropriate tool(s) to a chosen area of specialization.

One representation/instantiation of a symbolic system could be the [[Glass Bead Game]].

Know that however ugly the parts appear
the whole remains beautiful. A severed hand
Is an ugly thing and man dissevered from the earth and stars
and his history... for contemplation or in fact...
Often appears atrociously ugly. Integrity is wholeness,
the greatest beauty is
Organic wholeness, the wholeness of life and things, the divine beauty
of the universe. Love that, not man
Apart from that, or else you will share man's pitiful confusions,
or drown in despair when his days darken.
"The Answer" (1936)

Its burden [the poem "Double Axe"], as of some previous work of mine, is to present a philosophical attitude, which might be called //Inhumanism//, a shifting of emphasis and significance from man to not-man; the rejection of human solipsism and recognition of the //transhuman// magnificence. It seems time that our race began to think as an adult does, rather than like an egocentric baby or insane person. This manner of thought and feeling is neither misanthropic nor pessimist, though two or three people have said so and may again. It involves no falsehoods, and is a means of maintaining sanity in slippery times; it has objective truth and human value. It offers a reasonable detachment as rule of conduct, instead of love, hate and envy. It neutralizes fanaticism and wild hopes; but it provides magnificence for the religious instinct, and satisfies our need to admire greatness and rejoice in beauty.
—Preface to The Double Axe and Other Poems (1948)

I think that one may contribute (ever so slightly) to the beauty of things by making one's own life and environment beautiful, as far as one's power reaches.This includes moral beauty, one of the qualities of humanity, though it seems not to appear elsewhere in the universe. But I would have each person realize that his contribution is not important, its success not really a matter for exaltation nor its failure for mourning; the beauty of things is sufficient without him.
(An office of tragic poetry is to show that there is beauty in pain and failure as much as in success and happiness.)
—Letter to Sister Mary James Power (1 October 1934); published in //The Wild God of the World : An Anthology of Robinson Jeffers// (2003), edited by Albert Gelpi, p. 189-190.

I think, here is your emblem
To hang in the future sky;
Not the cross, not the hive,
But this; bright power, dark peace;
Fierce consciousness joined with final
Life with calm death; the falcon’s
Realist eyes and act
Married to the massive
Mysticism of stone,
Which failure cannot cast down
Nor success make proud.
—"Rock and Hawk" in //Solstice and Other Poems// (1935)
|''Description''|Allows the rendering of svg images in a TiddlyWiki|
|''Notes''|Currently only works in modern browsers (not IE)|
{{{<<image SVG>>}}} will render the text of the tiddler with title SVG as an SVG image (but not in ie where it will fail silently)
width/height: specify width/height parameters
link: make the image link to a given location
tiddlyLink: link to a tiddler

Binary tiddlers in TiddlyWeb when passed through the wikifier will be shown as images.
eg. {{{<<view text wikified>>}}} on a binary tiddler will show the image.
{{{<<view fieldname image>>}}}
will render the value of the tiddler field 'fieldname' as an image. This field can contain a tid
{{{<<image SiteIcon>>}}}
will create an image tag where the tiddler has content type beginning image and not ending +xml
will attempt to create svg object in other scenarios
{{{<<image /photos/x.jpg>>}}}
will create an image tag with src /photos/x.jpg as long as there is not a tiddler called /photos/x.jpg in 
which case it will render that tiddler as an image. Note for the case of svg files it will attempt to render as an svg if possible via the image
tag. It doesn't embed the svg in the dom for security reasons as svg code can contain javascript.
(function($) {

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	isBinaryImageType: function(contentType) {
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			contentType.indexOf("+xml") != contentType.length - 4) ? true : false;
	isImageTiddler: function(tiddler) {
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	isSVGTiddler: function(tiddler) {
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	isBinaryImageTiddler: function(tiddler) {
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	renderImage: function(place, imageSource, options) {
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''Thomas Jefferson''  (2 April 1743 – 4 July 1826)  American statesman and polymath, principal author of the Declaration of Independence, of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, and Father of the University of Virginia (chartered in 1819.)  Also the third President of the United States (1801-1809), his presidency was marked by the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France and its subsequent exploration.

1927 prose poem by American writer Max Ehrmann (1872-1945)

Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.


I was introduced to this in the late 90s by my high school chemistry teacher Frank N–
From "[[Moticos and Mail Art: A History, part 2|]]", by Matt Ferranto

[[Ray Johnson]], however, rarely consented to show his work in galleries, and he instead became known as "New York’s most famous unknown artist." Throughout the 1950s and ‘60s, the artist developed the [[New York Correspondance School|NYCS]], a characteristic word play [on] ubiquitous art-by-correspondence courses; the "Correspondance" school further emphasized the intertwining relationships, the "dance" of giver and receiver, that Johnson had created through the post.

Mailing works of art directly to his correspondents, Johnson eroded the convention of buying and selling, instead initiating "an ongoing practice based on gifts, or gift exchange." Johnson’s motives for initiating these transactions, of course, remain diffuse and complex. As he noted in a 1984 interview with Henry Martin, "it’s not at all a cliché when I say that I have a kind of natural generosity and that this was the real basis of the New York Correspondance School." Yet his gifts accomplished many other objectives as well. When delivered to John Weber or Richard Feigen, for instance, they could serve as a means of charming his way into the edges of the New York art establishment. Their value to such recipients was a complex factor of formal characteristics, including word play and humorous drawings, and the means by which their delivery initiated these individuals into a private, somewhat mysterious society. In addition, Johnson’s "gifts" often constituted idiosyncratic combinations of word and image that were not immediately intelligible to many beneficiaries… Johnson’s mailings, while often keenly reflecting a sense of the recipient’s identity and interests, often projected a sense of responsibility as well.

In conjunction with his multiple approaches to the mailed object as a gift, Johnson recognized the postal system as an effective means of collaborating with numerous individuals. While most likely unaware of Bakhtin’s theories of [[Heteroglossia|]], which were not distributed in the West until the 1970s, Johnson’s Correspondance School nevertheless comprises a succinct, if peculiar and humorous, response to such ideas. The NYCS took a distinct step from the received notion of artworks as autonomous creations. Instead, its numerous mailings represented the interactions of numerous individuals and combined a wide range of rhetorical modes…

Recipients were encouraged to transform the art that they had received, then send it on to another receiver or return the changed object to the original sender. In this way artists became collaborators working on joint projects through the mail, and the NYCS grew into what Ken Friedman describes as a "whirling vortex of mailings and events." Madcap verbal associations and distinctive draftsmanship shaped Johnson’s mailings, which he called [[moticos]].
!!//Reading Obama: Dreams, Hope, and the American Political Tradition//
by James T. Kloppenberg

Obama arrived in Chicago with a mantra he said he had learned from Martin Luther King, Jr.:  //Love without power is mere sentimentality.  Power without love is dangerous.  Love plus power equals justice.//  Obama wanted to learn how to do the sum.  (Page 26)

In the address he delivered when accepting the Nobel Peace Price, Obama borrowed the eloquent image used by Martin Luther King, Jr.:  //Our actions matter, and can bend history in the direction of justice.//  But lasting reform occurs only slowly, and it can be consolidated only through patient and persistent persuasion, a willingness to admit mistakes, and a tireless commitment to taking one step at a time.  (Page 260)

At Harvard Law School … students learned that in the ~Anglo-American tradition of common law, precedents matter more than abstract principles.  (Page 64)

The power of our principles of liberty and equality depends not on the fervor with which they are proclaimed but on the deliberative process from which they have developed.  That process requires us to debate, test, and revise the meaning of our ideals in practice rather than genuflecting reverentially before them.  Only when we affirm the process of continuous and open-ended experimentation do we affirm the principle of democracy.  (Page 265, Conclusion)
The continuously experimental nature of our democracy is one of the organizing principles, or [[five great narratives (Postman)]] referred to in //[[The End of Education]]//.

Frequently references John [[Rawls]]'s //Theory of Justice//
''John Rawls'' (1921 – 2002)  US philosopher. His books //A Theory of Justice// (1971) and //Political Liberalism// (1993) consider the basic institutions of a just society as those chosen by rational people under conditions that ensure impartiality.
When John Rawls's //Theory of Justice// was published in 1971, it resuscitated American political theory, stimulating debate about fundamental principles and helping to inspire a scholarly renaissance.  In the assessment of the philosopher Alexander Nehamas, //A Theory of Justice// stands among the few books educated Americans might be embarrassed not to have read.  (Page 89 of //[[Reading Obama]]//)
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June 12, 2011

Dear Lily,

I am writing to tell you what I most want in our remaining years together, whether they be long or short.  Some of these desires will be rather lofty and abstract, but they are vitally important to me.  I will begin with those.

I want to be engaged and grateful in our present moment – when alone, together, with our children, or apart in the world. I want to avoid distractions and trivial worries as much as possible, or becoming caught in excesses of information and personal obsessions.  These have caused me to neglect you, Maya, and Aron in the past. 
I want to treat you with more respect. Extending that thought, I want to be more mindful and respectful in all my relationships and dealings in the world.  I mean a genuine respect, not merely self-censorship and restraint, false respect that is really deference or bolstering your ego but lacks empathy.

This respect means to settle my gaze on you lovingly and try to see the world in the light of your consciousness.  If I can't empathize with my [[Anam Cara]], then how could I ever with anyone?  The way of loving-kindness begins with my self, then my mate.

I want to raise our children together (approximately 20 years in front of us!), watch the flowering of their potential, and see them reach adulthood.  In the intervening years, I will give my greatest effort to provision for their happiness, be a 'provider' for the family, and be someone you can rely upon … like the sun coming up each morning.  You don't even wonder if it will happen, or if I will be there.

One of my delights is seeing part of you reborn in our children, particularly your female aspects in Maya.  She and Aron will grow up steeped in a respect of the feminine.  They will know their mother and father love each other, and will see its expression.  I have no memory of physical warmth between my parents, memories which I wish to give my children.

Together, I want to continue investigating the nature of the world, and discuss what we learn, conjecture, disagree with, and what still puzzles us.  Intellectual honesty is one of our strengths.  Another is our shared desire to see past all appearances and inadequate conventions that do not work for us.  We challenge each other's preconceptions and misconceptions.  We support each other in risks and bold endeavors.

I want to offer our children a practice of living that is the soundest and truest we can arrive at together.  It was together that we shook off theism, hoodoo, and a variety of other stories that lulled us during difficult and formative years.

Together, I believe we are seeing the conclusion of our 'formative' years.  Separately and privately we found who we are, while in the safety of this relationship, and we may have given each other the extra rocket boost to escape the gravitational pull of family and childhood history.  (Which so often is //inexorably// defining.)

You believed in me, and I want you to know that //''I believe in you''// – I who say that sparingly, who am a skeptic and critic at every opportunity.  I also believe in our combined synergy and the good realities we can make manifest from what we dream.

What do I want to manifest with you?  Some things we will do naturally and reliably, as we have for 10 years now … such as our home life.  I know that we will maintain a safe and sturdy home for ourselves.  [[Home is]] a refuge and a haven; yet, I want to relax the fears that compel me to keep the 'World' outside our home.  I want to let more of the world in and grow more socially confident.

We will maintain sufficient resources but tend toward the minimal, casting off whatever is extraneous, gradually releasing our attachment to stuff and stories.  Let us remove as much as we can without compromising a sense of beauty in our lives and home as a place of ease and repose.  Every underused piece of furniture, seldom referenced book, sentimental decoration, or unthinking habit should go.  I owe much of this philosophy to you, who adopted it first.

With your support and cooperation, I want to arrive at a particular dreamed-of moment:  Ahh… at last!  I am practicing right livelihood and am satisfied in my work.  What a happy day that will be.  I want Sunday evenings and Monday mornings to no longer be our dread.

My conflict over work has been long and persistent.  It is related to my incomplete and fragmentary education.  I want to 'right my course' in education and work, for my own peace, and so I may be a better human and father.  I ask for your help in this.  Ideally, I want to combine our talents and productive energies, working together or in complementary ways.

I also want to help you realize your aspirations, clear your blockages, and try at the endeavors you have dreamed of.  We may own a business.  We may travel.  We may home-school our children.  We may enter or found an intentional community.  We want to help people, and are still trying to figure out how.  The particulars have yet to manifest or even pass the threshold of germination, but that does not concern me.  I believe we are completing a solid foundation for the remainder of our life that will enable any thing or experience we desire.

I plan to arrange our lives in a way that minimizes clutter, confusion, and stagnancy.  I want to live in a well-ordered home where everything has a place.  Our activities will have a rhythm, and we will cultivate habits that preserve and clarify the home.  We will watch for and avoid the blockage circumstances which triggered arguments and resentments in the past.

We will speak openly, say what we mean and mean what we say.  I will learn to not over-commit.  I will avoid comparison to other people, and stop dwelling on perceived inadequacies that came from these comparisons.  I will be grateful and accepting of our imperfections, and relish the 'rough edges' of living as an art form.

I will cherish Maya and Aron always.  I will protect them, but not clutch or confine.  I will be the best possible model for them I can be … but more importantly //available,// warm and affectionate.  I intend to give you this same degree of cherishing and devotion.  You are not secondary to the children!  I just leave you to your own resources more often because you are an adult.

I believe that our sexuality flowered and fulfilled its ultimate purpose in creating Maya and Aron, yet has not been rendered irrelevant with the end of childbirth.  Affection and intimacy with you has been a deeply good and satisfying experience I hope to enjoy for many more years.  It will be a fluid and adaptive facet of our relationship, following no script or fixed expectations.  As in so many other things, that is our magic.

Lily, I want to gratefully and gracefully live my remaining years with you, my best friend.  Let us never forget that this friendship of souls, not circumstances, made //us// possible and gave us our children.  We have participated in the miracle of the human race renewing itself.  We have also enjoyed a rich life in the world apart from being parents, or even caras.  That is my last treasure – finding a reason to live sufficient unto itself, and walking that journey with you.

[[Isaac Asmiov, January 2|]]
[[William James, January 11|]]
[[Albert Schweitzer, January 14|]]
[[Virginia Woolf, January 25|]]
[[Martin Buber, February 8|]]
[[Frank Lloyd Wright, June 8|]]
[[Carl Jung. July 26|]]
[[Carl Sagan, November 9|]]

My Own [[Obituary]]
This is a blend of fiction and personal experiences, culminating in "breakthru" past a family mystery, my obsessions and childhood legends ... as well as a breakdown I never actually had.  I imagined and wrote out my nervous breakdown rather than succumb to it.  Other people's stories such as //House of Leaves// and the movie //A Beautiful Mind// provided stimulus.

The pieces below are cloaked behind pseudonyms and obscurantism, "memory jogs" to me of larger narratives.
~Y-Chromosome DNA signature: 
13 - 22 - ''9'' - 10 - ''14-19'' - 11 - 12 - 11 - 14 - 14 - ''29''
18 - 9-9 - 11 - ''13'' - 26 - 14 - 18 - ''36'' - ''16-16-16-16''

9 is distinctive to this ancestral cluster
14-19 is Murphy's
29 is Berry's
13 is distinctive to M70
36 is Randy's

Randy’s most frequent number chant:
“Thirteen-twenty-two-nine-ten-fourteen-nineteen-eleven-twelve-eleven-fourteen-fourteen-twenty-nine!  From the House, Cry out to You!  Six and ten; the Fourfold Fruit!”

In the second of the Twelve Minor Prophets in The Jewish Study Bible – begin at the sixteenth word “House” of the sixteenth verse of the sixteenth 'chapter', then count down sixteen lines to “You”

[img[From the House, Cry Out to You (Joel 1:16)|][]]
''From the House, Cry out to You''

[[The Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason|]]
“The world is my representation.”

Fourfold Fruit: Dharma (natural law), Artha (material), Kāma (pleasure), Moksha (liberation)

Another chant:  “Eleven-sixty-nine modulo sixteen is one!”	(page 1169 is Joel 1:16)

My face is red from weeping,			(Job 16:16)
A darkness has covered my eyes.
I have waited till they stopped speaking,	  (Job 32:16)
Waited for stillness to cease their reply.
Now I will have my say!			(Job 32:17)

(6 * 12 + 1) * (+ – – +) + 1

Prime Numbers – Green and Gold series (6n-1, 6n+1) likely non-serious mathematics
Randy was born at 5:07
Balanced Ternary number system, dozenal number system, alternate alphabet

Genealogy – [[My grandfather's wish]] – Wagner red herring, ~Y-DNA phylogeny, Y-chromosome ~STRs (short tandem repeats) and ~SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) – '~RecLOH event'
//Take caution://
Roger Highfield, in an article warning about the limits of DNA tests, quoted University of Texas, Austin’s Deborah Bolnick, who stressed that “the problems can be significant for the test-takers, who may hope to identify biological relatives, validate genealogical records and fill in gaps in their family histories. //‘Test-takers may reshape their personal identities, and they may suffer emotional distress if test results are unexpected or undesired.//'"  [emphasis mine]

Adopted name Tillman < anglicized from Tisztátlan < means ‘impure’ in Hungarian

Lugano, Switzerland – Herman Hesse, KLMU, JAMU

//Salvia divinorum// – dancing, ego dissolution

Cathedral of Learning, Castalia, Glass Bead Game

Actual [[Glass Bead Game]] play – Kennexions, Pilkington

//House of Leaves// – Zampanò, Johnny Truant – also borrow from //A Beautiful Mind//  (John F. Nash)

DGK (Dirty Ghetto Kids) reference from brother Mark’s breakdown, and their associated childhood history / trauma

''Correlation is not causation''

''Obsession'' and the curse of ''specialness''
From childhood's hour
I have not been as others were —
I have not seen as others saw …
In the dawn of a most stormy life was drawn 
From every depth of good and ill 
The mystery which binds me still…
—Edgar Allen Poe
Randy's age/life experience ratio, IQ, DNA; also height, handwriting, multiple bell curve outliers

''[[Fractal]] Theory of Consciousness''

//we are living fractals. everything living is a fractal. everything in the universe is [an] iteration in a fractal. perhaps this is why mandalas are so appealing.//
—Lily ~McCulloch

* Fine, detailed structure at arbitrary scales
* Consciousness as one of its //emergent properties//
* Irregularity that is not easily described in traditional geometric or scientific language
* //"Smoothly piling up surfaces" and "swirls upon swirls"//
* Multifractal scaling is characterized by more than one fractal dimension or scaling rule: a system in which a single exponent (the fractal dimension) is not enough to describe its dynamics.
* Multifractal systems are common in nature, especially ''geophysics''.
* An attractor is a set of physical properties toward which a system tends to evolve, regardless of the starting conditions of the system. Property values that get close enough to the attractor values remain close even if slightly disturbed.
* An attractor is called strange if it has a fractal structure … often the case when the dynamics on it are chaotic, but there also exist //strange attractors// which are not chaotic.
* Synchronicity and Collective Unconscious
* __Analogies__
* Constant movement of earth (geophysical / seismological) :: human nocturnal dreams;
* Geological fault lines :: the psychologically troubled :: boundary points or limits within 'the Fractal'.
* Only consciousness can be 'cursed', not houses, objects, or words.  The phenomena of ghosts or past-life memories are manifested in certain people, or regions of the fractal consciousness.  Curses go extinct when a biological line or family pattern ends; but the curse may have a 'correspondance'.
* 'Past-life incarnations' and 'doppelgangers' are [[correspondances]] across the Fractal’s symmetric regions.  Occasionally they co-exist in living bodies, but more often as potential, a similar consciousness forward or backward in time, and sometimes in a 'world that might be.'  Souls on the fractal boundaries will sometimes connect to these 'other / mirror souls' in stories, dreams, or hallucinations.

+++[Fractal Poem and Prose]
And so it is a strange and holy thing
To labor in the world and love its goals...
The causes of the world no longer run
From past to future only, but turn back…
And deepen every time, and add detail,
Until the finer focusings reveal
Innermore branchings, scale nested in scale,
The [[infinite attractor|Fractal]] of the real…
And if the world is far too interwoven
For us to justly act in it at all,
Yet action is the feedback of the given
From which the patterned world emerges in its fall.
—Frederick Turner, [[passage|passages]] from "Death Mass" in //Hadean Eclogues//

On your way here
Innumerable times you have been transformed
You have used your own body
to measure the age of the //__mountains and rivers__//.
You have manifested yourself
as trees, grass, butterflies, single-celled beings,
and as chrysanthemums
Who knows that the infinitely large must be found
in your tiny body?
Upon each point on your body,
thousands of Buddha fields have been established.
With each stretch of your body, you measure time
from the non-beginning to the never-ending.
—Thich Nhat Hanh, "[[The Old Mendicant]]"

To gaze deeply is to be ''broken''
To be seized by ''obscured things''
Inside your chest, a ''mute space expands''
Where //__mountains and desert__// undergo metamorphosis
Suspended in the eyes of the ''unforeseen''
—Mira Fong, "[[The Sublime Wants To Reach You]]"

In every object, //__mountain, tree, and star__// — in every birth and life,
As part of each — evolved from each — meaning, behind the ostent,
A mystic [[cipher|correspondances]] waits infolded.
—Walt [[Whitman]], Leaves of Grass

The reed — along with the //__grass, the mountain-top, and everything else__// — is the manifestation of a single, unitary ground. Alternatively called the Tao or the Void, this is an all-encompassing reality which permeates and shines through the “ten thousand things”, to borrow a phrase from Lao Tzu.
—Jonathan Weidenbaum,
"Why I am not a [[pantheist]] (Nor a panentheist)"

If we had a keen vision and feeling of all ordinary human life, it would be like hearing the grass grow and the squirrel's heart beat, and we should die of that roar which lies on the other side of silence.
–George Eliot

There's no presumption in joining in
on the //indescribable relation;//
the [[meshwork|the web is holy]] grows more and more ardent,
mere being-borne is not enough.
Take your practiced strengths and [[stretch|dig]] them
until they reach between two
contradictions . . . For far inside you
the god wishes to consult.
–Rainer Marie [[Rilke]]

William Sleator – author of //Strange Attractors// and
//The Boy Who Reversed Himself// which Randy read in the third grade:
I never forgot a few main elements: the protagonists Laura and Omar, and Sleator explaining through character dialogue some dimensional mechanics such as 2D and 3D cross-sections, and introducing the 4D directions //ana// and //kata//: which in 4-space are the pair orthogonal to 3D left/right, up/down, and foward/backward.
I also remember the book's conclusion when a much higher-dimension being explained to the adolescent Laura and Omar about the hierarchy of dimensions, and how every gateway between them is hidden/protected ... so that we don't abuse 2D beings, 4D beings don't abuse us, and so on, higher upward infinitely(?)
//New Kind of Science// (Wolfram), the real math of [[Fractal]]s (Mandelbrot), Dynabook (Alan Kay)

Literate Programming (Knuth), GBG language, "Notation as a Tool of Thought" (Iverson), [[TOK|The City of Mind]] (Le Guin), boustrophedon text

Etymology, OED, AHD, which Randy received at high school graduation

Oz – children’s literature at large – Randy's early childhood 'making movies' – rich inner dreamscapes

ACIM – specialness, Ego, illusion – 'granting myself permission' as did S. [[Jobs]], H. [[Schucman|ACIM 32 - I invented the world I see]], J. Smith

Domestication (''home''), human suffering (

Karl Stevenson the 'Merchant Prince' who employs Randy in Plumley, South Dakota

Manufacturing – bookstore – inner conflict of leader, manager or amanuensis

Hesse's crisis of ca. 1913, work under a first-generation Jungian analyst

Joanna Newsom lyrics

Sexual 'acting-out' began in August 2012 (and earlier in the summer and fall of 2000)

Buddhism – Quakerism – //[[Evangelii Gaudium]]//

[[Eiseley]], [[Paz]], [[Rilke]], [[Buber]] //[[Ich und Du]]//, [[Jung]], [[Hesse]], Cummings, [[Escher]] – and all his other [[Influences]]

J.T. Fraser //[[Of Time, Passion, and Knowledge|Human condition]]//
''ego'' //noun// – the self. @@color(grey):{ Latin //''ego'' 'I'// }@@
According to //Chambers Dictionary of Etymology//, the word //ego// was used 1789 in William Cowper's //Letters//, but probably much earlier as suggested by the use of //ego// in formations such as ''egotism'' (which appeared in 1714, as the excessive use of //"I, me, my,"// in writings of Joseph Addison in //The Spectator//; the word ''egotist'' was also introduced by Addison in the same essay.)
The sense of conceit, egotism is first recorded in English in 1891, in Rudyard Kipling's //The Light that Failed//, but may also have been used much earlier as suggested by ''egotism'' used in the sense of selfishness, and ''egoism'' self-interest.
The psychoanalytic sense of the conscious part of the mind (contrasted with //id//) appeared in 1910, in a translation from Sigmund Freud of German //Ich//, literally, I.
''egotistical'' //adjective// – appeared 1825 in (Zachary?) Macaulay's works, formed from English //egotist// + //-ical.//
It also has seemed to me that //ego// has a particular meaning in Buddhist or Eastern philosophies, as they have migrated to the West.

//Ego// is used extensively in //A Course in Miracles.//
|''Description:''|Provides support for {{{<<tiddler Foo@bar>>}}} and {{{<<tiddler [[Foo]]@bar>>}}}|
|''Author:''|Jon Robson|
|''License:''|[[BSD License|]] |
|''Comments:''|Please make comments at |
(function() {
	var _tidtext = TiddlyWiki.prototype.getTiddlerText;
	var cache = {};

	// allmost the same regExp as in TiddlySpaceLinkPlugin but .. no "mg" parameter, because it didn't work for this usecase.
	config.textPrimitives.spacenameLinkRegExp = new RegExp(config.textPrimitives.unWikiLink + 
													 "?(" + config.textPrimitives.bareTiddlerLetter + "*)@(" + config.textPrimitives.spaceName + ")", "");
	config.textPrimitives.tiddlyLinkSpacenameLinkRegExp = new RegExp("\\[\\[(.*?)(?:\\|(.*?))?\\]\\]@(" + config.textPrimitives.spaceName + ")", "");
	TiddlyWiki.prototype.getTiddlerText = function(title, defaultText) {
		var ct = config.textPrimitives;
		var match = ct.spacenameLinkRegExp.exec(title);	// foo@bar
		var match2 = ct.tiddlyLinkSpacenameLinkRegExp.exec(title); 	// [[foo]]@bar
		if(match || match2) {
		//	console.log('inner: ', 'spacename: ', match, 'tiddlyLink: ', match2, 'place: ');
			var tidtitle, space;
			if(match[1] && match.length === 3) {
				tidtitle = match[1];
				space = match[2];
			} else if(match2 && match2.length === 4) {
				tidtitle = match2[1];
				space = match2[3];
			var newtitle = tidtitle + "@" + space;
			if(tidtitle && space) {
				title = newtitle;
			if(tidtitle && space && !store.getTiddler(newtitle)) {
				var tiddler = new Tiddler(title);
				// get the tiddler, where the macro is rendered. //XXX will need more testing
				var el = story.findContainingTiddler(place);
				var refreshTitle = (el) ? el.getAttribute('tiddler') : null;

				tiddler.text = "//retrieving from server//";
				tiddler.fields.doNotSave = "true";
				tiddler.tags = ["excludeLists", "excludeSearch", "excludeMissing"];
				merge(tiddler.fields, config.defaultCustomFields);
				tiddler.fields["server.bag"] = space + "_public";
				tiddler = store.addTiddler(tiddler);
				ajaxReq({ url: "/bags/" + space + "_public/tiddlers/" + tidtitle,
					dataType: "json",
					success: function(tid) {
						var tiddler = store.getTiddler(title);
						tiddler.text = tid.text;
						// store.notify(title,true);
						// story.refreshAllTiddlers(); // hacky but above link doesn't always seem to work!
					error: function() {
						var tiddler = store.getTiddler(title);
						tiddler.text = "//error retrieving tiddler {{{" + title + "}}} from space @" + space + "//";
						// store.notify(title,true);
						// story.refreshAllTiddlers(); // hacky but above link doesn't always seem to work!
		return _tidtext.apply(this, [title, defaultText]);
//"Here I am, caught up in this fragment of chronology, in this bit of bone and flesh and water..."//  ([[L'Engle]])

Yevgeny Yevtushenko

//In any one who dies there dies with him
his first snow, first kiss, and first fight ...
Not people die but worlds die in them ...

Yes, books and bridges remain,
and painted canvas and machinery,
yes, much is sentenced to remain,
but something really departs all the same!

We remember people, sinful and earthly.
But what did we know, in essence, about them?
What do we know of brothers, sisters, friends?
What do we know of our one and only?
And about our own fathers,
knowing everything, we know nothing.

They perish. They cannot be brought back.
Their secret worlds are not regenerated.
And every time I want again
to cry out against the unretrievableness.//
I prefer the second translation below, in all places except for the line //"Not people die but worlds die in them ..."//

The following comments and two translations were copied from:

//This was copied by a stranger on the back of a paper wrapper, passed on to me by a friend during class. That was in 2004. The note said, “Of course I find you pretty,” but I don’t think it was for me. The poem though—I was meant to read it.//


Yevgeny Yevtushenko

No people are uninteresting.
Their fate is like the chronicle of planets.

Nothing in them is not particular,
and planet is dissimilar from planet.

And if a man lived in obscurity
making his friends in that obscurity
obscurity is not uninteresting.

To each his world is private,
and in that world one excellent minute.

And in that world one tragic minute.
These are private.

In any man who dies there dies with him
his first snow and kiss and fight.
It goes with him.

There are left books and bridges
and painted canvas and machinery.
Whose fate is to survive.

But what has gone is also not nothing:
by the rule of the game something has gone.
Not people die but worlds die in them.

Whom we knew as faulty, the earth’s creatures
Of whom, essentially, what did we know?

Brother of a brother? Friend of friends?
Lover of lover?

We who knew our fathers
in everything, in nothing.

They perish. They cannot be brought back.
The secret worlds are not regenerated.

And every time again and again
I make my lament against destruction.


//Here is another version, from a book I bought years later://

''“No people are…”''
Yevgeny Yevtushenko
Translated by Albert C. Todd

            To S. Preobrazhenski

No people are uninteresting.
Their destinies are like histories of planets.
Nothing in them is not particular,
and no planet is like another.

And if someone lives in obscurity,
befriending that obscurity,
he is interesting to people
by his very obscurity.

Everyone has his own secret, private world.
In that world is a finest moment.
In that world is a tragic hour,
but it is all unknown to us.

And if someone dies
there dies with him his first snow,
and first kiss, and first fight.
He takes it all with him.

Yes, books and bridges remain,
and painted canvas and machinery,
yes, much is sentenced to remain,
but something really departs all the same!

Such is the law of the pitiless game.
It’s not people who die, but worlds.
We remember people, sinful and earthly.
But what did we know, in essence, about them?

What do we know of brothers, of friends?
What do we know of our one and only?
And about our own fathers,
knowing everything, we know nothing.

They perish. They cannot be brought back.
Their secret worlds are not regenerated.
And every time I want again
to cry out against the unretrievableness.
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|Documentation for SearchOptionsPlugin|
Extend core search function with additional user-configurable options including selecting which data items to search, enabling/disabling incremental key-by-key searches, and generating a ''list of matching tiddler'' instead of immediately displaying all matches.  This plugin also adds syntax for rendering 'search links' within tiddler content to embed one-click searches using pre-defined 'hard-coded' search terms.
!!!!!Search link Syntax
To insert a 'search link' into tiddler content, you can write:
[search[text to find]]
[search[text to display|text to find]]
Clicking on the resulting search link will trigger the search functionality, just as if the specified 'text to find' had been entered into the standard search input field usually displayed in the document sidebar.
!!!!!Inline output: search macro syntax
Alternatively, to embed search results lists directly into your tiddler content, you can use:
<<search "text" report>> (report is a literal keyword)
<<search "text" "heading" "separator">> (simple inline generator)
!!!!!Inline output examples:
*+++*[&lt;&lt;search "wood"&gt;&gt;]>...
<<search "wood">>

*+++*[&lt;&lt;search "wood" "/%%/"&gt;&gt;]>...
<<search "wood" "/%%/">>

*+++*[&lt;&lt;search "wood" "See also: "&gt;&gt;]>...
<<search "wood" "See also: ">>

*+++*[&lt;&lt;search "wood" "See also:\n*" "\n*"&gt;&gt;]>...
<<search "wood" "See also:\n*" "\n*">>

*+++*[&lt;&lt;search "wood" report=list "See also:"&gt;&gt;]>...
<<search "wood" report=list "See Also:" >>

*+++*[&lt;&lt;search "wood" report&gt;&gt;]>...
<<search "wood" report>>

*+++*[&lt;&lt;search "wood" report=&gt;&gt;]>...
<<search "wood" report=>>

*+++*[&lt;&lt;search "wood" report=all&gt;&gt;]>...
<<search "wood" report=all>>

*+++*[&lt;&lt;search "wood" report=summary+buttons+again+list&gt;&gt;]>...
<<search "wood" report=summary+buttons+again+list>>

*+++*[&lt;&lt;search "wood" report=summary+again&gt;&gt;]>...
<<search "wood" report=summary+again>>

*+++*[&lt;&lt;search "wood" report=summary&gt;&gt;]>...
<<search "wood" report=summary>>

<<tiddler SearchOptions>><<option chkSearchResultsOptions>> Include {{{options...}}} slider in "search again" form
>//Note: You can customize the search options display by editing the [[SearchOptions]] shadow tiddler.  You can also embed these options in your content by using any of the following standard TiddlyWiki macros://
<<tiddler SearchOptions>>
<<slider chkSearchOptions [[SearchOptions]] options "show search options">>
<<tabs chkSomeCookieName ... "options" "show search options" [[SearchOptions]] ... >>
2011.04.08 3.0.10 fixed typo in CSS in formatSearchResults_buttons().  Restore missing options in Configuration section.
2011.03.18 3.0.9 moved configuration controls to [[SearchOptions]] shadow tiddler
2010.05.03 3.0.8 added chkSearchResultsOptions to allow/omit the "options..." slider from the "search again" form
2010.02.25 3.0.7 in formatSearchResults_list, added declaration of local 'co' variable
2009.09.22 3.0.6 in, added 'match' param for core compatibility
2009.01.16 3.0.5 added chkSearchOpenTiddlers option to limit searches to displayed tiddlers only
2009.01.15 3.0.4 in formatSearchResults_list(), corrected link generation to properly handle single-quotes and double-quotes in tiddler titles
2009.01.09 3.0.3 added chkSearchHighlight to optionally disable highlighting of matched text
2009.01.05 3.0.2 in formatSearchResults_list(), set/clear 'highlightHack' via HTML links so that search term will be highlighted when displaying tiddlers.
2008.10.14 3.0.1 changed panel class from "tiddler" to "searchPanel" and added style definition for "searchPanel".  Fixes ticket #771 (in IE, links from search results were reporting errors due to "fake" tiddler class wrapper)
2008.10.02 3.0.0 added optional list of tags to use for excluding tiddler from searches (default="excludeLists").
2008.09.24 2.9.9 performance improvment to reportSearchResults(): when rendering a real SearchResults tiddler, store.notify() isn't needed since the results tiddler is always explicitly closed and redrawn each time.
2008.09.20 2.9.8 corrected createPanel() and renderPanel() so toolbar will be correctly shown/hidden on mouseover/mouseout.
2008.09.19 2.9.7 fixes to panel handling for IE, Safari, and others.  Changed panel id to #searchPanel and added .searchResults CSS class wrapper around panel content.  Fixed fold/unfold handling.
2008.09.18 2.9.6 refactored panel handling code, added 'fold/unfold' panel toolbar command, added dynamic 'title' (shows search term), added txtIncrementalSearchMin option
2008.09.17 2.9.5 added focus and cursor handling for 'search again' field in #searchResults DIV report so that an incremental key-by-key search doesn't interfere with continuous typing into the field.
2008.09.17 2.9.4 fix 'flicker' when updating #searchResults DIV by wikify()ing to an 'offscreen' DIV and then using replaceChild() instead of using removeChildren() followed by wikify()
2008.09.16 2.9.3 changed report layout, added "search again" and collapsible 'options' section with incremental search checkbox and "txtIncrementalSearchDelay" timer tweak to onKeyPress()
2008.08.25 2.9.2 added animation to search results DIV.  Also, the #searchResults DOM element is only auto-created if it does not exist ... and when closed, the DIV is simply hidden rather than removed.  This allows custom placement of search results report in the PageTemplate definition.
2008.08.23 2.9.1 story column search results uses {{{<<moveablePanel>>}}}
2008.08.22 2.9.0 default is now to show search results at top of story column, similar to FND's SimpleSearchPlugin display, with an option to generate SearchResults tiddler as before.  Also changed 'chkSearchIncremental' to 'chkIncrementalSearch' to match core option variable
2008.08.12 2.8.2 change default for chkSearchByDate back to FALSE, and adjusted "list" and "again" output formats (minor tweaks requested by PhilWhitehouse for use on
2008.08.11 2.8.1 changed defaults for chkSearchTitlesFirst, chkSearchList and chkSearchShadows to TRUE to enable enhanced search results output as soon as plugin is installed.
2008.06.21 2.8.0 added extended syntax for {{{<<search "text" report heading>> and <<search "text" "heading" "seperator">>}}}
2008.05.03 2.7.1 in searchLink formatter handler(), use separate setAttribute() call instead of passing attribs to createTiddlyButton().  Avoids conflict with errant code in TiddlerNotesPlugin (v2.1 26/10/07)
2008.04.29 2.7.0 added searchLink formatter (syntax: {{{[search[text]]}}} or {{{[search[display|text]]}}})
2008.04.08 2.6.2 don't automatically add options to AdvancedOptions shadow tiddler
2007.02.17 2.6.1 added redefinition of to restore check to bypass key-by-key searching (i.e., when chkSearchIncremental==false), which had been unintentionally removed with v2.6.0
2007.02.13 2.6.0 remove redefinition of since core now includes handling for ENTER key.
2007.02.08 2.5.1 include 'temporary' tag when creating SearchResults (for use with TemporaryTiddlersPlugin)
2007.01.29 2.5.0 added support for "sort results by date".  Default is to sort alphabetically (standard).  When sorted by dates, most recent changes are shown first
2006.10.10 2.4.0 added support for "search in tiddler data" (tiddler.fields)  Default is to search extended data.
2006.04.06 2.3.0 added support for "search in shadow tiddlers".  Default is *not* to search in the shadows (i.e. standard TW behavior).  Note: if a shadow tiddler has a 'real' counterpart, only the real tiddler is searched, since the shadow is inaccessible for viewing/editing.
2006.02.03 2.2.1 rewrite timeout clearing code and blank search text handling to match 2.0.4 core release changes.  note that core no longer permits "blank=all" searches, so neither does this plugin.  To search for all, use "." with text patterns enabled.
2006.02.02 2.2.0 in search.handler(), KeyHandler() function clears 'left over' timeout when search input is < 3 chars.  Prevents searching on shorter text when shortened by rapid backspaces (<500msec)
2006.02.01 2.1.9 in, correct inverted logic for using/not using regular expressions when searching
also, blank search text now presents "No search text.  Continue anyway?" confirm() message box, so search on blank can still be processed if desired by user.
2006.02.01 2.1.8 in doSearch(), added alert/return if search text is blank
2006.01.20 2.1.7 fixed setting of so that Tweaks can override it.
2006.01.19 2.1.6 improved SearchResults formatting, added a "search again" form to the report (based on a suggestion from MorrisGray)
define results report title using instead of hard-coding the tiddler title
2006.01.18 2.1.5 Created separate functions for reportSearchResults(text,matches) and discardSearchResults(), so that other developers can create alternative report generators.
2006.01.17 2.1.4 Use instead of regExp.test() to scan for matches.  Correctd the problem where only half the matching tiddlers (the odd-numbered ones) were being reported.
2006.01.15 2.1.3 Added information (date/time, username, search options used) to SearchResults output
2006.01.10 2.1.2 use displayTiddlers() to render matched tiddlers.  This lets you display multiple matching tiddlers, even if SinglePageModePlugin is enabled.
2006.01.08 2.1.1 corrected invalid variable reference, "txt.value" to "text" in
2006.01.08 2.1.0 re-write to match new, and functions.
2005.12.30 2.0.0 Upgraded to TW2.0.  When rendering SearchResults tiddler, closeTiddler() first to ensure display is refreshed.
2005.12.26 1.4.0 added option to search for matching text in tiddler tags
2005.12.21 1.3.7 use \\ to 'escape' single quotes in tiddler titles when generating "Open all matching tiddlers" link.  Also, added access key: "O", to trigger "open all" link.  Based on a suggestion by UdoBorkowski.
2005.12.18 1.3.6 call displayMessage() AFTER showing matching tiddlers so message is not cleared too soon
2005.12.17 1.3.5 if no matches found, just display message and delete any existing SearchResults tiddler.
2005.12.17 1.3.4 use {/%%/{/%%/{  and }/%%/}/%%/} to 'escape' display text in SearchResults tiddler to ensure that formatting contained in search string is not rendered.  Based on a suggestion by UdoBorkowski.
2005.12.14 1.3.3 tag SearchResults tiddler with 'excludeSearch' so it won't list itself in subsequent searches. Based on a suggestion by UdoBorkowski.
2005.12.14 1.3.2 added "open all matching tiddlers..." link to search results output. Based on a suggestion by UdoBorkowski.
2005.12.10 1.3.1 added "discard search results" link to end of search list tiddler output for quick self-removal of 'SearchResults' tiddler.
2005.12.01 1.3.0 added chkSearchIncremental to enable/disable 'incremental' searching (i.e., search after each keystroke) (default is ENABLED).
added handling for Enter key so it can be used to start a search. Based on a suggestion by LyallPearce
2005.11.25 1.2.1 renamed from SearchTitleOrTextPlugin to SearchOptionsPlugin
2005.11.25 1.2.0 added chkSearchList option.  Based on a suggestion by RodneyGomes
2005.10.19 1.1.0 added chkSearchTitlesFirst option.  Based on a suggestion by ChristianHauck
2005.10.18 1.0.0 Initial Release.  Based on a suggestion by LyallPearce.
Good is the flesh that the Word has become,
good is the birthing, the milk in the breast,
good is the feeding, caressing and rest,
good is the body for knowing the world,
Good is the flesh that the Word has become.

Good is the body for knowing the world,
sensing the sunlight, the tug of the ground,
feeling, perceiving, within and around,
good is the body, from cradle to grave,
Good is the flesh that the Word has become.

Good is the body from cradle to grave,
growing and ageing, arousing, impaired,
happy in clothing or lovingly bared,
good is the pleasure of God in our flesh.
Good is the flesh that the Word has become.

Good is the pleasure of God in our flesh,
longing in all, as in {Buddha} to dwell,
glad of embracing, and tasting, and smell,
good is the body, for good and for God,
Good is the flesh that the Word has become.
Randy M–––––, née Randall Francis Tillman, died at home on Saturday afternoon, ––––––––  ––, 207–.  He was surrounded by his children and grandchildren in the house where he had lived and worked the past three decades.

Randy was an active member of his community past his ninetieth birthday.  He never tired of <<tag reading>>, writing, teaching, and debating on what he called “the great concerns of my generation.”  These were fueled by his endless curiosity across a range of fields.  Randy was largely self-taught in history, [[anthropology|Oikos Philos Anthropos Logos]], and several pursuits in citizen science and the humanities.  He self-published his writings in print and electronically, then championed new approaches to mass communication and collaboration, issuing the challenge: [[after technology|Evocative Technology]], comes what?  He became a respected voice in social activism circles and the [[Quaker]] Society of Friends, to which he belonged for sixty years.

Randy made a first career in Western Nebraska, managing a factory that produced machine parts.  He spent over a decade supporting his young family from that work.  While in Nebraska, he and his wife Lily bought the last bookstore in their community that sold used and new printed books.  Randy [[left industrial work|what I see and desire]] and experimented with various forms of writing, teaching, and agrarian lifestyles through the early 2020s.

Randy fulfilled a dream of his youth graduating from the University of Pittsburgh's [[School|Library Science]] of [[Arts|art]] and Sciences, where he studied at the [[Cathedral of Learning]].  With colleagues he met there, Randy co-founded the [[Village University]] and built several houses and community buildings upon the principles of Frank Lloyd [[Wright]].  Randy lived and worked at the Village, maintaining ties with the Cathedral of Learning and the [[University of Virginia|Academical Village]].  He sponsored Buddhist and Quaker gatherings throughout the Northeastern U.S.

He published and was best known under the name Randy M–––––, taken from the patrilineal name of his great-grandfather, an [[orphan|My grandfather's wish]] with the adopted name Tillman.  His chosen surname was discovered by Randy's research and [[DNA|Breakthru]] testing early in the history of genetic genealogy.

Randy was the oldest son of N––– Tillman and C––– Williams, born on September ––, 19–– in Colorado.  He married L.K.M. on December ––, 20––.  He is survived by their children Maya and Aron, several grandchildren and great-grandchildren, his brother M––– and sister A–––, nieces, nephews, and many colleagues and former students whom he counted among his family.

Randy was healthy, energetic, and creative through his final years.  His son and daughter were the greatest pride of his life.  He delighted in spending time with them, as well as watching their children and grandchildren grow up.  Marveling at each transition from childhood, he would quote a favorite author Madeleine [[L'Engle]]: "Maturity is the fulfillment of childhood…not a diminishing; an affirmation of life, not a denial…it is entering fully into our essential selves."
[[Replies and Notifications]]

all listed by frequency
results from

words ending in spect
respect  |  aspect  |  prospect  |  suspect  |  circumspect  |  disrespect  |  inspect  |  introspect  |  retrospect  |  self-respect  |  reinspect   (total: 11)

words ending in vide
provide  |  divide

words ending in vision
television  |  division  |  provision  |  vision  |  envision  |  prevision  |  revision  |  subdivision  |  supervision   (total: 9)

words ending in vise
advise  |  devise  |  improvise  |  revise  |  supervise  |  televise  |  vise  |  passivise   (total: 8)

advice  |  device
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xl="" version="1.1" viewBox="301 225 48 52"
width="30" height="30">
<g stroke="none" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-dasharray="none" fill="none" fill-opacity="1">
		<path d="M 333.00003 234 L 306 258.75003 L 301.5 270 L 312.75 265.50003 L 339.75 240.74998 Z M 337.5 229.50002 
		L 335.24988 231.75008 L 341.99997 238.50003 L 344.24997 236.24995 Z M 342 225.00003 L 339.74988 227.25009 
		L 346.5 234.00005 L 348.75 231.75003 Z M 301.5 273.9719 C 301.5 273.9719 309.59888 277.99927 317.70013 273.97183 
		C 325.80066 269.94437 341.99997 276.65686 341.99997 276.65686 L 341.99997 273.97195 
		C 341.99997 273.97195 325.80014 267.2594 317.70013 271.28687 C 309.6 275.31451 301.5 271.28683 301.5 271.28683 Z" 
		fill="#101010" class="glyph"/>
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Loss List – inspiration from [[SARK]], page 166 of //Glad No Matter What//
#Loss of my “clean reputation” and “good name” – the fear of lurking scandals to-be bars me from public interactions.  //What story does this tell?//  —The story of belonging in a social group, my desire to have others’ admiration, fear of embarrassment and exclusion from the group’s social workings.
#Loss of “normal” school experience – especially the idealized social experience of high school and college years I did not have.
#Loss of my youth – the innocent young boy (in the kindergarten picture), followed by teenage years spent in family turmoil, and the last 10 years employed in manufacturing.
#Loss of the prime cognitive learning time of my life – so I’ve read – and my failure as a traditional student. My heart aches a little when I think about the [[Cathedral of Learning]].  I feel that I lost or squandered my opportunity for education.  It closes some doors of employment opportunity.
#Loss of relationship with Dad – I miss having a frank and genuine interaction.
#Loss of role models within my biological family.  Who do I want to be like?  Whose example can I follow?
#Loss of relationship with my brother A–.  I abandoned him and the opportunity to make a positive difference in his formative years.
#Loss of friendship with L–.  I recognize my pattern of abandoning friends – this is a choice I can change.
#Loss of freedom or “carefree” time unencumbered by provider responsibilities to my wife and children.
//''My lack of confidence is a retrievable loss, subject to my choices and attitudes.''//

Reflections of May 28, 2011
• What purpose does this list serve?  Review SARK's recommendation in her book.

Also, I now want to juxtapose this list with an [[Abundant List]].
@@color(grey):{ French //''juxtaposer''// < Latin //__juxta__ 'next'// + French //__poser__ 'to place.'// }
{ Latin //''abundare'' 'overflow,'// < //__ab__- 'from' + __undare__ 'surge'// < //__unda__ 'a wave'.// }@@
Many quotations or excerpts appearing in this wiki provide a hyperlink to their sources.  These are listed in the [[Source List]] in the sequence I created them.

Throughout the wiki, these links appear in superscript, numbered and enclosed in brackets.  A handful of these such as ^^[[[1]|Not all those who wander]]^^ point to another entry in the wiki citing the full passage in more context.
More source links are like ^^[[[2]|]]^^ and point to an external copy of the original source.

All wiki entries containing a source link can be retrieved with the [[Search Wiki]] tool, if they are consistent with the bracketed superscript ^^[x]^^ form.
Nothing more than a Taoist, Ray knew who he was in the sense that he was a master of correspondence. When Ray said he invented the [[New York Correspondence School|NYCS]] , it was more than a cute way of linking people up. Ray's School has most often been cited as a pun on the word "dance," and indeed it was, but the third element in that triangulation seems to have been forgotten—the French spelling of the word. And let us not forget that [[Correspondances|correspondances]] is the name of one of Baudelaire's poems. In his //L'art Romantique//, Baudelaire says correspondences are "the affinities which exist between spiritual states and states in nature; those people who are aware of these correspondences become artists and their art is of value only in so far as it is capable of expressing these mysterious relationships...

Ray's rigourous art of free association can easily be dismissed by those without the hearty tenacity required to follow the links from one correspondance to another. On the surface it is deceptively child-like but the myriad ways any two elements intersect is worthy of scholarly study. That is why a reappraisal of Ray is important at this time. In this two bit, sound bite, simulated world, Ray's work is an unlikely antidote—requiring effort and patience to "get" it. It is holographic in that every minute piece contains the whole. To follow any one of the threads reveals his entire world. The more one delves into it, the more there is to explore as each piece is integrated with every other. But this hard work is infinitley rewarding. The triangulation is the structure on which a complex and far-reaching labyrinth of associations is built. While it is impossible to arrive at the end of this maze, any attempt to do so is enlightening for its own sake, revealing subtle truths about our world via his. Ray's clever pallette remains profoundly punctuated with the forgotten details that other people's lives would be made of, if we only had the time to ponder such things.

–Mark Bloch,
From //The Noble Eightfold Path: Way to the End of Suffering//
by Bhikkhu Bodhi

Right view is the forerunner of the entire path, the guide for all the other factors. It enables us to understand our starting point, our destination, and the successive landmarks to pass as practice advances. To attempt to engage in the practice without a foundation of right view is to risk getting lost in the futility of undirected movement.

The importance of right view can be gauged from the fact that our perspectives on the crucial issues of reality and value have a bearing that goes beyond mere theoretical convictions. They govern our attitudes, our actions, our whole orientation to existence. Our views might not be clearly formulated in our mind; we might have only a hazy conceptual grasp of our beliefs. But whether formulated or not, expressed or maintained in silence, these views have a far-reaching influence. They structure our perceptions, order our values, crystallize into the ideational framework through which we interpret to ourselves the meaning of our being in the world.

These views then condition action. They lie behind our choices and goals, and our efforts to turn these goals from ideals into actuality. The actions themselves might determine consequences, but the actions along with their consequences hinge on the views from which they spring. Since views imply an "ontological commitment," a decision on the question of what is real and true, it follows that views divide into two classes, right views and wrong views. The former correspond to what is real, the latter deviate from the real and confirm the false in its place. These two different kinds of views, the Buddha teaches, lead to radically disparate lines of action, and thence to opposite results. If we hold a wrong view, even if that view is vague, it will lead us towards courses of action that eventuate in suffering. On the other hand, if we adopt a right view, that view will steer us towards right action, and thereby towards freedom from suffering. Though our conceptual orientation towards the world might seem innocuous and inconsequential, when looked at closely it reveals itself to be the decisive determinant of our whole course of future development. The Buddha himself says that he sees no single factor so responsible for the arising of unwholesome states of mind as wrong view, and no factor so helpful for the arising of wholesome states of mind as right view. Again, he says that there is no single factor so responsible for the suffering of living beings as wrong view, and no factor so potent in promoting the good of living beings as right view.
i want to tell you stories but i struggle with the critic within…they are stories about more than love and loss - they are about the very fabric of our humanity. the whispering self knows that what wishes to be written is too contrite - the involved stories that have developed in the mind can hardly be expressed in mere words - they live more in the mind-images that have created them and made them whole.

we are boundless creatures of an impenetrable night - we are fighting and struggling with the demons and the daemons in our minds, and finding that in the struggle, nothing solid comes - just the words and the motions and the dark veil of night falling soft upon our lips - as we arch seeking the light of the rising@@color:grey;font-size:80%;^^★^^@@ moon.

we are princes in the kingdom of the solitary queen - and there is nothing we can do to overcome the severe depression and anger that has fallen there in her absence - who dares covet such a thing as a kingdom when a queen is in charge - all homes of the king are banished to the realms of thought and angered accusation - //j'accuse// - my friend - ''i accuse you of all that i can not bear to blame on myself'' - of all that is laid barren by the thought of touch in the land of the extreme.

@@color:grey;font-size:80%;^^★^^@@ @@color:grey;Bold emphasis is mine; all lowercase is Lily's. Edited in one place to state the //rising// moon (Lily wrote "setting") which follows with "night //falling// soft upon our lips" - a logical change to me, at least.

//j'accuse// - I accuse; a bitter denunciation.
I have gathered a garland of other men's flowers, and nothing is mine but ''the cord that binds them.''
–Michel de Montaigne


Which is that one force amid all of God's forces which man is able to grasp? Only this: We discern a ''crimson line on this earth'', a red, blood-splattered line which ascends, struggling, from matter to plants, from plants to animals, from animals to man.
–Nikos [[Kazantzakis]]


Since the first human eye saw a leaf in Devonian sandstone and a puzzled finger reached to touch it, sadness has lain over the heart of man. By this tenuous thread of living protoplasm, stretching backward into time, we are linked forever to lost beaches whose sands have long since hardened into stone. The stars that caught our blind amphibian stare have shifted far or vanished in their courses, but still that naked, glistening thread winds onward. No one knows the secret of its beginning or its end. Its forms are phantoms. ''The thread alone is real; the thread is life.''
—Loren Eiseley, //The Firmament of Time// 1960

!!The Rope
by Loren [[Eiseley]]
(from //Notes of an Alchemist// 1972)

I used to carry a frayed rope in my hand
upon the speaker's rostrum,
try to tell
my students this:
that there was a similar rope
as loosely frayed
that bound them to the past,
a rope that somewhere ran
to an old salt-oozing eye
in the deep sea,
and that strange eye
still stared from underneath their brows
full at me,
just as the interlocked vertebrae of their dextrous spines
was long ago
a fish's gift,
just as
their lungs had labored gasping in a swamp
to serve a fish's needs,
and these frayed strands
of the rope I held
ran back and back
to individual and diverse times
in sea and swamp and forest,
twisted finally
into our living substance, hidden in ourselves
that code of DNA,
that secret spiral ladder
made up of bits and pieces of
the past that never dies
but [[lives entwined]] in us,
our spines up-tilted in a forest attic;
our foot, so tendon-bound
and twisted over,
a re-engineered bent
climbing pad
renewed to walk on grass;
our fingers quick
with stones;
our brains
dreaming lost ancient dreams
as well as throwing
ropes in the air as though to catch
what is uncatchable -
the future.
We can ask only the question
nor can we be
answered save through signs.
By many primitive fires around the world
man has
employed the rope trick of the Indian fakirs,
striven to climb
out of himself to heaven,
forever scaled
the giant beanstalk of himself,
been cast
forever down,
arose and climbed again.
Here holding
before a scientific audience
a plain, unmagical ordinary rope of hemp
I suddenly find
that, having made ascent, by weeping eye, salt-crusted fin,
and wrigglings learned
piercing the downpour of a continent
to reach this trembling platform,
it is my intent
to stay and cast
the wondrous rope still farther.
Fakir, mystic I may be, but this,
this is the way we came, the way
of the invisible rope
in the beginning cast
somewhere in the Devonian darkness
or below:
this is what instructed seers enact,
unknowing the precise sense
in which they cast but casting rope or thread
always above them
by dimly smoking fires
or using
an old, old symbolism
and climbing
before an audience
the ever-growing tree
up which there run
animals in pursuit.
This is a heavy time to cast my rope.
I stand unmagical
knowing only
the trick was done far back and must be done again.
I let the cord fall and I climb on words,
swaying, ascending,
desperate as man
in the black dark has always swung and climbed
toward some far sky lord he has never seen,
assembling along the ever-lengthening rope
his own dismantled self, the eye that weeps
salt tears
the mind
cleansed of its treason and foul unbelief.
Believe, oh do believe;
look up,
the rope is there
lent by that devious double agent, night.
Oh now we know
the rope is hidden in ourselves to climb.

''//oikos// – house/[[home|Home is]] – the form of the formless'' ([[Emerson]]) – ~Prana-Kama – realized in all lifeforms on Earth in graduating degrees. See //[[Om|]].//
//''Ecumenical:''// from Late Latin oecūmenicus, from Greek oikoumenikos, from (hē) oikoumenē (gē), //(the) inhabited (world)//, feminine present passive participle of oikein, to inhabit, from oikos, //house//.

''//philos// – friendship/love – the concentration of the vast'' – ~Kama-Artha – the basic life urge in a "social animal": a desiring, suffering, death-conscious and time-conscious creature.

''//anthropos// – humankind – the house of reason'' – ~Artha-Dharma – in //homo sapiens// "the wise" a creature who "can carry the chemistry and the distance of a star inside his head." ([[Eiseley]])

''//logos// – word – the cave of memory'' – ~Dharma-Moksha – language, signs and symbols; Logos in a Greek (Deist? Aurelian?) understanding – all the inherited meanings and living meanings being-made by humankind.

Living matter forms to a certain state (mostly certain, but according to a natural design.)  Organic design (not by man) is in essence a 'life plan', //natus mori mundi//.  'The World' is the transformation of a rocky terrestrial (Earth-like) planet into a [[home|Home is]].
Non-organic matter, on the other hand, fluxes from one form to the next, according to laws and conditions but with little or no certainty.  Think of the weather.  It has patterns and is somewhat predictable, but can you think of any predictions that are less certain?  Humans use concepts such as Chaos Theory to describe non-living complex systems such as weather.

Seeing the ''//form of the formless//'' in ''//oikos//'': Home, rather than human kind, dethrones man—as I feel we should—from the center of life.  Human consciousness is a great perfection of nature, indeed.  But our home in space and time, the ground upon which we stand and spring from, is a deeper and more enduring form than any human //I// or a collection of //I's// can ever be.  This is even despite our new-found capacities to rule the earth or even destroy the perfection dwelling on its outer crust.
*omicron – corresponds with the Phoenician //ayin// 'eye' – Greek //o mikron// 'small o' contrasted with //ō mega// 'great o', which is the final letter of the Greek alphabet.
*phi – this symbol is used to signify the golden ratio (1 + √5) ÷ 2
*alpha – the first letter of the alphabet, corresponds to the Hebrew //aleph//.
*lambda – corresponds to the Hebrew //lamed//, and also the symbol of lambda calculus.

This acronym may be recalled by an image of
''"the om phial"''
(a small container, typically cylindrical and made of glass, used especially for holding medicines)

compound words derivative from these Greek roots:
''The Seventh Mindfulness Training: //Dwelling Happily in the Present Moment//''
Aware that life is available only in the present moment and that it is possible to live happily in the here and now, I am committed to training myself to live deeply each moment of daily life. I will try not to lose myself in dispersion or be carried away by regrets about the past, worries about the future, or craving, anger or jealousy in the present. I will practise mindful breathing to come back to what is happening in the present moment. I am determined to learn the art of mindful living by touching the wondrous, refreshing and healing elements that are inside and around me, and by nourishing seeds of joy, peace, love and understanding in myself, thus facilitating the work of transformation and healing in my consciousness.
March 22, 2013

These past six days, I have reflected on this practice: //''honor your physical being''//

*Take care in what I eat and drink
*Abstain from intoxicants
*Respect my physical needs for sleep, nourishment, eliminating waste
*Honor the need for touch
*Express the need for motility
*Exercise not as a //noun//: to take on as a "self-improvement" regimen, but as a //verb//: I exercise my limbs and muscles, my balance, strength, and response
*Perhaps through dance, yoga, Pilates, or t'ai chi?
*Abstain from pleasuring as a "stimulant at the tired spots of my life, and as a distraction" ... when tired, stressed, or lonely
*Get out of my head and be among people: physically near, and unafraid to touch, be touched, or be seen (ungirded by intellect, social position, or barriers of words)

Regarding physical intimacy — sometimes troubled in my life (as it is for other people):
Physical pleasure is a sensual experience no different from pure seeing or the pure sensation with which a fine fruit fills the tongue; it is a great unending experience, which is given us, a knowing of the world, the fullness and the glory of all knowing. And not our acceptance of it is bad; the bad thing is that most people misuse and squander this experience and //apply it as a stimulant at the tired spots of their lives and as distraction// instead of a rallying toward exalted moments.
Sex is difficult; yes. But those tasks that have been entrusted to us are difficult; almost everything serious is difficult; and everything is serious. If you just recognize this and manage, out of yourself, out of your own talent and nature, out of your own experience and childhood and strength, to achieve a wholly individual relation to sex (one that is not influenced by convention and custom), then you will no longer have to be afraid of losing yourself and becoming unworthy of your dearest possession.
—from //Letters to a Young Poet// by Rainer Maria [[Rilke]]

Sexuality can be, to borrow another man's phrasing (Sean Abreu) about the astrological sign Scorpio:
"a burdened, billowing, and turbid ocean."  (//turbare// - "to stir up") ... The Moon was in the sign of Scorpio at my birth.
!I ask myself: &nbsp;//How do I ''connect'' right now?//

Dido sang //"I want to feel safe in my own skin..."//

+++[The Practice of Wearing Skin — Incarnation]

Chapter Three from //An Altar in the World// by Barbara Brown Taylor
"While we might not have one other thing in common, we all wore skin.  We all had breath and beating hearts.  Most of us had wept, although not for the same reasons.  Few of our bodies worked the way we wanted them to.  The vast majority of us were afraid of dying.
However differently you and I may conceive the world, God, or one another, physical reality is something we can usually agree on.  When the temperature drops below 32 degrees, I am as cold as whoever happens to be standing next to me.  When I am sitting next to someone in a meeting and our stomachs growl at the same time, we both shift in our seats, unable to ignore a connection more fundamental than knowing each other's names.
My body is what connects me to all of these other people.  Wearing my skin is not a solitary practice but one that brings me into communion with all these other embodied souls.  It is what we have most in common with one another."

As Taylor quoted Stanley Hauerwas, is there //''"anything beside the body that can be sanctified"?''//

She also quoted the following hymn written by Brian Wren.  Below I substitute "Buddha" where he wrote "Jesus."  I believe these names, or others, can be somewhat interchangeable in this deeper meaning.
<<tiddler [[Good Is The Flesh]]>>

related to //honest// — etymology of the latter:
c.1300, "respectable, decent, of neat appearance," also "free from fraud," from Old French honeste (12c.; Modern French honnête), from Latin honestus "honorable, respected, regarded with honor," figuratively "deserving honor, honorable, respectable," from //honos// (see //honor//, noun). Main modern sense of "dealing fairly, truthful" is c.1400, as is sense of "virtuous."

early 15c., "of or pertaining to material nature" (in medicine, opposed to surgical), from Medieval Latin physicalis "of nature, natural," from Latin //physica// "study of nature", from Greek //physike episteme// "knowledge of nature," from //physis// "nature," from phyein "to bring forth, produce, make to grow" (consider //phyton// "growth, plant," //phyle// "tribe, race".)

Old English //beon, beom, bion// "be, exist, come to be, become, happen," from ~Proto-Germanic *//biju-// "I am, I will be." This "b-root" is from PIE root *//bheue-// "to be, exist, grow, come into being," and in addition to the words in English it yielded German present first and second person singular (//bin, bist,// from Old High German //bim - // "''I am''," //bist - // "''Thou art''"), Latin perfective tenses of esse (//fui// "I was," etc.), Old Church Slavonic //byti// "be," Greek //phu-// "become," Old Irish //bi'u// "I am," Lithuanian //bu'ti// "to be," Russian //byt// "to be," etc. It also is behind Sanskrit //bhavah// "becoming," //bhavati// "becomes, happens," //bhumih// "''earth, world''." 
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*William Howard Taft was the President of the United States of America, in the final year of his term.  He had followed as Theodore Roosevelt's hand-picked successor, but did not prove as popular a president or fully committed to Roosevelt's Progressivist agenda.  Woodrow Wilson was elected the next president in November 1912, with 42% of the popular vote.  Roosevelt, in an attempted return to the presidency, won 27% of the vote, Taft won 23%, and 6% or 901,000 people voted for the Socialist candidate.  This was the highest percentage of the popular vote ever received by a Socialist Party candidate in the United States.
*The 47th and 48th continental U.S. states (New Mexico and Arizona) were admitted to the Union.
*Unknown to the people of the time, they were living in the last years of peace before the Great War (World War I.)  The Christian sect of Jehovah's Witnesses mark the "end times" of the world as beginning in 1914 (under their most current interpretations.)
*Edward ~McCulloch died at the age of 37, leaving a widow Florence ~McNulty ~McCulloch and two daughters: your great-grandmother Stella Elizabeth ~McCulloch (born 17 Jul 1907) and Cora M. ~McCulloch (born 11 Oct 1909.)  Edward was born in 1875 south of Omaha, Nebraska, and lived from 1900 through most of the following decade in Colorado, where he started his family.
*Your great-grandfather Steven George Liptak was living in Slovakia with his mother, two years of age (born 28 Jul 1910.)  He was your last ancestor who immigrated to the United States.
*His future wife Anna Schwab was conceived in 1912 (and born 23 May 1913) in Carter County, Missouri, a first-generation Slovak born in the United States.
*Joseph August Unrein (née Magner?) was living with his adoptive family in Schoenchen, Kansas, and a written indenture agreement was signed between John Peter Unrein and the New York Foundling Home in June 1912.  Joseph, or Joe, (born 21 May 1898) turned 14 that year.
*On 6 Jul 1912, Guilford Williams died in Clay County, Illinois, according to family legend shot by a long-time neighbor Delbert Levitt.  His wife Anise was left with seven children, one an infant.  Her youngest son Delbert Marion Williams (born 26 Sep 1909) was your great-great-grandfather.
*Angela Werth turned 12, Jesse Llewellyn Butler 14, Mable Elsa Davis 10, Camilla Isadora Broster 5 (on Christmas Eve), Joseph Michael Sweeney 4, Anthony Jacobs 8, his second-cousin and future wife Regina Jacobs 5.  She was born 4 Jun 1907, one month before Stella ~McCulloch.  Regina's great-grandson Andrew married Stella's granddaughter Catherine — your parents.
*Rainer Maria [[Rilke]], age 37, began the //Duino Elegies//, which was written from 1912 to 1922.
*Frank Lloyd [[Wright]] wrote a small book //[[The Japanese Print|]]// in 1912, following his return to the U.S. after abandoning his family, and beginning the construction of his home Taliesin in 1911.
*Wright turned 45, Maria [[Montessori]] 42, Carl [[Jung]] 37, Hermann [[Hesse]] 35, Martin [[Buber]] 34, T.S. [[Eliot]] 24, J.R.R. [[Tolkien]] 20, M.C. [[Escher]] 14, and Carl [[Rogers]] 10.
*Albert Einstein, age 33, was actively working on his theories of [[relativity|]].
*RMS //Titanic// sunk in the northern Atlantic Ocean on April 15; more than 1,500 people perished.
transvestite / travesty
transnational / transcontinental
transtheism / deism / pan(th)(d)eism / panentheism
!The Waking
by Theodore Roethke

I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I feel my fate in what I cannot fear.
I learn by going where I have to go.
We think by feeling. What is there to know?
I hear my being dance from ear to ear.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.

Of those so close beside me, which are you?
God bless the Ground! I shall walk softly there,
And learn by going where I have to go.

Light takes the Tree; but who can tell us how?
The lowly worm climbs up a winding stair;
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.

Great Nature has another thing to do
To you and me, so take the lively air,
And, lovely, learn by going where to go.

This shaking keeps me steady. I should know.
What falls away is always. And is near.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I learn by going where I have to go.

New York Times review of //The Monkey Grammarian//:

It is a journey of the mind back to a center of silence, before there were stories. It is also, as he says, "a sack of word-things."  Grammar is a "critique of the universe."  Empty the sack, and we are back where we started, in the middle of that "anxiety" between "never" and "always," beyond history, meaning, practical use or any sort of measure.  The center is without end or beginning, like a spiral seashell: "the Simian is lost amid his similes."
Knowing is hard when naming is separation, when writing abolishes things by turning them into meaning, when reading abolishes signs by extracting meaning from them. Meaning dissipates, returning to a "primordial stuff" which is "untranslatable."  As in a painting, nothing happens.  But wait.  There is poetry, "the reverse of names."  Poetry, "crystallizing" time, converges and reconciles.  Neither "before" nor "when," it is now, beyond language. Inside laughter, it embraces.  Poetry is the female splendor, a plenitude that accompanies Mr. Paz on his visit to the monkeys and himself.
The circular musings on the nature of mind should cause British philosophers, in and around Cambridge, to throw up their hands, their lunches, and their [[positivism|]].

Those who are called philosophers, or men of speculation, whose trade it is not to do any thing, but to //''observe every thing,''// and who, upon that account, are often capable of //''combining together the powers of the most distant and dissimilar objects''// in the progress of society.
–Adam Smith, 1776, in //The Wealth of Nations//
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|''Description''|Provides TiddlySpace specific view types|
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Provides replyLink, spaceLink and SiteIcon view types.
!!SiteIcon view parameters
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<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xl="" version="1.1" viewBox="78 222 60 60" 
width="30" height="30">
<g stroke="none" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-dasharray="none" fill="none" fill-opacity="1">
		<path d="M 107.92718 244.14815 L 86.651474 222.89253 L 78.85206 230.69925 L 100.120415 251.9476 L 78.774 273.27396 
		L 86.57342 281.08075 L 107.927216 259.74707 L 129.39981 281.19946 L 137.19922 273.39267 L 115.73397 251.94763 
		L 137.121155 230.58054 L 129.32175 222.77374 Z" fill="black" class="glyph"/>
|''Description''|Allows you to set the privacy of new tiddlers and external tiddlers within an EditTemplate, and allows you to set a default privacy setting|
When used in conjunction with TiddlySpaceTiddlerIconsPlugin changing the privacy setting will also interact with any privacy icons.

Currently use of
{{{<<setPrivacy defaultValue:public>>}}} is in conflict with {{{<<newTiddler fields:"server.workspace:x_private">>}}}

There is an option, found in the tweak tab of the backstage, called txtPrivacyMode. Set this to either ''public'' or ''private'' depending on your security preference. If you choose not to set it then it will default to ''public''.
Allows you to set the default privacy value (Default is private)

(function($) {

	var tiddlyspace = config.extensions.tiddlyspace,
	macro = config.macros.setPrivacy = {
		handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
			if(readOnly) {
			var el = $(story.findContainingTiddler(place)),
				args = paramString.parseParams("name",
					null, true, false, true)[0],
				container = $("<div />").
				currentSpace =,
				currentBag = tiddler ? tiddler.fields["server.bag"] : false,
				// XXX: is the following reliable?
				isNewTiddler = el.hasClass("missing") || !currentBag,
				tiddlerStatus = tiddlyspace.getTiddlerStatusType(tiddler),
				customFields = el.attr("tiddlyfields"),
				defaultValue = "public",
				options = config.macros.tiddlerOrigin ?
						config.macros.tiddlerOrigin.getOptions(paramString) :
			customFields = customFields ? customFields.decodeHashMap() : {};
			if(isNewTiddler || !["public", "private", "unsyncedPrivate",
					"unsyncedPublic"].contains(tiddlerStatus)) {
				if(args.defaultValue) {
					defaultValue = args.defaultValue[0].toLowerCase();
				} else {
					defaultValue = config.options.chkPrivateMode ?
							"private" : "public";
				defaultValue = defaultValue ?
						"%0_%1".format(currentSpace, defaultValue) :
				this.createRoundel(container, tiddler, currentSpace,
						defaultValue, options);
		updateEditFields: function(tiddlerEl, bag) {
			var saveBagField = $('[edit="server.bag"]', tiddlerEl),
				saveWorkspaceField = $('[edit="server.workspace"]', tiddlerEl),
				input = $("<input />").attr("type", "hidden"),
				workspace = "bags/" + bag;
			if(saveBagField.length === 0) {
				input.clone().attr("edit", "server.bag").val(bag).
			} else {
			// reset to prevent side effects
			$(tiddlerEl).attr("tiddlyFields", "");
			if(saveWorkspaceField.length === 0) {
				input.clone().attr("edit", "server.workspace").
			} else {
		setBag: function(tiddlerEl, newBag, options) {
			var bagStatus,
				title = $(tiddlerEl).attr("tiddler"),
				tiddler = store.getTiddler(title),
				originButton = $(".originButton", tiddlerEl)[0],
				newWorkspace = "bags/" + newBag,
				rPrivate = $("input[type=radio].isPrivate", tiddlerEl),
				rPublic = $("input[type=radio].isPublic", tiddlerEl);
			refreshIcon = function(type) {
				var originMacro = config.macros.tiddlerOrigin;
				if(originButton && originMacro) {
					options.noclick = true;
					originMacro.showPrivacyRoundel(tiddler, type,
							originButton, options);
			macro.updateEditFields(tiddlerEl, newBag);
			if(tiddler) {
				tiddler.fields["server.bag"] = newBag;
				// for external tiddlers
				tiddler.fields["server.workspace"] = newWorkspace;
			if(newBag.indexOf("_public") > -1) {
				rPrivate.attr("checked", false);
				rPublic.attr("checked", true);
				bagStatus = "public";
			} else {
				rPublic.attr("checked", false); // explicitly do this for ie
				rPrivate.attr("checked", true);
				bagStatus = "private";
		createRoundel: function(container, tiddler, currentSpace,
							   defaultValue, options) {
			var privateBag = "%0_private".format(currentSpace),
				publicBag = "%0_public".format(currentSpace),
				rbtn = $("<input />").attr("type", "radio").
					attr("name", tiddler.title),
				el = story.findContainingTiddler(container);
			$("<label />").text("private").appendTo(container); // TODO: i18n
			$("<label />").text("public").appendTo(container); // TODO: i18n
			$("[type=radio]", container).click(function(ev) {
				var btn = $(;
				tiddler.fields[""] = "false";
				if(btn.hasClass("isPrivate")) { // private button clicked.
					macro.setBag(el, privateBag, options);
				} else {
					macro.setBag(el, publicBag, options);
			window.setTimeout(function() {
				macro.setBag(el, defaultValue, options);
			}, 100);
			// annoyingly this is needed as customFields are added to end of EditTemplate so are not present yet
			// and don't seem to respect any existing customFields.

var user, userbag;
var friends = [];
var host = "";

	beforeSend: function(xhr) {
		xhr.setRequestHeader("X-ControlView", "false");

function printMessage(txt) {

function printError(txt) {

var simpleDate = (function() {

	var measures = {
		second: 1,
		minute: 60,
		hour: 3600,
		day: 86400,
		week: 604800,
		month: 2592000,
		year: 31536000

	var chkMultiple = function(amount, type) {
		return (amount > 1) ? amount + " " + type + "s":"a " + type;

	return function(thedate) {

		var dateStr, amount,
			current = new Date().getTime(),
			diff = (current - thedate.getTime()) / 1000; // work with seconds

		if(diff > measures.year) {
			amount = Math.round(diff/measures.year);
			dateStr = "about " + chkMultiple(amount, "year") + " ago";
		} else if(diff > measures.month) {
			amount = Math.round(diff/measures.month);
			//if(typeof amount == "")
			dateStr = "about " + chkMultiple(amount, "month") + " ago";
		} else if(diff > measures.week) {
			amount = Math.round(diff/measures.week);
			dateStr = "about " + chkMultiple(amount, "week") + " ago";
		} else if(diff > {
			amount = Math.round(diff/;
			dateStr = "about " + chkMultiple(amount, "day") + " ago";
		} else if(diff > measures.hour) {
			amount = Math.round(diff/measures.hour);
			dateStr = "about " + chkMultiple(amount, "hour") + " ago";
		} else if(diff > measures.minute) {
			amount = Math.round(diff/measures.minute);
			dateStr = "about " + chkMultiple(amount, "minute") + " ago";
		} else {
			dateStr = "a few seconds ago";

		return dateStr;


function prettyDate(t) {
	var date = new Date(Date.UTC(
		parseInt(t.substr(0, 4), 10),
		parseInt(t.substr(4, 2), 10) - 1,
		parseInt(t.substr(6, 2), 10),
		parseInt(t.substr(8, 2), 10),
		parseInt(t.substr(10, 2), 10),
		parseInt(t.substr(12, 2) || "0", 10),
		parseInt(t.substr(14, 3) || "0", 10)
	return simpleDate(date);

function endsWith(str, suffix) {
	return str.indexOf(suffix) == str.length - suffix.length;

function isShadow(tid) {
	var shadows = ["MarkupPreHead", "DefaultTiddlers", "PageTemplate", "SideBarTabs",
		"GettingStarted", "MainMenu", "SiteTitle", "SiteSubtitle", "ColorPalette",
		"SiteIcon", "ViewTemplate", "EditTemplate", "ServerSettings", "MarkupPostHead",
		"MarkupPostBody", "MarkupPreBody"];
	return tid.title.indexOf("StyleSheet") === 0 ||
		tid.title.indexOf("SideBar") === 0 ||
		shadows.indexOf(tid.title) > -1 || endsWith(tid.title, "SetupFlag") ? true : false;

function isPlugin(tid) {
	return tid.tags.indexOf("systemConfig") > -1 ? true : false;

function isArtifact(tid) {
	var follow = tid.tags.indexOf("follow") > -1;
	var type = tid.type;
	if(follow || type) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;

function chooseTiddlers(tiddlers) {
	var _tiddlers = [];
	for(var i = 0; i < tiddlers.length; i++) {
		var tid = tiddlers[i];
		if(!isPlugin(tid) && !isShadow(tid) && !isArtifact(tid)) {
	return _tiddlers;

function bubbleDown() {
	var friends = $(".friend");
	friends.css({ position: "relative" });
	var target;
	friends.each(function(i, el) {
		if(!target && $(el).hasClass("silentFriend") &&
			$(el).next(".friend").hasClass("noisyFriend")) {
			target = el;
	if(target) {
		var other = $(target).next(".friend");
		// we want to move target above the prev element
		// target is an element which has the class noisy and the previous node is quiet
		var swapDuration = 50;
		var otherHeight = other.height();
		var thisHeight = $(target).height();
		$(target).animate({ top: + otherHeight }, { duration: swapDuration });
		$(other).animate({ top:  - thisHeight }, { duration: swapDuration,
				complete: function() {
					var newTarget = $(target).clone(true).insertAfter(other)[0];
					$(other).css({ top: 0 });
					$(newTarget).css({ top: 0 });

function renderTiddlerList(container,friend) {
	var tidList = $("<ul />").appendTo(container)[0];
	$("<li />").text("loading").appendTo(tidList);
	var oncompletion = function() {
		if($(".errorFriend,.silentFriend,.noisyFriend").length === $(".friend").length) {
	$.ajax({ dataType: "json",
		url: "/search?q=modifier:" + friend + "&select=modified:>3d&sort=-modified",
		error: function() {
		success: function(tiddlers) {
			tiddlers = chooseTiddlers(tiddlers);
			if(tiddlers.length === 0) {
				$("<li />").text("No recent activity.").appendTo(tidList);
			} else {
			for(var i=0; i < tiddlers.length; i++) {
				var tiddler = tiddlers[i];
				var item = $("<li />").appendTo(tidList)[0];
				var win;
				var space = tiddler.bag.split("_")[0];
				var spaceUrl = "http://" + space + "";
				var path = "/bags/" + tiddler.bag + "/tiddlers/" + encodeURIComponent(tiddler.title);
				var link = $("<a />").text(tiddler.title).
					attr("href", spaceUrl + path).
					data("path", path).
					click(function(ev) {
						var win = $("win");
						if($("active")) {
						} else {
							$(".text", win).text("loading...");
								url: $("path"),
								data: {
									render: "y"
								dataType: "json",
								success: function(tiddler) {
								error: function() {
									$(".text", win).text("error loading that tiddler");
				var space = tiddler.bag.split("_")[0];
				$("<span />").text(" in ").appendTo(item);
				$("<a />").attr("href", spaceUrl).text(space).appendTo(item);
				$("<span />").text(" (" + prettyDate(tiddler.modified) + ")").appendTo(item);
				win = $("<div />").addClass("tiddler").appendTo(item)[0];
				$("<div />").addClass("text").appendTo(win);
				var toolbar = $("<div />").addClass("toolbar").appendTo(win)[0];
				var extra = $("<div />").addClass("extra").appendTo(win)[0];
				$("<button />").data("bag", tiddler.bag).data("title", tiddler.title).text("give feedback").
					data("revision", tiddler.revision).click(function(ev) {
					var title = $("title");
					var revision = $("revision");
					var bag = $("bag");
					var revisionURL = host + "/bags/" + bag + "/tiddlers/" + encodeURIComponent(title) + "/revisions/" + revision;
					var space = bag.split("_")[0];
					var area = $(".tiddler").children(".extra")[0];
					$("<textarea />").appendTo(area);
					$("<button />").text("save feedback").click(function(ev) {
						var tid = new tiddlyweb.Tiddler("Feedback for " + title, userbag);
						tid.tags = ["feedback", "@" + space];
						tid.text = ["In reply to [[", title, "]]@", space,
							" (revision [[", revision, "|", revisionURL, "]])\n\n"].join("") + $("textarea", area).val();
						tid.put(function(tiddler) {
							$("<span />").text("your comment: ").appendTo(area);
							$("<a />").attr("href", "/" + encodeURIComponent(tiddler.title)).text(tiddler.title).appendTo(area);
						}, function() {
							printError("error commenting!");
					return false;

				$(link).data("win", win);

function removeFriend(friend) {
	var tiddler = new tiddlyweb.Tiddler("@" + friend, userbag);
	var success = function() {
		printMessage("User removed from friends");
		var newFriends = [];
		for(var i = 0; i < friends.length; i++) {
			var f = friends[i];
			if(f !== friend) {
		friends = newFriends;
		$("#friend-" + friend).hide(2000);
	tiddler["delete"](success, function() {
		var old = new tiddlyweb.Tiddler(friend, userbag);
		old["delete"](success, function() {
			printError("Unable to remove friend " + friend);

function renderFriend(list, friend) {
	var bag = friend + "_public";
	var item = $("<li />").addClass("friend").attr("id", "friend-" + friend).addClass("inactiveFriend").appendTo(list)[0];
	$("<img />").attr("alt", friend).attr("title", friend).
		attr("src", host + "/bags/" + bag + "/tiddlers/SiteIcon").css({ width: 48, height: 48 }).appendTo(item);
	var heading = $("<h2>").appendTo(item)[0];
	$("<a />").attr("href", "#friend-" + friend).attr("name", "friend-" + friend).text(friend).appendTo(heading);
	$("<button />").data("who", friend).text("remove from friends").
		click(function(ev) {
			if(confirm("Are you sure you want to remove " + friend + " as a friend?")) {

function renderFriends() {
	var list = $("<ul />").appendTo("#friends")[0];
	$("<li />").text("Activity of your friends will appear below when available").appendTo(list);
	for(var i = 0; i < friends.length; i++) {
		var friend = friends[i];
		renderFriend(list, friend);

function followWidget() {
	var container = $("<div />").addClass("addfriends").appendTo("#friends")[0];
	$("<input />").attr("name", "friend").appendTo(container);
	$("<button />").text("add friend").click(function(ev) {
		var friend = $("[name='friend']").val();
		if(friends.indexOf(friend) > -1) {
			return printError("You already follow " + friend + "!");

		var title;
		if(friend.indexOf("@") !== 0) {
			title = "@" + friend;
		} else {
			title = friend;

		$.ajax({ dataType: "text", url: "/users/" + friend,
			success: function() {
				var tid = new tiddlyweb.Tiddler(title, userbag);
				tid.tags = ["follow", "excludeLists"];
				tid.put(function(tiddler) {
					printMessage("Added friend " + friend);
					renderFriend($("#friends ul")[0], friend);
					window.location.hash = "#friend-" + friend;
				}, function() {
					printError("Failed to add friend " + friend);
			error: function() {
				printError("No one with name " + friend + " exists!");
	url: "/status",
	dataType: "json",
	success: function(status) {
		user = status.username;
		userbag = new tiddlyweb.Bag(user + "_public", "/");
		$.ajax({ url: "/bags/" + user + "_public/tiddlers?select=tag:follow", dataType: "json", success: function(tiddlers) {
				for(var i = 0; i < tiddlers.length; i++) {
					var title = tiddlers[i].title;
					if(title.indexOf("@") === 0) {
						title = title.substr(1, title.length);
''John Chris Jones''  (1927)  Welsh philosopher and design engineer, and writer on the subjects of design, social science, and post-industrial living, which include the books //Designing Designing// (1991) and //The Internet and Everyone// (1996).

Personal website: [[softopia|]]
''The next steps toward my dream''
July 17, 2010
#Improve my attitude toward my working life – being open to change what I do, where, who I work for – and how I labor for my present employer before larger changes are possible. I am discharging my resentment toward this company and my boss.
#Gain confidence and clarity to see my path, which is pointing toward non-traditional, non-credentialed education (yet still requires very robust learning.)
#I will continue practicing meditation and learning about the Buddhist practice.
#I will feed my family (in multiple senses) with less reliance on the industrial supply-chain. We reject being consumers. My wife and I are raising our children to live in the fullest awareness possible and maintain intimate connections with the living world.
#I want to work and play in concert, pursuing a fusion of language, art, mathematics – and 'practical living.'  In this, I hope to carry on some portion of human knowledge and art – even if I don't add a single word to it, but am a custodian and interpreter passing it on to my children.
//''Work of my youth:'' Wanting a secure grasp

''Begin now:'' [[Work and play in concert→|But yield who will to their separation]]

''Make real [[what I see and desire]]''//
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
|''Author''|Jon Robson|
|''Description''|Localised tiddler save errors including edit conflict resolution.|
(function($) {

var tiddlyspace = config.extensions.tiddlyspace;
var currentSpace =;
tiddlyspace.getLocalTitle = function(title, workspace, suffix) {
	var endsWith = config.extensions.BinaryTiddlersPlugin.endsWith;
	if(!suffix) {
		var isPublic = endsWith(workspace, "_public");
		suffix = tiddlyspace.resolveSpaceName(workspace);
		if(currentSpace == suffix) {
			suffix = isPublic ? "public" : "private";
		} else {
			suffix = "@%0".format(suffix);
	return "%0 *(%1)*".format(title, suffix);

var sssp = config.extensions.ServerSideSavingPlugin;

var msgs = config.messages.editConflict = {
	loading: "Loading..",
	resolve: "[[Edit Conflict]]@glossary: this tiddler may have been changed by someone else.",
	reviewDiff: "review (recommended)",
	reviewDiffTooltip: "review changes made to this tiddler",
	reviewDiffError: "error retrieving revision.",
	save: "overwrite",
	saveTooltip: "make this revision the top revision of this tiddler",
	discard: "cancel",
	discardTooltip: "undo changes to this tiddler and get most recent version",
	diffTitle: "%0",
	diffFieldTitle: "%0 - fields",
	diffTextTitle: "%0 - text",
	updating: "updating your version...",
	diffHeader: ["Review the changes that have been made whilst you were editing this tiddler. ",
		"Fold relevant changes back into your version.\n",
		"{{removed{Red}}} highlight shows content removed. ",
		"{{added{Green}}} highlight shows content added.\n"].join(""),
	diffTextHeader: "View changes in text",
	diffFieldsHeader: "View changes in fields"

var plugin = config.extensions.errorHandler = {
	diffTags: ["excludeLists", "excludeMissing", "excludeSearch"],
	displayMessage: function(message, tiddler, context) {
		var desc = context && context.httpStatus ? context.statusText :
		var reportArea = plugin.reportError(tiddler.title);
		var msg = $("<div />").appendTo(reportArea);
		if(message == "saveConflict") {
			wikify(msgs.resolve, msg[0]);
			var choiceArea = $("<div />").appendTo(reportArea)[0];
			plugin.editConflictHandler(choiceArea, tiddler);
		} else {
			msg.text(sssp.locale[message].format(tiddler.title, desc));
	editConflictHandler: function(container, tiddler) {
		var title = tiddler.title;
		var myrev = tiddler.fields[""];
		// note user now needs to edit, fix problem and save. 
		// TODO: make sure this gets reset in save callback
		store.getTiddler(title).fields[""] = "false";

		var diffBtn = createTiddlyButton(container, msgs.reviewDiff, msgs.reviewDiffTooltip, function(ev) {
			var title = $("title");
			plugin.displayDiff(, store.getTiddler(title), myrev);
		var saveBtn = createTiddlyButton(container,, msgs.saveTooltip, function(ev) {
				var title = $("title");
				var tid = store.saveTiddler(store.getTiddler(title));
				autoSaveChanges(null, [tid]);
		var ignoreBtn = createTiddlyButton(container, msgs.discard, msgs.discardTooltip, function(ev) {
			var title = $("title");
		$([diffBtn, ignoreBtn, saveBtn]).data("title", title);
	getDiffTiddlerTexts: function(diffText) {
		var chunks = diffText.split("\n  \n");
		if(chunks.length < 2) {
			return [chunks[0], ""];
		} else {
			var diffFieldsText = "{{diff{\n%0\n}}}".format(chunks[0]);
			diffText = '{{diff{\n%0\n}}}'.format(chunks.splice(1, chunks.length).join("\n"));
			return [diffText, diffFieldsText];
	makeDiffTiddler: function(title, diff) {
		var newTiddler = new Tiddler(title);
		var tags = plugin.diffTags;
		newTiddler.text = msgs.loading;
		newTiddler.fields.doNotSave = true;
		newTiddler.tags = diff ? tags.concat(["diff"]) : tags;
		newTiddler = store.saveTiddler(newTiddler);
			config.defaultCustomFields); // allow option to save it
		return newTiddler;
	displayDiff: function(src, tiddler, latestRevision) {
		var adaptor = tiddler.getAdaptor();
		var title = tiddler.title;
		var ts = new Date().formatString("0hh:0mm:0ss");
		var suffix = "edit conflict %0".format(ts);
		var diffTitle = tiddlyspace.getLocalTitle(msgs.diffTitle.format(title), "", suffix);
		var diffTextTitle = tiddlyspace.getLocalTitle(msgs.diffTextTitle.format(title), "", suffix);
		var diffFieldsTitle = tiddlyspace.getLocalTitle(msgs.diffFieldTitle.format(title), "", suffix);
		plugin.makeDiffTiddler(diffTextTitle, true);
		plugin.makeDiffTiddler(diffFieldsTitle, true);
		var newTiddler = plugin.makeDiffTiddler(diffTitle, false);
		newTiddler.text = ['%0\n<<slider chkViewDiffText "%1" "%2">>\n',
			'<<slider chkViewDiffField "%3" "%4">>'].join("").
			format(msgs.diffHeader, diffTextTitle, msgs.diffTextHeader,
				diffFieldsTitle, msgs.diffFieldsHeader);

		var callback = function(r) {
			var text = plugin.getDiffTiddlerTexts(r);
			store.getTiddler(diffTextTitle).text = text[0];
			store.getTiddler(diffFieldsTitle).text = text[1];
			story.refreshTiddler(diffTitle, null, true);
		var workspace = "bags/%0".format(tiddler.fields["server.bag"]);
			type: "get",
			dataType: "text",
			url: "/diff?format=unified&rev1=%0/%1/%2&rev2=%0/%1".format(workspace, title, latestRevision),
			success: callback,
			error: function() {
		story.displayTiddler(src, diffTitle);
	resetToServerVersion: function(tiddler) {
		var adaptor = tiddler.getAdaptor();
		var ctx = { 
			host: tiddler.fields[""],
			workspace: "bags/" + tiddler.fields["server.bag"]
		adaptor.getTiddler(tiddler.title, ctx, null, function(context) {
	reportError: function(title) {
		var el = story.getTiddler(title);
		if(!el) {
			el = story.displayTiddler(null, title);
		return $("<div />").addClass("error annotation").prependTo(el)[0];

sssp.reportFailure = function(message, tiddler, context) {
	config.options.chkViewDiffText = config.options.chkViewDiffText === undefined ?
		true : config.options.chkViewDiffText;
	config.options.chkViewDiffFields = config.options.chkViewDiffFields || false;
	plugin.displayMessage(message, tiddler, context);

//The Tao is manifest in every time and place.

There is language, and spirit whose primal ''deed'' language is.//
Known in contact and passing,
hungering and suffering,
aware of itself and another.


Every morning
I shall concern myself anew about the boundary
Between the ''love-deed-Yes''
and the power-deed-No,
And pressing forward honor reality.
We cannot avoid
Using power,
Cannot escape the compulsion
To afflict the world,
So let us, cautious in diction
And mighty in contradiction,
Love powerfully.
— Martin [[Buber]], "Power and Love" (1926)

[Refer to Cyd Ropp's metaphor of cohesion met by the balancing/opposing force of energy. She names this "pair" ananda (universal energy) and love.]
!The Dynabook Library is
for learning, teaching, and exploring
storing what you find in a portable environment
It can go with you everywhere

It is a place for sharing art and knowledge
in new interactions between authors, readers, and text
It can host the whole library of human civilization
accessible, adaptable, brought to life in new forms –
words, images, and sounds interacting

It is a tableau for your web of ideas – those that are public and personal
It is a makhzan – an electronic storehouse of information
It is a translator and tour guide, an informative assistant when needed

It is made to enjoy books
Read a really good story, or listen to one
Learn a new subject – you control the breadth and depth
These books respond to touch and speech
and allow direct manipulation and questioning
Play with models and examples, watch them run
Write in workbooks, in the allotted space or in the margins
Mark anywhere and make notes in public texts or those you own
Follow references, journey between books,
ramble through your library any way you choose
A [[Dynabook]]'s dynamic nature is in the reading / handling experience and in the content

Connected to 'the grid', people can find and sample books (in fair length),
buy them, retrieve them, and publish them –
they can also collaborate or communicate about their reading

Its handheld device could also be a music machine, a newspaper, a little theater – one question is how much to integrate within the Dynabook Library?

Organization is natural and easy on the device
It is intimate and comfortable, doesn't get in your way

If desired, it can record your spoken thoughts and provide blank 'pages' to write upon
You can compose [[active essays]] or longer works within the Library

It requires electricity
Also, lots and lots of infrastructure (telecom) or 'the grid' to which it connects and where master copies are stored
Is this a big liability?

February 28, 2010

[Note that this was written before the iPad went on sale, though a month earlier, it had been previewed to the public by Apple.]

I want to explore, study, practice, //try at this thing// – starting today as a novice. Aim to become an 'expert user' rather than developer, a reader before publisher, a meta-practitioner of the art. Dynamic e-books are the crux of it. There are some essential ingredients: electronics, non-paper display, use of visual presentation apart from text or use of other senses, fluidity, and adaptiveness.
|''Author''|Jon Robson|
|''Description''|Provides ability to render SiteIcons and icons that correspond to the home location of given tiddlers|
|''Requires''|TiddlySpaceConfig BinaryTiddlersPlugin ImageMacroPlugin TiddlySpacePublishingCommands|
{{{<<tiddlerOrigin>>}}} shows the origin of the tiddler it is being run on.
In TiddlySpace terms this means it will determine whether the tiddler is external, public or private.
Where private it will analyse whether a public version exists and distinguish between the different scenarios.
If a tiddler is external, the SiteIcon of that external space will be shown

width / height : define a width or height of the outputted icon
label: if label parameter is set to yes, a label will accompany the icon.
(function($) {

if(!config.macros.image) {
	throw "Missing dependency: ImageMacroPlugin";

var imageMacro = config.macros.image;
var tiddlyspace = config.extensions.tiddlyspace;
var tweb = config.extensions.tiddlyweb;
var cmds = config.commands;
var cmd = cmds.publishTiddler;
tiddlyspace.resolveSpaceName = function(value) {
	var endsWith = config.extensions.BinaryTiddlersPlugin.endsWith;
	if(value) {
		value = value.indexOf("bags/") === 0 ? value.substr(5) : value;
		value = value.indexOf("recipes/") === 0 ? value.substr(8) : value;
		if(value.indexOf("@") === 0) {
			value = value.substr(1);
		if(endsWith(value, "_public")) {
			value = value.substr(0, value.length - 7);
		} else if(endsWith(value, "_private")) {
			value = value.substr(0, value.length - 8);
		value = value.toLowerCase();
	return value;

tiddlyspace.renderAvatar = function(place, value, options) {
	options = options ? options : {};
	options.labelOptions = options.labelOptions ? options.labelOptions : { include: false, height: 48, width: 48 };
	options.imageOptions = options.imageOptions ? options.imageOptions : {};
	options.imageOptions.altImage = "/bags/common/tiddlers/defaultUserIcon";
	var container = $('<div class="siteIcon" />').appendTo(place);
	value = tiddlyspace.resolveSpaceName(value);

	tweb.getStatus(function(status) {
		var link, noLabel;
		if(!value || value == config.views.wikified.defaultModifier ||
			value == config.views.wikified.shadowModifier) {
			var icon = config.views.wikified.shadowModifier == value ? "shadowIcon" : "missingIcon";
			if(store.tiddlerExists(icon)) {
				imageMacro.renderImage(container, icon, options.imageOptions);
			} else {
				noLabel = true;
		} else {
			var spaceURI;
			if(value != {
				spaceURI = options.notSpace ? tiddlyspace.getHost(status.server_host) :
					tiddlyspace.getHost(status.server_host, value);
			link = spaceURI ? $("<a />").attr("href", spaceURI) : $("<span />");

			var imageOptions = options.imageOptions;
			if(options.spaceLink && ! { = spaceURI;
			var avatar = options.notSpace ? false : value;
			var uri = tiddlyspace.getAvatar(status.server_host, avatar);
			imageMacro.renderImage(container, uri, options.imageOptions);
			if(!value) {
				value = "tiddlyspace";
		if(!noLabel && options.labelOptions.include) {
			var prefix = $("<span />").text(options.labelOptions.prefix || "")[0];
			var suffix = $("<span />").text(options.labelOptions.suffix || "")[0];
			$('<div class="label" />').append(prefix).append(link).
	if(value) {
		var prefix = options.labelOptions.prefix || "";
		var suffix = options.labelOptions.suffix || "";
		var label = "%0%1%2".format(prefix, value, suffix);
		$(container).attr("title", label);

var originMacro = config.macros.tiddlerOrigin = {
	locale: {
		"shadow": "shadow tiddler",
		"missing": "missing tiddler",
		"private": "private",
		"unknown": "unknown state",
		"public": "public",
		"unsyncedPrivate": "unsynced and private",
		"unsyncedPublic": "unsynced and public",
		externalPrefix: "from ",
		externalBagSuffix: " bag",
		externalSuffix: " space",
		publishPrivateDeletePrivate: "Are you sure you want to make this tiddler public?",
		moveToPrivate: "Are you sure you want to make this tiddler private? Only members will be able to see it.",
		pleaseWait: "please wait..",
		keepPublic: "keep public",
		cannotPublishDirtyTiddler: "The current tiddler is unsaved so cannot be published. Please save the tiddler first.",
		keepPrivate: "keep private",
		makePublic: "make public",
		makePrivate: "make private"
	handler: function(place, macroName, params,wikifier, paramString, tiddler){
		var adaptor = tiddler.getAdaptor();
		var btn = $("<div />").addClass("originButton").attr("params", paramString).
			attr("refresh", "macro").attr("macroName", macroName).appendTo(place)[0];
		$(btn).data("tiddler", tiddler);
	refresh: function(btn) {
		var paramString = $(btn).attr("params");
		var tiddler = $(btn).data("tiddler");
		var options = originMacro.getOptions(paramString);
		var type = tiddlyspace.getTiddlerStatusType(tiddler);
		originMacro.renderIcon(tiddler, type, btn, options);
	getOptions: function(paramString) {
		paramString = "%0 label:no width:48 height:48 spaceLink:yes preserveAspectRatio:yes".format(paramString);
		var parsedParams = paramString.parseParams("name");
		var params = parsedParams[0].name;
		var options = {
			labelOptions: originMacro._getLabelOptions(parsedParams),
			imageOptions: imageMacro.getArguments(paramString, []),
			noclick: parsedParams[0].interactive &&
				parsedParams[0].interactive[0] == "no" ? true : false
		if(!options.noclick) {
			var spaceLink = parsedParams[0].spaceLink;
			options.spaceLink = spaceLink && spaceLink[0] == "no" ? false : true;
		} else {
			options.spaceLink = false;
		return options;
	_getLabelOptions: function(parsedParams) {
		parsedParams = parsedParams[0];
		var includeLabel = !parsedParams.label || ( parsedParams.label && parsedParams.label[0] == "yes" );
		var prefix = parsedParams.labelPrefix ? parsedParams.labelPrefix[0] : false;
		var suffix = parsedParams.labelSuffix ? parsedParams.labelSuffix[0] : false;
		return { include: includeLabel, suffix: suffix, prefix: prefix };
	_isSpace: function(value) {
		value = value ? value : "";
		var endsWith = config.extensions.BinaryTiddlersPlugin.endsWith;
		if(endsWith(value, "_private") || endsWith(value, "_public")) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	renderIcon: function(tiddler, type, button, options) {
		var locale = originMacro.locale;
		originMacro.annotateTiddler(button, type);
		if(type != "external") {
			originMacro.showPrivacyRoundel(tiddler, type, button,
		} else {
			var prefix = options.labelOptions.prefix, suffix = options.labelOptions.suffix;
			var space = tiddler.fields["server.bag"];
			options.notSpace = !originMacro._isSpace(space);
			options.labelOptions.prefix = prefix ? prefix : locale.externalPrefix;
			options.labelOptions.suffix = suffix ? suffix : (options.notSpace ? locale.externalBagSuffix : locale.externalSuffix);

			tiddlyspace.renderAvatar(button, space, options);
	showPrivacyRoundel: function(thisTiddler, privacyType, button, options) {
		// there is a public tiddler as well as the current tiddler!
		// TODO: not this is not enough.. we also need to check if the public tiddler is the same as..
		// .. the private tiddler to determine whether this is a draft
		// use of hashes would be useful here.
		var icon = "%0Icon".format(privacyType);
		if(privacyType.indexOf("unsynced") === 0 && !store.tiddlerExists(icon)) {
			icon = "unsyncedIcon";
		if(privacyType == "shadow") {
			if(!store.tiddlerExists(icon)) {
				icon = "bags/tiddlyspace/tiddlers/SiteIcon";
		if(privacyType == "missing" && !store.tiddlerExists(icon)) {
			return; // the user is not making use of the missingIcon
		} else {
			imageMacro.renderImage(button, icon, options.imageOptions);
			originMacro.showLabel(button, privacyType, options.labelOptions);
			var cmd = originMacro.iconCommands[privacyType];
			if(cmd && thisTiddler && !options.noclick) {
				$(button).click(function(ev) {
					cmd(ev, thisTiddler);
	annotateTiddler: function(place, type) {
		var tidEl = $(story.findContainingTiddler(place));
			removeClass("private public external privateAndPublic privateNotPublic shadow").
	showLabel: function(button, type, options) {
		var locale = originMacro.locale;
		var label = options.label ? options.label : locale[type];
		label = label ? label : locale.unknown;
		if(options && options.include) {
			$('<div class="roundelLabel" />').html(label).appendTo(button);
		$(button).attr("title", label);
	confirm: function(ev, msg, onYes, options) {
		options = options ? options : {};
		onYes = onYes ? onYes : function(ev) {};
		var btn = $(".originButton", $([0];
		var popup = Popup.create(btn);
		$("<div />").addClass("message").text(msg).appendTo(popup);
		$("<button />").addClass("button").text(options.yesLabel || "yes").appendTo(popup).click(onYes);
		$("<button />").addClass("button").text(options.noLabel || "no").click(function(ev) {
		return false;
	alert: function(ev, msg) {
		var popup = Popup.create(;
		$(popup).addClass("confirmationPopup alert");
		$("<div />").addClass("message").text(msg).appendTo(popup);;
	reportDirty: function(el) {
		originMacro.alert(el, originMacro.locale.cannotPublishDirtyTiddler);
	iconCommands: {
		"public": function(ev, tiddler) {
			if(!readOnly) {
				var locale = originMacro.locale;
				var msg = locale.moveToPrivate;
				if(story.isDirty(tiddler.title)) {
				} else {
					originMacro.confirm(ev, msg, function(ev) {
						var target = $(;
						var onComplete = function(info) {};
						var privateBag = cmd.toggleBag(tiddler, "private");
						cmd.moveTiddler(tiddler, {
							title: tiddler.title,
							fields: { "server.bag": privateBag }
						}, onComplete);
					}, { yesLabel: locale.makePrivate, noLabel: locale.keepPublic });
		"private": function(ev, tiddler) {
			if(!readOnly) {
				var locale = originMacro.locale;
				var adaptor = tiddler.getAdaptor();
				var publishTo = tiddler.fields[""] || tiddler.title;
				var workspace = "bags/%0".format(tiddler.fields["server.bag"]);
				tiddler.fields["server.workspace"] = workspace;
				var publicBag = cmd.toggleBag(tiddler, "public");
				var msg;
				msg = locale.publishPrivateDeletePrivate;
				var title = tiddler.title;
				var newTitle = publishTo || tiddler.title;
				tiddler.fields[""] = "false";
				if(story.isDirty(tiddler.title)) {
				} else {
					originMacro.confirm(ev, msg, function(ev) {
						var onComplete = function(info) {};
						cmd.moveTiddler(tiddler, {
							title: newTitle,
							fields: { "server.bag": publicBag }
						}, onComplete);
					}, { yesLabel: locale.makePublic, noLabel: locale.keepPrivate });

|''Description''|server-side saving|
This plugin relies on a dedicated adaptor to be present.
The specific nature of this plugin depends on the respective server.
!Revision History
!!v0.1 (2008-11-24)
* initial release
!!v0.2 (2008-12-01)
* added support for local saving
!!v0.3 (2008-12-03)
* added Save to Web macro for manual synchronization
!!v0.4 (2009-01-15)
* removed ServerConfig dependency by detecting server type from the respective tiddlers
!!v0.5 (2009-08-25)
* raised CoreVersion to 2.5.3 to take advantage of core fixes
!!v0.6 (2010-04-21)
* added notification about cross-domain restrictions to ImportTiddlers
!To Do
* conflict detection/resolution
* rename to ServerLinkPlugin?
* document deletion/renaming convention
(function($) {

readOnly = false; //# enable editing over HTTP

var plugin = config.extensions.ServerSideSavingPlugin = {};

plugin.locale = {
	saved: "%0 saved successfully",
	saveError: "Error saving %0: %1",
	saveConflict: "Error saving %0: edit conflict",
	deleted: "Removed %0",
	deleteError: "Error removing %0: %1",
	deleteLocalError: "Error removing %0 locally",
	removedNotice: "This tiddler has been deleted.",
	connectionError: "connection could not be established",
	hostError: "Unable to import from this location due to cross-domain restrictions."

plugin.sync = function(tiddlers) {
	tiddlers = tiddlers && tiddlers[0] ? tiddlers : store.getTiddlers();
	$.each(tiddlers, function(i, tiddler) {
		var changecount = parseInt(tiddler.fields.changecount, 10);
		if(tiddler.fields.deleted === "true" && changecount === 1) {
		} else if(tiddler.isTouched() && !tiddler.doNotSave() &&
				tiddler.getServerType() && tiddler.fields[""]) { // XXX: could be empty string
			delete tiddler.fields.deleted;

plugin.saveTiddler = function(tiddler) {
	try {
		var adaptor = this.getTiddlerServerAdaptor(tiddler);
	} catch(ex) {
		return false;
	var context = {
		tiddler: tiddler,
		changecount: tiddler.fields.changecount,
		workspace: tiddler.fields["server.workspace"]
	var serverTitle = tiddler.fields["server.title"]; // indicates renames
	if(!serverTitle) {
		tiddler.fields["server.title"] = tiddler.title;
	} else if(tiddler.title != serverTitle) {
		return adaptor.moveTiddler({ title: serverTitle },
			{ title: tiddler.title }, context, null, this.saveTiddlerCallback);
	var req = adaptor.putTiddler(tiddler, context, {}, this.saveTiddlerCallback);
	return req ? tiddler : false;

plugin.saveTiddlerCallback = function(context, userParams) {
	var tiddler = context.tiddler;
	if(context.status) {
		if(tiddler.fields.changecount == context.changecount) { //# check for changes since save was triggered
		} else if(tiddler.fields.changecount > 0) {
			tiddler.fields.changecount -= context.changecount;
		plugin.reportSuccess("saved", tiddler);
	} else {
		if(context.httpStatus == 412) {
			plugin.reportFailure("saveConflict", tiddler);
		} else {
			plugin.reportFailure("saveError", tiddler, context);

plugin.removeTiddler = function(tiddler) {
	try {
		var adaptor = this.getTiddlerServerAdaptor(tiddler);
	} catch(ex) {
		return false;
	var context = {
		host: tiddler.fields[""],
		workspace: tiddler.fields["server.workspace"],
		tiddler: tiddler
	var req = adaptor.deleteTiddler(tiddler, context, {}, this.removeTiddlerCallback);
	return req ? tiddler : false;

plugin.removeTiddlerCallback = function(context, userParams) {
	var tiddler = context.tiddler;
	if(context.status) {
		if(tiddler.fields.deleted === "true") {
		} else {
			plugin.reportFailure("deleteLocalError", tiddler);
		plugin.reportSuccess("deleted", tiddler);
	} else {
		plugin.reportFailure("deleteError", tiddler, context);

plugin.getTiddlerServerAdaptor = function(tiddler) { // XXX: rename?
	var type = tiddler.fields["server.type"] || config.defaultCustomFields["server.type"];
	return new config.adaptors[type]();

plugin.reportSuccess = function(msg, tiddler) {

plugin.reportFailure = function(msg, tiddler, context) {
	var desc = (context && context.httpStatus) ? context.statusText :
	displayMessage(plugin.locale[msg].format([tiddler.title, desc]));

config.macros.saveToWeb = { // XXX: hijack existing sync macro?
	locale: { // TODO: merge with plugin.locale?
		btnLabel: "save to web",
		btnTooltip: "synchronize changes",
		btnAccessKey: null

	handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
		createTiddlyButton(place, this.locale.btnLabel, this.locale.btnTooltip,
			plugin.sync, null, null, this.locale.btnAccessKey);

// hijack saveChanges to trigger remote saving
var _saveChanges = saveChanges;
saveChanges = function(onlyIfDirty, tiddlers) {
	if(window.location.protocol == "file:") {
		_saveChanges.apply(this, arguments);
	} else {

// override removeTiddler to flag tiddler as deleted -- XXX: use hijack to preserve compatibility?
TiddlyWiki.prototype.removeTiddler = function(title) { // XXX: should override deleteTiddler instance method?
	var tiddler = this.fetchTiddler(title);
	if(tiddler) {
		tiddler.tags = ["excludeLists", "excludeSearch", "excludeMissing"];
		tiddler.text = plugin.locale.removedNotice;
		tiddler.fields.deleted = "true"; // XXX: rename to removed/tiddlerRemoved?
		tiddler.fields.changecount = "1";
		this.notify(title, true);

// hijack ImportTiddlers wizard to handle cross-domain restrictions
var _onOpen = config.macros.importTiddlers.onOpen;
config.macros.importTiddlers.onOpen = function(ev) {
	var btn = $(resolveTarget(ev));
	var url = btn.closest(".wizard").find("input[name=txtPath]").val();
	if(window.location.protocol != "file:" && url.indexOf("://") != -1) {
		var host = url.split("/")[2];
		var macro = config.macros.importTiddlers;
		if(host != {
			btn.text(macro.cancelLabel).attr("title", macro.cancelPrompt);
			btn[0].onclick = macro.onCancel;
			$('<span class="status" />').text(plugin.locale.hostError).insertAfter(btn);
			return false;
	return _onOpen.apply(this, arguments);

|''Description''|Mimics allTags macro to provide ways of creating lists grouping tiddlers by any field|
|''Author''|Jon Robson|
{{{<<groupBy tags>>}}}
mimics allTags macro

{{{<<groupBy server.bag>>}}}
groups by the server.bag field (this version contains TiddlySpace specific code for turning a bag into a space name)

{{{groupBy modified dateFormat:"YYYY"}}}
group tiddlers by year.

{{{<<groupBy tags exclude:excludeLists exclude:systemConfig>>}}}
group tiddlers by tag but exclude the tags with values excludeLists and systemConfig

Within that group you can also exclude things by filter
{{{groupBy modifier filter:[tag[film]]}}}
will group tiddlers tagged with film by modifier.
(function($) {
var taglocale = config.views.wikified.tag;
var macro = config.macros.groupBy = {
	locale: {
		tooltip: "all tiddlers in group %0",
		noTiddlers: "no tiddlers",
		openAllText: taglocale.openAllText,
		openAllTooltip: taglocale.openAllTooltip,
		openTiddler: "open tiddler with title %0"
	morpher: {
		// TODO: note currently the following 2 morphers are TiddlySpace specific and probably should be in separate plugin
		"server.workspace": function(value, options) {
			return macro.morpher["server.bag"](value.replace("bags/", "").replace("recipes/", ""));
		"server.bag": function(value, options) {
			if(typeof(value) !== "string") {
				return false;
			} else if(value.indexOf("_public") === -1 && value.indexOf("_private") === -1) {
				value = "*%0".format(value); // add star for non-space bags.
			return value.replace("_public", "").replace("_private", "");
		created: function(value, options) {
			return value.formatString(options.dateFormat || "DD MMM YYYY");
		modified: function(value, options) {
			return macro.morpher.created(value, options);

	handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString) {
		var field = params[0] || "server.workspace";
		var dateFormat = params[1] || "DD MMM YYYY";
		var container = $("<div />").attr("macroName", macroName).addClass("groupBy").
			attr("refresh", "macro").attr("fieldName", field).
			attr("paramString", paramString).
			attr("dateFormat", dateFormat).appendTo(place)[0];
	isTypeArray: function(value) {
		var valueType = typeof value;
		if(valueType === "object" && typeof value.length === "number" &&
			!(value.propertyIsEnumerable("length")) &&
			typeof value.splice === "function") { //is Array
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	_onClickGroup: function(ev, options) {
		var i, target =, locale = macro.locale;
		var tiddlers = $(target).closest(".templateContainer").data("tiddlers");
		var popup = $(Popup.create(target)).addClass("taggedTiddlerList")[0];
		var value = $(target).attr("value");
		var openAll = createTiddlyButton($("<li />").appendTo(popup)[0],
			locale.openAllText.format(value), locale.openAllTooltip);
		$(openAll).click(function(ev) {
			story.displayTiddlers(, tiddlers);
			return false;
		var listBreak = $("<li />").addClass("listBreak").html("<div />").appendTo(popup);
		for(i = 0; i < tiddlers.length; i++) {
			var item = $("<li />").appendTo(popup)[0];
			var template = store.getTiddlerText(options.template) || macro.template;
			wikify(template, item, null, tiddlers[i]);
		$(createTiddlyLink($("<li />").appendTo(popup)[0], value, false)).
		return false;
	_refresh: function(container, tiddlers, options) {
		var totalGroups = 0, locale = macro.locale, i, j;
		var excludeValues = options.exclude;
		var values = {}, value_ids = [];
		var field = options.field;
		var morpher = macro.morpher[field] || function(value) {
			return value;
		for(i = 0; i < tiddlers.length; i++) {
			var tiddler = tiddlers[i];
			var value = tiddler[field] || tiddler.fields[field];
			value = macro.isTypeArray(value) ? value : [ value ];
			for(j = 0; j < value.length; j++) {
				var v = morpher(value[j], options);
				if(v && $.inArray(v, excludeValues) === -1) {
					totalGroups += 1;
					if(!values[v]) {
						values[v] = [];
		var ul = $("<ul />").appendTo(container)[0];
		if(totalGroups === 0) {
			$("<li />").addClass("listTitle").text(locale.noTiddlers);
		value_ids = value_ids.sort();
		var groupTemplate = store.getTiddlerText(options.groupTemplate);
		var onClick = function(ev) {
			macro._onClickGroup(ev, options);
		for(i = 0; i < value_ids.length; i++) {
			var title = value_ids[i];
			var info = getTiddlyLinkInfo(title);
			tiddlers = values[title];
			var btn = createTiddlyButton($("<li />").appendTo(ul)[0],
				"%0 (%1)".format(title, tiddlers.length), locale.tooltip.format(title), null, info.classes);
			if(groupTemplate) {
				wikify(groupTemplate, btn, null, tiddlers[0]);
			$(btn).click(onClick).attr("value", title).attr("refresh", "link").attr("tiddlyLink", title);
			$(btn).addClass("templateContainer").data("tiddlers", tiddlers);
	refresh: function(container) {
		container = $(container).empty();
		var paramString = container.attr("paramString");
		var args = paramString.parseParams("name", null, true, false, true)[0];
		var options = { field: container.attr("fieldName"), dateFormat: container.attr("dateFormat"), exclude: args.exclude || [],
			template: args.template ? args.template[0] : false, groupTemplate: args.groupTemplate ? args.groupTemplate[0] : "" };
		var tiddlers = args.filter ? store.filterTiddlers(args.filter[0]) : store.getTiddlers("title");
		macro._refresh(container, tiddlers, options);
	template: "<<view title link>>"

i desire too much and i expect too much of the world - i want to be given something that i have not earned - i do not know why i feel such an entitlement. i am about as worthy as the constant sun - who does not deserve nothing just because it is in the same place over and over again every day - i should not be rewarded for being sun-like - warrior goddess-like in my affectations and my granting of tokened kindness.

i want to run away. i want to run away from my words. i want to run away from my potential words in a fear of what they might reveal about me ...

i suppose i have this opportunity to push on and see what potential lies out there  - to try to uncover what is steaming below the surface - just waiting to erupt and spew all about. this is //my hidden dorsal fin - my phenomenal sense of self// that is hovering low below that surface of self that is seething and hateful and full of the mire of unfulfilled desire.

@@color:grey;font-size:80%;^^★^^@@ From Wikipedia: The main purpose of the //dorsal fin// is to stabilize the animal against rolling and to assist in sudden turns. 


so i realize this now - there is my inner island - my place of refuge and refinement - and there is my inner ocean - my deep and holding place of all the secrets in my mind and body. i float on that ocean to get to my island - but i never think about what is teeming below me in that ocean - of what darkness lies there - hiding.

bits of seaweed and broken coral lying just under the surface on a reef, but slip beyond the reef and quickly there is deeper water, dark and mysterious and treacherous - full of carnivorous and deadly creatures. the water is dark, and in some places still - some places rotting and stagnant. in some places there are fast currents that run ice cold and then burning hot - underwater volcanoes that spew lava and grow mini mountains under the water. it is all there and i hardly give notice or voice to it. some of it scares me, and some of it thrills me. i keep most of it from myself because there is just too much of it - and it is easier to float aimlessly and comfortably to the calmer quiet of the mind, the island that sits in the middle of this immense and dangerous ocean. an ocean that batters the island so hard sometimes that it has trouble withstanding - sometimes recovery is an act of sheer will.

i push my strength in so many directions as to buffer the blow - to scatter the impact is to stand firm and let it all flow around you - when it hits it is more like the hits of many little thousands rather than one large resounding knock. there is power in standing ground against so many small armed - not quite as courageous as standing ground against the one and all powerful - but much greater force - in the end you can gain unbelievable power from it.

i want to tap into the power of my inner ocean. i want to recognize its power and work with it - not just float on it oblivious to what is going one down below the surface. i want the power to move and motivate myself - the power that comes from within ... that i can only give myself - i can grant it - far down from those oceanic depths. first there must be granting, then there must be receiving.

to be granted by oneself this great power and then to accept it - these are things that bring even greater power and energy to movement and motion. we free ourselves to be ourselves - to deal with our dark water and tend our aquatic gardens, as well as those on land. it isn't all fields of sunflowers - there are living things below the surface too - just as worthy of love and respect.
|''Description''|highlighting of text comparisons|
Highlights changes in a unified [[diff|]].
Based on Martin Budden's [[DiffFormatterPlugin|]].
The formatter is applied to blocks wrapped in <html><code>{{{diff{..}}}</code></html> within tiddlers tagged with "diff".
!Revision History
!!v0.9 (2010-04-07)
* initial release; fork of DiffFormatterPlugin
.diff { white-space: pre; font-family: monospace; }
.diff ins, .diff del { display: block; text-decoration: none; }
.diff ins { background-color: #dfd; }
.diff del { background-color: #fdd; }
.diff .highlight { background-color: [[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]]; }
(function() {

config.shadowTiddlers.StyleSheetDiffFormatter = store.getTiddlerText(tiddler.title + "##StyleSheet");
store.addNotification("StyleSheetDiffFormatter", refreshStyles);

var formatters = [{
		name: "diffWrapper",
		match: "^\\{\\{diff\\{\n", // XXX: suboptimal
		termRegExp: /(.*\}\}\})$/mg,
		handler: function(w) {
			var el = createTiddlyElement(w.output, "div", null, "diff");
			w.subWikifyTerm(el, this.termRegExp);
	}, {
		name: "diffRange",
		match: "^(?:@@|[+\\-]{3}) ",
		lookaheadRegExp: /^(?:@@|[+\-]{3}) .*\n/mg,
		handler: function(w) {
			createTiddlyElement(w.output, "div", null, "highlight").
				innerHTML = "&#8230;";
			this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
			var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
			if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
				w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;
	}, {
		name: "diffAdded",
		match: "^\\+",
		termRegExp: /(\n)/mg,
		handler: function(w) {
			var el = createTiddlyElement(w.output, "ins", null, "added");
			w.subWikifyTerm(el, this.termRegExp);
	}, {
		name: "diffRemoved",
		match: "^-",
		termRegExp: /(\n)/mg,
		handler: function(w) {
			var el = createTiddlyElement(w.output, "del", null, "removed");
			w.subWikifyTerm(el, this.termRegExp);

config.parsers.diffFormatter = new Formatter(formatters);
config.parsers.diffFormatter.format = "diff";
config.parsers.diffFormatter.formatTag = "diff";

this is me [[screaming|scream of nature]] - this little work of fiction - this is me screaming and so maybe the whole thing should be in all caps - but then you wouldn't read it, couldn't read it because you would just hear me screaming in your head and you would turn away just as surely as you would turn away if i were screaming at you in front of you - the sound would be an affront to your senses and your deep sensibilities - i would frighten you because you would know that it was true.
so i am thinking about calling this work //RAW: real and woven// - for me it evokes the true sense of the work that i am doing. not everything i've written here is real, and not everything is woven - but it is the real and it is very woven. i feel as if i am crashing against an invisible wall in my mind - crashing and teeming like that [[ocean|inner ocean]] of the self that i talked about earlier. so that then implies that the wall can be scaled and overcame - it also implies that the wall is a temporary obstacle -and that i can overcome this too.

Personal website:

From the 1999 film //The Matrix://
//This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth – nothing more.//
Surrounded and pondering so much much-ness —

My One Hunger is to be __strong__ and __wise__ in the world of __relationship__ to other __living__ things.

Bring into harmony what I do, what I say, and what I think.

Be a ~Layman-Father-Monk

Practitioner of Living
|Description:|Allows conditional inclusion/exclusion in templates|
|Author:|Simon Baird <>|
For use in ViewTemplate and EditTemplate. Example usage:
{{{<div macro="showWhenTagged Task">[[TaskToolbar]]</div>}}}
{{{<div macro="showWhen tiddler.modifier == 'BartSimpson'"><img src="bart.gif"/></div>}}}

Warning: the showWhen and hideWhen macros will blindly eval paramString.
This could be used to execute harmful javascript from a tiddler.

(TODO: Make some effort to sanitize paramString. Perhaps disallow the equals sign?)

window.hideWhenLastTest = false;

window.removeElementWhen = function(test,place) {
  window.hideWhenLastTest = test;
  if (test) {


  hideWhen: { handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
    removeElementWhen( eval(paramString), place );

  showWhen: { handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
    removeElementWhen( !eval(paramString), place );

  hideWhenTagged: { handler: function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
    removeElementWhen( tiddler.tags.containsAll(params), place );

  showWhenTagged: { handler: function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
    removeElementWhen( !tiddler.tags.containsAll(params), place );

  hideWhenTaggedAny: { handler: function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
    removeElementWhen( tiddler.tags.containsAny(params), place );

  showWhenTaggedAny: { handler: function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
    removeElementWhen( !tiddler.tags.containsAny(params), place );

  hideWhenTaggedAll: { handler: function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
    removeElementWhen( tiddler.tags.containsAll(params), place );

  showWhenTaggedAll: { handler: function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
    removeElementWhen( !tiddler.tags.containsAll(params), place );

  hideWhenExists: { handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
    removeElementWhen( store.tiddlerExists(params[0]) || store.isShadowTiddler(params[0]), place );

  showWhenExists: { handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
    removeElementWhen( !(store.tiddlerExists(params[0]) || store.isShadowTiddler(params[0])), place );

  hideWhenTitleIs: { handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
    removeElementWhen( tiddler.title == params[0], place );

  showWhenTitleIs: { handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
    removeElementWhen( tiddler.title != params[0], place );

  'else': { handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
    removeElementWhen( !window.hideWhenLastTest, place );


|''Author''|Ben Gillies|
|''Description''|Upload a TiddlyWiki file to TiddlyWeb, and import the tiddlers.|
Upload a TiddlyWiki file to TiddlyWeb, and import the tiddlers.
{ //# ensure that the plugin is only installed once
	version.extensions.TiddlyFileImporter = { installed: true };

config.macros.fileImport = {
	reflectorURI: '/reflector?csrf_token=%0',
	incorrectTypeError: 'Incorrect File Type. You must upload a TiddlyWiki',
	uploadLabel: 'Upload',
	uploadLabelPrompt: 'Import tiddlers from this TiddlyWiki',
	step1FileText: 'File:',
	step1PostText: 'In the next screen you will select the tiddlers to import.',
	step1Title: 'Step 1: Pick a TiddlyWiki to import',
	step1TypeChooser: 'Import From:',
	step3Html: ['<input type="hidden" name="markList" />',
		'<input type="hidden" checked="true" name="chkSync" />',
		'<input type="hidden" name="chkSave" />',
		'<input type="hidden" name="txtSaveTiddler" />'].join(),

	handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString) {
		var wizard = new Wizard();
		wizard.createWizard(place, 'Import a TiddlyWiki');

	restart: function(wizard) {
		var me = config.macros.fileImport;
		wizard.addStep(me.step1Title, ['<input type="hidden" ',
			'name="markList" />'].join(""));
		var markList = wizard.getElement('markList');
		var uploadWrapper = document.createElement('div');
		markList.parentNode.insertBefore(uploadWrapper, markList);
		uploadWrapper.setAttribute('refresh', 'macro');
		uploadWrapper.getAttribute('macroName', 'fileImport');
		var iframeName = 'reflectorImporter' + Math.random().toString();
		me.createForm(uploadWrapper, wizard, iframeName);
		$(uploadWrapper).append('<p>' + me.step1PostText + '</p>');
		wizard.setValue('serverType', 'tiddlyweb');
		wizard.setValue('adaptor', new config.adaptors.file());
		wizard.setValue('host', config.defaultCustomFields['']);
		wizard.setValue('context', {});
		var iframe = $(['<iframe name="' + iframeName + '" ',
			'style="display: none" />'].join("")).appendTo(uploadWrapper);
		var onSubmit = function(ev) {
			var uploadType = $('select[name=uploadtype]', wizard.formElem).val();
			if (uploadType == "file") {
				// set an onload ready to hijack the form
				me.setOnLoad(uploadWrapper, wizard, iframe[0]);
				wizard.importType = 'file';
			} else {
				var csrf_token = config.extensions.tiddlyspace.getCSRFToken();
					url: "%0/reflector?csrf_token=%1".format(
						config.defaultCustomFields[""], csrf_token),
					type: "POST",
					dataType: "text",
					data: {
						uri: $("input", ".importFrom", wizard.formElem).val()
					success: function(data, txtStatus, xhr) {
						wizard.POSTResponse = data;
						me.importTiddlers(uploadWrapper, wizard);
					error: function(xhr, txtStatus, error) {
						displayMessage(["There was an error fetching the ",
							'url: ', txtStatus].join(""));
				return false;
			caption: me.uploadLabel,
			tooltip: me.uploadLabelPrompt,
			onClick: onSubmit
		$(wizard.formElem).submit(function(ev) {

	createForm: function(place, wizard, iframeName) {
		var form = wizard.formElem;
		var me = config.macros.fileImport;
		form.action = me.reflectorURI.format(
		form.enctype = 'multipart/form-data';
		form.encoding = 'multipart/form-data';
		form.method = 'POST'; = iframeName;
		onSelectChange = function(e) {
			var changeTo = $(this).val();
			if (changeTo == "file") {
				$(".importFrom").html('%0 <input type="file" name="file" />'.
			} else {
				$(".importFrom").html('URL: <input type="text" name="uri" />'
					+ ' Do you want <a target="_blank" href="">inclusion</a> instead?');
			append($(['<select name="uploadtype"><option value="file" selected="selected">file',
				'<option value="uri">url</select>'].join("")).change(onSelectChange)).
			append('<div class="importFrom">%0<input type="file" name="file" /></div>'.

	setOnLoad: function(place, wizard, iframe) {
		var me = config.macros.fileImport;
		var loadHandler = function() {
			me.importTiddlers.apply(this, [place, wizard, iframe]);
		iframe.onload = loadHandler;
		completeReadyStateChanges = 0;
		iframe.onreadystatechange = function() {
			if (++(completeReadyStateChanges) == 5) {

	importTiddlers: function(place, wizard, iframe) {
		var tmpStore = new TiddlyWiki();
		var POSTedWiki = "";
		if (wizard.importType == "file") {
			try {
				POSTedWiki= iframe.contentWindow
			} catch(e) {
			// now we are done, so remove the iframe
		} else {
			POSTedWiki = wizard.POSTResponse;

		var newTiddlers = tmpStore.getTiddlers();
		var workspace = config.defaultCustomFields['server.workspace'];
		var context = {
			status: true,
			statusText: 'OK',
			httpStatus: 200,
			adaptor: wizard.getValue('adaptor'),
			tiddlers: newTiddlers
		}; = tmpStore;
		wizard.setValue('context', context);
		wizard.setValue('workspace', workspace);
		wizard.setValue('inFileImport', true);
		config.macros.importTiddlers.onGetTiddlerList(context, wizard);

var _onGetTiddler = config.macros.importTiddlers.onGetTiddler;
config.macros.importTiddlers.onGetTiddler = function(context, wizard) {
	if (wizard.getValue('inFileImport')) {
		var me = config.macros.importTiddlers;
			displayMessage("Error in importTiddlers.onGetTiddler: " + context.statusText);
		var tiddler = context.tiddler;
		var fields = tiddler.fields;
		merge(fields, config.defaultCustomFields);
		fields["server.workspace"] = wizard.getValue('workspace');
		delete fields['server.permissions'];
		delete fields['server.bag'];
		fields[''] = 'false';
		delete fields['server.recipe'];
		fields.changecount = 1;
		store.saveTiddler(tiddler.title, tiddler.title, tiddler.text,
			tiddler.modifier, tiddler.modified, tiddler.tags, tiddler.fields,
			false, tiddler.created);
		var remainingImports = wizard.getValue("remainingImports")-1;
		if(remainingImports === 0) {
			if(context.isSynchronous) {
					{caption: me.doneLabel, tooltip: me.donePrompt, onClick: me.onClose}
	} else {
		_onGetTiddler.apply(this, arguments);

var _onCancel = config.macros.importTiddlers.onCancel;
config.macros.importTiddlers.onCancel = function(e)
	var wizard = new Wizard(this);
	if (!wizard.getValue('inFileImport')) {
		return _onCancel.apply(this, arguments);
	var place = wizard.clear();
	return false;

var _step3Html = config.macros.importTiddlers.step3Html;
var _onGetTiddlerList = config.macros.importTiddlers.onGetTiddlerList;
config.macros.importTiddlers.onGetTiddlerList = function(context, wizard) {
	var fileImport = config.macros.fileImport;
	var importTiddlers = config.macros.importTiddlers;
	if (wizard.getValue('inFileImport')) {
		importTiddlers.step3Html = fileImport.step3Html;
	} else {
		importTiddlers.step3Html = _step3Html;
	_onGetTiddlerList.apply(this, arguments);
''The Sixth Mindfulness Training: //Dealing with Anger//''
Aware that anger blocks communication and creates suffering, I am determined to take care of the energy of anger when it arises and to recognise and transform the seeds of anger that lie deep in my consciousness. When anger comes up, I am determined not to do or say anything, but to practise mindful breathing or mindful walking and acknowledge, embrace and look deeply into my anger. I will learn to look with the eyes of compassion on those I think are the cause of my anger.
[[Anam Cara]],

I am looking forward to this time of reflection and preparation with you and Maya.
wind soft
  hollows deep
  treasures near
  this heart will keep
forever found
  never far
  loving planet
  cosmic star
Lily, 12.2009
A list of recommended reading prepared by Alan [[Kay]]
From combined with
another version at

Marshall ~McLuhan
*Gutenberg Galaxy
*Understanding Media
Peter Drucker
*Technology, Management, And Society
*Innovation And Entrepreneuring
Neil Postman
*Amusing Ourselves To Death
*The Disappearance Of Childhood
*Conscientious Objections
Lewis Mumford
*The Myth Of The Machine
*Technics And Civilization

Jean Piaget
*The Psychology Of The Child
*To Understand Is To Invent
Jerome Bruner
*Towards A Theory Of Instruction
*The Relevance Of Education
Lev Vygotsky
*Thought And Language
*Mind In Society
*The Psychology Of Art
Edward ~DeBono
*Lateral Thinking
*Six Thinking Hats
Frank Smith
*Essays Into Literacy
John Holt
*Instead Of Education
*Teach Them Yourself
Tim Gallwey
*The Inner Game Of Tennis
Shinichi Suzuki
*Nurtured By Love
Maria Montessori
*The Secret Of Childhood
*The Discovery Of The Child
Seymour Papert
*Mind Storms
*The Childrens' Machine
John Dewey
*School And Society
*Freedom And Culture
Arthur Koestler
*Act Of Creation
*The Ghost In The Machine

Joseph Campbell
*Myths To Live By
*The Masks Of God
Derek Bickerton
*Language And Species
Silvia Scribner & Mike Cole (gets technical)
*The Psychology Of Literacy
Julian Jaynes
*The Origin Of Consciousness In The Breakdown Of The Bicameral Mind
Clifford Geertz
*The Interpretation Of Cultures
Mihaly Csikszenmihalyi
*Beyond Boredom And Anxiety
Robert Ornstein & Paul Ehrlich
*New World, New Mind
Charles ~Hampton-Turner
*Maps Of The Mind
Carl Jung
*Man And His Symbols
*Modern Man In Search Of A Soul
Marvin Minsky
*Society Of Mind
Anthony Stevens

Bertrand Russell
*History Of Western Philosophy
*Human Knowledge, Its Scope And Limits
*Skeptical Essays
Richard Tarnas
*The Passion Of The Western Mind
Jacob Bronowski
*Ascent Of Man
Mary Midgley
*Wisdom, Information, & Wonder
*Science As Salvation
Hannah Arendt
*The Human Condition
*Science And Sanity
Vannevar Bush
*Science Is Not Enough
Mark Booth (Ed)
*What I Believe
"Great Books"
Most Of Greeks, Etc., Cicero, Lucretius, Seneca, Montaigne, Etc.
Mortimer Adler
*The Great Ideas: Syntopicon Of "Great Books" (Vol I,II)
*Tao Te Ching
D.T. Suzuki
*Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind

Kenneth Clark
*What Is A Masterpiece?
Ernst Gombrich
*Art And Illusion
Richard Gregory
*Eye And Brain
Rudolf Arnheim
*Visual Thinking

Christopher Alexander
*Notes On The Synthesis Of Form
*A Pattern Language
*Gossamer Odyssey
Valentino Braitenberg
W. Gray Walter
*The Living Brain
Edward Tufte
*The Visual Display Of Quantitative Information
*Visualizing Information

David Goodsell
*The Machinery Of Life
Philip Morrison
*The Ring Of Truth
Niko Tinbergen
*The Animal In Its World
L. C. Epstein
*Relativity Visualized
Eric Drexler
*Engines Of Creation
Richard Dawkins
*The Blind Watchmaker
*Neuroethology (semi-technical)
Richard Feynman (semi-technical)
*The Character Of Physical Law
Leon Lederman (semi-technical)
*The God Particle
*From Quark To Cosmos
James Watson
*The Double Helix

Daniel Boorstin
*An American Primer
*The Americans
Madison, Et.Al,
*Federalist Papers
*The Debate On The Constitution
Ralph Ketcham (Ed)
*The ~Anti-Federalist Papers
Thomas Paine
*Common Sense
*The Rights Of Man
*The Age Of Reason
Benjamin Barber
*An Aristocracy Of Everyone

(most of the good stuff is still in papers, here are a few books)
Doug Lenat
John ~McCarthy
*Lisp 1.5 Manual
Marvin Minsky
*Computation: Finite And Infinite Machines (technical)
Nicholas Negroponte
*The Architecture Machine
*Architecture Machines
!Design of this Wiki Web Space

1. [[Bird's Eye View]] – loads upon every visit to ''//Dialectic Dad//'' and also invoked from the "About" link on the pale green horizontal menu at the top.
This is meant to list some starting points one may journey from, through main "sections" of the wiki.
*The term "bird's eye view" was borrowed from John Chris [[Jones]]' [[softopia|]] website

2. [[Journal]]

3. [[Friar's Journeybook]]

4. [[Source List]] +++[+]
<<tiddler AboutSourceLinks>>

5. [[Books|Books I'm reading or plan to read]] (my lists of books read, currently reading, and planned) – as well as [[passages]] from various literature
*A place to store excerpts I find meaningful, inter-link between works, and add commentary of my own

6. People who have been my [[Influences]]

7. My [[dream]] statement

8. My deep interest in [[technology|Evocative Technology]]

9. Organizational structure of the wiki using [[tags|MyTags]] and other devices
*[[Search Wiki]] tool for images, external links, and other information types

[[What Is A Wiki]]
Home is the //Great Familiarity//
(familiar and familial) of //humans living together//
on the Earth … usually a continent or
//land which humans share// with other life,
or which they have taken in possession, divided,
and //domesticated.//
Home requires //will and resources,
security in a social group,//
in a //shelter, building,// or //vessel.//
Home is our //planet, star, galaxy,// and
the whole of the //Cosmos.//
Home is in //our bodies// and //culture//
(our genotype, phenotype, and memotype),
found in our //memories, artifacts, habits,//
and the //comforts// which give us strength.
Home is a //language// and //ethos,// our //creations//
and our //relations// to this World.
Home is //knowledge,//
the //abstract// and the //concrete.//
Home is //love of existence, I// and //You,
Belonging// in space and time.

23 Aug 2009
18 Sep 2011 last revision

Home: A place where one lives; a residence (for an extended period.)  The physical structure in which one lives.  A dwelling together with the family or social unit that occupies it.  An environment offering security and happiness.  A valued place regarded as a refuge or place of origin.  The place where something is discovered, founded, developed, or promoted; a source.  "At home": comfortable and relaxed, at ease.  Feeling an easy familiarity and competence.
|''Description''|TiddlySpace configuration|
|''Requires''|TiddlyWebConfig ServerSideSavingPlugin TiddlyFileImporter|
(function($) {

var tweb = config.extensions.tiddlyweb;

var recipe = config.defaultCustomFields["server.workspace"].split("recipes/")[1];
var currentSpace; // assigned later

var disabledTabs = [];

var coreBags = ["system", "tiddlyspace"];
var systemSpaces = ["plugins", "info", "images", "theme"];
systemSpaces = $.map(systemSpaces, function(item, i) {
	return "system-%0_public".format(item);

// hijack search macro to add custom attributes for mobile devices
var _search =; = function(place, macroName, params) {
	_search.apply(this, arguments);
	$(".searchField:input", place).
		attr({ autocapitalize: "off", autocorrect: "off" });

// arg is either a container name or a tiddler object
// if fuzzy is truthy, space may be inferred from workspace (for new tiddlers)
// returns space object or false
var determineSpace = function(arg, fuzzy) {
	if(typeof arg == "string") { // container name
		var space = split(arg, "_", "r");
		return ["public", "private"].contains(space.type) ? space : false;
	} else if(arg) { // tiddler
		var container = determineContainer(arg, fuzzy);
		return container ? determineSpace(, fuzzy) : false;
	} else {
		return false;

// if fuzzy is truthy, container may be inferred from workspace for new tiddlers
// returns container object or false
var determineContainer = function(tiddler, fuzzy) { // TODO: expose?
	var bag = tiddler.fields["server.bag"];
	var recipe = tiddler.fields["server.recipe"]; // XXX: unused/irrelevant/redundant!?
	if(bag) {
		return { type: "bag", name: bag };
	} else if(recipe) {
		return { type: "recipe", name: recipe };
	} else if(fuzzy) { // new tiddler
		var workspace = tiddler.fields["server.workspace"];
		if(workspace) {
			var container = split(workspace, "/", "l");
			return ["bags", "recipes"].contains(container.type) ? container : false;
		} else {
			return false;
	} else {
		return false;

// hijack removeTiddlerCallback to restore tiddler from recipe cascade -- TODO: move into TiddlyWebWiki?
var sssp = config.extensions.ServerSideSavingPlugin;
var _removeTiddlerCallback = sssp.removeTiddlerCallback;
sssp.removeTiddlerCallback = function(context, userParams) {
	var title = context.tiddler.title;
	var recipe = context.tiddler.fields["server.recipe"];
	_removeTiddlerCallback.apply(this, arguments);
	if(recipe) {
		context.workspace = "recipes/" + recipe;
		var callback = function(context, userParams) {
			if(context.status) {
				var dirty = store.isDirty();
			} else {
				store.notify(title, true);
		context.adaptor.getTiddler(title, context, null, callback);

// splits a string once using delimiter
// mode "l" splits at the first, "r" at the last occurrence
// returns an object with members type and name
var split = function(str, sep, mode) {
	mode = mode == "r" ? "pop" : "shift"; // TODO: use +/-1 instead of "l"/"r"?
	var arr = str.split(sep);
	var type = arr.length > 1 ? arr[mode]() : null;
	return { type: type, name: arr.join(sep) };

var plugin = config.extensions.tiddlyspace = {
	currentSpace: determineSpace(recipe),
	coreBags: coreBags.concat(systemSpaces),

	determineSpace: determineSpace,
	isValidSpaceName: function(name) {
		return name.match(/^[a-z][0-9a-z\-]*[0-9a-z]$/) ? true : false;
	getCurrentBag: function(type) {
		return "%0_%1".format(currentSpace, type);
	getCurrentWorkspace: function(type) {
		return "bags/" + this.getCurrentBag(type);
	// returns the URL for a space's avatar (SiteIcon) based on a server_host
	// object and an optional space name
	// optional nocors argument prevents cross-domain URLs from being generated
	getAvatar: function(host, space, nocors) {
		if(space && typeof space != "string") { // backwards compatibility -- XXX: deprecated
			space =;
		var subdomain = nocors ? currentSpace : space;
		host = host ? this.getHost(host, subdomain) : "";
		var bag = space ? "%0_public".format(space) : "tiddlyspace";
		return "%0/bags/%1/tiddlers/SiteIcon".format(host, bag);
	// returns the URL based on a server_host object (scheme, host, port) and an
	// optional subdomain
	getHost: function(host, subdomain) {
		if(host === undefined) { // offline
			tweb.status.server_host = {}; // prevents exceptions further down the stack -- XXX: hacky workaround, breaks encapsulation
			return null;
		subdomain = subdomain ? subdomain + "." : "";
		var url = "%0://%1%2".format(host.scheme, subdomain,;
		var port = host.port;
		if(port && !["80", "443"].contains(port)) {
			url += ":" + port;
		return url;
	disableTab: function(tabTiddler) {
		if(typeof(tabTiddler) == "string") {
		} else {
			for(var i = 0; i < tabTiddler.length; i++) {
    checkSyncStatus: function(tiddler) {
		if(tiddler) {
			var title = typeof(tiddler) === "string" ? tiddler : tiddler.title;
			var el = story.getTiddler(title) || false;
			if(el) {
	isDisabledTab: function(tabTitle) {
		var match = new RegExp("(?:\\[\\[([^\\]]+)\\]\\])", "mg").exec(tabTitle);
		var tabIdentifier = match ? match[1] : tabTitle;
		return disabledTabs.contains(tabIdentifier);
	getCSRFToken: window.getCSRFToken || null // this may not have been processed yet

currentSpace =;

tweb.serverPrefix ="/")[3] || ""; // XXX: assumes root handler
tweb.getStatus(function(status) {
	var url = plugin.getHost(status.server_host);
	tweb.status.server_host.url = url;
	config.messages.tsVersion = status.version;

if(window.location.protocol == "file:") {
	// enable AutoSave by default
	config.options.chkAutoSave = config.options.chkAutoSave === undefined ?
		true : config.options.chkAutoSave;
} else {
	// set global read-only mode based on membership heuristics
	var indicator = store.getTiddler("SiteTitle") || tiddler;
	readOnly = !(recipe.split("_").pop() == "private" ||
		tweb.hasPermission("write", indicator));
	// replace TiddlyWiki's ImportTiddlers due to cross-domain restrictions
	if(config.macros.fileImport) {
		$.extend(config.macros.importTiddlers, config.macros.fileImport);

// hijack saveChanges to ensure SystemSettings is private by default
var _saveChanges = saveChanges;
saveChanges = function(onlyIfDirty, tiddlers) {
	if(tiddlers && tiddlers.length == 1 &&
			tiddlers[0] && tiddlers[0].title == "SystemSettings") {
		var fields = tiddlers[0].fields;
		delete fields["server.recipe"];
		fields["server.bag"] = plugin.getCurrentBag("private");
		fields["server.workspace"] = plugin.getCurrentWorkspace("private");
	return _saveChanges.apply(this, arguments);

// ensure backstage is always initialized
// required to circumvent TiddlyWiki's read-only based handling
config.macros.backstageInit = {
	init: function() {
		showBackstage = true;

// disable evaluated macro parameters for security reasons
config.evaluateMacroParameters = "none";
var _parseParams = String.prototype.parseParams;
String.prototype.parseParams = function(defaultName, defaultValue, allowEval,
		noNames, cascadeDefaults) {
	if(config.evaluateMacroParameters == "none") {
		arguments[2] = false;
	return _parseParams.apply(this, arguments);

var _tabsMacro = config.macros.tabs.handler;
config.macros.tabs.handler = function(place, macroName, params) {
	var newParams = [params[0]]; // keep cookie name
	for(var i = 1; i < params.length; i += 3) {
		var tabTitle = params[i + 2];
			newParams = newParams.concat(params[i], params[i + 1], tabTitle);
	_tabsMacro.apply(this, [place, macroName, newParams]);

// disable ControlView for XHRs by default
	beforeSend: function(xhr) {
		xhr.setRequestHeader("X-ControlView", "false");
// TiddlyWeb adaptor currently still uses httpReq, which needs extra magic -- XXX: obsolete this!
var _httpReq = httpReq;
httpReq = function(type, url, callback, params, headers, data, contentType,
		username, password, allowCache) {
	headers = headers || {};
	headers["X-ControlView"] = "false";
	_httpReq.apply(this, arguments);

// register style sheet for backstage separately (important)
store.addNotification("StyleSheetBackstage", refreshStyles);

// option for default privacy setting
config.optionsDesc.chkPrivateMode = "Set your default privacy mode to private";
config.optionsSource.chkPrivateMode = "setting";
config.options.chkPrivateMode = config.options.chkPrivateMode || false;
saveSystemSetting("chkPrivateMode", true);
config.defaultCustomFields["server.workspace"] = plugin.
	getCurrentWorkspace(config.options.chkPrivateMode ? "private" : "public");

config.paramifiers.follow = {
	onstart: function(v) {
		if(!readOnly) {
			var bag = "%0_public".format(currentSpace);
			story.displayTiddler(null, v, DEFAULT_EDIT_TEMPLATE, null, null,
				"server.bag:%0 server.workspace:bags/%0".format(bag));
			story.setTiddlerTag(v, "follow", 1);
			story.focusTiddler(v, "text");

var fImport = config.macros.fileImport;
if(fImport) {
	fImport.uploadTo = "Upload to: ";
	var _createForm = config.macros.fileImport.createForm;
	config.macros.fileImport.createForm = function(place, wizard, iframeName) {
		var container = $("<div />").text(fImport.uploadTo).appendTo(place);
		var select = $('<select name="mode" />').appendTo(container)[0];
		$('<option value="private" selected>private</a>').appendTo(select);
		$('<option value="public">public</a>').appendTo(select);
		wizard.setValue("importmode", select);
		_createForm.apply(this, [place, wizard, iframeName]);

	var _onGet = config.macros.importTiddlers.onGetTiddler;
	config.macros.importTiddlers.onGetTiddler = function(context, wizard) {
		var type = $(wizard.getValue("importmode")).val();
		var ws =  plugin.getCurrentWorkspace(type);
		wizard.setValue("workspace", ws);
		_onGet.apply(this, [context, wizard]);

config.extensions.ServerSideSavingPlugin.reportSuccess = function(msg, tiddler) {
	msg = config.extensions.ServerSideSavingPlugin.locale[msg];
	var link = "/" + encodeURIComponent(tiddler.title);
	displayMessage(msg.format([tiddler.title]), link);


We Are So Beautiful And Terrible…

We are so beautiful and terrible,
Broken and resilient,
Inspired and bored.
We are full of wrath one moment
Only to wipe a tear from a child the next.
I know light
And I know shadow.
How could it be
That we hold all of these things
Right next to one another
In our hearts?
In my wider moments
I love all of it.
Because if I don’t
I know I am armoring-up my heart once again..
That hardness is now becoming intolerable.
#  Look, listen, meet me!
# Choose the way of love and truth.
# Strength is fidelity.
# Keep faith in the Seed of Perfection dwelling on Earth.
# Take refuge in its passages to You, and protect your fellowships.
# Sustain yourself from the Earth deliberately.
# Be mindful of the great throngs of life on every side, arising and dying equally under the sun.
# You share their splendor and finiteness.
# Honor and nurture your fellow beings.
# Embrace.
# Ease another's suffering.
# Strive to end poverty and oppression.
# Do not kill or cause harm.
# Ignore no evil done by humanity.
# Mend what is possible without violence.
# Turn your heart away from vengeance.
# Practice, practice, to find strength and clarity in today's purpose.
# The outer marks of success cannot satisfy.
# What will You bring to being?
# Honor the sanctity of coupling and your physical being.
# Defend and teach one another the same.
# Be generous.
# Do not steal, hoard, or diminish what is needed by all
# Speak truthfully, and do not stand with deception.
# Keep questioning!
# You shall come to acceptance, but never a livable codex
# Stay alert to the evidence of your senses.
# Heed the efficacy of other ways and the test of empirical knowledge.
# Let your children think and act freely.
# Be grateful.
# Loosen the grasp of attachments.
# Find a proportion for yourself in the whole.
# Avoid haste, distraction and worry.
# Reserve quiet contemplative time.
# Take congruent action from this quiet.
# Save life whenever You can, but also accept death.
# Do not live in fear nor speculate on an afterlife.
# Be here with all your heart, all your mind, and all your strength centered, and respond to life's call.
# The Tao is manifest in every time and place.
# Come to this peace.
Experiments with TiddlySpace following to make following more useful and easier to use.
Provides [[ImportExternalLinksPlugin]] [[TiddlySpaceFollowingPlugin]] (upgraded), [[TiddlySpaceIntraSpaceInclusion]], [[TiddlySpaceFollowingSuggestions]], [[tsScanCountPlugin]],[[TiddlySpaceFollowingWizard]], [[ActivityStreamPlugin]], 
LoadMissingExternalTiddler and following tabs in TabFollowing.

Also provides the [[friends]] spa and work in progress [[_topics]]
The term “theopoetic” goes back at least to Amos N. Wilder: “[T]heopoetic means doing more justice to the role of the symbolic and the prerational in the way we deal with experience. We should recognize that human nature and human societies are more deeply motivated by images and fabulations than by ideas.” (Theopoetic: Theology and the Religious Imagination [Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1976], p. 2.) According to Scott Holland, “[T]heology in our postmodern condition must be understood as a poetics, not a metaphysics…. [W]hether theology is inscribed in the genre of poetry, in the form of narrative, or in a thicker, theoretical style of prose, it remains a poiesis: an inventive, imaginative act of composition performed by authors.” (“Theology is a Kind of Writing: The Emergence of Theopoetics,” ~CrossCurrents, Vol. 47 No. 3, [Fall 1997], p. 319.) Both references are from an unattributed essay titled “Liberating Language: Rubem Alves, Theopoetics, and the Democratization of ~God-Talk” at [[|]], a Web site managed by a Friend named Callid ~Keefe-Perry.
|''Description''|Provides a following macro|
|''Author''|Jon Robson|
!!Supressing activity
You can supress notifications by  id:
"plugin", "shadow", "standard", "follow", "followYou", "siteInfo", "siteIcon", "ownSiteIcon", "notify", "reply"
e.g. {{{ <<activity supress:siteIcon>> }}} will hide siteIcon activity from you.

!!Supressing people
{{{<<activity ignore:person}}} will ignore all activity where person is the subject of the activity. eg. person followed other-person will not appear in the feed.
!!Controlling displayed dates.
{{{<<activity timestampFormat:"<0hh o' clock>" headingFormat:"0DD/0MM" >>}}} will display date headings as date/month eg.
3rd of January would be displayed as 03/01. This particular timestamp example gives you the hour of the activity.

!!Even more content
{{{<<activity limit:no>>}}} will show you all possible activity in the last X days where X is set at a macro level (advanced developers should see config.macros.activity.RECENTNESS).

.activityStream .externalImage, .activityStream .image {
	display: inline;

.feedItem .siteIcon {
	display: inline;

.activityStream .error {
	background-color: red;
	color: white;
	font-weight: bold;

.activityStream .feedItem {
list-style: none;

.activityStream .notification {
	background-color: yellow;
	color: black;

.activityStream .activityGroupTitle {
	font-weight: bold;
	margin-top: 8px;
.activityStream .feedItem {
	margin-left: 8px;
(function($) {
var name = "StyleSheetActivityStream";
config.shadowTiddlers[name] = store.getTiddlerText(tiddler.title +
store.addNotification(name, refreshStyles);

var followMacro = config.macros.followTiddlers;
var tweb = config.extensions.tiddlyweb;
var tiddlyspace = config.extensions.tiddlyspace;
var scanMacro = config.macros.tsScan;

var modifierSpaceLink = "<<view modifier spaceLink>>";
var spaceTiddlyLink = "<<view server.bag spaceLink server.title>>";
var bagSpaceLink = "<<view server.bag spaceLink>>";
var bagSiteIcon = "<<view server.bag SiteIcon width:24 height:24 label:no preserveAspectRatio:yes>>";
var modifierSiteIcon = "<<view modifier SiteIcon width:24 height:24 label:no preserveAspectRatio:yes>>";
var timestamp = "[<<view modified date '0hh:0mm'>>]";
var replyLink = "<<view server.title replyLink>>";
config.shadowTiddlers.ActivityStreamTemplates = [
	"!notify\n%3 {{notification{%0 %1 has modified %2 in %0 %1 and flagged it for your attention!}}} %8\n",
	"!reply\n%3 {{notification{%0 %1 replied with %2 to your %4 %5 post.}}} %8\n",
	"!userSiteIcon\n%3 %6 %7 has a new ~SiteIcon.\n",
	"!spaceSiteIcon\n%3 %6 %7 updated the SiteIcon for the %0 %1 space.\n",
	"!image\n%3 %6 %7 drew the image %2 in the %1 space.\n",
	"!plugin\n%3 %6 %7 modified a plugin called %2 in the %0 %1 space.\n",
	"!shadow\n%3 %6 %7 modified a shadow tiddler %2 in the %0 %1 space.\n",
	"!geo\n%3 %6 %7 modified a geo tiddler called %2 in the %0 %1 space <<view title maplink 'view on map'>>. %8\n",
	"!followYou\n%3 %0 %1 is now following you.\n",
	"!follow\n%3 %0 %1 is now following %4 %5 <<view server.title link follow>>\n",
	"!siteInfo\n%3 %6 %7 <<view server.bag spaceLink server.title label:described>> the %0 %1 space.\n",
	"!video\n%3 %6 %7 modified a video entitled %2 in the %0 %1 space. %8\n",
	"!standard\n%3 %6 %7 modified %2 in the %0 %1 space. %8\n"
	].join("").format(bagSiteIcon, bagSpaceLink, spaceTiddlyLink, timestamp,
		"<<view server.title SiteIcon width:24 height:24 label:no preserveAspectRatio:yes>>", "<<view server.title spaceLink>>",
		modifierSiteIcon, modifierSpaceLink, replyLink);
story.refreshTiddler("ActivityStreamTemplates", null, true);
config.annotations.ActivityStreamTemplates = "This is a special tiddler used by the ActivityStreamPlugin. It is used for templating notifications. Templates at the top have preference over templates at the bottom.";

var macro = config.macros.activity = {
	default_limit: 50,
	templates: [],
	init: function() {
		var templates = [];
		var regex = new RegExp(/^!(.*)\n/gm);
		var text = store.getTiddlerText("ActivityStreamTemplates");
		var match = regex.exec(text);
		while(match) {
			match = regex.exec(text);
		macro.templates = templates;
	// order matters - earlier templates override older ones
	RECENTNESS: 2, // in days
	TIMESTAMP_FORMAT: "<0hh:0mm>",
	info: {},
	locale: {
		pleaseWait: "please wait while we load your stream...",
		errorLoading: "The activity stream failed to load. Please make sure you have an internet connection and try again.",
		userHeading: "Below is the activity stream for spaces that this space follows with the follow tag. (%0/%1 spaces have been loaded)",
		emptyStream: "Activity stream currently empty. (%0/%1 loaded)"
	getTimeStamp: function() {
		var today = new Date();
		macro._lastRun = today.getTime();
		var previous = new Date(today.setDate(today.getDate() - macro.RECENTNESS));
		return previous.convertToYYYYMMDDHHMM();
	handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
		var container = $("<div />").text(macro.locale.pleaseWait).appendTo(place).
			attr("refresh", "macro").attr("macroName", macroName).attr("paramString", paramString);
		var space =;
		var options = macro.getOptions(paramString);
		$(container).attr("activity-limit", options.limit);
		macro._session = Math.random();
		var activityType;
		var sourceActivity = function(user) {
			macro.CURRENT_USER =;
			macro.USER_AT_TAG = "@%0".format(;
			followMacro.getFollowers(function(users) {
				macro.getActivity(container, users, activityType, options);
			}, macro.CURRENT_USER);
			container.attr("activity-type", activityType);
			macro._renderStream(container, activityType, options);

		if(options.user) {
			sourceActivity({name: options.user});
		} else {
			sourceActivity({ name: });
	getOptions: function(paramString) {
		var options = {};
		var args = paramString.parseParams("name")[0];
		var toMap = ["timestampFormat", "headingFormat", "limit", "user"];
		var i;
		for(i = 0; i < toMap.length; i++) {
			var map = toMap[i];
			options[map] = args[map] ? args[map][0] : false;
		var supress = args.supress || [];
		var templates = [];
		var show = ? : macro.templates;
		for(i = 0; i < show.length; i++) {
			var template = show[i];
			if(supress.indexOf(template) === -1) {
		options.ignore = args.ignore || [];
		options.templates = templates;
		return options;
	_getActivityQuery: function(user, timestamp) {
		timestamp = timestamp || macro.getTimeStamp();
		if(user) {
			return "/bags/%0_public/tiddlers?select=modified:>%1".format(user, timestamp);
		} else {
			return false;
	refresh: function(container) {
		var type = $(container).attr("activity-type");
		var limit = $(container).attr("activity-limit");
		var options = macro.getOptions($(container).attr("paramString"));
		options.limit = parseInt(limit, 10);
		macro.renderStream(container, type, options);
	getActivity: function(place, users, type, options) {
		var i;
		var timestamp = macro.activityTimestamp;
		var firstRun =  timestamp ? false : true; = firstRun ? 0 :;
		var afterAjax = function(tiddlers) {
			if(firstRun) { += 1;
			macro.updateStream(tiddlers, type, options);
			macro.renderStream(place, type, options);
		var success = function(tiddlers) {
		var error = function() {
		if(macro._lastRun > new Date().getTime() - 300000) { // leave 5 minutes between calls
		} = users.length;
		for(i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
			var user = users[i];
				url: macro._getActivityQuery(user, timestamp),
				dataType: "json", success: success, error: error
		macro.activityTimestamp = new Date().convertToYYYYMMDDHHMM();
	reportError: function(place) {
		var error = $("<div />").addClass("error").text(locale.errorLoading);
	createFeedEntry: function(container, tiddler, options) {
		var item = $("<li />").addClass("feedItem");
		var content = $("<div />").appendTo(item);
		var wikifyPlace = $("<span />").appendTo(content)[0];
		var author = tiddler.modifier;
		if(author && !options.ignore.contains(author)) {
			config.macros.view.views.activityItem(null, wikifyPlace, null, null, null, tiddler);
			return item;
		return false;
	renderStream: function(place, type, options) {
		macro._renderTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
			macro._renderStream(place, type, options);
		}, 100);
	_renderStream: function(place, type, options) {
		var limit = options.limit;
		var container = $("<ul />").addClass("activityStream").appendTo(place);
		var textHeading = macro.locale.userHeading.format(,;
		$("<li />").addClass("listTitle").text(textHeading).appendTo(container);
		var tiddlers = store.sortTiddlers(store.filterTiddlers("[server.activity[true]]"), "-modified"); // TODO: sort headings instead if possible (conflicts with limit)
		var headings = [];
		var groups = {};
		var processed = 0, i, j;
		var atEndOfActivityFeed = true;
		for(i = 0; i < tiddlers.length; i++) {
			var tiddler = tiddlers[i];
			if(options.templates.contains(tiddler.fields["server.activity.type"])) {
				if(!limit || processed < limit) {
					var modified = tiddler.modified;
					if(modified) {
						// format date.
						var modifiedString = modified.formatString(options.headingFormat || config.macros.timeline.dateFormat);
						if(headings.contains(modifiedString)) {
						} else {
							groups[modifiedString] = [ tiddler ];
					processed += 1;
				} else {
					atEndOfActivityFeed = false;
		var somethingRendered;
		for(i = 0; i < headings.length; i++) {
			var heading = headings[i];
			var _tiddlers = store.sortTiddlers(groups[heading], "-modified");
			var headingEl;
			if(_tiddlers.length > 0) {
				headingEl = $("<li />").addClass("listTitle activityGroupTitle").text(heading).appendTo(container);
			var rendered = [];
			for(j = 0; j < _tiddlers.length; j++) {
				var item = macro.createFeedEntry(container, _tiddlers[j], options);
				if(item) {
			if(rendered.length === 0) {
			} else {
				somethingRendered = true;
		if(!somethingRendered) {
			var msg;
			if(macro.gotActivity) { // it has been run before
				msg = macro.locale.emptyStream.format(,;
			} else {
				msg = macro.locale.pleaseWait;
		if(!atEndOfActivityFeed) { // show more button
			$("<input />").attr("type", "button").val("more").click(function(ev) {
				var currentLimit = $(place).attr("activity-limit");
				var newLimit = parseInt(currentLimit, 10) + 50;
				macro.default_limit = newLimit;
				$(place).attr("activity-limit", newLimit);
		this.gotActivity = true;
	updateStream: function(jstiddlers, type, options) {
		// assume already sorted.
		var tiddlers = scanMacro._tiddlerfy(jstiddlers, options);
		var _dirty = store.isDirty();
		$.each(tiddlers, function(i, tid) {
			var info = config.macros.view.activity.getActivityInfo(tid, options);
			tid.fields["server.activity.type"] = info.type;
			tid.fields["server.activity"] = "true";
			if(!tid.tags.contains("excludeLists")) {
				tid.title = tiddlyspace.getLocalTitle(tid.title, tid.fields["server.workspace"]);
				tid.tags = tid.tags.concat(["excludeLists", "excludeMissing", "excludeSearch"]);
				tid.fields.doNotSave = "true";
				store.addTiddler(tid); // save caused unsaved changes alert and slowdown

config.macros.view.views.activityItem = function(value, place, params, wikifier,
	paramString, tiddler) {
	var info = config.macros.view.activity.getActivityInfo(tiddler, {});
	wikify(info.template, place, null, tiddler);

var helper = config.macros.view.activity = {
	_isNotification: function(tiddler) {
		return tiddler.tags.contains(macro.USER_AT_TAG) || tiddler.tags.contains("@all");
	_repliesOn: function() {
		return === macro.CURRENT_USER;
	types: {
		video: function(tiddler) {
			return tiddler.tags.contains("video");
		geo: function(tiddler) {
			return tiddler.fields[""] && tiddler.fields["geo.long"];
		siteInfo: function(tiddler) {
			var title = tiddler.fields["server.title"];
			return title === "SiteInfo";
		userSiteIcon: function(tiddler) {
			var modifierBag = "%0_public".format(tiddler.modifier);
			var title = tiddler.fields["server.title"];
			return title === "SiteIcon" && modifierBag === tiddler.fields["server.bag"];
		spaceSiteIcon: function(tiddler) {
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!Ecology: "the science of understanding consequences"
as related by Brian Herbert in //[[Dreamer of Dune|]]//

@@color(grey):{ German //''Okologie''// < Greek //__oikos__ 'house, dwelling place, habitation' + -__logia__ 'study of'// < //__legein__ 'to speak.'//  }@@ 1873, "branch of science dealing with the relationship of living things to their environments," coined by German zoologist Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) as //Okologie.//

Related to the word ''Economy'', //noun// – household management; later extended sense of "wealth and resources of a country or region."
@@color(grey):{ Latin //''oeconomia''// < Greek //''oikonomos''// 'manager, steward' < //__oikos__ 'house' + __nomos__ 'managing'// < //__nemein__ 'manage.'//  }@@
Every measurement is a direct interrogation of nature. It's a chance to sit down with the Universe and ask, "Did we get this right?" and "Do we really understand?"

''This learned intimacy'' with shared experience is what that makes the discovery of science itself such a milestone in the history of human culture. It gives us a way to base our claims about the world in the world's own actions. It takes us beyond the ''"demon haunted world"'' into a public space, ''a collective commons'', where ''all claims about nature must rest on public evidence.''

From the NPR 13.7 blog:
As Carlos Suareès says, quoted by Robert Linssen in //Living Zen//:

"The 'I' is developed by successive association and dissociation. All psychological life is made up of oscillations of this nature.  Desire is the sensation, felt by the permanence, of being in danger; assuagement is its feeling of not being in danger ... On maturity we see these oscillations diminishing more and more, finally dying because of the hardening, of the ossification of the "me", and consciousness slowly extinguishing itself in indifference or, on the contrary, we see these vibrations, by reason of their intensity, breaking the very instrument that made them and freeing consciousness itself, as a flower releases its perfume.  Thus man will come to the point of refusing the experience through indifference, or //transcending it by smashing his own identity.//"
The 'I-process' in order to safeguard its continuity, develops a stratagem of transformations, innumerable modifications during which it oscillates from one extreme to the other.  After having been associated with certain gains, it will leave them to try to win new ones.  It will disassociate itself from the first ones in order to associate with the second.  But amidst this process of successive associations and disassociations an 'entity' remains, a 'thinker' who in contrast to the alternative changes of 'surface', is building a permanence in depth in proportion to their intensity.

Still the day will dawn when the 'thinker' having wandered from enslavement to enslavement, will understand the vanity of all attempts to associate with anything whatsoever.  He will become aware of the absurdity of the subtle game he has been playing with himself.

[''N.B. Caution!'' Absurdity perhaps, but solid and real to the community around us.  Relationships need not be enslavment, in a clear and //loving// perspective.  Remember the caution to not invite existentialists to dinner, unless you are prepared to dine alone. Philosophy creates another layer of detachment from living, attachment-to "[[self-thrown things]]".]

Nothing can fill up the unfathomable gulf of his inner contradiction ... From the moment when the 'thinker' understands, he is silent; stopping he looks more serenely within himself and into all things.  Tanha, the thirst for 'becoming' is on the point of extinction.  The tensions in order to 'become' are replaced by the relaxation of THAT WHICH IS.  It is the hour of the 'letting go' of which the Zen Masters speak.

//The death of the entity of the 'thinker' is succeeded by the plenitude of __Life__.//
!Out Of My Deeper Heart
Kahlil Gibran

Out of my deeper heart a bird rose and flew skywards.
Higher and higher did it rise, yet larger and larger did it grow.
At first it was but like a swallow, then a lark, then an eagle, then as vast as a spring cloud, and then it filled the starry heavens.
Out of my heart a bird flew skywards. And it waxed larger as it flew. Yet it left not my heart.

O my faith, my untamed knowledge, how shall I fly to your height and see with you man's larger self pencilled upon the sky?
How shall I turn this sea within me into mist, and move with you in space immeasurable?
How can a prisoner within the temple behold its golden domes?
How shall the heart of a fruit be stretched to envelop the fruit also?
O my faith, I am in chains behind these bars of silver and ebony, and I cannot fly with you.
Yet out of my heart you rise skyward, and it is my heart that holds you, and I shall be content.


//And on we walked. Suddenly we heard a voice crying, “This is the sea. This is the deep sea. This is the vast and mighty sea.” And when we reached the voice it was a man whose back was turned to the sea, and at his ear he held a shell, listening to its murmur.
And my soul said, “Let us pass on. ''He is the realist, who turns his back on the whole he cannot grasp, and busies himself with a fragment.''”//

"Half of what I say is meaningless; but I say it so that the other half may reach you." 
— Kahlil Gibran, from //Sand and Foam//
!!//Ich und Du//
by Martin [[Buber]]
Published in German in 1923
Translated to English by Ronald Gregor Smith (1937), and later by Walter Kaufmann (1970)

from the Third Part:''
(mostly using Kaufmann's translation)

"What is greater for us than all enigmatic webs at the margins of being is the central activity of an everyday hour on earth, with a streak of sunshine on a maple twig and an intimation of the eternal You.
Men have addressed their eternal You by many names. When they sang of what they had thus named, they still meant You: the first myths were hymns of praise. Then the names entered into the It-language; men felt impelled more and more to think of and to talk about their eternal //You// as an //It//.  But all names of God remain hallowed—because they have been used not only to speak //of// God, but also to speak //to// him.

Some would deny any legitimate use of the word God because it has been misused so much. Certainly it is the most burdened of all human words. Precisely for that reason it is the most imperishable and unavoidable. What does all erroneous talk about God's nature and works (though such talk is always erroneous) matter in comparison with the one truth that all men who have addressed God //really meant him?//  For whoever pronounces the word God and really means You, addresses, no matter what his illusion, the true You of his life, which cannot be limited by any other, and to whom he stands in a relationship that includes all others.

But whoever abhors the name and fancies that he is godless—when he addresses with his whole devoted being the You of his life that cannot be limited by any other, he addresses God.
We are resolved to tend with holy care the holy treasure of our actuality that has been given to us for this life and perhaps for no other life that might be closer to the truth.
We do not know whether there is a recurrence [reincarnation]; the line of this dimension of time in which we live we do not extend beyond this life; and we do not try to uncover what will reveal itself to us in its own time and law.  But if we did know that there was recurrence, then we should not seek to escape from it: we should desire not crude existence but the chance to speak in every existence, in its appropriate manner and language, the eternal I of the destructible and the eternal You of the indestructible.
First, the soul may become one.  This event occurs not between man and God but in man.  All forces are concentrated into the core, everything that would distract them is pulled in, and the being stands alone in itself and jubilates, as Paracelsus puts it, in its exaltation.  This is a man's decisive moment.  Without this he is not fit for the work of the spirit.  With this—it is decided deep down whether this means //preparation or sufficient satisfaction.//  Concentrated into a unity, a human being can proceed to his encounter—wholly successful only now—with mystery and perfection.  But he can also savor the bliss of his unity and, without incurring the supreme duty, return into distraction.  Everything along our way is decision—intentional, dimly sensed, or altogether secret—but this one, deep down, is the primally secret decision, pregnant with the most powerful destiny.
God embraces but is not the universe {//das All// which Kaufmann says corresponds to the Brahma of the Upanishads}; is not the All; just so, God embraces but is not my self {or [[Atman]].}  On account of this which cannot be spoken about, I can say in my language, as all can say in theirs: You.  For the sake of this, there are I and You, there is dialogue, there is language, and //spirit whose primal deed language is//, and there is, in eternity, the word.
Only the spell of separation needs to be broken ... Going forth is unteachable in the sense of prescriptions. It can only be indicated—by drawing a circle that excludes everything else. Then the one thing needful becomes visible: //the total acceptance of the present.//  To be sure, this acceptance involves a heavier risk and a more fundamental return, the further man has lost his way in separation.  What has to be given up is not the I, as most mystics suppose: //the ''I'' is indispensable for any relationship, including the highest,// which always presupposes an I and You.  What has to be given up is not the I but that false drive for self-affirmation which impels man to flee from the //unreliable, unsolid, unlasting, unpredictable, dangerous world of relation// into the having of things."
The relation is wrapped in a cloud but reveals itself, it lacks but creates language. We hear no You and yet feel addressed; we answer—creating, thinking, acting: with our being we speak the basic word, unable to say You with our mouth.

I have many more pages marked in my copy of the book, to transcribe excerpts here later…
Contrast //''Ich und Du''// translated as
//I and __You__// (by Kaufmann) – or as
//I and __Thou__// (by Smith)

with Freud's fairly contemporaneous
//''Das Ich und das Es''// translated as
//The [[Ego]] and the Id//.
Art defined prosaically:
//Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature.//

My attempt at a Latinate definition:
//Humanus ex fortis versus natus mori mundi.//

//'natus mori mundi'// – the world being born and dying – a rendering of "Nature".

Frank Lloyd [[Wright]]:
Art is a discovery and development of elementary principles of nature into beautiful forms suitable for human use.

Leo Tolstoy, in his essay “What Is Art?”:
Art is not, as the metaphysicians say, the manifestation of some mysterious idea of beauty or God; it is not, as the aesthetical physiologists say, a game in which man lets off his excess of stored-up energy; it is not the expression of man’s emotions by external signs; it is not the production of pleasing objects; and, above all, it is not pleasure; but //it is a means of union among men, joining them together in the same feelings, and indispensable for the life and progress toward well-being of individuals and of humanity.//

Susan Sontag:
"All great art contains at its center contemplation, a dynamic contemplation."  (9/10/1964)

Friedrich Nietzsche:
"We have our Arts so we won’t die of Truth."
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''//The Scream//'' (Norwegian: //Skrik//) is the popular name given to each of four versions of a composition, created as both paintings and pastels, by the Expressionist artist Edvard Munch between 1893 and 1910. ''//Der Schrei der Natur//'' (//The Scream of Nature//) is the title Munch gave to these works, all of which show a figure with an agonized expression against a landscape with a tumultuous orange sky. Arthur Lubow has described //The Scream// as "an icon of modern art, a Mona Lisa for our time." [From Wikipedia]

In January 1892, the painter Edvard Munch described his inspiration for the image:
One evening I was walking along a path, the city was on one side and the fjord below. I felt tired and ill. I stopped and looked out over the fjord—the sun was setting, and the clouds turning blood red. I sensed a scream passing through nature; it seemed to me that I heard the scream. I painted this picture, painted the clouds as actual blood. The color shrieked. This became The Scream.
This memory was later rendered by Munch as a poem, which he hand-painted onto the frame of the 1895 pastel version of the work:
I was walking along the road with two friends – the sun was setting – suddenly the sky turned blood red – I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence – there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city – my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety – and I sensed an infinite scream passing through nature.
[img[The Scream]]
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''Frank Lloyd Wright''  (8 June 1867 – 9 April 1959)  American (Wisconsin) architect whose distinctive style greatly influenced modern architecture.  His designs included many private homes, such as Fallingwater (1935-39), and the Guggenheim Museum in New York City (1956-1959).  His "prairie-style" and [[Usonian]] houses, characterized by a close relationship among building, landscape, and materials used, revolutionized domestic architecture in the U.S.  Founded the Taliesin Fellowship and died in Scottsdale, Arizona.

[[NYTimes Obituary: Frank Lloyd Wright Dies; Famed Architect Was 89|]]

Man takes a positive hand in creation whenever he puts a building upon the earth beneath the sun. If he has a birthright at all, it must consist in this: that he, too, is no less a feature of the landscape than the rocks, trees, bears, or bees of that nature to which he owes his being.... The sum of man's creative impulses, we find, took substance in architecture as his creative passion rose and fell within it.... Of what use to us are miraculous tools until we have mastered the humane, cultural use of them?  We do not want to live in a world where the machine has mastered the man; we want to live in a world where man has mastered the machine!
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The word //dialectic// shares its etymology with //dialogical// philosophy, that of Martin [[Buber]].

As I understand the philosopher Hegel's explanation of the dialectic process, it consists of three phases, from the //abstract, // through the //negative, // to //concrete// truth. Hegel's term for overcoming the negative was the German //Aufhebung,// often translated into English as //sublation.//

Immediate–Mediated (Opposing)–Concrete
< //concrescere// 'grow together

From Wikipedia:
Fichtean Dialectics (Hegelian Dialectics) is based upon four concepts:
#Everything is transient and finite, existing in the medium of time.
#Everything is composed of contradictions (opposing forces).
#Gradual changes lead to crises, turning points when one force overcomes its opponent force (quantitative change leads to qualitative change).
#Change is helical (spiral), not circular (negation of the negation).

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb (1762–1814), German philosopher. A student of Kant, he postulated that the ego is the basic reality, and the world is posited by the ego in defining and delimiting itself.
Professor Duncan Munro Glen was a Scottish poet, literary editor and Emeritus Professor of Visual Communication at Nottingham Trent University.

Also the "editor and publisher of the literary magazine //Akros// which he founded in August 1965 [and edited through 51 issues] ... A lecturer in graphic design, he had led a nomadic life," according to his 1969 authorial bio in //[[Kythings]]//, his fourth poetry publication.  This work was "largely extracts from a long sequence entitled //In Appearances//.

Born: January 11, 1933, Cambuslang, Lanarkshire, United Kingdom
Died: September 20, 2008, Kirkcaldy, aged 75.
//Not unteasingly, I once put it to him that if there were a spectrum in poetry from the laconic Emily Dickinson to the expansive Walt Whitman, he veered more towards the former. He protested that he belonged "with the bearded one". I suspect that in time we'll regard his work as featuring more than a bit of both.//

"~MYRIAD-minded" is a phrase that comes to mind in any attempt to sum up Duncan Glen. It was a favourite of his mentor, Hugh ~MacDiarmid, and it helps describe this poet, publisher, bibliographer, graphic designer, typographer, visual communications educator and artist; doubts will remain that this list is exhaustive.

Only last May a varied crowd gathered in the Scottish Poetry Library to launch a "Festschrift" – a book of poems and essays in his honour. Its contents reflect the range of his interests: translations of a Sicilian poet into Scots; accounts of exhibitions of his publications in libraries from Scotland to South Carolina; the score of a song-setting by Ronald Stevenson of one of his poems; and an account of his wider cultural significance by the historian Christopher Harvie.

Duncan Munro Glen was born in 1933 in Cambuslang, Lanarkshire, the son of a manager at the local steelworks. Many of the poems in his earlier collections, In Appearances (1971), Clydesdale (1971) and Buits and Wellies (1976), draw on the drab landscapes of his native airt, but there is a wonderfully transforming quality to these pieces – most notably as regards one of his most deservedly popular poems, the deeply moving My Faither:

//Staunin noo aside his braw bress-haunled coffin
I mind him fine aside the black shinin range
In his grey strippit troosers, galluses and nae collar
For the flannel shirt. My faither.//

The last line of the following two stanzas ends with "My faither" as a refrain, then we come to the last stanza, where we

//See him and me baith laid oot in the best
Black suitin wi proper white aw weill chosen.
And dinna ken him. My father.//

That melancholy journey from Scots to English is instantly universalised. Glen would sometimes complain that his other roles got in the way of his being considered, above all, as a poet. Once the reading public has fully taken in his Collected Poems 1965-2005, which appeared from his Akros imprint two years ago, his spirit should rest easy on that one.

The 1950s saw his first period of residence in Fife, where he married Margaret Eadie, daughter of the stationmaster at Markinch, and worked for the Kirkcaldy printing firm Allen Litho.

He attended day-release classes at Edinburgh College of Art, accompanied on his journeys by copies of William Maclellan's Scottish literary periodicals, which he bought at the Kirkcaldy station news-stall. These elements came together when, in a basement of the college, he designed and printed sheets of poems by MacDiarmid.

The elder poet's reputation – then limited – would be boosted by Glen's full-length study, Hugh MacDiarmid and the Scottish Renaissance, published in 1964 by the Edinburgh firm Chambers.

By 1965, following the foundation of his own small poetry press, Akros, he seemed to be following his mentor as a literary and cultural activist; his own poetry, though, eschews the dense Scots developed by MacDiarmid in favour of a more relaxed, conversational idiom. As editor and publisher he had catholic tastes: this did not prevent him from being caught in the crossfire of Scotland's contending literary factions. The jovial, easy-going Glen was forced to reveal himself to be as feisty as the best of them.

He was always his own man. He not only survived but triumphed in difficult times, aided always by Margaret, who was his colleague as well as his companion; she proved a sharp-eyed proof-reader and efficient manager of the business side of Akros Publications, as the couple's authors (including myself) will warmly attest.

Akros the magazine came to an end in 1983; three years later, Glen took early retirement from his post as professor of visual communications at what is now Nottingham Trent University.

His energies, undiminished, were soon rechanneled when he took over the design and editorship of the newsletter of the new Scottish Poetry Library, his haunt during the Edinburgh-based years of the late 1980s and early 1990s.

With Peter France he co-edited the pioneering anthology of translations by Scottish poets, European Poetry in Scotland (Edinburgh University Press, 1989) and relaunched Akros Publications.

At a time when literary publishing was increasingly sacrificing the aesthetic to the commercial, Glen took on new Scottish poets and asserted the status of the pamphlet against catchpenny gloss, before a cornucopia of publications issued from the Glens' new home at Kirkcaldy, to which they had returned in 1996.

He discovered a new career as a local historian, and I spent hours with him in a caf in the Pathhead area of the town, putting together the Fife anthology Fringe of Gold, published by Birlinn earlier this year.

At the launch in April, Glen was at his most mischievous. Then in June came the diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis, but he was bearing up remarkably well until, last Friday, he suffered a stroke and died in the early hours of Saturday. He leaves behind Margaret, their son, Ian, and daughter, Alison, as well as two grandchildren.

Not unteasingly, I once put it to him that if there were a spectrum in poetry from the laconic Emily Dickinson to the expansive Walt Whitman, he veered more towards the former. He protested that he belonged "with the bearded one". I suspect that in time we'll regard his work as featuring more than a bit of both.

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Tag a tiddler with "follow" to express a list of followers.
Using the {{{<<followTiddlers X>>}}}
will reveal the number of tiddlers with name X in the set of spaces the *current* user viewing your space follows.
{{{<<following jon>>}}} will list all the users following Jon.
{{{<<followers jon>>}}} will list all the followers of jon.
{{{<linkedTiddlers>>}}} will list all tiddlers across TiddlySpace linked to the current tiddler
{{{<linkedTiddlers follow:yes>>}}} will list all tiddlers across TiddlySpace that come from your list of followers
adds spaceLink view type {{{<<view server.bag spaceLink>>}}} creates a link to the space described in server.bag
{{{<<view server.bag spaceLink title>>}}} makes a link to the tiddler with title expressed in the field title in space server.bag
If no name is given eg. {{{<<following>>}}} or {{{<<follow>>}}} it will default the current user.
.followTiddlersList li {

.followButton {
	width: 2em;

.followTiddlersList li .siteIcon {
	width: 48px;

#sidebarTabs .followers li a,
.followers .siteIcon,
.followers .siteIcon div {
	display: inline;

.followTiddlersList li .externalImage, .followTiddlersList li .image {
	display: inline;

.scanResults li {
	list-style: none;
(function($) {

var tweb = config.extensions.tiddlyweb;
var tiddlyspace = config.extensions.tiddlyspace;
var currentSpace =;

var shadows = config.shadowTiddlers;
config.annotations.ScanTemplate = "This tiddler is the default template used in the display of tiddlers founding using the tsScan macro. To access attributes use the view macro e.g. {{{<<view title text>>}}}";
shadows.ScanTemplate = "<<view modifier SiteIcon width:24 height:24 spaceLink:yes label:no>> <<view title link>>";
shadows.FollowersTemplate = "<<view server.bag SiteIcon width:24 height:24 spaceLink:yes label:no>> <<view server.bag spaceLink>>";
shadows.FollowingTemplate = "<<view title SiteIcon width:24 height:24 spaceLink:yes label:no>> <<view title spaceLink>>";
shadows.FollowTiddlersBlackList = "";
shadows.FollowTiddlersHeading = "There are tiddlers in spaces you follow using the follow tag which use the title <<view title text>>";
shadows.FollowTiddlersTemplate = ["* <<view SiteIcon width:24 height:24 spaceLink:yes label:no>> ",
	"<<view spaceLink title external:no>> modified by <<view modifier spaceLink>> ",
	"in the <<view spaceLink>> space (<<view modified date>> @ <<view modified date 0hh:0mm>>).\n"].join("");

var name = "StyleSheetFollowing";
shadows[name] = "/*{{{*/\n%0\n/*}}}*/".
	format(store.getTiddlerText(tiddler.title + "##StyleSheet"));
store.addNotification(name, refreshStyles);

// provide support for sucking in tiddlers from the server
tiddlyspace.displayServerTiddler = function(src, title, workspace, callback) {
	var adaptor = store.getTiddlers()[0].getAdaptor();
	var localTitle = tiddlyspace.getLocalTitle(title, workspace);
	var tiddler = new Tiddler(localTitle);
	tiddler.text = "Please wait while this tiddler is retrieved...";
	tiddler.fields.doNotSave = "true";
	src = story.displayTiddler(src || null, tiddler.title);
	tweb.getStatus(function(status) {
		var context = {
			host:, // TODO: inherit from source tiddler?
			workspace: workspace,
			headers: { "X-ControlView": "false" }
		var getCallback = function(context, userParams) {
			var tiddler = context.tiddler;
			tiddler.title = localTitle;
			story.refreshTiddler(localTitle, null, true); // overriding existing allows updating
			if(callback) {
				callback(src, tiddler);
		adaptor.getTiddler(title, context, null, getCallback);

tiddlyspace.scroller = {
	runHandler: function(title, top, bottom, height) {
		var i;
		var handlers = tiddlyspace.scroller.handlers;
		var tidEl = story.getTiddler(title);
		if(tidEl) {
			var topEl = $(tidEl).offset().top + 20;
			if(top === false || (topEl > top && topEl < bottom)) {
				var h = handlers[title];
				for(i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
		} else {
	clearHandlers: function(title) {
		tiddlyspace.scroller.handlers[title] = [];
	registerIsVisibleEvent: function(title, handler) {
		tiddlyspace.scroller.handlers[title] = tiddlyspace.scroller.handlers[title] || [];
	init: function() {
		this.handlers = {};
		this.interval = window.setInterval(function() {
			var top = $(window).scrollTop();
			var height = $(window).height();
			var bottom = top + height;
			var title;
			for(title in tiddlyspace.scroller.handlers) {
				if(title) {
					tiddlyspace.scroller.runHandler(title, top, bottom, height);
		}, 2000); // every 2 seconds check scroll position

var followMacro = config.macros.followTiddlers = {
	locale: {
		followListHeader: "Here are tiddlers from spaces you follow using the follow tag which use this title.",
		noTiddlersFromFollowers: "None of the spaces you follow contain a tiddler with this name.",
		errorMessage: "There was a problem retrieving tiddlers from the server. Please try again later."
	init: function() {
		followMacro.lookup = {};
	followTag: "follow",
	getHosts: function(callback) {
		tweb.getStatus(function(status) {
			callback(, tiddlyspace.getHost(status.server_host, "%0"));
	getBlacklist: function() {
		return store.getTiddlerText("FollowTiddlersBlackList").split("\n");
	handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
		var args = paramString.parseParams("anon")[0];
		var containingTiddler = story.findContainingTiddler(place).getAttribute('tiddler');
		var title = (args.anon && args.anon[0]) || tiddler.fields["server.title"] || tiddler.title;
		var tid = store.getTiddler(title);
		var user = params[1] || false;
		if(tid) {
			followMacro.makeButton(place, {
				url: "/search?q=title:%22" + encodeURIComponent(title) + "%22",
				containingTiddler: containingTiddler,
				blacklisted: followMacro.getBlacklist(), title: title, user: user,
				consultFollowRelationship: (args.follow &&
					args.follow[0] === 'false') ? false : true });
	makeButton: function(place, options) { // this is essentially the same code in TiddlySpaceFollowingPlugin
		var title = options.title;
		var blacklisted = options.blacklisted;
		var tiddler = store.getTiddler(title);
		var btn = $('<div class="followButton" />').addClass("notLoaded").appendTo(place)[0];
		if(blacklisted.contains(title)) {
		} else {
			var user = options.user;
			window.setTimeout(function() { // prevent multiple calls due to refresh
				tiddlyspace.scroller.registerIsVisibleEvent(options.containingTiddler, function() {
					var mkButton = function(followers, ignore) {
						if(!followers && !ignore) {
						} else {
							$("<a />").appendTo(btn);
							var scanOptions = { url: options.url,
								spaceField: options.spaceField || "bag", template: null, sort: "-modified",
								callback: function(tiddlers) {
									followMacro.constructInterface(btn, tiddlers);
							if(!ignore) {
								scanOptions.showBags = followMacro._getFollowerBags(followers);
							scanOptions.hideBags = [tiddler.fields["server.bag"]];
							scanMacro.scan(null, scanOptions, user);
					if(options.consultFollowRelationship) {
					} else {
						mkButton([], true);
			}, 1000);
	constructInterface: function(container, tiddlers) {
		var txt = tiddlers.length;
		var className = txt > 0 ? "hasReplies" : "noReplies";
		var el = $(story.findContainingTiddler(container));
		var btn = $("<a />").addClass("followedTiddlers").text(txt).
			click(function(ev) {
			}).appendTo('<div class="followedTiddlers" />').appendTo(container)[0];
		$.data(btn, "tiddlers", tiddlers);
	followingOnClick: function(ev) {
		var target =;
		var locale = followMacro.locale;
		var el = $('<div class="followTiddlersList" />')[0];
		var popup = Popup.create(target,"div");
		$(popup).addClass("taggedTiddlerList followList").click(function(ev) { // make it so only clicking on the document outside the popup removes the popup
			if( != document) {
		var tiddlers = $.data(target, "tiddlers") || [];
		scanMacro.template(el, tiddlers.slice(0,1), "FollowTiddlersHeading");
		scanMacro.template(el, tiddlers, "FollowTiddlersTemplate");
		if(tiddlers.length === 0) {
			$("<li />").text(locale.noTiddlersFromFollowers).appendTo(el);
		return popup;
	_getFollowerBags: function(followers) { // XXX: private or not?
		return $.map(followers, function(name, i) {
			return name != currentSpace ? "%0_public".format(name) : null;
	getFollowers: function(callback, username) {
		// returns a list of spaces being followed by the existing space
		var followersCallback = function(user) {
			if(!user.anon) {
				scanMacro.scan(null, { 
					url: "/search?q=bag:%0_public tag:%1 _limit:%2".format(, followMacro.followTag, LIMIT_FOLLOWING),
					spaceField: "title", template: null, cache: true,
					callback: function(tiddlers) {
						var followers = [];
						for(var i = 0; i < tiddlers.length; i++) {
			} else {
		return !username ? tweb.getUserInfo(followersCallback) : followersCallback({ name: username });

var scanMacro = config.macros.tsScan = {
	init: function () {
		this.scanned = {};
	_tiddlerfy: function(jsontiddlers, options) {
		var tiddlers = [];
		var spaceField = options.spaceField || "bag"; // TODO: phase out use view types instead
		$.each(jsontiddlers, function(i, t) {
			var use = false;
			if(!options.showBags || (options.showBags && options.showBags.contains(t.bag))) {
				use = true;
			if(options.hideBags && options.hideBags.contains(t.bag)) {
				use = false;
			if(use) {
				var spaceName = t[spaceField];
				var tiddler = config.adaptors.tiddlyweb.toTiddler(t,;
				tiddler.fields[""] = tiddlyspace.resolveSpaceName(spaceName);
		return tiddlers;
	_scanCallback: function(place, jsontiddlers, options) {
		var locale = followersMacro.locale;
		var tiddlers = scanMacro._tiddlerfy(jsontiddlers, options);
		if(options.sort) {
			tiddlers = store.sortTiddlers(tiddlers, options.sort);
		if(options.filter) {
			var _store = new TiddlyWiki();
			config.lastStore = _store;
			for(var i = 0; i < tiddlers.length; i++) {
				var clone = tiddlers[i];
				clone.title = tiddlyspace.getLocalTitle(clone.title, clone.fields['server.workspace']);
			tiddlers = _store.filterTiddlers(options.filter);
		if(place) {
			var list = $("<ul />").appendTo(place)[0];
			scanMacro.template(list, tiddlers, options.template);
			if(tiddlers.length === 0) {
				$("<li />").text(options.emptyMessage || locale.noone).appendTo(list);
		if(options.callback) {
	constructSearchUrl: function(host, options) {
		if(options.url) {
			return options.url;
		var inputs = options.searchValues;
		var tag = options.tag;
		var searchField = options.searchField || "title";
		var searchQuery = [];
		for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
			searchQuery.push('%0:"%1"'.format(searchField, inputs[i]));
		var query = searchQuery.join(" OR ");
		query = tag ? "(%0) AND tag:%1".format(query, tag) : query;
		query = options.query ? "%0;%1;".format(query, options.query) : query;
		query = options.fat ? "%0&fat=1".format(query) : query;
		return '%0/search?q=%1'.format(host, query);
	scan: function(place, options) { // TODO: make use of list macro with url filter
		var locale = followersMacro.locale;
		options.template = options.template ? options.template : "ScanTemplate";
		followMacro.getHosts(function(host, tsHost) {
			options = options ? options: {};
			var url = scanMacro.constructSearchUrl(host, options);
			if(options.cache && scanMacro.scanned[url]) {
				var tiddlers = scanMacro.scanned[url].tiddlers;
				var run = function(tiddlers) {
					scanMacro._scanCallback(place, tiddlers, options);
				if(tiddlers) {
				} else {
			} else {
				var callback = function(tiddlers) {
					scanMacro._scanCallback(place, tiddlers, options);
				if(scanMacro.scanned[url] && scanMacro.scanned[url].callbacks) {
				} else {
					scanMacro.scanned[url] = {
						callbacks: [callback]
					url: url,
					dataType: "json",
					success: function(tiddlers) {
						scanMacro.scanned[url].tiddlers = tiddlers;
						var callbacks = scanMacro.scanned[url].callbacks;
						while(callbacks.length > 0) {
					error: function(xhr) {
						$("<span />").addClass("annotation error").text(locale.error.format(xhr.status)).appendTo(place);
	template: function(place, tiddlers, template) { // TODO: make use of list macro.
		for(var i = 0; i < tiddlers.length; i++) {
			var tiddler = tiddlers[i];
			var item = $('<li class="spaceName" />').appendTo(place)[0];
			var spaceName = tiddler.fields[""] || "";
			var templateText = store.getTiddlerText(template).replace(/\$1/mg, spaceName);
			wikify(templateText, item, null, tiddler);
	getOptions: function(paramString, tiddler) {
		var args = paramString.parseParams("name", null, true, false, true)[0];
		var options = { query: false, sort: false, tag: false, template: false, showBags: || false,
			hideBags: args.hide || false, filter: false, spaceField: "bag", searchField: "title", fat: false,
			emptyMessage: false };
		for(var name in args) {
			if(name != "name") {
				if(name == "fat") {
					options[name] = true;
				} else {
					options[name] = args[name][0];
		// if user has set searchField to modifier, then use the modifiers value if available otherwise use searchValues.
		var searchField = options.searchField;
		var searchValues = args[searchField] ? args[searchField] : args.searchValues;
		// if neither of those were used use the first parameter
		var defaultValues = tiddler ? [ tiddler.title ] : [];
		options.searchValues = searchValues ? searchValues : ( ? [[0]] : defaultValues);
		return options;
	handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
		var container = $("<div />").addClass("scanResults resultsArea").appendTo(place)[0];
		var options = scanMacro.getOptions(paramString, tiddler);
		scanMacro.scan(container, options);

var followersMacro = config.macros.followers = {
	locale: {
		loggedOut: "Please login to see the list of followers",
		noSupport: "We were unable to retrieve followers as your browser does not support following.",
		pleaseWait: "Please wait while we look this up...",
		error: "Error %0 occurred whilst retrieving data from server",
		noone: "None."
	handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
		var locale = followersMacro.locale;
		var args = paramString.parseParams("name", null, true, false, true)[0];
		var username = ?[0] : false;
		var container = $('<div class="followers" />').text(locale.pleaseWait).
		var followersCallback = function(user) {
			if(user.anon) {
				$("<span />").text(locale.loggedOut).appendTo(container);
			} else {
				var options = scanMacro.getOptions(paramString);
				$.extend(options, {
					url: "/search?q=title:@%0 OR title:%0 tag:%1 _limit:%2".
						format(, followMacro.followTag, LIMIT_FOLLOWING),
					spaceField: "bag",
					template: options.template ? options.template : "FollowersTemplate"
				scanMacro.scan(container, options);
		return !username ? followersCallback({ name: currentSpace }) : followersCallback({ name: username });

var followingMacro = config.macros.following = {
	locale: {
		pleaseWait: followersMacro.locale.pleaseWait,
		loggedOut: "Please login to see who you are following",
		noSupport: followersMacro.locale.noSupport,
		error: followersMacro.locale.error,
		noone: followersMacro.locale.noone
	handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
		var locale = followingMacro.locale;
		var args = paramString.parseParams("name", null, true, false, true)[0];
		var fat = args.fat ? true : false;
		var username = ?[0] : false;
		var container = $('<div class="following" />').text(locale.pleaseWait).
		var followingCallback = function(user) {
			if(user.anon) {
				$("<span />").text(locale.loggedOut).appendTo(container);
			} else {
				var options = scanMacro.getOptions(paramString);
				$.extend(options, {
					url: "/search?q=bag:%0_public tag:%1 _limit:%2".format(, followMacro.followTag, LIMIT_FOLLOWING),
					spaceField: "title",
					template: options.template ? options.template : "FollowingTemplate"
				scanMacro.scan(container, options);
		return !username ? followingCallback({ name: currentSpace }) : followingCallback({ name: username });

var linkedMacro = config.macros.linkedTiddlers = {
	handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
		var args = paramString.parseParams("anon")[0];
		var title = params[0] || tiddler.fields["server.title"] || tiddler.title;
		var tid = store.getTiddler(title);
		var containingTiddler = story.findContainingTiddler(place).getAttribute('tiddler');
		if(tid) {
			followMacro.makeButton(place, {
				spaceField: "recipe",
				url: "/bags/%0/tiddlers/%1/backlinks".format(tid.fields['server.bag'],
				blacklisted: followMacro.getBlacklist(),
				title: title,
				containingTiddler: containingTiddler,
				user: params[1] || false,
				consultFollowRelationship: args.follow ? true : false });

if(config.options.chkFollowTiddlersIsLinkedTiddlers) {
	merge(config.macros.followTiddlers, config.macros.linkedTiddlers);
	config.shadowTiddlers.FollowTiddlersHeading = "These are the other tiddlers that link to this tiddler.";

from //RAW: real and woven//

i am a notorious liar. i will tell lies even when i don't need to - and quite reliably i won't tell lies when i should. honesty is the devil's torch they say (well, no, "they" don't - nobody does - in fact i just googled that whole phrase in quotes and no one has ever said that exactly...)

//when you are honest with yourself about the reality of the life you are living, it sets the world ablaze.//

it is no small coincidence that the tree of which adam and eve ate in the garden of eden in genesis is the tree of knowledge. most religions believe that knowledge is dangerous. it is not surprising that the incidence of atheism increases with the level of education. it isn't that the more educated don't have time for god with their busy careers and lives, it is that they know there can be no god given the circumstances - and that everything about our lives is random and accidental - we are here because of a strong trait that won out in evolution - that is all - and ultimately, no matter what we do, what records we keep, what words we write on a page, what thoughts we commit to solid form, there will be a time, which in the time of our planet is a very small time, when none of it will matter - when none of it or us will survive - man has been on this planet in this form for only a very short time compared to the history of the cosmos - we can quite easily and quickly fade out just as we sparked in.

so knowledge is what must be kept from those who are to be believers - because in order to believe you must have faith, and faith is easily countered by strong evidence - there is always some sort of answer for something - and those answers that we don't have are usually in response to the bigger questions...

//From earlier in RAW://
we know, because it is written in the bible (and for some that is all that matters) that there are two creation stories - both quite different from each other. so let us suppose then there were two gardens - one in which there was a boy, a girl, a tree, an apple, and a snake, and another in which there was a girl, a boy, a tree, an orange, and a snake.  in one the boy was tempted to knowledge by the girl and her apple.  in the other the girl was tempted to knowledge by the boy and his orange. the snake represents reason in both stories.
Charles Baudelaire

Nature is a temple where living pillars
Let escape sometimes confused words;
Man traverses it through forests of symbols
That observe him with familiar glances.

Like long echoes that intermingle from afar
In a dark and profound unity,
Vast like the night and like the light,
The perfumes, the colors and the sounds respond.

There are perfumes fresh like the skin of infants
Sweet like oboes, green like prairies,
—And others corrupted, rich and triumphant

That have the expanse of infinite things,
Like ambergris, musk, balsam and incense,
Which sing the ecstasies of the mind and senses.
|~ViewToolbar|+editTiddler permalink references jump closeTiddler|

''cycle'' //noun// – recurrent period of time, before 1387. @@color(grey):{ Old French //''cycle''// or directly from Late Latin //__cyclus__// < Greek //__kyklos__ 'circle, ring, wheel, any circular body, circular motion, cycle of events'.// }
<<allTags excludeLists>>
[[Replies and Notifications]]

All spaces tagged follow
<<list filter [tag[follow]][sort[title]]>>

"All relationships begin, and end, in separation.

"Through the bloodwebs of our mothers, we start out connected to the pulse and rhythm of the cosmos. And then we are torn from the Mother, separated from the cosmos, separated from the gods, separated forever. And we close all the relationships of our lives through that separation we call death. That grinning ghastly guest is even a part of the marital ceremony, reminding the couple who are just now swearing eternal devotion that, inevitably, they are also committing themselves to loss.

"Perhaps even more significantly, they will have spent their lives in the context of a deeper, more subtly lost relationship. They will have spent the bulk of their journey suffering the loss of relationship with their own best selves. We live our lives estranged - from others, from gods, and worst of all from ourselves. Intuitively, we all know this. We know that we are our own worst enemies. We never stop trying to reconnect, to find home again, and in the end we simply leave it in a different way. Perhaps there is no home to which we can return. We can't return to the womb, though we try, and few of us are confident of a future celestial home. So we live, always homeless, whether we know it or not."

//The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other//
by James Hollis
I am a speck in the cosmos.
I am a daughter of the biome.
I am a son of the wild.
I grew-up in the family of mankind.
I am becoming master of my will.
I am training to defend the jewels.
I am a tao-child.
''Improving my self''
#gain confidence and clarity in walking my path
#learn to control and process my anger
#consider my speech more carefully
#stop "turning off my mind" with old habits and cravings
#improve my attitude toward my working life — start with my present employer
#live comfortably in my body (my height, appearance, health)
#be more at ease socially; stop worrying, measuring, comparing, judging
#make and maintain good friendships, including with men
''Life practice''
#practice loving-kindness, deeper listening, and genuine dialogue (~I-Thou)
#participate in a community, and cherish it as I do my family 
#minimize my possessions; free myself of stuff
#spend more time in Nature and out of doors
#study [[Buddhism]]
#provision for my children's happiness
#raise my son to manhood without the violent and unfeeling tendencies of historic masculinity
#raise my children to live in a better culture; offer them an enlightened practice of living as I know it
#encourage them to create their own way
#homeschool my children
''The "business" of living''
#grow a garden, and consider farming as a vocation
#feed my family with less reliance on the industrial supply-chain
#all I do, do in awareness of my connection to other life and ecological dynamics
#practice right livelihood, and harmonize my work/income with my ethics
#understand and improve the economics of my life (personal, business, social, global)
#live with no financial debt (including no home mortgage)
''Personal enrichment''
#write a story, poem, or essay
#organize/downsize my library, carefully acquire further books for a "core collection"
#learn as many [[languages→|Language Appreciation]] as I can (spoken, natural, formal or programming)
#speak Spanish fluently
#learn more about music
#enjoy children's literature again, with child's and adult's eyes
#look at the universe through a telescope
#thrive in a personal education (possibly as an educator), and dream of the [[Village University]]
#become a [[Dynabook]] author, publisher, or [[librarian→|Dynabook Library]]
#research, develop, possibly play an instantiation of The [[Glass Bead Game]]
''Experiences to "take in"''
#see a Frank Lloyd [[Wright]] home //(done!)// and incorporate some of his philosophy
#visit the [[Cathedral of Learning]]
#own a piece of art by Robert [[Vickrey]]
//From the Homily of Pope Francis in his Inaugural Mass on the 19 March, 2013://

[All emphasis below is mine, which tends toward elements of Francis' message I see as ecumenical.]

"How does Joseph respond to his calling to be the protector of Mary, Jesus and the Church? By being //constantly attentive// to God, //open to the signs of God’s presence// and receptive to God’s plans, and not simply to his own ... Joseph is a “protector” because he is able to hear God’s voice and be guided by his will; and for this reason he is all the more sensitive to the persons entrusted to his safekeeping. //He can look at things realistically, he is in touch with his surroundings, he can make truly wise decisions.//  In him, dear friends, we learn how to respond to God’s call, readily and willingly, but we also see the core of the Christian vocation, which is Christ! Let us protect Christ in our lives, so that we can protect others, so that we can protect creation!

The vocation of being a “protector”, however, is not just something involving us Christians alone; it also has //a prior dimension which is simply human, involving everyone.//  It means protecting all creation, the beauty of the created world, as the Book of Genesis tells us and as Saint Francis of Assisi showed us. It means respecting each of God’s creatures and respecting the environment in which we live. It means protecting people, showing loving concern for each and every person, especially children, the elderly, those in need, who are often the last we think about. It means caring for one another in our families: husbands and wives first protect one another, and then, as parents, they care for their children, and children themselves, in time, protect their parents. It means building sincere friendships in which we protect one another in trust, respect, and goodness.  //In the end, everything has been entrusted to our protection, and all of us are responsible for it.//  Be protectors of God’s gifts!

Whenever human beings fail to live up to this responsibility, whenever we fail to care for creation and for our brothers and sisters, the way is opened to destruction and hearts are hardened. Tragically, in every period of history there are “Herods” who plot death, wreak havoc, and mar the countenance of men and women.

Please, I would like to ask all those who have positions of responsibility in economic, political and social life, and all men and women of goodwill: let us be “protectors” of creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment.  //Let us not allow omens of destruction and death to accompany the advance of this world!//  But to be “protectors”, we also have to keep watch over ourselves!  Let us not forget that hatred, envy and pride defile our lives!  Being protectors, then, also means //keeping watch over our emotions, over our hearts, because they are the seat of good and evil intentions: intentions that build up and tear down!//  We must not be afraid of goodness or even tenderness!

Here I would add one more thing: caring, protecting, demands goodness, it calls for a certain tenderness. In the Gospels, Saint Joseph appears as a strong and courageous man, a working man, yet in his heart we see //great tenderness, which is not the virtue of the weak but rather a sign of strength of spirit// and a capacity for concern, for compassion, for genuine openness to others, for love. We must not be afraid of goodness, of tenderness!

Today, together with the feast of Saint Joseph, we are celebrating the beginning of the ministry of the new Bishop of Rome, the Successor of Peter ... He must be inspired by the //lowly, concrete and faithful service// which marked Saint Joseph and, like him, he must open his arms to //protect all of God’s people and embrace with tender affection the whole of humanity, especially the poorest, the weakest, the least important//, those whom Matthew lists in the final judgment on love: //the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick and those in prison// (cf. Mt 25:31-46). Only those who serve with love are able to protect!

... Today too, amid so much darkness, we need to see the light of hope and to be men and women who bring hope to others. To protect creation, to protect every man and every woman, to look upon them with tenderness and love, is to open up a horizon of hope; it is to let a shaft of light break through the heavy clouds; it is to bring the warmth of hope!

... To protect Jesus with Mary, to protect the whole of creation, to protect each person, especially the poorest, to protect ourselves: this is a service that the Bishop of Rome is called to carry out, yet one to which all of us are called, so that the star of hope will shine brightly. Let us protect with love all that God has given us!"
This luminous View of the Natural Great Perfection transcends the dualism of perfect and imperfect.  It implies that everything is primordially complete as is, and uninhibitedly, inexhaustibly, spontaneously manifesting.  We don’t have to inhibit, alter, or adulterate anything in our experience; we can simply appreciate it as it as, and make more wise and informed decisions about how skillfully to work with things according to conditions and circumstances.   We don’t have to try to become perfect or stop thinking and feeling–not to mention try to make others change according to our own notions of how they could or should be!  The nature of the mind is primordially perfect as it is, and all its myriad manifestations are as well–thoughts, feelings, perceptions, memories, or whatever arises in the body-mind complex.
From the Wikipedia article:

Kevin Kelly:  "Everything the Whole Earth Catalogs did, the web does better."

Looking back and discussing attitudes evident in the early editions of the catalog, Brand wrote, “At a time when the New Left was calling for grassroots political (i.e., referred) power, Whole Earth eschewed politics and pushed grass-roots direct power—tools and skills.”

The broad interpretation of "tool" coincided with that given by the designer, philosopher, and engineer Buckminster Fuller, though another thinker admired by Brand and some of his cohorts was Lewis Mumford, who had written about words as tools. Early editions reflected the considerable influence of Fuller, particularly his teachings about "whole systems," "synergetics," and efficiency or reducing waste.

By 1971, Brand and his co-workers were already questioning whether Fuller’s sense of direction might be too anthropocentric. New information arising in fields like ecology and biospherics was persuasive.  By the mid-1970s, much of the Buddhist economics viewpoint of E. F. Schumacher, as well as the activist interests of the biological species preservationists, had tempered the overall enthusiasm for Fuller's ideas in the catalog.  Still later, the amiable-architecture ideas of people like Christopher Alexander and similar community-planning ideas...

An important shift in philosophy in the Catalogs occurred in the early 1970s, when Brand decided that the early stance of emphasizing individualism should be replaced with one favoring community. He had originally written that "a realm of intimate, personal power is developing"; regarding this as important in some respects (to wit, the soon-emerging potentials of personal computing), Brand felt that the over-arching project of humankind had more to do with living within natural systems, and this is something we do in common, interactively.
''Kenneth E. Iverson''  (17 December 1920 – 19 October 2004)  Canadian computer scientist most notable for developing the APL programming language in 1957, and later the J programming language.  He receiving the Turing award in 1979 for his contributions to mathematical notation and programming language theory.

From "Remembering Ken Iverson" ^^[[[9]|]]^^ by Roger Hui, November 2004
– which includes the last known picture of Ken [[here|]].
As others have recounted, Ken was deeply interested in words, their use and their etymology. He indeed did read the dictionary, and kept a copy of the American Heritage Dictionary (along with other dictionaries) by his easy chair for ready reference. He especially encouraged me to consult the section on ~Indo-European roots in the back of the AHD, which makes deep and uncommon connections between words.

Many of Ken’s relatives and friends received from him the AHD as a present. I myself did not because I’d already owned one years before I met Ken. In fact, I gave him the third edition of the AHD as a present.

I think nothing I had ever done impressed Ken quite as much as when I found the word “rhematic” (meaning, pertaining to the formation of words), a word he had been searching for for some time. Thus the phrase “rhematic rules of J” made its way into the J [programming language] dictionary.

[[The Times Obituary: Kenneth Iverson, Charismatic mathematician who invented the APL computer programming language|]]
in reply to [[précis]]@vikram-rao: Today I came across your TiddlySpace, full of interesting philosophy and the hyperlinked structure you are creating with and for it. I began using the term précis in my space @remuse a few weeks ago.  I'd like to include and link to many of your tiddlers in my own mental explorations. Are you open to conversing?
system : ecstasy ''::'' simple : explicate
!!one plait
| freedom • necessity | |
| liberate • reconcile | |
| art • nature | //natus mori mundi// |
| human • environment | // ecology// |
| self • whole | //adequacy// |
| ideal • actual | |
| fixity • change | |
| simplicity • complexity | |
| unity • duality | |
| knowledge • passion | |
| life • death | |
| information • naïf actual | |
!!Naïf ~Living-Actual
sun : sky
lake : rain
fire : metal
tree : thunder
wind : angiosperm
water : moon
mountain : dwelling
earth : soil

[correspond to the //bagua// – literally "eight symbols" in Chinese]

life/death ("[[procreant urge|origin of all poems]] of the world"  – Whitman)

''I live free, and
I reconcile to the whole.''

[[Art|art]] . . . and [[Ecology]]
art defined by the American Heritage Dictionary:
//'human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature'//

Human Art and Effort . . . and the 'External' Ambience called '''Nature''' or '''World'''
//humanus ex fortis . . . natus mori mundi//

Simplicity is non-dual: not self and whole in tension, but harmonized.
Simplicity is the weaving and the woven, not the contrasting 'strands.'
Everything is interwoven, and [[the web is holy]];
none of its parts are unconnected.
They are composed harmoniously, and together they compose the world.
One world, made up of all things . . . @@color(grey):[Marcus Aurelius]@@
There's no presumption in joining in
on the indescribable relation;
the [[interweaving|self-thrown things]] grows more and more intimate.
Mere being-borne is not enough . . . @@color(grey):[Rainer Maria Rilke]@@
An [[adequate life]] . . . has grasped intuitively the nature of all things,
and has seen and refocused itself to this whole.
Octavio [[Paz]] treats liberation and reconciliation in //The Monkey Grammarian//.
He also refers to reconciliation in [[The beginning of the Beginning]].)

"Simple can be harder than complex:
You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.
But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains."
—Steve [[Jobs]], [[May 1998|]]

Contrast simple with //complex, complicated, multiplexed//
It takes courage to be afraid. —Montaigne, //Essays//, III, 6, (1588)

An endeavor which human beings have never attempted…
!The Space Within Us
by Rainer Maria [[Rilke]]

The space within us reaches out, translates each thing.
For the essence of a Tree to be real for you,
cast inner space around it, out of the space
that exists in you. Encircle it with restraint.
It has no borders. Only in the realm
of your renouncing can it, as tree, be known.

//Uncollected Poems//
// TiddlyWeb adaptor
// v0.14.3

/*jslint vars: true, unparam: true, nomen: true, white: true */
/*global jQuery */

var tiddlyweb = (function($) {

"use strict";

var tw = {
	routes: {
		// host is the TiddlyWeb instance's URI (including server_prefix)
		// placeholders "_type" & "name" refer to the respective bag/recipe
		root     : "{host}/",
		bags     : "{host}/bags",
		bag      : "{host}/bags/{name}",
		recipes  : "{host}/recipes",
		recipe   : "{host}/recipes/{name}",
		tiddlers : "{host}/{_type}s/{name}/tiddlers",
		tiddler  : "{host}/{_type}s/{name}/tiddlers/{title}",
		revisions: "{host}/{_type}s/{name}/tiddlers/{title}/revisions",
		revision : "{host}/{_type}s/{name}/tiddlers/{title}/revisions/{revision}",
		search   : "{host}/search?q={query}"

var convertTimestamp, supplant;

// host (optional) is the URI of the originating TiddlyWeb instance
tw.Resource = function(type, host) {
	if(arguments.length) { // initialization
		this._type = type;
		if(host !== false) { = host !== undefined ? host.replace(/\/$/, "") : null;
$.extend(tw.Resource.prototype, {
	// retrieves resource from server
	// callback is passed resource, status, XHR (cf. jQuery.ajax success)
	// errback is passed XHR, error, exception, resource (cf. jQuery.ajax error)
	// filters is an optional filter string (e.g. "select=tag:foo;limit=5")
	get: function(callback, errback, filters) {
		var uri = this.route();
		if(filters) {
			var separator = uri.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : ";";
			uri += separator + filters;
		var self = this;
		return $.ajax({
			url: uri,
			type: "GET",
			dataType: "json",
			success: function(data, status, xhr) {
				var resource = self.parse(data);
				resource.etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("Etag");
				callback(resource, status, xhr);
			error: function(xhr, error, exc) {
				errback(xhr, error, exc, self);
	// sends resource to server
	// callback is passed data, status, XHR (cf. jQuery.ajax success)
	// errback is passed XHR, error, exception, resource (cf. jQuery.ajax error)
	put: function(callback, errback) {
		var self = this;
		var options = {
			url: this.route(),
			type: "PUT",
			contentType: "application/json",
			data: JSON.stringify(this.baseData()),
			success: function(data, status, xhr) {
				callback(self, status, xhr);
			error: function(xhr, error, exc) {
				errback(xhr, error, exc, self);
		if(this.ajaxSetup) {
		return $.ajax(options);
	// deletes resource on server
	// callback is passed data, status, XHR (cf. jQuery.ajax success)
	// errback is passed XHR, error, exception, resource (cf. jQuery.ajax error)
	"delete": function(callback, errback) {
		var self = this;
		var options = {
			url: this.route(),
			type: "DELETE",
			success: function(data, status, xhr) {
				callback(self, status, xhr);
			error: function(xhr, error, exc) {
				errback(xhr, error, exc, self);
		if(this.ajaxSetup) {
		return $.ajax(options);
	// returns an object carrying only the essential information of the resource
	baseData: function() {
		var data = {},
			self = this;
		$.each(, function(i, item) {
			var value = self[item];
			if(value !== undefined) {
				data[item] = value;
		return data;
	// returns corresponding instance from a raw object (if applicable)
	parse: function(data) {
		return data;
	// list of accepted keys in serialization
	data: [],
	// returns resource's URI
	route: function() {
		return supplant(tw.routes[this._type], this);

var Container = function(type, name, host) {
	if(arguments.length) { // initialization
		tw.Resource.apply(this, [type, host]); = name;
		this.desc = "";
		this.policy = new tw.Policy({});
Container.prototype = new tw.Resource();
$.extend(Container.prototype, {
	tiddlers: function() {
		return new tw.TiddlerCollection(this);
	parse: function(data) {
		var type = tw._capitalize(this._type),
			container = new tw[type](,;
		data.policy = new tw.Policy(data.policy);
		return $.extend(container, data);
	data: ["desc", "policy"]

// attribs is an object whose members are merged into the instance (e.g. query)
tw.Collection = function(type, host, attribs) {
	if(arguments.length) { // initialization
		tw.Resource.apply(this, [type, host]);
		$.extend(this, attribs);
tw.Collection.prototype = new tw.Resource();

tw.TiddlerCollection = function(container, tiddler) {
	if(arguments.length) { // initialization
		tw.Collection.apply(this, [tiddler ? "revisions" : "tiddlers"]);
		this.container = container || null;
		this.tiddler = tiddler || null;
tw.TiddlerCollection.prototype = new tw.Collection();
$.extend(tw.TiddlerCollection.prototype, {
	parse: function(data) {
		var container = this.container;
		return $.map(data, function(item, i) {
			var tiddler = new tw.Tiddler(item.title, container),
				bag = item.bag;
			tiddler = tw.Tiddler.prototype.parse.apply(tiddler, [item]);
			if(!tiddler.bag && bag) { // XXX: bag always present!?
				tiddler.bag = new tw.Bag(bag,;
			if(!tiddler.recipe && item.recipe) {
				tiddler.recipe = new tw.Recipe(item.recipe,;
			delete item.recipe;
			return $.extend(tiddler, item);
	route: function() {
		var params = this.container;
		if(this.tiddler) {
			var container = this.tiddler.bag || this.tiddler.recipe;
			params = {
				_type: container._type,
				title: this.tiddler.title
		return supplant(tw.routes[this._type], params);

tw.Search = function(query, host) {
	tw.Collection.apply(this, ["search", host]);
	this.query = query;
tw.Search.prototype = new tw.Collection();
$.extend(tw.Search.prototype, {
	parse: function(data) {
		this.container = { // XXX: hacky
			_type: "bag",
		var tiddlers = tw.TiddlerCollection.prototype.parse.apply(this, arguments);
		delete this.container;
		return tiddlers;

// title is the name of the tiddler
// container (optional) is an instance of either Bag or Recipe
// optionally accepts a single object representing tiddler attributes
tw.Tiddler = function(title, container) {
	tw.Resource.apply(this, ["tiddler", false]);
	this.title = title;
	this.bag = container && container._type === "bag" ? container : null;
	this.recipe = container && container._type === "recipe" ? container : null;
	var self = this;
	$.each(, function(i, item) {
		self[item] = undefined; // exposes list of standard attributes for inspectability
	if(title && title.title) { // title is an object of tiddler attributes
		$.extend(this, title);
tw.Tiddler.prototype = new tw.Resource();
$.extend(tw.Tiddler.prototype, {
	revisions: function() {
		return new tw.TiddlerCollection(this.bag || this.recipe, this);
	route: function() {
		var container = this.bag || this.recipe;
		var params = $.extend({}, this, {
			host: container ? : null,
			_type: this.bag ? "bag" : (this.recipe ? "recipe" : null),
			name: container ? : null
		return supplant(tw.routes[this._type], params);
	parse: function(data) {
		var tiddler = new tw.Tiddler(this.title),
			container = this.bag || this.recipe;
		if(data.bag) {
			tiddler.bag = new tw.Bag(data.bag,;
			delete data.bag;
		delete data.recipe;
		tiddler.created = data.created ? convertTimestamp(data.created) : new Date();
		delete data.created;
		tiddler.modified = data.modified ? convertTimestamp(data.modified) : new Date();
		delete data.modified;
		if(this.recipe) {
			tiddler.recipe = this.recipe;
		return $.extend(tiddler, data);
	data: ["created", "creator", "modifier", "modified", "tags", "type", "text",
	ajaxSetup: function(options) {
		var self = this;
		if(this.etag && (options.type === "PUT" || options.type === "DELETE")) {
			options.beforeSend = function(xhr) {
				xhr.setRequestHeader("If-Match", self.etag);
		if(options.type === "PUT") {
			var callback = options.success;
			options.success = function(data, status, xhr) {
				var loc = xhr.getResponseHeader("Location"),
					etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("Etag");
				if(loc && etag) {
					self.etag = etag;
					if(!self.bag) {
						var bag = loc.split("/bags/").pop().split("/")[0];
						self.bag = new tw.Bag(bag,;
					callback(self, status, xhr);
				} else { // IE
					self.get(callback, options.error);

tw.Revision = function(id, tiddler) {
	var container = tiddler.bag || tiddler.recipe;
	tw.Tiddler.apply(this, [tiddler.title, container]);
	this._type = "revision";
	this.revision = id;
tw.Revision.prototype = new tw.Tiddler();
$.extend(tw.Revision.prototype, {
	revisions: false,
	data: false,
	put: false,
	"delete": false

tw.Bag = function(name, host) {
	Container.apply(this, ["bag", name, host]);
tw.Bag.prototype = new Container();

tw.Recipe = function(name, host) {
	Container.apply(this, ["recipe", name, host]);
	this.recipe = [];
tw.Recipe.prototype = new Container();
$.extend(tw.Recipe.prototype, {
	data: ["recipe"].concat(

tw.Policy = function(constraints) { // TODO: validation?
	var self = this;
	$.each(this.constraints, function(i, item) {
		self[item] = constraints[item];
tw.Policy.prototype.constraints = ["read", "write", "create", "delete",
	"manage", "accept", "owner"];

 * utilities

tw._capitalize = function(str) {
	return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);

// convert YYYYMMDDhhmmss timestamp to Date instance
convertTimestamp = function(t) {
	if (t.match(/^\d{12,17}$/)) {
		return new Date(Date.UTC(
			parseInt(t.substr(0, 4), 10),
			parseInt(t.substr(4, 2), 10) - 1,
			parseInt(t.substr(6, 2), 10),
			parseInt(t.substr(8, 2), 10),
			parseInt(t.substr(10, 2), 10),
			parseInt(t.substr(12, 2) || "0", 10),
			parseInt(t.substr(14, 3) || "0", 10)
	} else {
		return new Date(Date.parse(t));

// adapted from Crockford (
supplant = function(str, obj) {
	return str.replace(/{([^{}]*)}/g, function (a, b) {
		var r = obj[b];
		r = typeof r === "string" || typeof r === "number" ? r : a;
		return $.inArray(b, ["host", "query"]) !== -1 ? r : encodeURIComponent(r); // XXX: special-casing

return tw;

As long as you catch self-[[thrown|iacere]] things
it's all dexterity and venial gain—;
only when you've suddenly caught that ball
which she, one of the eternal players,
has tossed toward you, your center, with
a throw precisely judged, one of those arches
that exist in God's great bridge-system:
only then is catching a proficiency,—
not yours, a world's.

And if you then had
strength and courage to return the throw,
no, more wonderful: forget strength and courage
and had //already// thrown . . . . . (as the year
throws the birds, those migrating bird swarms,
which an older to a younger warmth sends
catapulting across oceans—) only
in that venture would you truly join in.
No longer making the throw easy; no longer making
it hard. Out of your hands the meteor
would launch itself and flame into its spaces . . .

–Rainer Marie [[Rilke]], January 31, 1922


As once the winged energy of delight
carried you over those many first abysses,
now build the unimagined bridge's
sternly calculated arc.

Miracle's not only in the unexplained
outlasting of the threat;
only in the clear, consummate
achievement //[?]// is the miracle //defined.//

There's no presumption in joining in
on the indescribable relation;
the [[meshwork|the web is holy]] grows more and more ardent,
mere being-borne is not enough.

Take your practiced strengths and [[stretch|dig]] them
until they reach between two
contradictions . . . For far inside you
the god wishes to consult.

mid-February 1924
|''Author''|Ben Gillies and Jon Robson|
|''Description''|Upload a binary file to TiddlyWeb|
|''Requires''|TiddlySpaceConfig TiddlyWebConfig|
<<binaryUpload bag:<name> edit:tags edit:title tags:<default tags> title:<title> >>
* {{{bag:<name>}}}: optional; if left out, the file will be saved to the current workspace
* {{{edit:tags}}}: specifies that you want to tag the file being uploaded
* {{{edit:title}}}: specifies that you want to set the title to something other than the filename
* {{{tags:<default tags>}}}: specifies a default set of tags to apply to the file (requires {{{edit:tags}}} to be set)
* {{{title:<title>}}}: predefines the title of the binary tiddler
(function($) {

var tiddlyspace = config.extensions.tiddlyspace;

var macro = config.macros.binaryUpload = {
	locale: {
		titleDefaultValue: "Please enter a title...",
		tagsDefaultValue: "Please enter some tags...",
		titlePrefix: "title: ",
		tagsPrefix: "tags: ",
		loadSuccess: 'Tiddler %0 successfully uploaded',
		loadError: "An error occurred when uploading the tiddler %0",
		uploadInProgress: "Please wait while the file is uploaded...",
		membersOnly: "Only members can upload."
	renderInputFields: function(container, options) {
		var locale = macro.locale;
		var editableFields = options.edit;
		var includeFields = {
			tags:  editableFields && editableFields.contains("tags") ? true : false,
			title: editableFields && editableFields.contains("title") ? true : false
		var fields = ["title", "tags"];
		for(var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
			var fieldName = fields[i];
			var userDefault = options[fieldName];
			var defaultValue = userDefault ? userDefault[0] : false;
			if(includeFields[fieldName] || defaultValue) {
				var localeDefault = locale["%0DefaultValue".format(fieldName)];
				var className = defaultValue ? "userInput" : "userInput notEdited";
				var inputEl;
				var val = defaultValue || localeDefault || "";
				var iContainer = $("<div />").addClass("binaryUpload%0".format(fieldName)).
				if(defaultValue && !includeFields[fieldName]) {
					var label = locale["%0Prefix".format(fieldName)];
					$("<span />").text(label).appendTo(iContainer);
					$("<span />").addClass("disabledInput").text(val).appendTo(iContainer);
					inputEl = $("<input />").attr("type", "hidden");
				} else {
					inputEl = $("<input />").attr("type", "text");
				inputEl.attr("name", fieldName).
	getTiddlerName: function(fileName) {
		var fStart = fileName.lastIndexOf("\\");
		var fStart2 = fileName.lastIndexOf("/");
		fStart = fStart < fStart2 ? fStart2 : fStart;
		fileName = fileName.substr(fStart+1);
		return fileName;
	errorHandler: function(fileName) {
		displayMessage("upload of file %0 failed".format(fileName));
	uploadFile: function(place, baseURL, workspace, options) {
		var pleaseWait = $(".uploadProgress", place);
		var iframeName =;
		var form = $("form", place);
		var existingVal = $("input[name=title]", form).val();
		var fileName = existingVal || $('input:file', form).val();
		if(!fileName) {
			return false; // the user hasn't selected a file yet
		fileName = macro.getTiddlerName(fileName);
		$("input[name=title]", place).val(fileName);
		// we need to go somewhere afterwards to ensure the onload event triggers
		var redirectTo = "/%0/tiddlers.txt?select=title:%1".
			format(workspace, fileName);
		var token = tiddlyspace ? tiddlyspace.getCSRFToken() : "";
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;//Enfoca tu atención primaria en el mensaje en lugar de la forma.//
:Focus your primary attention [care] on the message in place of the form.
;//''Fractal Mundiosa''//
:Fractal World that is Divine Feminine; Ground Divine; or the [[Axis Mundi]]
;//material [[mítica|mitocos]] diosa//
:material mythic goddess
;//Una Trenza//
:One Plait … see the [[simple]] 'thread'

//Tentatively I list these elements of what I call//
;//El ~Ingenuo-Ser / Ser La Realidad ~Vida-y-Ingenuo//
:The ~Unaware-Is / The Naïf ~Living-Actual

''Yo hago el siguiente precaución para mí''
*No intente la reinvención de cada patrón y un conjunto de reglas que me encuentro.
**//Do not try to reinvent each pattern and a set of rules that I meet.//
*No se sienta desprecio por lo que ha sido eficaz para los demás.
**//Do not feel contempt for what has been effective for others.//
*No deje de apreciar las lenguas y las tradiciones heredadas de mi civilización.
**//Do not fail to appreciate the languages ​​and traditions inherited from my civilization.//
|''Author''|Jon Robson|
var _loadMissing = Story.prototype.loadMissingTiddler;
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Intimate contact across the void - m4mw - 31

Would you like to "pass notes" across the digital void, and taste intimacy through words? Baring your heart...your hungers...your demons...or your unfulfilled needs to a "stranger" who will listen and possibly become a friend?

Male or female, young or old, whether you seek romance, friendship, or intense conversation to flame up in your days ... send me a message.

Here's a fragment of poetry translated from Spanish to give you a sense of my M.O. (modus operandi):

...The world is born when two people kiss,
a drop of light from transparent juices,
the room cracks half-open like a fruit
or explodes in silence like a star...
the world changes
if two look at each other and see,
to love is to [[undress|the two took off their clothes]] our names...
the world changes
if two, dizzy and entwined,
fall on the grass: the sky comes down...
they leap over time, invulnerable,
nothing can touch them, they return to the source.
There is no you, no I, no tomorrow,
no yesterday, no names, the truth of two
in a single body, a single soul.

Bonus if you answer with your favorite poem, passage, lyric from a song, or quote from a film.
Ray to you:

so what do you do exactly? like I wanna talk to you about my fantasies

Me to Ray:

I listen.

In real life, I've had sex with strangers -- which was largely a disappointment.
I've also fallen in love a time or two in the past 15 years.
And I read and write a lot.

If you want to talk about your fantasies, I'm all ears. And I can "play along" however you wish.
Type the text for 'cecilyMap'
!!//The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of ~Loving-Kindness//
by Pema Chödrön

Being satisfied with what we already have is a…key to being alive in a full, unrestricted, and inspired way.  One of the major obstacles to what is traditionally called enlightenment is resentment, feeling cheated, holding a grudge about who you are, where you are, what you are. (Page 5)

''Five strengths to draw upon:''
#__Determination__ and __commitment__ to awakened meaningful existence, relate openly and "turn toward life."
#__Familiarity__ or familiarization with bodhichitta practices … All activities should be done with one intention: to realize Interbeing (connection with all beings.)
#__Seed of goodness__ found in all life, held in my daily awareness.
#__Reproach__ gentle, firm, yet far-sighted – asking //Have I done this before?// (in the life prior to determination.)
#__Aspiration__ that ignorance and fear will diminish; wisdom and compassion will increase.
this is what i want: a studio of my own.
a place to do my writing or my art or my crafting or my thinking or my dreaming - or do it all and nothing - a place to meditate, a place to hide, a place to collect and deconstruct my thoughts - a studio: a multi-purpose cross-functional all embracing place of love and honor - a shrine, a temple - a holy (wholly place).

i suppose that one could argue your mind is the best studio of all - and if you don't use the confines of your own personal space to create and do all of these amazing things in, you probably won't do it in a physical space that [merely] represents these things.

and then you really have to ask yourself - can a writer and an artist coexist in the same space? that is what i would be asking - for my multi-faceted created selves to exist in the same space and share physical union - paints and words and failures - because oh so many of those would thrive in the studio - but masterpieces too - priceless in their beauty and variety and //openness.//

stunning and beautiful masterpieces - dutiful bits of pottery and prose and painted canvas biding time until [[the end of my world|People]].

is there anything more tragic - for art to die at the very moment with its creator - though sometimes it lives on, if those entrusted with its legacy have even a semblance of caring and concern for the outcome - for the message [[made manifest|Manifest]].
|''Description''|Initializes new TiddlySpaces the first time they are created|
|''Requires''|TiddlySpaceConfig RandomColorPalettePlugin chrjs ImageMacroPlugin|
* robust error notification and recovery
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$(document).bind("startup", plugin.dispatch);

Extracted 14 July 2013
A collection by the Scottish poet Ronald Eadie Munro
(aka [[Duncan Munro Glen]]), published 1969

//we know, still there,
a land of sun and blue skies
our faither cut grey with pain
live with knowledge of days spent,
and sleep shut in the gairden
though the paths are
the blossom calls

a spring held tight
vibratin as he walks
a challenge to his brothers
the hidden selves safe aneath
quick thrustin strides
the beat o haimmers
edgin to brittle pairts
that spairk quick and chip

a table is set across a field
strength ahint closed doors
the warmth is in us
breathless and strong in her blood
that knot made to untie

a young God challengin the storm
shout my strength to the shadows
turn to the fire with them in times unknown;
daurkness welcomed and warm

quick turn in warmth to her I [[kythe]]
across another field
turn and turn again
and lie warm in the coloured wall
that knows no time but the one movin a leaf//
This is daurk Lanarkshire
[the place of Duncan's birth in 1933]
sae I hae learnt.
But //we ken aye there
a land o sun and blue skies.//
A time o lang days and play
wi my brithers.
We desire ainly
the cool blue watter.
Water rinnin slow in thochts
toom ablow the sky. Days
at ease wi oor brithers
and aw o earth and kin
in their ways.

And the corn there. Fenced
by oor faither. Yellowin ears
on lang stalks that move us
toward the hairst for days
oor faither fears.

We desire ainly
the cool blue watter.
Oor faither cut grey wi pain
and cauld. His lang-boned body
live wi knowledge
o days spent,
and sleep shut in the gairden
//though the paths are
and the auld trees
in blossom that hauds nae stain.

//The blossom calls.// The gairden
oor mither returns to
with the strength o his winter.
Days for which she nourishes
strange sons. Their ways forced
ootside trig lairs.
And soon
grow strong and broun
and faither wi them
nourished to their hairst.

In my thochts daurk corners
and unkent steps.
Journeys across swung stairweys.
Across daurk rivers on bridges
felt wi stretchin fingers;
open weys wi missin steps
and sweyin haunrails shadows
saft and grey agin the nicht.

A time o closed roads and unkent
fields. Great daurk acres
shut oot by quick faain hills
and sma halls o endless dance.

A spring held ticht; and wound
to the grip o innocence. //A spring
vibratin as he walks
a challenge
to his brithers.// A time of unwindin
to ithers’ time.

A large stride across a street.
//The hidden selves safe aneath
quick thrustin strides.// Unheard
voices drouned in the blood
racin. A time of lookin
frea ahint an unshaved face.
Bricht-haired shadows rinnin
through oor nicht; shairp wi
unkent knives cutting across
the raw stane. And //the beat o haimmers
edgin to brittle pairts
that spairk quick, and chip//
against unseen heids. A time
o shairp corners and short cuts
taen blin.

The stane rises daurk against
the sky. And //a table is set
across a field//

... A time o bricht
daurkness and haurd gless tables
set wi hauf-filled bottles.

And the dance. Heids on a hidden
floor. A turnin licht movin
through the spectrum. The warm
wi the cool. A sad yellow
and a turnin green. Heild ticht
on sprung boards. Turn and turn
again. The great springs taut
in ithers' haunds.

Great gaitherings o dochters
turnin. The owre-lookin.
And the dance. Close and fast
turnin steps. Time and time again
roond movin limbs. Quick steps
and slaw movements. Gyrations
full and round wi the beat
time and time again.

A time of hame-comin and visitin
hame. New faces in auld.
And //strength ahint closed doors//
and rung bells.

//The warmth is in us.// We lie
the fields are sma
and licht frae oor gairden. The days
are lazy and fu wi the trees
growin ablow us. And she walks doun,
and full-skirtit, wi warmth
and fear by his side. Waitin
and growin

A stranger. A time of confinement
and doors closin. Of waiting
and walking. A time of sleep.
Of climbing close stairs
—and cauld. He rises
across the sky. Heavy clouds
blowin through the park. And gates
are closin. We wait on time.
The tide in her strong and high
wi waves that rise
and fall ayont the swingin
wecht. A flood rode dry
ootside the ark braithless and
strong in her blood. //That knot
made to untie.// And turn
in time, frae him noo
in the licht.

And the flood in him.
//a young God challengin
the storm// rushin owre
wi him licht to me. A pillar
above the storm.
Heich up hill paths I staun
and glimpse faur blue hills
and lochs seen bricht
though ne'er reached. And he
smiles owre my shoulder
a rock above the storm
I face.

She turns me to see
his ways. To journeys I canna
make. And a stranger moves
across a field. And through
my storm. A young face.
A column broken and swept
in spate
to the sea.

The storm beats doun my airms
and the sky falls . . .

Shadows grow colours
aw roun. I lie warm
in days lang wi daurk nights
alane in their time

A time o warmth by the fire.
Aw nicht
cauld doun daurk corridors
live wi steps
I turn frae across my nicht
and shut oot
ahint quick-closed dwaums.

I sit in the movin licht
wi steerin stairs
turnin wi the spurkle
o smells frae daurk breakfasts
you rise to mak
and mak again.

I sit cauld. Time
in my pulse
racin to a time
I turn frae. A time o shut
I couldna open
for licht or daurk.

Swallin doors growin shut
afore that white waa.
I look
to her warm in the sun. A young face
sad in my een. But quick
turn to quicker feet
and shoutin voices. Hers and mine
I canna hear, but ken
and feel aye there
a pool to lie in warm
wi unturnt licht.

My time.
But they call
and it is Their time.

I staun against the door
and turn open-eened to cross
daurk corridors and //shout
my strength to the shadows//
that run wi me
aye a step ahint
across halls and up stairs
to daurk that waits
and waits. And I turn warm;
//turn to the fire wi them
in times unkent; daurkness
welcomed and warm//
coverin us in the hidden places
of the gairden.

The leaves are faain.
I auld in their gairden;
I turn
and turn again
to a gairden that shuts oot
tomorrow's licht and shadows.
I turn frae the cool watter
and desire anerly the saft gress
uncut since we walkt paths
seen anerly frae that heavy wey
across the hill

and licht lengthens her shadow
in my dreed;
a cauld haun in mine
across corridors I see
open oot
and warm carpeted.

I see her often there
an unseen face
kent across daurk gress
frae this fireside. Oor past
still in me wi the toom
rooms o childhood. And //quick
turn in warmth to her I ken
across anither field.// But then
in time
grow cauld and turn
to the waa.

Sma faces growin frae patterns.
Faces safe in my een
that blink to blin
and turn
away to ithers. Turn and turn
again. Sma movin figures
I canna ken. And lie
warm in the coloured wall
that kens nae time
but the wun movin
a leaf. A wun
aye in the gairden
and the mornin taen wi the sun . . .

and they call
and it is their time
and their place . . .

[last and forty-eighth page of the book]
I sent this message this evening to my Republican Senator, House Rep, as well as to John Boehner and Mitch ~McConnell:
I want your office to hear my viewpoint on America's current fiscal situation, deficits, and the work before the new Congressional committee to address these problems.

First, I want to share the following NY Times op-ed piece, which I assume you have already or will personally read:

I hope that you will heed the advice of a man like Warren Buffett, even if his politics may generally run more liberal than your own.  Ideological differences between Republicans and Democrats must take a back-seat to solving our country's fiscal problems.  It is vital that those in your party who are so dogmatically opposed to revenue increases come to recognize that "spending through the tax code" with loop-holes and unmerited deductions, and refusing to fairly tax the income of some Americans (such as those in the financial sector) is extremely irresponsible and unfair to your constituents.

I am going to send this same message to Speaker Boehner.  Although I am not a direct constituent of either one of you, in your leadership roles I hope that you are making an effort to hear *all* American's voices.  Surely you must know that to be your real work in the Congress, not obsessive factionalism and unity with Republicans against President Obama.
!Upload an icon
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If you haven't already done so, you should provide a brief decscription of yourself and what you're using this space for. To do this, just edit the [[SiteInfo]] tiddler (keeping the title the same of course).

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!Change the menu
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!Change the default tiddlers
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!More Advanced customisations
If you know HTML and CSS, you can edit some or all of the following tiddlers to customise your space further:
* PageTemplate
* EditTemplate
* ViewTemplate
* StyleSheet
[[self-thrown things]]


project materials
project aims and means
whole means project



a spontaneous, deliberative and dialectic space - for a daddy engaged in the practice of living
Books I've read in the past few years which are memorable to me:

//[[Reading Obama]]: Dreams, Hope, and the American Political Tradition// — James T. Kloppenberg

//The Last Lecture// — Randy Pausch

//A Short History of Nearly Everything// — Bill Bryson

//[[The End of Education]]: Redefining the Value of School// — Neil Postman

//Deep Ancestry: Inside the Genographic Project// – Spencer Wells

//Notes to Myself: My struggle to become a person// — Hugh Prather

//Cycling: For Health, Fitness, and ~Well-Being// – James C. ~McCullagh
!!//Man's Search For Meaning//
by Viktor E. Frankl
Published in German in 1946 under the title
//Ein Psycholog erlebt das Konzentrationslager//,
original English title was //From ~Death-Camp to Existentialism//.

Some details of a particular man's inner greatness come to mind, like the story of the young woman whose death I witnessed in a concentration camp.  It is a simple story.  There is little to tell and it may sound as if I had invented it; but to me it seems like a poem.

This young woman knew that she would die in the next few days.  But when I talked to her she was cheerful in spite of this knowledge.  "I am grateful that fate has hit me so hard," she told me.  "In my former life I was spoiled and did not take spiritual accomplishments seriously."  Pointing through the window of the hut, she said, "This tree here is the only friend I have in my loneliness."  Through that window she could see just one branch of a chestnut tree, and on the branch were two blossoms.  "I often talk to this tree," she said to me.  I was startled and didn't quite know how to take her words.  Was she delirious?  Did she have occasional hallucinations?  Anxiously I asked her if the tree replied.  "Yes."  What did it say to her?  She answered, "It said to me, ''//'I am here—I am here—I am life, eternal life.'//'' "

I said to the almond tree: "Speak to me of God"
and the almond tree blossomed.
–Nikos [[Kazantzakis]]
Term appeared in John [[Rawls]]'s //Theory of Justice//.  It also fits with my recollection of Stephen Batchelor's philosophy put forth in //Confession of a Buddhist Atheist//.

Our self, or [[Ego]], is one of the earliest navigational markers young human beings need to acquire (I believe), but then 'shed' it, and come to regard this, too, as a provisional fixed point in existence.

Whole Means Company
//Access to tools and the whole means of living//

*Understanding Whole Systems
*Shelter and Land Use
*Industry and Craft

The WHOLE EARTH CATALOG functions as an evaluation and access device. With it, the user should know better what is worth getting and where and how to do the getting. An item is listed in the CATALOG if it is deemed:
#Useful as a tool,
#Relevant to independent education,
#High quality or low cost,
#Not already common knowledge,
#Easily available by mail.
+++[Whole Green Catalog]
Cleaning house (housekeeping)	
Eating well (food)	
Green power (energy)	
Smarter shelter (homebuilding)	
Ready to wear (clothing)	
In motion (transportation)	
Growing greens (gardening)	
Bringing it home (furnishings/appliances)	
Closing the circle (recycling)	
Working green (workplace)	
Natural beauty (beauty aids)	
Eco-technology (electronics)	
Greater outdoors (outdoors)	
Round trips (travel)	
Next generation (parenting)	
Playing clean (sports/recreation)	
Doing well and good (money)	
Natural healing (medicine)	
Animal vitality (pet care)	
Sustainable arts (arts/crafts)

We care about wholeness.  We care about 'the whole', whole conditions, or whole systems.

We care about life, and systems which support, interact with, or influence life.  Simulated, theorized living, or mechanized 'life-like' systems, are only interesting insofar as the living creatures caught in their interplay.

Caring about wholeness does not mean putting the collective or the community 'before' or 'above' individuals.  We care about the whole of individuals, and the whole in which these individuals can succeed, life healthy, and realize their 'potential.'  (Buzz-word alert.)

We seek the whole, evolving, permuting meanings of words and slogans.  There is a practical, thriving //aliveness// of the original concepts which buzz-words allude to and try to capture.

Caring about wholeness means caring about //context, relative// knowledge and //vantage points//, degrees of importance which vary wildly from one person to the next.  We keep our focus on the few things which don't vary except in their outward appearances — human qualities which have been enduring (or durable, perhaps a better word) through all the vagaries of time and culture.

Whole, mindful means are the effort and methods we take //not// divorced from their 'ends' – mindful of consequences, steeped in an ecological perspective.  We challenge our readers to live within the means of their grandchildren and the unborn grandchildren of distant lands.

To be aware of consequences or attempt to foresee them, we must be aware of //The Whole Shebang// which is both "Out There" (physical and social science, chaos and order, in the world independent of observer), and "In Here" (internalized culture, language, and the living human transmission of which we each carry a piece.)

In each complex human domain (the Internet, democracy or its alternatives, economics, scholarship, agriculture, industry, religion), people often have a concept of the 'whole shebang' specific to that domain.  As the Whole Life Catalog surveys each piece of human life, we will do so with an eye to presenting its whole context and differing vantage points.

The Catalog aims to be be comprehensive, diverse, not organized toward one taste or philosophy. This increases the importance of whole context and relativity of our presentation.

The only "target audience" are people who care about life (which most people do in some expression or another), and the consequences of their actions (to which some people are indifferent.)  The Catalog presents a slice in time from the whole array of decisions and opportunities before human beings in the early 21st century.

Access to tools.  Mindful action.  Caring about life, and the whole set of circumstances before us.  Those are the descriptors of our product and target audience: the Whole Life Catalog and Whole Means Community.
Do not cause harm
by inattention, neglect, or breaches of trust.
When I //misplace my focus//,
relationships and self-regard suffer.

When I repudiate the claims of my fellowship
(my marriage, my family, the Company I work with),
I transgress,
I cause harm.

As you harm none, do as you will.
Dialectic Dad
//To gaze deeply is to be broken
To be seized by obscured things
Inside your chest, a mute space expands// ^^[[[19]|The Sublime Wants To Reach You]]^^

''insights from my 'vision quest' follow:''

|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|show content in nest-able sliding/floating panels, without creating separate tiddlers for each panel's content|
>see [[NestedSlidersPluginInfo]]
<<option chkFloatingSlidersAnimate>> allow floating sliders to animate when opening/closing
>Note: This setting can cause 'clipping' problems in some versions of InternetExplorer.
>In addition, for floating slider animation to occur you must also allow animation in general (see [[AdvancedOptions]]).
2008.11.15 - 2.4.9 in adjustNestedSlider(), don't make adjustments if panel is marked as 'undocked' (CSS class).  In onClickNestedSlider(), SHIFT-CLICK docks panel (see [[MoveablePanelPlugin]])
|please see [[NestedSlidersPluginInfo]] for additional revision details|
2005.11.03 - 1.0.0 initial public release.  Thanks to RodneyGomes, GeoffSlocock, and PaulPetterson for suggestions and experiments.
version.extensions.NestedSlidersPlugin= {major: 2, minor: 4, revision: 9, date: new Date(2008,11,15)};

// options for deferred rendering of sliders that are not initially displayed
if (config.options.chkFloatingSlidersAnimate===undefined)
	config.options.chkFloatingSlidersAnimate=false; // avoid clipping problems in IE

// default styles for 'floating' class
setStylesheet(".floatingPanel { position:absolute; z-index:10; padding:0.5em; margin:0em; \
	background-color:#eee; color:#000; border:1px solid #000; text-align:left; }","floatingPanelStylesheet");

// if removeCookie() function is not defined by TW core, define it here.
if (window.removeCookie===undefined) {
	window.removeCookie=function(name) {
		document.cookie = name+'=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 UTC; path=/;'; 

config.formatters.push( {
	name: "nestedSliders",
	match: "\\n?\\+{3}",
	terminator: "\\s*\\={3}\\n?",
	lookahead: "\\n?\\+{3}(\\+)?(\\([^\\)]*\\))?(\\!*)?(\\^(?:[^\\^\\*\\@\\[\\>]*\\^)?)?(\\*)?(\\@)?(?:\\{\\{([\\w]+[\\s\\w]*)\\{)?(\\[[^\\]]*\\])?(\\[[^\\]]*\\])?(?:\\}{3})?(\\#[^:]*\\:)?(\\>)?(\\.\\.\\.)?\\s*",
	handler: function(w)
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			var lookaheadMatch = lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source)
			if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart)
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				var transient=lookaheadMatch[5];
				var hover=lookaheadMatch[6];
				var buttonClass=lookaheadMatch[7];
				var label=lookaheadMatch[8];
				var openlabel=lookaheadMatch[9];
				var panelID=lookaheadMatch[10];
				var blockquote=lookaheadMatch[11];
				var deferred=lookaheadMatch[12];

				// location for rendering button and panel
				var place=w.output;

				// default to closed, no cookie, no accesskey, no alternate text/tip
				var show="none"; var cookie=""; var key="";
				var closedtext=">"; var closedtip="";
				var openedtext="<"; var openedtip="";

				// extra "+", default to open
				if (defopen) show="block";

				// cookie, use saved open/closed state
				if (cookiename) {
					if (config.options[cookie]==undefined)
						{ config.options[cookie] = (show=="block") }

				// parse label/tooltip/accesskey: [label=X|tooltip]
				if (label) {
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						{ key=closedtext.substr(closedtext.length-1,1); closedtext=closedtext.slice(0,-2); }
					if (parts.length) closedtip=openedtip=parts.join("|");
					else { closedtip="show "+closedtext; openedtip="hide "+closedtext; }

				// parse alternate label/tooltip: [label|tooltip]
				if (openlabel) {
					var parts=openlabel.trim().slice(1,-1).split("|");
					if (parts.length) openedtip=parts.join("|");
					else openedtip="hide "+openedtext;

				var title=show=='block'?openedtext:closedtext;
				var tooltip=show=='block'?openedtip:closedtip;

				// create the button
				if (header) { // use "Hn" header format instead of button/link
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					var btn = createTiddlyElement(createTiddlyElement(place,"h"+lvl,null,null,null),"a",null,buttonClass,title);
					var btn = createTiddlyButton(place,title,tooltip,onClickNestedSlider,buttonClass);
				btn.innerHTML=title; // enables use of HTML entities in label

				// set extra button attributes
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				btn.defOpen=defopen!=null; // save default open/closed state (boolean)
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				if (key.length) {
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					btn.onfocus=function(){this.setAttribute("accessKey",this.keyparam);}; // **reclaim** access key on focus
				btn.onmouseover=function(ev) {
					// optional 'open on hover' handling
					if (this.getAttribute("hover")=="true" &&'none') {,ev); // close transients
						onClickNestedSlider(ev); // open this slider
					// mouseover on button aligns floater position with button
					if (window.adjustSliderPos) window.adjustSliderPos(this.parentNode,this,this.sliderPanel);

				// create slider panel
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				if (panelID) panelID=panelID.slice(1,-1); // trim off delimiters
				var panel=createTiddlyElement(place,"div",panelID,panelClass,null);
				panel.button = btn; // so the slider panel know which button it belongs to
				btn.sliderPanel=panel; // so the button knows which slider panel it belongs to
				panel.defaultPanelWidth=(panelwidth && panelwidth.length>2)?panelwidth.slice(1,-1):"";
				panel.setAttribute("transient",transient=="*"?"true":"false"); = show;;
				panel.onmouseover=function(event) // mouseover on panel aligns floater position with button
					{ if (window.adjustSliderPos) window.adjustSliderPos(this.parentNode,this.button,this); }

				// render slider (or defer until shown) 
				w.nextMatch = lookaheadMatch.index + lookaheadMatch[0].length;
				if ((show=="block")||!deferred) {
					// render now if panel is supposed to be shown or NOT deferred rendering
					// align floater position with button
					if (window.adjustSliderPos) window.adjustSliderPos(place,btn,panel);
				else {
					var src = w.source.substr(w.nextMatch);
					var endpos=findMatchingDelimiter(src,"+++","===");
					w.nextMatch += endpos+3;
					if (w.source.substr(w.nextMatch,1)=="\n") w.nextMatch++;

function findMatchingDelimiter(src,starttext,endtext) {
	var startpos = 0;
	var endpos = src.indexOf(endtext);
	// check for nested delimiters
	while (src.substring(startpos,endpos-1).indexOf(starttext)!=-1) {
		// count number of nested 'starts'
		var startcount=0;
		var temp = src.substring(startpos,endpos-1);
		var pos=temp.indexOf(starttext);
		while (pos!=-1)  { startcount++; pos=temp.indexOf(starttext,pos+starttext.length); }
		// set up to check for additional 'starts' after adjusting endpos
		// find endpos for corresponding number of matching 'ends'
		while (startcount && endpos!=-1) {
			endpos = src.indexOf(endtext,endpos+endtext.length);
	return (endpos==-1)?src.length:endpos;
	if (!e) var e = window.event;
	var theTarget = resolveTarget(e);
	while (theTarget && theTarget.sliderPanel==undefined) theTarget=theTarget.parentNode;
	if (!theTarget) return false;
	var theSlider = theTarget.sliderPanel;
	var isOpen =!="none";

	// if SHIFT-CLICK, dock panel first (see [[MoveablePanelPlugin]])
	if (e.shiftKey && config.macros.moveablePanel) config.macros.moveablePanel.dock(theSlider,e);

	// toggle label
	// toggle tooltip

	// deferred rendering (if needed)
	if (theSlider.getAttribute("rendered")=="false") {
		var place=theSlider;
		if (theSlider.getAttribute("blockquote")=="true")

	// show/hide the slider
	if(config.options.chkAnimate && (!hasClass(theSlider,'floatingPanel') || config.options.chkFloatingSlidersAnimate))
		anim.startAnimating(new Slider(theSlider,!isOpen,e.shiftKey || e.altKey,"none"));
	else = isOpen ? "none" : "block";

	// reset to default width (might have been changed via plugin code);

	// align floater panel position with target button
	if (!isOpen && window.adjustSliderPos) window.adjustSliderPos(theSlider.parentNode,theTarget,theSlider);

	// if showing panel, set focus to first 'focus-able' element in panel
	if (!="none") {
		var ctrls=theSlider.getElementsByTagName("*");
		for (var c=0; c<ctrls.length; c++) {
			var t=ctrls[c].tagName.toLowerCase();
			if ((t=="input" && ctrls[c].type!="hidden") || t=="textarea" || t=="select")
				{ try{ ctrls[c].focus(); } catch(err){;} break; }
	var cookie=theTarget.sliderCookie;
	if (cookie && cookie.length) {
		if (config.options[cookie]!=theTarget.defOpen) window.saveOptionCookie(cookie);
		else window.removeCookie(cookie); // remove cookie if slider is in default display state

	// prevent SHIFT-CLICK from being processed by browser (opens blank window... yuck!)
	// prevent clicks *within* a slider button from being processed by browser
	// but allow plain click to bubble up to page background (to close transients, if any)
	if (e.shiftKey || theTarget!=resolveTarget(e))
		{ e.cancelBubble=true; if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); }
	Popup.remove(); // close open popup (if any)
	return false;
// click in document background closes transient panels 
document.onclick=function(ev) { if (!ev) var ev=window.event; var target=resolveTarget(ev);

	if (document.nestedSliders_savedOnClick)
		var retval=document.nestedSliders_savedOnClick.apply(this,arguments);
	// if click was inside a popup... leave transient panels alone
	var p=target; while (p) if (hasClass(p,"popup")) break; else p=p.parentNode;
	if (p) return retval;
	// if click was inside transient panel (or something contained by a transient panel), leave it alone
	var p=target; while (p) {
		if ((hasClass(p,"floatingPanel")||hasClass(p,"sliderPanel"))&&p.getAttribute("transient")=="true") break;
	if (p) return retval;
	// otherwise, find and close all transient panels...
	var all=document.all?document.all:document.getElementsByTagName("DIV");
	for (var i=0; i<all.length; i++) {
		 // if it is not a transient panel, or the click was on the button that opened this panel, don't close it.
		if (all[i].getAttribute("transient")!="true" || all[i].button==target) continue;
		// otherwise, if the panel is currently visible, close it by clicking it's button
		if (all[i].style.display!="none") window.onClickNestedSlider({target:all[i].button})
		if (!hasClass(all[i],"floatingPanel")&&!hasClass(all[i],"sliderPanel")) all[i].style.display="none";
	return retval;
// adjust floating panel position based on button position
if (window.adjustSliderPos==undefined) window.adjustSliderPos=function(place,btn,panel) {
	if (hasClass(panel,"floatingPanel") && !hasClass(panel,"undocked")) {
		// see [[MoveablePanelPlugin]] for use of 'undocked'
		var rightEdge=document.body.offsetWidth-1;
		var panelWidth=panel.offsetWidth;
		var left=0;
		var top=btn.offsetHeight; 
		if ("relative" && findPosX(btn)+panelWidth>rightEdge) {
			left-=findPosX(btn)+panelWidth-rightEdge; // shift panel relative to button
			if (findPosX(btn)+left<0) left=-findPosX(btn); // stay within left edge
		if (!="relative") {
			var left=findPosX(btn);
			var top=findPosY(btn)+btn.offsetHeight;
			var p=place; while (p && !hasClass(p,'floatingPanel')) p=p.parentNode;
			if (p) { left-=findPosX(p); top-=findPosY(p); }
			if (left+panelWidth>rightEdge) left=rightEdge-panelWidth;
			if (left<0) left=0;
// TW2.1 and earlier:
// hijack Slider stop handler so overflow is visible after animation has completed
Slider.prototype.coreStop = Slider.prototype.stop;
Slider.prototype.stop = function()
	{ this.coreStop.apply(this,arguments); = "visible"; }

// TW2.2+
// hijack Morpher stop handler so sliderPanel/floatingPanel overflow is visible after animation has completed
if (version.major+.1*version.minor+.01*version.revision>=2.2) {
	Morpher.prototype.coreStop = Morpher.prototype.stop;
	Morpher.prototype.stop = function() {
		var e=this.element;
		if (hasClass(e,"sliderPanel")||hasClass(e,"floatingPanel")) {
			// adjust panel overflow and position after animation = "visible";
			if (window.adjustSliderPos) window.adjustSliderPos(e.parentNode,e.button,e);
Type the text for 'excludePublisher'
Chapter 1 – Quantitas
Chapter 2 – Logos
Chapter 3 – Lingua
Chapter 4 – Bushido
Chapter 5 – Ars
Chapter 6 – Moksha
Chapter 7 – Physik
Chapter 8 – Vivitas
Chapter 9 – Psyche
Chapter 10 – [[Techne]]
Chapter 11 – Opus
Chapter 12 – Ethik
[[It’s Not About You|]]
By David Brooks
May 30, 2011
//The New York Times//

Final sentences:
//The purpose in life is not to find yourself. It’s to lose yourself.//

Over the past few weeks, America’s colleges have sent another class of graduates off into the world. These graduates possess something of inestimable value. Nearly every sensible middle-aged person would give away all their money to be able to go back to age 22 and begin adulthood anew.

But, especially this year, one is conscious of the many ways in which this year’s graduating class has been ill served by their elders. They enter a bad job market, the hangover from decades of excessive borrowing. They inherit a ruinous federal debt.

More important, their lives have been perversely structured. This year’s graduates are members of the most supervised generation in American history. Through their childhoods and teenage years, they have been monitored, tutored, coached and honed to an unprecedented degree.

Yet upon graduation they will enter a world that is unprecedentedly wide open and unstructured. Most of them will not quickly get married, buy a home and have kids, as previous generations did. Instead, they will confront amazingly diverse job markets, social landscapes and lifestyle niches. Most will spend a decade wandering from job to job and clique to clique, searching for a role.

No one would design a system of extreme supervision to prepare people for a decade of extreme openness. But this is exactly what has emerged in modern America. College students are raised in an environment that demands one set of navigational skills, and they are then cast out into a different environment requiring a different set of skills, which they have to figure out on their own.

Worst of all, they are sent off into this world with the whole baby-boomer theology ringing in their ears. If you sample some of the commencement addresses being broadcast on ~C-Span these days, you see that many graduates are told to: Follow your passion, chart your own course, march to the beat of your own drummer, follow your dreams and find yourself. This is the litany of expressive individualism, which is still the dominant note in American culture.

But, of course, this mantra misleads on nearly every front.

College grads are often sent out into the world amid rapturous talk of limitless possibilities. But this talk is of no help to the central business of adulthood, finding serious things to tie yourself down to. The successful young adult is beginning to make sacred commitments — to a spouse, a community and calling — yet mostly hears about freedom and autonomy.

Today’s graduates are also told to find their passion and then pursue their dreams. The implication is that they should find themselves first and then go off and live their quest. But, of course, very few people at age 22 or 24 can take an inward journey and come out having discovered a developed self.

Most successful young people don’t look inside and then plan a life. They look outside and find a problem, which summons their life. A relative suffers from Alzheimer’s and a young woman feels called to help cure that disease. A young man works under a miserable boss and must develop management skills so his department can function. Another young woman finds herself confronted by an opportunity she never thought of in a job category she never imagined. This wasn’t in her plans, but this is where she can make her contribution.

Most people don’t form a self and then lead a life. They are called by a problem, and the self is constructed gradually by their calling.

The graduates are also told to pursue happiness and joy. But, of course, when you read a biography of someone you admire, it’s rarely the things that made them happy that compel your admiration. It’s the things they did to court unhappiness — the things they did that were arduous and miserable, which sometimes cost them friends and aroused hatred. It’s excellence, not happiness, that we admire most.

Finally, graduates are told to be independent-minded and to express their inner spirit. But, of course, doing your job well often means suppressing yourself. As Atul Gawande mentioned during his countercultural address last week at Harvard Medical School, being a good doctor often means being part of a team, following the rules of an institution, going down a regimented checklist.

Today’s grads enter a cultural climate that preaches the self as the center of a life. But, of course, as they age, they’ll discover that the tasks of a life are at the center. Fulfillment is a byproduct of how people engage their tasks, and can’t be pursued directly. Most of us are egotistical and most are self-concerned most of the time, but it’s nonetheless true that life comes to a point only in those moments when the self dissolves into some task. The purpose in life is not to find yourself. It’s to lose yourself.
|''Requires''|TiddlySpaceConfig TiddlySpaceFollowingPlugin|
(function($) {
var tiddlyspace = config.extensions.tiddlyspace;
var tsScan = config.macros.tsScan;

config.shadowTiddlers.SearchTemplate = "<<view server.bag SiteIcon label:no width:24 height:24 preserveAspectRatio:yes>> <<view server.bag spaceLink title external:no>> in space <<view server.bag spaceLink>>";
config.shadowTiddlers.StyleSheetSearch = [".resultsArea .siteIcon { display: inline; }",
	".searchForm {text-align: left;}"].join("\n");
store.addNotification("StyleSheetSearch", refreshStyles);

var search = config.macros.tsSearch = {
	locale: {
		advanced: "Advanced Options",
		header: "Search",
		resultsHeader: "Results (%0)",
		find: "find",
		noResults: "No tiddlers matched your search query",
		query: "QUERY: ",
		error: "please provide a search query or a tag, modifier or title!",
		titleAdvanced: "where the title is",
		modifierAdvanced: "where the last modifier is",
		spaceAdvanced: "only in the space: ",
		notspaceAdvanced: "but not in the spaces: ",
		tagsAdvanced: "with the tags: "
	andConstructor: function(container, label, fieldname, negationMode) {
		var tags = $("<div />").appendTo(container);
		$('<span />').text(label).appendTo(tags);
		var id = "area" + Math.random();
		container = $("<span />").attr("id", id).appendTo(tags)[0];
		function add(container) {
			var el = $('<input type="text" />').attr("field", fieldname).appendTo(container);
			if(negationMode) {
				el.attr("negation", "true");
		var el = $("<button />").text("AND").click(function(ev) {
		$(el).data("container", container);
	fieldConstructor: function(container, label, field) {
		container = $("<div />").appendTo(container)[0];
		$("<span />").text(label).appendTo(container);
		$("<input />").attr("text", "input").attr("field", field).appendTo(container);
	advancedOptions: function(form) {
		var locale = search.locale;
		var container = $("<div />").addClass("tsAdvancedOptions").appendTo(form)[0];
		$("<h2/ >").text(search.locale.advanced).appendTo(container);
		$("<div />").addClass("separator").appendTo(container);
		search.fieldConstructor(container, locale.titleAdvanced, "title");
		search.fieldConstructor(container, locale.modifierAdvanced, "modifier");
		search.fieldConstructor(container, locale.spaceAdvanced, "space");
		search.andConstructor(container, locale.notspaceAdvanced, "space", true);
		search.andConstructor(container, locale.tagsAdvanced, "tag");
	constructSearchQuery: function(form) {
		var data = [], select = [];
		var query = $("[name=q]", form).val();
		if(query) {

		// add tags, fields etc..
		$("[field]", form).each(function(i, el) {
			var val = $(el).val();
			var name = $(el).attr("field");
			var negate = $(el).attr("negation") == "true";
			if(val && name) {
				val = encodeURIComponent(val);
				val = negate ? "!" + val : val;
				if(name == "space") {
					val += "_public";
					name = "bag";
				if(negate) {
				} else {
					var prefix = data.length === 0 ? "q=" : "";
					data.push('%0%1:"%2"'.format(prefix, name, val));
		var dataString = data.join(" ");
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		return "/search?%0".format(dataString);
	constructForm: function(place) {
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		var query = $('<h2 class="query"/>').appendTo(place)[0];
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				$("<a />").attr("href", href).text(href).appendTo(query);
				tsScan.scan(results, { url: url, emptyMessage: search.locale.noResults, cache: true,
					template: "SearchTemplate", sort: "title", callback: function(tiddlers) {
						$("<h2 />").text(locale.resultsHeader.format(tiddlers.length)).prependTo(results);
		$(form).submit(function(ev) {
			var url = search.constructSearchQuery(form);
			config.macros.tsSearch.lastSearch = url;
		if(search.lastSearch) {
		return form;
	handler: function(place) {
		var container = $("<div />").addClass("searchForm").appendTo(place)[0];

''From //The Healing Spirit//
by Paul R. Fleischman, M.D.''

At the conclusion of life, I would hope to say:  I was seen and known, heart and soul, and in the same way knew those who circled me; I bowed to the one who opens in dawn, and I lived in harmony with the order, the principles, the laws of the day; I knew myself, saw myself, and held in one embrace human faults, limits and successes; I did my job, working in the common cause; and I stirred up dust with my feet, tramping along in the undivided march of human history; I laid down my burden and surrendered myself to the voice of the river, and out of me poured the fountain of life; and when I looked up I saw one hand spinning the divine wheel of the world; and I looked down, and knelt, lending my hand; and I continued on my way, shouldering my own pain as I followed the signs; and now that I feel the chill of death upon me, I can sing of how I was sent forth, and who calls me home.

''My adaptation adding two elements and revising a few points:''
|>| In the sum of my days and at their close, I hope to say: |
| //witnessed significance// | I was seen and known, heart and soul, and in the same way knew those who circled me; |
| //numinous meeting// | I bowed to the one who opens in dawn, filled with awe and longing to join in its great essential mystery; |
| //lawful order// | I lived in harmony with the order, the principles, the laws of the day, and sought justice for all; |
| //affirming acceptance // | I knew myself, saw myself, and held in one embrace human faults, limits and successes; |
| //diligent regard // | while I kept a diligent watch on the gifts of providence to my people, and took care in how we used them; |
| //meaningful work // | and I did my job, working in the common cause; |
| //membership// | I stirred up dust with my feet, tramping along in the undivided march of human history; |
| //release// | I laid down my burden and surrendered myself to the voice of the river, and out of me poured the fountain of life; |
| //worldview// | and when I looked up I saw meaning amid flux as the world spins ever on; |
| //human love// | then I looked down, and knelt, lending my hand, exchanging myself and another; |
| //sacrifice// | I continued on my way, shouldering my own pain as I followed the signs; |
| //answering death// | and now that I feel the chill of death upon me, I can sing of how I was sent forth, and return to the blossoming earth. |
thousands upon thousands they fall like honey from the dripping lips of stolid wonders - there is nothing of great import or direction or desire in their doing. great libraries are erected in their name, and fall crumbled ashes and scraps before the mighty sword, and fire of truth - there is no dominion over which the fallen can claim -  no direction or source and //being-sense.//

we are tried and trialed and broken and pulled from the wombs of the comfort of our mothers - babes of wild wilderness and born of the freedom of words and complicated by their unspoken desires - read into by the need of the moment and the clearing of the burning of the thoughts of the mind and the heartiness of the soul - //sense of wonder.//

[emphasis mine, but capitalization hers]
''//Technology spares labor, danger, and pain, and may also increase human capacities.//

I envision:''
*an instrument whose music is ideas ^^[[[5]|]]^^  ([[Kay]])
*a [[bicycle]] for the mind
*notation as a tool of thought ^^[[[6]|]]^^ ([[Iverson]])

''Notes Tagged as Technology''
<<list filter [tag[technology]][sort[title]]>>
[[Computer assisted discovery realms|]] – an "idea map" I created a few years ago
|''Description''|Revert to a previous revision|
|''Requires''|TiddlyWebAdaptor TiddlySpaceRevisionView|
Add a control button to revert to a particular revision.

The button must be called from within a revision, as generated by TiddlySpaceRevisionView
(function($) {

config.commands.revert = {
	text: "revert",
	tooltip: "make this revision the current one",
	handler: function(ev, src, title) {
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		var revision = store.getTiddler(title);
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			var newFields = merge({}, revision.fields);
			for (var fieldName in newFields) {
				if (fieldName.substr(0, 7) === "server.") {
					delete newFields[fieldName];
			merge(tidToRevert.fields, newFields);
			tidToRevert.tags = merge([], revision.tags);
			tidToRevert.fields.changecount = 1;
			delete tidToRevert.fields.doNotSave;

			store.saveTiddler(tidToRevert.title, tidToRevert.title,
				tidToRevert.text, null, null, tidToRevert.tags,
				tidToRevert.fields, false, tidToRevert.created, tidToRevert.creator);


<body style="display:none">
topics: <ul id="topics"></ul>
<button id='addtopic'>add topic</button>
<ul id="stream"></ul>
<script type='text/javascript' src='/bags/common/tiddlers/jquery.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='/bags/tiddlyspace/tiddlers/chrjs'></script>
<script src="/twikifier.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
		beforeSend: function(xhr) {
			xhr.setRequestHeader("X-ControlView", "false");
	function renderTopic(topic) {
		var item = $("<li />").appendTo("#topics");
		$("<button class='show' />").text(topic).appendTo(item);
		$("<button class='delete'>x</button>").appendTo(item);
		return item[0];
	var host =  '/';
	var space = "jon";
	var active_topics = [];
	var current_topic, offset;
	function renderTopics() {
		var topics = active_topics;
		for(var i = 0; i < topics.length; i++) {
			var topic = topics[i];
			if(topic) {
	// Array Remove - By John Resig (MIT Licensed)
	Array.prototype.remove = function(from, to) {
		var rest = this.slice((to || from) + 1 || this.length);
		this.length = from < 0 ? this.length + from : from;
		return this.push.apply(this, rest);

	var topicList = new tiddlyweb.Tiddler("Topics", new tiddlyweb.Bag(space + "_public", host));
	topicList.get(function(tid) {
			active_topics = tid.text.split("\n");
			$("#topics .show:first").trigger("click");
		function() {
			active_topics = ["tiddlyspace"];
	$("#addtopic").click(function(ev) {
		var text = prompt("What topic would you like to watch?");
		if(active_topics.indexOf(text) === -1) {
		var el = renderTopic(text);
		topicList.text = active_topics.join("\n");
		topicList.put(function() {
			$("", el).trigger("click");
		}, function() {
	$("#topics .delete").live("click",function(ev) {
		var topic = $(".show", this.parentNode).text();
		topicList.text = active_topics.join("\n");
		topicList.put(function() {}, function() {
	w = createWikifier(window, jQuery, { host: host, container: "recipes/" + space + "_public" });
	$("#topics .show").live("click",function(ev) {
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		current_topic = tag;
		offset = 0;
		var search = new tiddlyweb.Search('tag:"' + tag + '" &fat=y', host);
		search.get(function(tiddlers) {
			for(var i = 0; i < tiddlers.length; i++) {
				var tiddler = tiddlers[i];
				var item = $("<li />").appendTo("#stream")[0];
				$("<h2 />").text(tiddler.title + ": ").appendTo(item);
				$("<div class='text' />").text(tiddler.text).appendTo(item);
				$("<div class='author' />").text(tiddler.modifier).appendTo(item);
		}, function() {
			$("<li>no topics :-(</li>").appendTo("#stream");
		if($(window).scrollTop() == $(document).height() - $(window).height()) {
			offset += 10;
			// find a way to get all tiddlers created before the ones above
|''Author''|Jon Robson|
|''Requires''|TiddlySpaceConfig TiddlySpaceLinkPlugin TiddlySpaceCloneCommand|
|''Description''|Turns space links into ajax links so you don't have to leave the comfort of your own TiddlyWiki|
This maybe should hides the editTiddler, cloneTiddler commands. Ideally the toolbar commands should hide themselves but we need a strong concept of "this is a sucked in tiddler" to do that.
var tiddlyspace = config.extensions.tiddlyspace;
_createSpaceLink = createSpaceLink;
if(_createSpaceLink) {
	createSpaceLink = function(place, spaceName, title, alt, isBag) {
		var tooltip = "Click to open in current document. Right click to open in original space.";
		_createSpaceLink(place, spaceName, title, alt, isBag);
		var workspace;
		if(isBag) {
			workspace = "bags/%0".format(spaceName);
		} else {
			workspace = "bags/%0_public".format(spaceName);
		if(title && spaceName != {
			var link = $("a:last", place);
			var newlink = $("<a />").text("[link]").after(link[0]);
			// very hacky
			var updateInterval = setInterval(function() {
				var href = link.attr("href");
				if(href) {
					$(newlink).attr("href", href);
			}, 200);
			if(link.parent(".replyLink").length == 0) { // don't suck in a reply link.
				link.attr("title", tooltip).addClass("importLink").click(function(ev) {
					if(config.floorboards) {
					tiddlyspace.displayServerTiddler(, title, workspace, function(el) {
						// TODO: the commands should disable themselves based on the meta information.
						//$("[commandname=editTiddler], [commandname=cloneTiddler]", el).hide(); 

var _cloneHandler = config.commands.cloneTiddler.handler;
config.commands.cloneTiddler.handler = function(event, src, title) {
	var _tiddler = store.getTiddler(title);
	var source = _tiddler ? _tiddler.fields["server.bag"] : false;
	var imported = _tiddler ? _tiddler.fields["tiddler.source"] : false;
	var realTitle = _tiddler ? _tiddler.fields["server.title"] : title;
	_cloneHandler.apply(this, [event, src, title]);
	var tidEl = story.getTiddler(title);
	$(story.getTiddlerField(title, "title")).val(realTitle);
	if(source) {
		$("<input />").attr("type", "hidden").attr("edit", "tiddler.source").val(source).appendTo(tidEl);
		$("<input />").attr("type", "hidden").attr("edit", "server.activity").appendTo(tidEl);
There is I and You, there is dialogue, there is language, and //spirit whose primal deed language is.//
–Martin [[Buber]]

A mystic [[cipher|correspondances]] waits infolded.
–Walt [[Whitman]], //Leaves of Grass//

What is greater for us than all enigmatic webs at the margins of being is the central activity of an everyday hour on earth, with a streak of sunshine on a maple twig and an intimation of the eternal You.
–Buber's //[[Ich und Du]]//

Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the [[dialectic]] between the two.
–Octavio [[Paz]], //The Monkey Grammarian//

Strength is fidelity, power reverence:
no one ends at himself …
we are constellations …
I learned, in the brotherhood of the trees,
to reconcile myself, not with myself:
with what lifts me, sustains me, lets me fall.
–Octavio [[Paz]], [[The beginning of the Beginning]]

οφαλ – [[Oikos Philos Anthropos Logos]]

If we had a keen vision and feeling of all ordinary human life, it would be like hearing the grass grow and the squirrel's heart beat, and we should die of that roar which lies on the other side of silence.
–George Eliot

Nature: //natus mori mundi// – the world being born and dying

To the people whose labors go beyond ideas into the realm of 'real materials' –Frank Herbert

All things/cells/beings are impermanent… strive for flow-permanence within [and between]… –Frank Herbert
:(My addition suggests that flow-permanence is not found exclusively within the self, nor in relationship between beings.) 
[[Realms of the Manifest]]

[[Provisional fixed points]]

Not all who wander are lost.  ^^[[[1]|Not all those who wander]]^^ –J.R.R. [[Tolkien]]

To work and play in concert
… yield who will to their separation ^^[[[8]|But yield who will to their separation]]^^
–from Robert Frost's poem "Two Tramps in Mud Time"

I have gathered a garland of other men's flowers, and nothing is mine but [[the cord]] that binds them.
–Michel de Montaigne
Cited in //[[Collage Culture|]]// which the editors subtitle as a "21st century identity crisis"

"The Green Hills…taught me longing—//Sehnsucht;// made me for good or ill, and before I was six years old, a votary of the [[Blue Flower]].
–C.S. Lewis in //Surprised By Joy//

To gaze deeply is to be broken, to be seized by obscured things
–"[[The Sublime Wants To Reach You]]", Mira Fong

Work of the eyes is done, begin heart-work now …
His grappling-up glance … the rumor that a //gazer// existed
stirred the less clearly, more questionably visible ones.
–from [[Turning]] by Rainer Maria [[Rilke]]

The [[Glass Bead Game]] –Hermann [[Hesse]]

The [[Village University]]

[[Off By A Billion]]

The ~Off-Line Web

another never defines you –my wife Lily

raw – real and woven – also her creation
Type the text for 'excludeSearch'
''dissolution of the god myth is not hating god'', but it is moving beyond the need to have someone outside of the self that can answer the unanswered questions - who can address the seeming randomness and who can offer a comforting shoulder when we are faced with the extinction of consciousness.

it pains me to see that so many people have been made powerless - have not been given the tools to take control of their beings and their sense of the world. to know that actions have a direct and lasting impact, just as inactions do. that we have freedom beyond the building and the massing of others - to be regal and stand before the known universe, throw our arms out to the unknown universe, and say simply, "i accept".

in that one pure and shuddering moment we shatter the god myth.

[What Lily calls the god myth, I suggest could be more precisely defined as the myth of ~Father-God.]
Hurt as I think through no place
where unlikely man in aspiration of beauty
meets void and solution at once.
| [img[1st grade, Fall 1989|][]] | [img[After high school graduation, Fall 2000|][]] | [img[Family gathering, Fall 2011|][]] |
| Fall 1989 | Fall 2000 | Fall 2011 |
!mitocos mathema muse

''Mitocos'', like [[moticos]] coined by [[Ray Johnson]], is an anagram of the term “osmotic” — the adjective form of “osmosis,” referring to the process of liquid flow between two semi-permeable membranes.

Pronunciation: mit·ōh·kôz
Singular and plural forms are the same: //a mitocos; several mitocos//.

Its first syllable suggests //[[mítica|pensamientos españoles]]//, the Spanish form of //mythical// – as well as the Greek //mitos// "thread", root of //mitochondria//.

Ancient Greek μάθημα (//''mathema''//), means "that which is learnt", hence also "study" and "science", and in modern Greek just "lesson".  The word máthēma is derived from μανθάνω (//manthano//), while the modern Greek equivalent is μαθαίνω (//mathaino//), both of which mean "to learn".
The universe cannot be read until we have learned the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written. It is written in mathematical language, and the letters are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without which means it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word. Without these, one is wandering about in a dark labyrinth.
–Galileo Galilei

Old French //''muse''// directly from Latin //Musa//, from Greek Μοῦσαι, //Moũsai//, "the Muse" (of Greek mythology); also "music, song."


An additional anagram is ''itocosm'', made by shifting one letter from beginning to end.  Its spelling echoes and refracts the popular terms //microcosm// and //macrocosm//.  Distinct from those realms, the itocosm brings awe through an immediate world of quantity and diversity.  //("There is an external reality that we ignore at our peril…"// as Carl [[Sagan]] said; which may also be the "dark labyrinth" Galileo spoke of.) The //micro// and //macro// scales are often not seen as readily.

Swimming the ''itocosm'', [[dissolve into vastness|dig]]:
joining to //''it'' (the Other outside your skin), ''ids'' (brute life), ''ideo''-forms (ideographs one kind), and swarms of ''itty''-bity awareness (on the ''cosm''ic scale.)//
Once you have some content then you may choose to determine a tiddler, or set of tiddlers to display each time you load ~TiddlySpace. This is determined by the [[DefaultTiddlers]].
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"Minimum Statement" of IHEU:

Humanism is a democratic and ethical life stance, which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. It stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethic based on human and other natural values in the spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities. It is not theistic, and it does not accept supernatural views of reality.

The official defining statement of World Humanism is:

*Humanism is ethical. It affirms the worth, dignity and autonomy of the individual and the right of every human being to the greatest possible freedom compatible with the rights of others. Humanists have a duty of care to all humanity including future generations. Humanists believe that morality is an intrinsic part of human nature based on understanding and a concern for others, needing no external sanction.
*Humanism is rational. It seeks to use science creatively, not destructively. Humanists believe that the solutions to the world’s problems lie in human thought and action rather than divine intervention. Humanism advocates the application of the methods of science and free inquiry to the problems of human welfare. But Humanists also believe that the application of science and technology must be tempered by human values. Science gives us the means but human values must propose the ends.
*Humanism supports democracy and human rights. Humanism aims at the fullest possible development of every human being. It holds that democracy and human development are matters of right. The principles of democracy and human rights can be applied to many human relationships and are not restricted to methods of government.
*Humanism insists that personal liberty must be combined with social responsibility.Humanism ventures to build a world on the idea of the free person responsible to society, and recognizes our dependence and responsibility for the natural world. Humanism is undogmatic, imposing no creed upon its adherents. It is thus committed to education free from indoctrination.
*Humanism is a response to the widespread demand for an alternative to dogmatic religion. The world’s major religions claim to be based on revelations fixed for all time, and many seek to impose their world-view on all of humanity. Humanism recognizes that reliable knowledge of the world and ourselves arises through a continuing process of observation, evaluation and revision.
*Humanism values artistic creativity and imagination and recognizes the transforming power of art. Humanism affirms the importance of literature, music, and the visual and performing arts for personal development and fulfillment.
*Humanism is a lifestance aiming at the maximum possible fulfilment through the cultivation of ethical and creative living and offers an ethical and rational means of addressing the challenges of our time. Humanism can be a way of life for everyone everywhere.

The Amsterdam Declaration explicitly states that  Humanism rejects dogma, and imposes no creed upon its adherents.
Even more important is to recognize the damage done by qualifying adjectives. It is academic sectarianism to promote a half dozen or more separate varieties of attitudes, But this does not require a multiplicity of names. The similarities between the beliefs and values of the different groups - even ‘secular’ and ‘religious’ Humanists - is more fundamental and more important than the different groups is divisive. Viewed from outside, it does not help us to have all these specific names. How should ordinary people be able to see anything but irrelevance (at best!) in such a divided movement? The above points are particularly important at the international level. If the International Humanist and Ethical Union doesn't succeed in getting the groups in our movement to identify themselves as Humanists within very few years, the already weak world organisations, with their odd names, will die as well - some of them have already been dead for some years, even if they will not lie down. The battle will be lost.

It should be noted, however, that there is a problem in adopting the single word ‘Humanism’, without adjective; and the last of our three points above resolves this difficulty, as expressing our identity, and our value in the world. The difficulty is that our opponents have genuine grounds for pressing us to make clear that by Humanism we mean our distinctive position, as against ‘renaissance humanism,’ on the hand, and a generalized ‘concern for humanity’ on the other.

The difficulty is resolved by recognizing that Humanism is a life stance. As the name of a life stance, Humanism should carry an initial capital letter, for as such it is a proper name, not a common noun. We use initial capitals for the religious life stances, Hinduism, Christianity etc; why discriminate against Humanism? The use of the capital H both expresses the identity of Humanism as a life stance; and shows that it is neither ‘renaissance humanism’ nor mere generalized ‘concern for humanity’.
Humanism with initial capital does not need any distinguishing adjective. We should establish our identity by the word ‘Humanism’: 8 letters, no more; and the first is capital.  That is us - the distinctive naturalistic life stance.’
This is --strikethrough text--, and this -- yes that &mdash; was an em dash.


*[[TiddlyWiki|]] was released by Jeremy Ruston in 2004, and created as "a non-linear personal web notebook" which he still actively maintains.  ^^[[[13]|]]^^ The technology is explained in more detail in the [[Wikipedia article|]]; Wikipedia itself being a "cousin technology" built on Wiki principles.
*The original wiki C2 ^^[[[10]|]]^^ created by Ward Cunningham in 1995 describes itself as a "content creation wiki" … and "a composition system, a discussion medium, a repository…a tool for collaboration."
*Cunningham's first wiki software was called ~WikiWikiWeb, borrowing the Hawaiian word //wiki// ^^[[[11]|]]^^ which means "fast" or "quick" and doubled for emphasis //wiki-wiki//, "very quick."  Part of his original description was "the simplest online database that could possibly work." ^^[[[12]|]]^^
*One of its descendants Wikipedia [[defined the term|]] as a website that allows the creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages. Wikis have little implicit structure, allowing structure to emerge according to the needs of the users.  Text is usually written using a simplified markup language.
* This website is built upon ''~TiddlyWiki'' and hosted by [[Tiddlyspace|]]. Images are stored at Yahoo's Flickr service.
*[[Wagn]] is another wiki software environment I've been reading about.
!The Old Mendicant
from //Call Me by My True Names: The Collected Poems of Thich Nhat Hanh//

Being rock, being gas, being mist, being mind,
being the mesons traveling among the galaxies
at the speed of light,
you have come here, my beloved.
And your blue eyes shine, so beautiful, so deep.
You have taken the path traced for you
from the non-beginning and the never-ending.
You say that on your way here
you have gone through
many millions of births and deaths.
Innumerable times you have been transformed
into firestorms in outer space.
You have used your own body
to measure the age of the mountains and rivers.
You have manifested yourself
as trees, grass, butterflies, single-celled beings,
and as chrysanthemums.
But the eyes with which you look at me this morning
tell me that you have never died.
Your smile invites me into the game
whose beginning no one knows,
the game of hide-and-seek.

O green caterpillar, you are solemnly using your body
to measure the length of the rose branch that grew up last Summer.
Everyone says that you, my beloved, were just born this Spring.
Tell me, how long have you been around?
Why wait until this moment to reveal yourself to me,
carrying with you that smile which is so silent and deep?
O caterpillar, suns, moons, and stars flow out
each time I exhale.
Who knows that the infinitely large must be found
in your tiny body?
Upon each point on your body,
thousands of [[Buddha fields|"buddha+fields"]] have been established.
With each stretch of your body, you measure time
from the non-beginning to the never-ending.
The great mendicant of old is still there on [[Vulture Peak|]],
contemplating the ever-splending sunset.

Gautama, how strange!
Who said the Udumbara flower blooms
only once every 3,000 years?

The sound of the rising tide—you cannot help hearing it if you have an attentive ear.

The "old mendicant" is Shakyamuni Buddha.
|''Description''|Provides ability to count tiddlers at a given tiddlyspace url and display a button that when clicked lists them. Also upgrades tsScan to replace any options containing with $1 with the current space|
(function($) {

var tsScan = config.macros.tsScan;
var tiddlyspace = config.extensions.tiddlyspace;

var macro = config.macros.tsScanCount = {
	cache: true,
	countCache: {},
	handler: function(place, macroName, params, w, paramString, tiddler) {
		var container = $("<a href='#' class='button' />").attr("refresh", "macro").attr("macroName", macroName).appendTo(place)[0];
		$(container).data("params", paramString);
	refresh: function(container) {
		var paramString = $(container).data("params");
		var options = tsScan.getOptions(paramString, tiddler);
		var url = options.url;
		options.cache = macro.cache;
		options.callback = function(tiddlers) {
				options.cache = true;
				macro.cache = true;
				var count = tiddlers[0] ? tiddlers[0].fields[''] : 0;
				var lastCount = macro.countCache[url] || 0;
				if(lastCount != count) {
					var interval, step = 0;
					interval = window.setInterval(function() {
						var last = step;
						step += 1;
						$(container).removeClass("step" + last);
						if(step > 10) {
							macro.countCache[url] = count;
						} else {
							$(container).addClass("step" + step);
					}, 500)
				$(container).empty().addClass("enabled").text(tiddlers.length).click(function(ev) {
				var target = options.popupSelector ? $(options.popupSelector)[0] :;
				var p = Popup.create(target, "div");
				var container;
				if(options.heading) {
					container = $("<div />").addClass("heading").appendTo(p)[0];
					wikify(store.getTiddlerText(options.heading) || "", container);
				container = $("<div />").addClass("followTiddlersList").appendTo(p)[0];
				tsScan.scan(container, options);;
				return false;
		tsScan.scan(container, options);

var _getOptions = tsScan.getOptions;
config.macros.tsScan.getOptions = function(paramString, tiddler) {
	var options = _getOptions.apply(this, arguments);
	var optionsClone = {};
	for(var i in options) {
		if(typeof(options[i]) == "string") {
			optionsClone[i] = options[i].format(;
		} else {
			optionsClone[i] = options[i];
	return optionsClone;

// every 5 minutes make tsScan update.
window.setInterval(function() {
	macro.cache = false;
	$("[macroName=tsScanCount]").each(function(i, el) {
}, 1000 * 60 * 5);
His work is based on the ethics of the Other or, in Lévinas' terms, on "ethics as first philosophy". For Lévinas, the Other is not knowable and cannot be made into an object of the self, as is done by traditional metaphysics (which Lévinas called "ontology").

Lévinas prefers to think of philosophy as the ''"wisdom of love"'' rather than the love of wisdom (the literal Greek meaning of the word "philosophy"). In his view, responsibility precedes any "objective searching after truth".

Lévinas derives the primacy of his ethics from the experience of the encounter with the Other. For Lévinas, the irreducible relation, the epiphany, of the face-to-face, the encounter with another, is a privileged phenomenon in which the other person's proximity and distance are both strongly felt. "The Other precisely reveals himself in his alterity not in a shock negating the I, but as the primordial phenomenon of gentleness."  At the same time, the revelation of the face makes a demand, this demand is before one can express, or know one's freedom, to affirm or deny.  One instantly recognizes the transcendence and heteronomy of the Other. Even murder fails as an attempt to take hold of this otherness.
|''Description''|provides a toolbar command for cloning external tiddlers|
|''Requires''|TiddlySpaceConfig TiddlySpaceFilters|
(function($) {

var cmd = config.commands;
var tiddlyspace = config.extensions.tiddlyspace;

var fieldsCache = {};

cmd.cloneTiddler = {
	text: cmd.editTiddler.text,
	tooltip: "Create a copy of this tiddler in the current space",
	errorMsg: "Error publishing %0: %1",

	isEnabled: function(tiddler) {
		return ! && !readOnly;
	handler: function(ev, src, title) {
		var tiddler = store.getTiddler(title);
		if(tiddler) {
			fieldsCache[title] = $.extend({}, tiddler.fields);
			tiddler.fields["server.workspace"] = tiddlyspace.getCurrentWorkspace(config.options.chkPrivateMode ?
		"private" : "public");
			tiddler.fields["server.permissions"] = "read, write, create"; // no delete
			delete tiddler.fields[""];
			delete tiddler.fields["server.title"];
			delete tiddler.fields["server.etag"];
			// special handling for pseudo-shadow tiddlers
			if(tiddlyspace.coreBags.contains(tiddler.fields["server.bag"])) {
		} else { // ensure workspace is the current space
			var el = story.findContainingTiddler(src);
			el = $(el);
			var fields = el.attr("tiddlyfields");
			if(fields) { // inherited via TiddlyLink
				fields = fields.decodeHashMap();
				fields["server.workspace"] = config.
			} else {
				fields = config.defaultCustomFields;
			fields = String.encodeHashMap(fields);
			el.attr("tiddlyfields", fields);
		cmd.editTiddler.handler.apply(this, arguments);
		if(tiddler) {
			tiddler.fields["server.permissions"] += ", delete";
		return false;

cmd.editTiddler.isEnabled = function(tiddler) {
	return !cmd.cloneTiddler.isEnabled.apply(this, arguments);

// hijack cancelTiddler to restore original fields
var _cancelHandler = cmd.cancelTiddler.handler;
cmd.cancelTiddler.handler = function(ev, src, title) {
	var tiddler = store.getTiddler(title);
	if(tiddler) {
		tiddler.fields = fieldsCache[title] || tiddler.fields;
		delete fieldsCache[title];
	return _cancelHandler.apply(this, arguments);

// hijack saveTiddler to clear unused fields stash
var _saveHandler = cmd.saveTiddler.handler;
cmd.saveTiddler.handler =  function(ev, src, title) {
	delete fieldsCache[title];
	return _saveHandler.apply(this, arguments);

I begin
as we all began:
with my self
and with what I inherit.

I enter the stream of nature and culture—
"what we call nature: that totality of objects and processes that surrounds us, that alternately creates and devours us" ([[Paz]])
and culture: the great flux of people, processes, stories, all in motion,
in the ceaseless dance with finitude and change.
Grow, conserve, reform, liberate, reconcile, grow further…
It all is shifting, then dissolves into vastness.

I [[dig]]:
for courage,
for wisdom,
for worth.
I rest, then dig more,
trying to be glad, deliberate, brave, and serene.

I work to nourish the world
and protect the transmission of life.

In this I begin,
but do not stay,
with myself.

<<tiddler Backstage##Tiddlers>>
(function($) {

var cmd = config.commands.refreshTiddler = {
	text: "refresh",
	locale: {
		refreshing: "Refreshing tiddler..."
	tooltip: "refresh this tiddler to be the one on the server",
	handler: function(ev, src, title) {
		var tiddler = store.getTiddler(title);
		if(!tiddler) {
			tiddler = new Tiddler(title);
			merge(tiddler.fields, config.defaultCustomFields);
		var dirtyStatus = store.isDirty();
		story.loadMissingTiddler(title, {
			"server.workspace": tiddler.fields["server.recipe"]  ? "recipes/" + tiddler.fields["server.recipe"] :
				tiddler.fields["server.workspace"] || "bags/"+tiddler.fields["server.bag"],
			"": tiddler.fields[""],
			"server.type": tiddler.fields["server.type"]
		}, function() {

The following are a few publicly-known people who have influenced my thought and self-conception:

Thomas [[Jefferson]] (1743-1826)
Ralph Waldo [[Emerson]] (1803-1882)
Walt [[Whitman]] (1819-1892)
Frank Lloyd [[Wright]] (1867-1959)
Maria [[Montessori]] (1870-1952)
Carl [[Jung]] (1875-1961)
Rainer Maria [[Rilke]] (1875-1926)
Hermann [[Hesse]] (1877-1962)
Martin [[Buber]] (1878-1965)
T.S. [[Eliot]] (1888-1965)
J.R.R. [[Tolkien]] (1892-1973)
M.C. [[Escher]] (1898-1972)
Carl [[Rogers]] (1902-1987)
Loren [[Eiseley]] (1907-1977)
Madeleine [[L'Engle]] (1918-2007)
Kenneth [[Iverson]] (1920-2004)
Robert [[Vickrey]] (1926-2011)
John Chris [[Jones]] (1927-)
Carl [[Sagan]] (1934-1996)
Alan [[Kay]] (1940-)
Steve [[Jobs]] (1955-2011)
<div macro='slideRevision'></div>
<div class='heading'>
	<span class="titleBar">
		<div class='title' macro='view title text'></div>
	<span class='modifierIcon'
		macro='view modifier SiteIcon label:no height:48 width:48 preserveAspectRatio:yes'>
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		macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::RevisionToolbar]] icons:yes height:48 width:48 more:popup'>
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<div class='content'>
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<div class='tagInfo'>
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	<div class='tagging' macro='tagging'></div>
This dream does not have to be all-encompassing. I can and need to choose a focus@@color:grey;font-size:60%;^^★^^@@ or locus of my attention. An 'interim imperfect' lifestyle is OK.

*In purchasing my food, be aware, but I don't have to be Joel Salatin.
*In learning [[Buddhism]] and meditation, I don't have to be a monk.
*In working at a manufacturing plant a while longer, I can practice right livelihood and sustain my family; I don't have to be an entrepreneur //now.//
*Fear of not being 'well-rounded' or lacking a utopian community to operate in cannot paralyze me.
*I don't have to be a Renaissance Man, agrarian, and citizen legislator all at once.
*I should start with what I like or value most.

@@color:grey;font-size:60%;^^★^^@@ @@color:grey; I recently learned that the Latin word //focus// literally meant a domestic hearth. I seek the modern sense: a center of interest, activity, or energy. A center to which my many roaming dreams may cohere and be grounded.
The domestic hearth may not be too far from my energetic focus, as a [[Layman Monk]] who is a 'householder' with a family. But Buddhist monks subsisted by begging, and withdrew from commerce. The world of commerce is what entraps me.@@
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				<button id="help">help</button>
				<div id="help-info" style="display:none;"><p>
				Found something interesting? Write about it in your own space. <a href="// to this Tiddler" target="_blank">Find out more</a>
				<ul class="nav nav-tabs" data-tabs="tabs">
					<li class="active" data-tab-name="post"><a href="#postForm">Reply</a></li>

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This is a prepared text of the Commencement address delivered by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, on June 12, 2005.

<object width="560" height="349"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="349"></embed></object> 

I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That’s it. No big deal. Just three stories.

The first story is about connecting the dots.
I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out?

It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: “We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?” They said: “Of course.” My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college.

And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents’ savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn’t see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn’t interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.

It wasn’t all romantic. I didn’t have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends’ rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5¢ deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example:

Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn’t have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can’t capture, and I found it fascinating.

None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it’s likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later.

Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

My second story is about love and loss.

I was lucky — I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz and I started Apple in my parents garage when I was 20. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees. We had just released our finest creation — the Macintosh — a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out. And very publicly out. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.

I really didn’t know what to do for a few months. I felt that I had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down - that I had dropped the baton as it was being passed to me. I met with David Packard and Bob Noyce and tried to apologize for screwing up so badly. I was a very public failure, and I even thought about running away from the valley. But something slowly began to dawn on me — I still loved what I did. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over.

I didn’t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.

During the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the worlds first computer animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, I returned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple’s current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family together.

I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn’t been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.

My third story is about death.

When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: “If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn’t even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor’s code for prepare to die. It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you’d have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes.

I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I’m fine now.

This was the closest I’ve been to facing death, and I hope it’s the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept:

No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

When I was young, there was an amazing publication called //The Whole Earth Catalog//, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960’s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.

Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Thank you all very much.
From the University of Pittsburgh:

*Promote the ideals of open access to information and intellectual freedom;
*Draw effectively upon the values, principles, knowledge and history of library and information science and other related disciplines;
*Advance the intelligent and ethical applications of information technologies; and
*Understand and apply [continuously developing] research in library and information science.
|''Description''|adaptor for interacting with TiddlyWeb|
|''Contributors''|Chris Dent, Martin Budden|
|''Keywords''|serverSide TiddlyWeb|
This plugin includes [[jQuery JSON|]].
!To Do
* createWorkspace
* document custom/optional context attributes (e.g. filters, query, revision) and tiddler fields (e.g. server.title, origin)
(function($) {

var adaptor = config.adaptors.tiddlyweb = function() {};

adaptor.prototype = new AdaptorBase();
adaptor.serverType = "tiddlyweb";
adaptor.serverLabel = "TiddlyWeb";
adaptor.mimeType = "application/json";

adaptor.parsingErrorMessage = "Error parsing result from server";
adaptor.noBagErrorMessage = "no bag specified for tiddler";
adaptor.locationIDErrorMessage = "no bag or recipe specified for tiddler"; // TODO: rename

// retrieve current status (requires TiddlyWeb status plugin)
adaptor.prototype.getStatus = function(context, userParams, callback) {
	context = this.setContext(context, userParams, callback);
	var uriTemplate = "%0/status";
	var uri = uriTemplate.format([]);
	var req = httpReq("GET", uri, adaptor.getStatusCallback, context,
		null, null, null, null, null, true);
	return typeof req == "string" ? req : true;

adaptor.getStatusCallback = function(status, context, responseText, uri, xhr) {
	context.status = responseText ? status : false;
	try {
		context.statusText = xhr.statusText;
	} catch(exc) { // offline (Firefox)
		context.status = false;
		context.statusText = null;
	context.httpStatus = xhr.status;
	if(context.status) {
		context.serverStatus = $.evalJSON(responseText); // XXX: error handling!?
	if(context.callback) {
		context.callback(context, context.userParams);

// retrieve a list of workspaces
adaptor.prototype.getWorkspaceList = function(context, userParams, callback) {
	context = this.setContext(context, userParams, callback);
	context.workspaces = [];
	var uriTemplate = "%0/recipes"; // XXX: bags?
	var uri = uriTemplate.format([]);
	var req = httpReq("GET", uri, adaptor.getWorkspaceListCallback,
		context, { accept: adaptor.mimeType }, null, null, null, null, true);
	return typeof req == "string" ? req : true;

adaptor.getWorkspaceListCallback = function(status, context, responseText, uri, xhr) {
	context.status = status;
	context.statusText = xhr.statusText;
	context.httpStatus = xhr.status;
	if(status) {
		try {
			var workspaces = $.evalJSON(responseText);
		} catch(ex) {
			context.status = false; // XXX: correct?
			context.statusText = exceptionText(ex, adaptor.parsingErrorMessage);
			if(context.callback) {
				context.callback(context, context.userParams);
		context.workspaces = { return { title: itm }; });
	if(context.callback) {
		context.callback(context, context.userParams);

// retrieve a list of tiddlers
adaptor.prototype.getTiddlerList = function(context, userParams, callback) {
	context = this.setContext(context, userParams, callback);
	var uriTemplate = "%0/%1/%2/tiddlers%3";
	var params = context.filters ? "?" + context.filters : "";
	if(context.format) {
		params = context.format + params;
	var workspace = adaptor.resolveWorkspace(context.workspace);
	var uri = uriTemplate.format([, workspace.type + "s",
		adaptor.normalizeTitle(, params]);
	var req = httpReq("GET", uri, adaptor.getTiddlerListCallback,
		context, merge({ accept: adaptor.mimeType }, context.headers), null, null, null, null, true);
	return typeof req == "string" ? req : true;

adaptor.getTiddlerListCallback = function(status, context, responseText, uri, xhr) {
	context.status = status;
	context.statusText = xhr.statusText;
	context.httpStatus = xhr.status;
	if(status) {
		context.tiddlers = [];
		try {
			var tiddlers = $.evalJSON(responseText); //# NB: not actual tiddler instances
		} catch(ex) {
			context.status = false; // XXX: correct?
			context.statusText = exceptionText(ex, adaptor.parsingErrorMessage);
			if(context.callback) {
				context.callback(context, context.userParams);
		for(var i = 0; i < tiddlers.length; i++) {
			var tiddler = adaptor.toTiddler(tiddlers[i],;
	if(context.callback) {
		context.callback(context, context.userParams);

// perform global search
adaptor.prototype.getSearchResults = function(context, userParams, callback) {
	context = this.setContext(context, userParams, callback);
	var uriTemplate = "%0/search?q=%1%2";
	var filterString = context.filters ? ";" + context.filters : "";
	var uri = uriTemplate.format([, context.query, filterString]); // XXX: parameters need escaping?
	var req = httpReq("GET", uri, adaptor.getSearchResultsCallback,
		context, { accept: adaptor.mimeType }, null, null, null, null, true);
	return typeof req == "string" ? req : true;

adaptor.getSearchResultsCallback = function(status, context, responseText, uri, xhr) {
	adaptor.getTiddlerListCallback(status, context, responseText, uri, xhr); // XXX: use apply?

// retrieve a particular tiddler's revisions
adaptor.prototype.getTiddlerRevisionList = function(title, limit, context, userParams, callback) {
	context = this.setContext(context, userParams, callback);
	var uriTemplate = "%0/%1/%2/tiddlers/%3/revisions";
	var workspace = adaptor.resolveWorkspace(context.workspace);
	var uri = uriTemplate.format([, workspace.type + "s",
		adaptor.normalizeTitle(, adaptor.normalizeTitle(title)]);
	var req = httpReq("GET", uri, adaptor.getTiddlerRevisionListCallback,
		context, merge({ accept: adaptor.mimeType }, context.headers), null, null, null, null, true);
	return typeof req == "string" ? req : true;

adaptor.getTiddlerRevisionListCallback = function(status, context, responseText, uri, xhr) {
	context.status = status;
	context.statusText = xhr.statusText;
	context.httpStatus = xhr.status;
	if(status) {
		context.revisions = [];
		try {
			var tiddlers = $.evalJSON(responseText); //# NB: not actual tiddler instances
		} catch(ex) {
			context.status = false; // XXX: correct?
			context.statusText = exceptionText(ex, adaptor.parsingErrorMessage);
			if(context.callback) {
				context.callback(context, context.userParams);
		for(var i = 0; i < tiddlers.length; i++) {
			var tiddler = adaptor.toTiddler(tiddlers[i],;
		var sortField = "";
		context.revisions.sort(function(a, b) {
			return a.fields[sortField] < b.fields[sortField] ? 1 :
				(a.fields[sortField] == b.fields[sortField] ? 0 : -1);
	if(context.callback) {
		context.callback(context, context.userParams);

// retrieve an individual tiddler revision -- XXX: breaks with standard arguments list -- XXX: convenience function; simply use getTiddler?
adaptor.prototype.getTiddlerRevision = function(title, revision, context, userParams, callback) {
	context = this.setContext(context, userParams, callback);
	context.revision = revision;
	return this.getTiddler(title, context, userParams, callback);

// retrieve an individual tiddler
//# context is an object with members host and workspace
//# callback is passed the new context and userParams
adaptor.prototype.getTiddler = function(title, context, userParams, callback) {
	context = this.setContext(context, userParams, callback);
	context.title = title;
	if(context.revision) {
		var uriTemplate = "%0/%1/%2/tiddlers/%3/revisions/%4";
	} else {
		uriTemplate = "%0/%1/%2/tiddlers/%3";
	if(!context.tiddler) {
		context.tiddler = new Tiddler(title);
	context.tiddler.fields["server.type"] = adaptor.serverType;
	context.tiddler.fields[""] = AdaptorBase.minHostName(;
	context.tiddler.fields["server.workspace"] = context.workspace;
	var workspace = adaptor.resolveWorkspace(context.workspace);
	var uri = uriTemplate.format([, workspace.type + "s",
		adaptor.normalizeTitle(, adaptor.normalizeTitle(title),
	var req = httpReq("GET", uri, adaptor.getTiddlerCallback, context,
		merge({ accept: adaptor.mimeType }, context.headers), null, null, null, null, true);
	return typeof req == "string" ? req : true;

adaptor.getTiddlerCallback = function(status, context, responseText, uri, xhr) {
	context.status = status;
	context.statusText = xhr.statusText;
	context.httpStatus = xhr.status;
	if(status) {
		try {
			var tid = $.evalJSON(responseText);
		} catch(ex) {
			context.status = false;
			context.statusText = exceptionText(ex, adaptor.parsingErrorMessage);
			if(context.callback) {
				context.callback(context, context.userParams);
		var tiddler = adaptor.toTiddler(tid,;
		tiddler.title = context.tiddler.title;
		tiddler.fields["server.etag"] = xhr.getResponseHeader("Etag");
		// normally we'd assign context.tiddler = tiddler here - but we can't do
		// that because of IE, which triggers getTiddler in putTiddlerCallback,
		// and since ServerSideSavingPlugin foolishly relies on persistent
		// object references, we need to merge the data into the existing object
		$.extend(context.tiddler, tiddler);
	if(context.callback) {
		context.callback(context, context.userParams);

// retrieve tiddler chronicle (all revisions)
adaptor.prototype.getTiddlerChronicle = function(title, context, userParams, callback) {
	context = this.setContext(context, userParams, callback);
	context.title = title;
	var uriTemplate = "%0/%1/%2/tiddlers/%3/revisions?fat=1";
	var workspace = adaptor.resolveWorkspace(context.workspace);
	var uri = uriTemplate.format([, workspace.type + "s",
		adaptor.normalizeTitle(, adaptor.normalizeTitle(title)]);
	var req = httpReq("GET", uri, adaptor.getTiddlerChronicleCallback,
		context, { accept: adaptor.mimeType }, null, null, null, null, true);
	return typeof req == "string" ? req : true;

adaptor.getTiddlerChronicleCallback = function(status, context, responseText, uri, xhr) {
	context.status = status;
	context.statusText = xhr.statusText;
	context.httpStatus = xhr.status;
	if(status) {
		context.responseText = responseText;
	if(context.callback) {
		context.callback(context, context.userParams);

// store an individual tiddler
adaptor.prototype.putTiddler = function(tiddler, context, userParams, callback) {
	context = this.setContext(context, userParams, callback);
	context.title = tiddler.title;
	context.tiddler = tiddler; = || this.fullHostName(tiddler.fields[""]);
	var uriTemplate = "%0/%1/%2/tiddlers/%3";
	try {
		context.workspace = context.workspace || tiddler.fields["server.workspace"];
		var workspace = adaptor.resolveWorkspace(context.workspace);
	} catch(ex) {
		return adaptor.locationIDErrorMessage;
	var uri = uriTemplate.format([, workspace.type + "s",
	var etag = adaptor.generateETag(workspace, tiddler);
	var headers = etag ? { "If-Match": etag } : null;
	var payload = {
		type: tiddler.fields["server.content-type"] || null,
		text: tiddler.text,
		tags: tiddler.tags,
		fields: $.extend({}, tiddler.fields)
	delete payload.fields.changecount;
	$.each(payload.fields, function(key, value) {
		if(key.indexOf("server.") == 0) {
			delete payload.fields[key];
	payload = $.toJSON(payload);
	var req = httpReq("PUT", uri, adaptor.putTiddlerCallback,
		context, headers, payload, adaptor.mimeType, null, null, true);
	return typeof req == "string" ? req : true;

adaptor.putTiddlerCallback = function(status, context, responseText, uri, xhr) {
	context.status = [204, 1223].contains(xhr.status);
	context.statusText = xhr.statusText;
	context.httpStatus = xhr.status;
	if(context.status) {
		var loc = xhr.getResponseHeader("Location");
		var etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("Etag");
		if(loc && etag) {
			var bag = loc.split("/bags/").pop().split("/")[0];
			context.tiddler.fields["server.bag"] = bag;
			context.tiddler.fields["server.workspace"] = "bags/" + bag;
			var rev = etag.split("/").pop().split(/;|:/)[0];
			context.tiddler.fields[""] = rev;
			context.tiddler.fields["server.etag"] = etag;
			if(context.callback) {
				context.callback(context, context.userParams);
		} else { // IE
			context.adaptor.getTiddler(context.tiddler.title, context,
				context.userParams, context.callback);
	} else if(context.callback) {
		context.callback(context, context.userParams);

// store a tiddler chronicle
adaptor.prototype.putTiddlerChronicle = function(revisions, context, userParams, callback) {
	context = this.setContext(context, userParams, callback);
	context.title = revisions[0].title;
	var headers = null;
	var uriTemplate = "%0/%1/%2/tiddlers/%3/revisions";
	var host = || this.fullHostName(tiddler.fields[""]);
	var workspace = adaptor.resolveWorkspace(context.workspace);
	var uri = uriTemplate.format([host, workspace.type + "s",
	if(workspace.type == "bag") { // generate ETag
		var etag = [adaptor.normalizeTitle(,
			adaptor.normalizeTitle(context.title), 0].join("/"); //# zero-revision prevents overwriting existing contents
		headers = { "If-Match": '"' + etag + '"' };
	var payload = $.toJSON(revisions);
	var req = httpReq("POST", uri, adaptor.putTiddlerChronicleCallback,
		context, headers, payload, adaptor.mimeType, null, null, true);
	return typeof req == "string" ? req : true;

adaptor.putTiddlerChronicleCallback = function(status, context, responseText, uri, xhr) {
	context.status = [204, 1223].contains(xhr.status);
	context.statusText = xhr.statusText;
	context.httpStatus = xhr.status;
	if(context.callback) {
		context.callback(context, context.userParams);

// store a collection of tiddlers (import TiddlyWiki HTML store)
adaptor.prototype.putTiddlerStore = function(store, context, userParams, callback) {
	context = this.setContext(context, userParams, callback);
	var uriTemplate = "%0/%1/%2/tiddlers";
	var host =;
	var workspace = adaptor.resolveWorkspace(context.workspace);
	var uri = uriTemplate.format([host, workspace.type + "s",
	var req = httpReq("POST", uri, adaptor.putTiddlerStoreCallback,
		context, null, store, "text/x-tiddlywiki", null, null, true);
	return typeof req == "string" ? req : true;

adaptor.putTiddlerStoreCallback = function(status, context, responseText, uri, xhr) {
	context.status = [204, 1223].contains(xhr.status);
	context.statusText = xhr.statusText;
	context.httpStatus = xhr.status;
	if(context.callback) {
		context.callback(context, context.userParams);

// rename an individual tiddler or move it to a different workspace -- TODO: make {from|to}.title optional
//# from and to are objects with members title and workspace (bag; optional),
//# representing source and target tiddler, respectively
adaptor.prototype.moveTiddler = function(from, to, context, userParams, callback) { // XXX: rename parameters (old/new)?
	var self = this;
	var newTiddler = store.getTiddler(from.title) || store.getTiddler(to.title); //# local rename might already have occurred
	var oldTiddler = $.extend(true, {}, newTiddler); //# required for eventual deletion
	oldTiddler.title = from.title; //# required for original tiddler's ETag
	var _getTiddlerChronicle = function(title, context, userParams, callback) {
		return self.getTiddlerChronicle(title, context, userParams, callback);
	var _putTiddlerChronicle = function(context, userParams) {
		if(!context.status) {
			return callback(context, userParams);
		var revisions = $.evalJSON(context.responseText); // XXX: error handling?
		// change current title while retaining previous location
		for(var i = 0; i < revisions.length; i++) {
			delete revisions[i].revision;
			if(!revisions[i].fields.origin) { // NB: origin = "<workspace>/<title>"
				revisions[i].fields.origin = ["bags", revisions[i].bag, revisions[i].title].join("/");
			revisions[i].title = to.title;
		// add new revision
		var rev = $.extend({}, revisions[0]);
		$.each(newTiddler, function(i, item) {
			if(!$.isFunction(item)) {
				rev[i] = item;
		rev.title = to.title;
		rev.created = rev.created.convertToYYYYMMDDHHMM();
		rev.modified = new Date().convertToYYYYMMDDHHMM();
		delete rev.fields.changecount;
		if(to.workspace) {
			context.workspace = to.workspace;
		} else if(context.workspace.substring(0, 4) != "bags") { // NB: target workspace must be a bag
			context.workspace = "bags/" + rev.bag;
		var subCallback = function(context, userParams) {
			if(!context.status) {
				return callback(context, userParams);
			context.adaptor.getTiddler(newTiddler.title, context, userParams, _deleteTiddler);
		return self.putTiddlerChronicle(revisions, context, context.userParams, subCallback);
	var _deleteTiddler = function(context, userParams) {
		if(!context.status) {
			return callback(context, userParams);
		$.extend(true, newTiddler, context.tiddler);
		context.callback = null;
		return self.deleteTiddler(oldTiddler, context, context.userParams, callback);
	callback = callback || function() {};
	context = this.setContext(context, userParams); = || oldTiddler.fields[""];
	context.workspace = from.workspace || oldTiddler.fields["server.workspace"];
	return _getTiddlerChronicle(from.title, context, userParams, _putTiddlerChronicle);

// delete an individual tiddler
adaptor.prototype.deleteTiddler = function(tiddler, context, userParams, callback) {
	context = this.setContext(context, userParams, callback);
	context.title = tiddler.title; // XXX: not required!?
	var uriTemplate = "%0/bags/%1/tiddlers/%2";
	var host = || this.fullHostName(tiddler.fields[""]);
	var bag = tiddler.fields["server.bag"];
	if(!bag) {
		return adaptor.noBagErrorMessage;
	var uri = uriTemplate.format([host, adaptor.normalizeTitle(bag),
	var etag = adaptor.generateETag({ type: "bag", name: bag }, tiddler);
	var headers = etag ? { "If-Match": etag } : null;
	var req = httpReq("DELETE", uri, adaptor.deleteTiddlerCallback, context, headers,
		null, null, null, null, true);
	return typeof req == "string" ? req : true;

adaptor.deleteTiddlerCallback = function(status, context, responseText, uri, xhr) {
	context.status = [204, 1223].contains(xhr.status);
	context.statusText = xhr.statusText;
	context.httpStatus = xhr.status;
	if(context.callback) {
		context.callback(context, context.userParams);

// compare two revisions of a tiddler (requires TiddlyWeb differ plugin)
//# if context.rev1 is not specified, the latest revision will be used for comparison
//# if context.rev2 is not specified, the local revision will be sent for comparison
//# context.format is a string as determined by the TiddlyWeb differ plugin
adaptor.prototype.getTiddlerDiff = function(title, context, userParams, callback) {
	context = this.setContext(context, userParams, callback);
	context.title = title;

	var tiddler = store.getTiddler(title);
	try {
		var workspace = adaptor.resolveWorkspace(tiddler.fields["server.workspace"]);
	} catch(ex) {
		return adaptor.locationIDErrorMessage;
	var tiddlerRef = [workspace.type + "s",, tiddler.title].join("/");

	var rev1 = context.rev1 ? [tiddlerRef, context.rev1].join("/") : tiddlerRef;
	var rev2 = context.rev2 ? [tiddlerRef, context.rev2].join("/") : null;

	var uriTemplate = "%0/diff?rev1=%1";
	if(rev2) {
		uriTemplate += "&rev2=%2";
	if(context.format) {
		uriTemplate += "&format=%3";
	var host = || this.fullHostName(tiddler.fields[""]);
	var uri = uriTemplate.format([host, adaptor.normalizeTitle(rev1),
		adaptor.normalizeTitle(rev2), context.format]);

	if(rev2) {
		var req = httpReq("GET", uri, adaptor.getTiddlerDiffCallback, context, null,
			null, null, null, null, true);
	} else {
		var payload = {
			title: tiddler.title,
			text: tiddler.text,
			modifier: tiddler.modifier,
			tags: tiddler.tags,
			fields: $.extend({}, tiddler.fields)
		}; // XXX: missing attributes!?
		payload = $.toJSON(payload);
		req = httpReq("POST", uri, adaptor.getTiddlerDiffCallback, context,
			null, payload, adaptor.mimeType, null, null, true);
	return typeof req == "string" ? req : true;

adaptor.getTiddlerDiffCallback = function(status, context, responseText, uri, xhr) {
	context.status = status;
	context.statusText = xhr.statusText;
	context.httpStatus = xhr.status;
	context.uri = uri;
	if(status) {
		context.diff = responseText;
	if(context.callback) {
		context.callback(context, context.userParams);

// generate tiddler information
adaptor.prototype.generateTiddlerInfo = function(tiddler) {
	var info = {};
	var uriTemplate = "%0/%1/%2/tiddlers/%3";
	var host = || tiddler.fields[""]; // XXX: obsolete?
	host = this.fullHostName(host);
	var workspace = adaptor.resolveWorkspace(tiddler.fields["server.workspace"]);
	info.uri = uriTemplate.format([host, workspace.type + "s",
	return info;

// create Tiddler instance from TiddlyWeb tiddler JSON
adaptor.toTiddler = function(json, host) {
	var created = Date.convertFromYYYYMMDDHHMM(json.created);
	var modified = Date.convertFromYYYYMMDDHHMM(json.modified);
	var fields = json.fields;
	fields["server.type"] = adaptor.serverType;
	fields[""] = AdaptorBase.minHostName(host);
	fields["server.bag"] = json.bag;
	fields["server.title"] = json.title;
	if(json.recipe) {
		fields["server.recipe"] = json.recipe;
	if(json.type && json.type != "None") {
		fields["server.content-type"] = json.type;
	fields["server.permissions"] = json.permissions.join(", ");
	fields[""] = json.revision;
	fields["server.workspace"] = "bags/" + json.bag;
	var tiddler = new Tiddler(json.title);
	tiddler.assign(tiddler.title, json.text, json.modifier, modified, json.tags,
		created, json.fields, json.creator);
	return tiddler;

adaptor.resolveWorkspace = function(workspace) {
	var components = workspace.split("/");
	return {
		type: components[0] == "bags" ? "bag" : "recipe",
		name: components[1] || components[0]

adaptor.generateETag = function(workspace, tiddler) {
	var revision = tiddler.fields[""];
	var etag = revision == "false" ? null : tiddler.fields["server.etag"];
	if(!etag && workspace.type == "bag") {
		if(typeof revision == "undefined") {
			revision = "0";
		} else if(revision == "false") {
			return null;
		etag = [adaptor.normalizeTitle(,
			adaptor.normalizeTitle(tiddler.title), revision].join("/");
		etag = '"' + etag + '"';
	return etag;

adaptor.normalizeTitle = function(title) {
	return encodeURIComponent(title);


 * jQuery JSON Plugin
 * version: 1.3
 * source:
 * license: MIT (
(function($){function toIntegersAtLease(n)
{return n<10?'0'+n:n;}
{return this.getUTCFullYear()+'-'+
toIntegersAtLease(this.getUTCDate());};var escapeable=/["\\\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f]/g;var meta={'\b':'\\b','\t':'\\t','\n':'\\n','\f':'\\f','\r':'\\r','"':'\\"','\\':'\\\\'};$.quoteString=function(string)
{var c=meta[a];if(typeof c==='string'){return c;}
{var type=typeof(o);if(type=="undefined")
return"undefined";else if(type=="number"||type=="boolean")
return o+"";else if(o===null)
{return $.quoteString(o);}
if(type=="object"&&typeof o.toJSON=="function")
return o.toJSON(compact);if(type!="function"&&typeof(o.length)=="number")
{var ret=[];for(var i=0;i<o.length;i++){ret.push($.toJSON(o[i],compact));}
return"["+ret.join(", ")+"]";}
if(type=="function"){throw new TypeError("Unable to convert object of type 'function' to json.");}
var ret=[];for(var k in o){var name;type=typeof(k);if(type=="number")
name='"'+k+'"';else if(type=="string")
continue;var val=$.toJSON(o[k],compact);if(typeof(val)!="string"){continue;}
ret.push(name+": "+val);}
return"{"+ret.join(", ")+"}";};$.compactJSON=function(o)
{return $.toJSON(o,true);};$.evalJSON=function(src)
{return eval("("+src+")");};$.secureEvalJSON=function(src)
{var filtered=src;filtered=filtered.replace(/\\["\\\/bfnrtu]/g,'@');filtered=filtered.replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,']');filtered=filtered.replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,'');if(/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(filtered))
return eval("("+src+")");else
throw new SyntaxError("Error parsing JSON, source is not valid.");};})(jQuery);
.tiddler .originButton div {
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.tiddler .spaceSiteIcon .siteIcon {
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.tiddler .originButton {
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/* for following */
#popup .siteIcon {
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.content {
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.editorHeading {
	height: 48px;

.heading {
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	margin-bottom: 40px;
	position: relative;
	top: 32px;

.followButton a {
	display: block;
	margin-top: -20px;

.tiddler .followPlaceHolder {
	display: block;
	position: absolute;
	top: 16px;
	right: 64px;
	_right: 138px; // add width of modifierIcon

.tiddler .followButton {
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	height: 24px;
	text-align: left;
	color: #fff;
	background: [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];
	padding: 10px 0px 0px 10px;
	width: 38px;
	margin: -16px -8px 24px 0;

/* creates the larger triangle */
.followButton:before {
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	display: block; /* reduce the damage in FF3.0 */
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	border-color: transparent [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];

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.toolbar svg .glyph {
	fill: #ccc;

.toolbar a:hover .glyph {
	fill: black;

.toolbar a:active .glyph {
	fill: [[ColorPalette::Background]];

.tiddler .subtitle {
	cursor: pointer;

.editSpaceSiteIcon .originButton {
	cursor: auto;

.tiddler .subtitle:hover {
	font-weight: bold;
	background: none;

.originButton img,
.originButton svg {
	margin-left: 0px;

.modifierIcon {
	position: absolute;
	width: 74px;
	top: 0px;
	right: 0px;
	_right: 74px; /* in IE6 positioning works incorrectly so use -width instead */
	text-align: right;

.modifierIcon img,
.modifierIcon svg {
	margin-right: 8px;

.tiddler .viewer {
	padding-bottom: 16px;
	margin: 0 0 0 56px;
	line-height: 1.4em;

.viewer pre {
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.siteIcon .label {
	color: [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];

.tiddler .spaceSiteIcon {
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	display: block;

.tiddler .titleBar {
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	margin-right: 136px;
	margin-left: 56px;

.followButton a {
	color: [[ColorPalette::Background]];

.tiddler {
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.tiddler .editor {
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.tiddler .heading .title {
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.tiddler .heading .editor.title {
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.tiddler .headingClear {
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.tiddler .subtitle {
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.tiddler .toolbar a:hover {
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.tiddler .tagged .listTitle {
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.revButton {
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/*! EditTemplate specific*/
.tiddler .privacySettings {
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.tiddler .privacySettings .originButton {
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.editSpaceSiteIcon .roundelLabel {
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.tagAnnotation {
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.annotationsBox {
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.editorFooter {
	position: relative;
	padding: 0;
	margin-top: 16px;
	margin-left: 64px;

.tiddler .editorFooter .editor {
	padding-left: 0px;

.heading .editor input {
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.spaceSiteIcon .externalImage .image a:hover,
.modifierIcon .externalImage .image a:hover {
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div.toolbar {

.selected div.toolbar {
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.followButton a:hover {
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a.image:hover {
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@media only screen and (device-width: 768px) {
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@media all and (max-width: 960px) {
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	.tiddler .viewer {
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!!!Five great narratives which Postman posits as organizing myths (figurative gods) upon which to base an education:
*The Spaceship Earth
*The Fallen Angel
*The American Experiment
*The Law of Diversity
*The ~Word-Makers / ~World-Weavers
Loren Eiseley (3 September 1907 – 9 July 1977) was an American anthropologist, educator, philosopher, and natural science writer.

Every one of us is a hidden child. We are hidden in our beginnings—in the vagaries of the genetic cards that have been dealt to us by nature; we are hidden in the episodes of our individual lives, environments, events unduplicable that have aided or scarred us. We may have come from poverty or riches, but ironically this tells us nothing either, for on occasion it may be the rich child who has suffered trauma and the poor one who has achieved insight and balance.  It is not always so … I merely say to begin with that life is infinitely complex and hidden. We share together some elements of a complicated culture and a language, which, while common to all of us, whispers to each of us secret meanings, depending upon the lives we have led. Our diverging roads begin before birth and intensify afterwards.
—The Lost Notebooks of Loren Eiseley

Tomorrow lurks in us, the latency to be all that was not achieved before.  This is what led proto-man, five million years ago, to start upon a journey, at a time when night and day were strange and miraculous, as was the trumpeting of mammoths or the march of reindeer.  It was for this that man adorned his caverns in the morning of time.  It was for this that he worshipped the bear.  For man had fallen out of the secure world of instinct into a place of wonder.  That wonder is still expanding, changing as man’s mind keeps pace with it.  He stands and listens with a shell pressed to his ear.  He is still a child before the infinite spaces but he is in no way frightened … //The shifting unseen potential that we call nature has left man but one observable dictum, ''to grow.''//
—from //The Star Thrower//
Growing from Anatta and Prana, the [[Fourfold Fruit]] flowers and knows itself: unnamed ~G-D (Ground Divine) or ~Atman-Tao?

[[I am]] ''a
Speck in the Cosmos
Daughter of the Biome
Son of the Wild
Family of Mankind
Master of Will
Defender of the Jewels

''//Anatta Existence//''
Matter, Dimension, Forces
Unbounded Sum and Void
The world undulates, ebbs, flows, and is still … //quaking and kything, conscious.//
Physical Ground
• [[Right View]]
Body in common with the whole  (~No-Self)
Speck in the Cosmos  (in/of/equal to all)
//To change//
1. Look, listen, meet me!  First, choose the way of love and truth.  Strength is fidelity.
:The world awaits hallowing; it awaits the disclosure and realization of its meaning. But we must begin. Meet the world with the fullness of your being, and you shall meet God … If you wish to believe, love!
:—Martin Buber

''//Prana Life//''
''Seed of Perfection'' dwelling on Earth to ''You''
Cosmos/Anatta in flux gave rise to Prana
• Right Attention & Right View
Earth, Water, Light
Respiration  (~No-Will, but growth)
Plant life, [[angiosperms]]
The Biome — Seed of Perfection
//To grow//, rooted by physical environ
2. Keep faith in the Seed of Perfection dwelling on Earth. Take refuge in its passages to you, and [[protect]] your fellowships.
://These are gifts no one owns — lasting ages and latent everywhere — yet hemmed by uncertainty, human weakness and evil.//
3. Sustain yourself from the Earth deliberately. Be mindful of the great throngs of life on every side, arising and dying equally under the sun.  You share their splendor and finiteness.
://The world has no Chosen tribe of creatures.  Do not elevate your community above another's only because it is different.  Keep contact with the open sky and living things.//
"The shifting unseen potential that we call nature has left man but one observable dictum, ''to grow''" (Loren [[Eiseley]]) — reconsider the meaning of growth from mankind's position of potential mass destruction.

''//Kama Life//''
from the ''Earth, You'' share
Prana in flux within Anatta gave rise to Kama
• Right Intention & Right Conduct
Motility, Boundary, Hunger
Desires  (Will to pleasure)
Rooted in present moment
The Wild — animal life
//To move, eat, mate//
4. Honor and nurture your fellow beings.  Embrace.  Ease another's suffering.  Strive to end poverty and oppression.
://Be here with another: a child, a neighbor, a kin, or a stranger, and be wholly present to them: with words, hands, eyes, and all your intent.//
5. Do not kill or cause harm.  Ignore no evil done by humanity; mend what is possible without violence.  Turn your heart away from vengeance.
<<tiddler quickens>>

''//Artha Life//''
''You will what?''
Kama in flux consuming and renewing Prana gave rise to Artha
Creating [[Realms of the Manifest]]
• Right Livelihood, Right Effort & Right Conduct
Memory and Reasoning Faculties of Man (Homo)
Minds focused on Cosmic fragments
Rooted in Ego, speaking ~I-It  (Will to power)
Family of Mankind (our fundamental roots)
//To have, do, create//, [make and reproduce], //to grasp or 'be grasped'//
6. Practice, practice, to find strength and clarity in today's purpose.  The outer marks of success cannot satisfy.  What will you bring to being?
7. Honor the sanctity of coupling and your physical being. Protect yourself. Defend and teach one another the same.
And ever those, who would enjoyment gain/
Must find it in the purpose they pursue
—Sarah Josepha Hale

//one does not obtain food-safety-freedom by instinct alone// ...
animal consciousness does not extend beyond the given moment ...
the human requires a background grid through which to see his universe ...
focused consciousness by choice, this forms your grid ...
//all things/cells/beings are impermanent// ...
strive for flow-permanence within [and between]
—Frank Herbert in //Dune//

Tomorrow lurks in us, the latency to be all that was not achieved before.  This is what led proto-man, five million years ago, to start upon a journey, at a time when night and day were strange and miraculous, as was the trumpeting of mammoths or the march of reindeer.  It was for this that man adorned his caverns in the morning of time.  It was for this that he worshipped the bear.  For man had fallen out of the secure world of instinct into a place of wonder.  That wonder is still expanding, changing as man’s mind keeps pace with it.  He stands and listens with a shell pressed to his ear.  He is still a child before the infinite spaces but he is in no way frightened … The shifting unseen potential that we call nature has left man but one observable dictum, to grow.
—Loren [[Eiseley]] in //The Star Thrower//

''//Dharma Life//''
''You come'' to acceptance
Artha refines and expresses Kama, giving rise to Dharma
• Right Effort & Right Speech
Widens the Ego's [[circle]] to a larger "Self" rooted in the entire human family
Begins with dialogue of ~I-You
Kama sublated (not negated)
Accepting the finiteness of Artha and its workings
Mastering Will  (knowledge //understood//)
To change, grow, move, create, to have and release, //to meet and turn//
8. Be generous.  Do not steal, hoard, or diminish what is needed by all.
://You provision with and for the means of unborn humanity. Your sources and effects are finite, yet [[adequate|adequate life]] to need.  Share them freely.//
9. Speak truthfully, and do not stand with deception. Keep questioning!  You shall come to acceptance, but never a livable codex.

A. Stay alert to the evidence of your senses.  Heed the efficacy of other ways and the test of empirical knowledge.  Let your children think freely.
://Alert to all your senses, develop them for the gift of discernment.//

''//Moksha Life//''
Relinquishing  (~Bind-Unloosing)
''You save life''
Dharma shifts Artha back toward Prana or an Ideal ~Super-Personal, Extraconceptual state which is Moksha
• Right Concentration & Right Intention
Has been the province of [[priests|Welcome to your own priesthood]], wise ones, or "magic"  (knowledge //felt//)
Defender of the Three Jewels:
[[Chain|the cord]] of Dharma (natural law / wisdom), Sangha (community), and Bodhi/Christ/Inner Light (ideal Self), all understood as both sacrament (holy presence that is) and laws (holy potential that ought to be)
//To suffer and transcend//: all desires, attachments, and impermanence
B. Be grateful.  Loosen the grasp of attachments.  Find a proportion for yourself in the whole.
C.  Avoid haste, distraction and worry.  Reserve quiet contemplative time; from this take congruent action.
D. Save life whenever you can, but also accept death. Do not live in fear nor speculate on an afterlife.
The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained [[liberation|widening the circle]] from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.
—Albert Einstein

Peak experiences, fleeting (Unbound from Ego's craving to flee and self-affirm)
''Tao'' is manifest
Moksha shifts Dharma and Artha back toward Anatta / ~No-Self, which in sentient form is Atman~Tao or 'Soul of the World' — not existence, but Way, dare I say 'maximal' life?
• Right View, (At)/(In)tention (?), Concentration, Effort
Tao that cannot be spoken
Nondual, Seed of Perfection or natural splendor 'unveiled' from subject/object limitations
The death of [[Tanha]], end of the 'thinker' and thirst for becoming, is succeeded by the plenitude of //Life.//
//Being borne and dying//
E. Be here with all your heart, all your mind, and all your strength centered, and respond to life's call.  The Tao is manifest in every time and place.  Come to this peace.
This is the ultimate concern of faith (the centered listening and response): beyond suffering, impermanence, non-self — wisdom that springs from neither fixity nor change.

"Reconcile not with myself:  with what lifts me, sustains me, lets me fall."  (Octavio Paz)

Preserve and restore the Tao in the body and cosmos: Tao being the basic, eternal principle of the universe that transcends reality and is the source of //being, non-being, and change.//

//Absolve yourself.//   Insoluble consciousness, resolution, absolution, dissolution. //Ecstasy steps outside a 'system' of belief.//
Language appreciation, including non-English

Reading stories
Journal (Response as reader/viewer/listener/participant)
Translation via machine, and human translation of idioms
Constructed languages

Mathematical language
Literate computer [[programming language]]

Balanced ternary or dozenal base number systems


If you choose to change this GettingStarted tiddler, you may wish to add the following to your new content if you expect you space to be included:

''This ~GettingStarted tiddler has been customized.''
If you want to see the original system tiddler just click the following link: GettingStarted@system-info at system-info.

Welcome to your brand new [[TiddlySpace|]].

You're almost ready to go, there are just a couple of things left to do.

!Customise your space
Go to [[SpaceSettings]] to finish customising  your space. When you're done, come back here (just scroll up). Don't worry though, this will still be open when you've finished.

!Further Customisation

For advanced options, the [[ServerSettings]] tiddler is used to enable the following features:

#index: The value is the name of a tiddler that will be presented when loading the space.  For example, when set to {{{Hello}}} for the space, navigating to that URL will present the Hello tiddler. If there is no {{{Hello}}} you will get an error.
#editor: The name of an [[editor application|]] to edit tiddlers with.  Applications come from [[included spaces|]]

//If you do not need or understand these features there is no need to create a ServerSettings tiddler.//

To edit these options: 

* click [[here|ServerSettings]] to open the [[ServerSettings]] tiddler
* click on the edit button (the pencil icon)
* add the options you wish to set 
* click on the save button (the tick icon).

An example [[ServerSettings]] tiddler:
index: HelloThere
editor: /edit#{tiddler}

The additional text after /edit allows a tiddler to be opened in edit mode e.g:

!!See Also

* [[ServerSettings shadow tiddler|]]
* [[Choosing a non-TiddlyWiki Default Application for your Space|]]

!Finished customising?
You can [[Start writing]] some [[tiddlers|]].
If you're not done tweaking yet though, you can always [[Customise this space|SpaceSettings]] a bit more.

You can also [[access and read other tiddlers in various ways|]].

If you'd like to change your password or create another space, visit "Your Account" from the [[Universal Backstage|]] (the blue dot in the upper right of the page). If you'd like to add a member or [[include a space|]] visit "This Space" from the [[Universal Backstage|]].

You can have as many spaces as you like and each space can have as many members as you or your group need.

If you're stuck, and would like some help, please visit the [[help|]] space, which can point you in the right direction.
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
<object width="560" height="349"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="349"></embed></object> 
Right-click on video and select "Watch on ~YouTube" for full-screen playback.

<object width="560" height="349"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="349"></embed></object> 
|''Description''|toolbar commands for drafting and publishing|
|''Author''|Jon Robson|
|''Requires''|TiddlySpaceConfig TiddlySpaceFilters|
Provides changeToPrivate, changeToPublic and saveDraft commands
Provides TiddlySpacePublisher macro.
{{{<<TiddlySpacePublisher type:private>>}}} make lots of private tiddlers public.
{{{<<TiddlySpacePublisher type:public>>}}} make lots of public tiddlers public.
* add public argument?
(function($) {

var tiddlyspace = config.extensions.tiddlyspace;
var originMacro = config.macros.tiddlerOrigin;

tiddlyspace.getTiddlerStatusType = function(tiddler) {
	var isShadow = store.isShadowTiddler(tiddler.title);
	var exists = store.tiddlerExists(tiddler.title);
	if(isShadow && !exists) {
		return "shadow";
	} else if(!exists) {
		return "missing";
	} else {
		var types = ["private", "public"];
		var type = "external";
		for(var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
			var t = types[i];
			type =[t](tiddler) ? t : type;
		if( {
			type = type == "private" ? "unsyncedPrivate" : "unsyncedPublic";
		return type;

var cmd = config.commands.publishTiddler = {
	text: "make public",
	tooltip: "Change this private tiddler into a public tiddler",
	errorMsg: "Error publishing %0: %1",

	isEnabled: function(tiddler) {
		return !readOnly &&["private"](tiddler);
	handler: function(ev, src, title) {
		var tiddler = store.getTiddler(title);
		if(tiddler) {
			var newBag = cmd.toggleBag(tiddler.fields["server.bag"]);
			this.moveTiddler(tiddler, {
				title: tiddler.fields[""] || tiddler.title,
				fields: { "server.bag": newBag }
	toggleBag: function(bag, to) {
		var newBag;
		if(typeof bag != typeof "") {
			var tiddler = bag;
			bag = tiddler.fields["server.bag"];
		if(bag.indexOf("_private") > -1) { // should make use of endsWith
			to = to ? to : "public";
			newBag = bag.replace("_private", "_" + to);
		} else {
			to = to ? to : "private";
			newBag = bag.replace("_public", "_" + to);
		return newBag;
	copyTiddler: function(title, newTitle, newBag, callback) {
		var original = store.getTiddler(title);
		newTitle = newTitle ? newTitle : title;
		var adaptor = original.getAdaptor();
		var publish = function(original, callback) {
			var tiddler = $.extend(new Tiddler(newTitle), original);
			tiddler.fields = $.extend({}, original.fields, {
				"server.bag": newBag,
				"server.workspace": "bags/%0".format(newBag),
				"": "false"
			delete tiddler.fields["server.title"];
			tiddler.title = newTitle;
			adaptor.putTiddler(tiddler, null, null, callback);
		publish(original, callback);
	moveTiddler: function(tiddler, newTiddler, callback) {
			var info = {
			copyContext: {},
			deleteContext: {}
		var _dirty = store.isDirty();
		var adaptor = tiddler.getAdaptor();
		var newTitle = newTiddler.title;
		var oldTitle = tiddler.title;
		delete tiddler.fields["server.workspace"];
		var oldBag = tiddler.fields["server.bag"];
		var newBag = newTiddler.fields["server.bag"];
		var newWorkspace = "bags/%0".format(newBag);
		cmd.copyTiddler(oldTitle, newTitle, newBag, function(ctx) {
				info.copyContext = ctx;
				var context = {
					tiddler: tiddler,
					workspace: newWorkspace
				tiddler.title = oldTitle; // for cases where a rename occurs
				if(ctx.status) { // only do if a success
					if(oldBag != newBag) {
						adaptor.deleteTiddler(tiddler, context, {}, function(ctx) {
							info.deleteContext = ctx;
							var el;
							if(tiddler) {
								tiddler.fields["server.workspace"] = newWorkspace;
								tiddler.fields["server.bag"] = newBag;
							el = el ? el : story.refreshTiddler(oldTitle, null, true);
							if(oldTitle != newTitle) {
								store.notify(oldTitle, true);
							if(el) {
								story.displayTiddler(el, newTitle);
							if(oldTitle != newTitle) {
							if(callback) {
					} else {
						if(callback) {

var changeToPrivate = config.commands.changeToPrivate = {
	text: "make private",
	tooltip: "turn this public tiddler into a private tiddler",
	isEnabled: function(tiddler) {
		return !readOnly &&["public"](tiddler);
	handler: function(event, src, title) {
		var tiddler = store.getTiddler(title);
		var newBag = cmd.toggleBag(tiddler, "private");
		var newTiddler = { title: title, fields: { "server.bag": newBag }};
		cmd.moveTiddler(tiddler, newTiddler);
config.commands.changeToPublic = cmd;

/* Save as draft command */
var saveDraftCmd = config.commands.saveDraft = {
	text: "save draft",
	tooltip: "Save as a private draft",
	isEnabled: function(tiddler) {
		return changeToPrivate.isEnabled(tiddler);
	getDraftTitle: function(title) {
		var draftTitle;
		var draftNum = "";
		while(!draftTitle) {
			var suggestedTitle = "%0 [draft%1]".format(title, draftNum);
			if(store.getTiddler(suggestedTitle)) {
				draftNum = !draftNum ? 2 : draftNum + 1;
			} else {
				draftTitle = suggestedTitle;
		return draftTitle;
	createDraftTiddler: function(title, gatheredFields) {
		var tiddler = store.getTiddler(title);
		var draftTitle = saveDraftCmd.getDraftTitle(title);
		var draftTiddler = new Tiddler(draftTitle);
		if(tiddler) {
			$.extend(true, draftTiddler, tiddler);
		} else {
			$.extend(draftTiddler.fields, config.defaultCustomFields);
		for(var fieldName in gatheredFields) {
			if(TiddlyWiki.isStandardField(fieldName)) {
				draftTiddler[fieldName] = gatheredFields[fieldName];
			} else {
				draftTiddler.fields[fieldName] = gatheredFields[fieldName];
		var privateBag = tiddlyspace.getCurrentBag("private");
		var privateWorkspace = tiddlyspace.getCurrentWorkspace("private");
		draftTiddler.title = draftTitle;
		draftTiddler.fields[""] = title;
		draftTiddler.fields["server.workspace"] = privateWorkspace;
		draftTiddler.fields["server.bag"] = privateBag;
		draftTiddler.fields["server.title"] = draftTitle;
		draftTiddler.fields[""] = "false";
		delete draftTiddler.fields["server.etag"];
		return draftTiddler;
	handler: function(ev, src, title) {
		var tiddler = store.getTiddler(title); // original tiddler
		var tidEl = story.getTiddler(title);
		var uiFields = {};
		story.gatherSaveFields(tidEl, uiFields);
		var tid = saveDraftCmd.createDraftTiddler(title, uiFields);
		tid = store.saveTiddler(tid.title, tid.title, tid.text, tid.modifier,
			new Date(), tid.tags, tid.fields);
		autoSaveChanges(null, [tid]);
		story.displayTiddler(src, title);
		story.displayTiddler(src, tid.title);

var macro = config.macros.TiddlySpacePublisher = {
	locale: {
		title: "Batch Publisher",
		changeStatusLabel: "Make %0",
		noTiddlersText: "No tiddlers to publish",
		changeStatusPrompt: "Make all the selected tiddlers %0.",
		description: "Change tiddlers from %0 to %1 in this space"

	listViewTemplate: {
		columns: [
			{ name: "Selected", field: "Selected", rowName: "title", type: "Selector" },
			{ name: "Tiddler", field: "tiddler", title: "Tiddler", type: "Tiddler" },
			{ name: "Status", field: "status", title: "Status", type: "WikiText" }
		rowClasses: []

	changeStatus: function(tiddlers, status, callback) { // this is what is called when you click the publish button
		var publicBag;
		for(var i = 0; i < tiddlers.length; i++) {
			var tiddler = tiddlers[i];
			var newTiddler = {
				title: tiddler.title,
				fields: { "server.bag": cmd.toggleBag(tiddler, status) }
			cmd.moveTiddler(tiddler, newTiddler, callback);
	getMode: function(paramString) {
		var params = paramString.parseParams("anon")[0];
		var status = params.type ?
			(["public", "private"].contains(params.type[0]) ? params.type[0] : "private") :
		var newStatus = status == "public" ? "private" : "public";
		return [status, newStatus];
	handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
		var wizard = new Wizard();
		var locale = macro.locale;
		var status = macro.getMode(paramString);
		wizard.createWizard(place, locale.title);
		wizard.addStep(macro.locale.description.format(status[0], status[1]),
			'<input type="hidden" name="markList" />');
		var markList = wizard.getElement("markList");
		var listWrapper = $("<div />").addClass("batchPublisher").
			attr("refresh", "macro").attr("macroName", macroName).
			attr("params", paramString)[0];
		markList.parentNode.insertBefore(listWrapper, markList);
		$.data(listWrapper, "wizard", wizard);
	getCheckedTiddlers: function(listWrapper, titlesOnly) {
		var tiddlers = [];
		$(".chkOptionInput[rowName]:checked", listWrapper).each(function(i, el) {
			var title = $(el).attr("rowName");
			if(titlesOnly) {
			} else {
		return tiddlers;
	refresh: function(listWrapper) {
		var checked = macro.getCheckedTiddlers(listWrapper, true);
		var paramString = $(listWrapper).empty().attr("params");
		var wizard = $.data(listWrapper, "wizard");
		var locale = macro.locale;
		var params = paramString.parseParams("anon")[0];
		var publishCandidates = [];
		var status = macro.getMode(paramString);
		var pubType = status[0];
		var newPubType = status[1];
		var tiddlers = params.filter ? store.filterTiddlers(params.filter[0]) :
		var enabled = [];
		for(var i = 0; i < tiddlers.length; i++) {
			var tiddler = tiddlers[i];
			var title = tiddler.title;
			if(!tiddler.tags.contains("excludePublisher") && title !== "SystemSettings") {
				publishCandidates.push({ title: title, tiddler: tiddler, status: pubType});
			if(checked.contains(title)) {

		if(publishCandidates.length === 0) {
			createTiddlyElement(listWrapper, "em", null, null, locale.noTiddlersText);
		} else {
			var listView = ListView.create(listWrapper, publishCandidates, macro.listViewTemplate);
			wizard.setValue("listView", listView);
			var btnHandler = function(ev) {
				var tiddlers = macro.getCheckedTiddlers(listWrapper);
				var callback = function(status) {
					$(".batchPublisher").each(function(i, el) {
				macro.changeStatus(tiddlers, newPubType, callback);
				caption: locale.changeStatusLabel.format(newPubType),
				tooltip: locale.changeStatusPrompt.format(newPubType),
				onClick: btnHandler
			$(enabled.join(",")).attr("checked", true); // retain what was checked before

<<groupBy server.bag>>

<<list filter [is[private]]>>

<<list filter [is[public]]>>

<<list filter [is[draft]]>>
|''Description''|Sanitisation for dynamically pulling tiddlers into your space and displaying them|
Works both inside and outside TiddlyWiki. Uses the HTML Sanitizer provided by the Google Caja project
(see for more on this), which is licensed under
an Apache License (see
(function($) {

var cleanURL = function(url) {
	var regexp = /^(?:http|https|mailto|ftp|irc|news):\/\//;
	return (regexp.test(url)) ? url : null;

$.sanitize = function(html) {
	return html_sanitize(html, cleanURL);

 * HTML Sanitizer, provided by Google Caja

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RegExp("^(?:&(\\#[0-9]+|\\#[x][0-9a-f]+|\\w+);|<!--[\\s\\S]*?-->|<!\\w[^>]*>|<\\?[^>*]*>|<(/)?([a-z][a-z0-9]*)|([^<&>]+)|([<&>]))","i");return{escapeAttrib:r,makeHtmlSanitizer:w,makeSaxParser:v,normalizeRCData:s,sanitize:x,unescapeEntities:k}}(html4),html_sanitize=html.sanitize

// stop here if we're not in TiddlyWiki
// XXX: is this the correct way of checking for TiddlyWiki?
if (!window.TiddlyWiki || ! || !store instanceof TiddlyWiki) {

var tiddlyspace = config.extensions.tiddlyspace;

var _subWikify = Wikifier.prototype.subWikify;

var cleanedTitle = 'This section has been cleaned of any potentially harmful code';

var replaceFunctions = {
	html: function(w) {
		var sanitizedHTML, spanEl;
		this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
		var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
		if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
			sanitizedHTML = $.sanitize(lookaheadMatch[1]);
			spanEl = createTiddlyElement(w.output, 'span', null, 'sanitized');
			spanEl.innerHTML = sanitizedHTML;
			spanEl.setAttribute('title', cleanedTitle);
			w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;
	customFormat: function(w) {
		switch(w.matchText) {
			case '@@':
				var e = createTiddlyElement(w.output, 'span');
				var styles = config.formatterHelpers.inlineCssHelper(w);
				if (styles.length === 0) {
					e.className = 'marked';
				w.subWikifyTerm(e, /(@@)/mg);
			case '{{':
				var lookaheadRegExp = /\{\{[\s]*([\w]+[\s\w]*)[\s]*\{(\n?)/mg;
				lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
				var lookaheadMatch = lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
				if(lookaheadMatch) {
					w.nextMatch = lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;
					e = createTiddlyElement(w.output,lookaheadMatch[2] == "\n" ? "div" : "span",null,lookaheadMatch[1]);

Wikifier.prototype.subWikify = function(output, terminator) {
	var tid = this.tiddler,
		spaceName =,
		tidSpace, recipeName, stripped;
	try {
		recipeName = tid.fields['server.recipe'] ||
		tidSpace = tiddlyspace.resolveSpaceName(recipeName);
		if (tidSpace !== spaceName) {
			// external tiddler, so replace dangerous formatters
			stripped = stripHTML(tid, this.formatter);
	} catch(e) {
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Adapted from //Leaves of Grass//
by Walt [[Whitman]]

You shall possess the origin of all poems.
You shall no longer take things at second or third hand,
nor look through the eyes of the dead,
nor feed on the specters in books.
You shall not look through my eyes either,
nor take things from me.
You shall listen to all sides and filter them from your self.

Backward I see in my own days where I sweated through fog with linguists and contenders,
I have no mockings or arguments, I witness and wait. 

I believe in you my soul,
Loafe with me on the grass, loose the stop from your throat,
Not words, not music or rhyme I want,
not custom or lecture, not even the best,
Only the lull I like, the hum of your valvèd voice.

The smallest sprout shows there is really no death,
And if ever there was it led forward life,
and does not wait at the end to arrest it,
And ceased the moment life appeared.

Urge and urge and urge,
Always the procreant urge of the world. 

Out of the dimness opposite equals advance,
always substance and increase,
Always a knit of identity, always distinction, breed of life.
All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses,
And to die is different from what any one supposed,
and luckier.

I pass death with the dying
and birth with the new-washed babe,
and am not contained between my hat and boots.
I peruse manifold objects, no two alike and every one good,
The earth good and the stars good, and their adjuncts all good.

These are really the thoughts of all men in all ages and lands, 
they are not original with me,
If they are not yours as much as mine they are next to nothing,
If they are not the riddle and the untying of the riddle they are nothing,
If they are not just as close as they are distant they are nothing.

This is the grass that grows wherever the land is and the water is,
This the common air that bathes the globe.

In all people I see myself, none more and not one an iota less,
And the good or bad I say of myself I say of them.

I know I am solid and sound,
To me the converging objects of the universe perpetually flow,
All are written to me, and I must get what the writing means.

I know I am deathless,
I know this orbit of mine cannot be swept by a carpenter's compass.

My voice goes after what my eyes cannot reach,
With the twirl of my tongue I encompass worlds and volumes of worlds.
Speech is the twin of my vision, it is unequal to measure itself; it provokes me forever.

Encompass worlds, but never try to encompass me,
I crowd your sleekest and best words by simply looking toward you.

Writing and talk do not prove me,
I carry the plenum of proof and every thing else in my face,
With the hush of my lips I wholly confound the skeptic.

Now I will do nothing but listen,
To accrue what I hear into this song,
to let sounds contribute toward it. 

Do I contradict myself?
Very well then, I contradict myself.
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)

I have said that the soul is not more than the body,
And I have said that the body is not more than the soul,
I hear and behold God in every object,
yet understand God not in the least.

There is that in me—I do not know what it is—
but I know it is in me.
Wrenched and sweaty—calm and cool then my body becomes,
I sleep—I sleep long.
I do not know it—it is without name—it is a word unsaid,
It is not in any dictionary, utterance, symbol.

Something it swings on more than the earth I swing on,
To it the creation is the friend whose embracing awakes me. 
It is not chaos or death—it is form, union, plan—
it is eternal life—it is Happiness.

I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable,
I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.
I depart as air, I shake my locks at the runaway sun,
I effuse my flesh in eddies, and drift it in lacy jags.
I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love,
If you want me again look for me under your boot-soles. 

You will hardly know who I am or what I mean,
But I shall be good health to you nevertheless,
And filter and fibre your blood.

Failing to fetch me at first, keep encouraged,
Missing me one place, search another,
I stop somewhere waiting for you.
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

//The Fellowship of the Ring//
J.R.R. [[Tolkien]]
Excerpted from a poem by Minnie Bruce Pratt:

It's taken me years to write this to you.

I had to make a future, willful, voluble,
lascivious, a thinker, a long walker,
unstruck transgressor, furious, shouting,
existence I could pray to,
capable of poetry.

But now I have spoken, my self, I can ask
for you:
that you'll know evil when you smell it;
that you'll know good and do it, and see how both
run loose through your lives; that then you'll remember
you come from dirt and history; that you'll choose
memory, not anesthesia; that you'll have work
you love, hindering no one, a path crossing
at boundary markers where you question power;
that your loves will match you thought for thought
in the long heat of blood and fact of bone.

Words not so romantic nor so grandly tossed
as if I'd summoned the universe to be
at your disposal.
       I can only pray:

That you'll never ask for the weather, earth,
angels, women, or other lives to obey you;

that you'll remember me, who crossed,
recrossed you,
your father making slowly toward
an unknown place where you could be with me,
like a man on foot, in a long stepping out.
After many hours spent in thought and struggling with words, I have concluded:

''There is no perfect formulation for living;
no ethical or existential codex.''

I now recognize being lured by "the temptation to try to complete with words what can only be completed in living." ^^[[[18]|]]^^

So, the verbal and written portion of my spiritual journey now enters a necessary process of subtraction.

In all honesty, I have developed these desires with the belief that they will benefit me, somehow making me a better, happier, more contented, or more enlightened person.  Even my stated ideal of compassion is selfish.  I recognize that and am moving forward.  I won't get lost in the analysis of my motives.

''Strong commitment to my children's happiness and sound development remains a fixed point in my nebulous worldview.''
Adapted from //Song of Myself//
by Walt [[Whitman]]
interwoven with Octavio Paz and …
November 2011

I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me belongs to you.

I loafe and invite my soul,
at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.
My tongue, every atom of my blood, formed from this soil, this air,
Born here of parents born here from parents the same,
and their parents the same, [eight, born from 1898 to 1909],
I, now twenty-nine years old in perfect health begin,
Hoping to cease not till death.

Creeds and schools in abeyance,
Retiring back a while sufficed at what they are, but never forgotten,
I harbor for good or bad, I permit to speak at every hazard,
Nature without check with original energy.

I am mad for it to be in contact with me:
The smoke of my own breath,
My respiration and inspiration, the beating of my heart,
the passing of blood and air through my lungs,
The sniff of green leaves and dry leaves, and of the shore and dark-colored sea-rocks, and of hay in the barn,
A few light kisses, a few embraces, a reaching around of arms,
The play of shine and shade on the trees as the supple boughs wag,
The delight alone or in the rush of the streets,
or along the fields and hill-sides,
The feeling of health, the full-noon trill,
the song of me rising from bed and meeting the sun.

Stop this day and night with me
and you shall possess the [[origin of all poems]],
You shall possess the good of the earth and sun,
(there are millions of suns left,)
You shall no longer take things at second or third hand, nor look through the eyes of the dead, nor feed on the specters in books,
You shall not look through my eyes either, nor take things from me,
You shall listen to all sides and filter them from your self.

I have heard what the talkers were talking,
the talk of the beginning and the end,
But I do not talk of the beginning or the end.

There was never any more inception than there is now,
Nor any more youth or age than there is now,
And will never be any more perfection than there is now,
Nor any more heaven or hell than there is now.

Urge and urge and urge,
Always the procreant urge of the world. 

Out of the dimness opposite equals advance, always substance and increase, always sex,
Always a knit of identity, always distinction, always a breed of life.
To elaborate is no avail, learn'd and unlearn'd feel that it is so.

I and this mystery here we stand.
Clear and sweet is my soul, and
clear and sweet is all that is not my soul.
Lack one lacks both, and the unseen is proved by the seen,
Till that becomes unseen and receives proof in its turn. 

Backward I see in my own days where I sweated through fog with linguists and contenders,
I have no mockings or arguments, I witness and wait. 

I believe in you my soul,
Loafe with me on the grass, loose the stop from your throat,
Not words, not music or rhyme I want,
not custom or lecture, not even the best,
Only the lull I like, the hum of your valvèd voice.

The smallest sprout shows there is really no death,
And if ever there was it led forward life,
and does not wait at the end to arrest it,
And ceased the moment life appeared.

One day, as if I had returned, not to my house,
but to the beginning of the Beginning,
I reached a clarity.

I heard a dark green murmur burst from the center of the night:
the neem tree.
The tree would not give way.
Huge as a monument to patience, fair as the balance
that weighs a dewdrop, a grain of light, an instant.

Strength is fidelity,
power reverence:
no one ends at himself,
each one is an all in another all, in another one.
The other is contained in the one, the one is another:
we are constellations.
The enormous neem once knew how to be small.
At its feet I knew I was alive,
I knew that death is expansion,
self-negation is growth.
I learned, in the brotherhood of the trees,
to reconcile myself, not with myself:
with what lifts me, sustains me, lets me fall.

All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses,
And to die is different from what any one supposed,
and luckier.

I pass death with the dying
and birth with the new-washed babe,
and am not contained between my hat and boots.
I peruse manifold objects, no two alike and every one good,
The earth good and the stars good, and their adjuncts all good.

I am not an earth nor an adjunct of an earth,
I am the mate and companion of people, all just as immortal and fathomless as myself,
(They do not know how immortal, but I know.)

These are really the thoughts of all men in all ages and lands, 
they are not original with me,
If they are not yours as much as mine they are next to nothing,
If they are not the riddle and the untying of the riddle they are nothing,
If they are not just as close as they are distant they are nothing.

This is the grass that grows wherever the land is and the water is,
This the common air that bathes the globe.

In all people I see myself, none more and not one an iota less,
And the good or bad I say of myself I say of them.

I know I am solid and sound,
To me the converging objects of the universe perpetually flow,
All are written to me, and I must get what the writing means.

I know I am deathless,
I know this orbit of mine cannot be swept by a carpenter's compass,
I know I shall not pass like a child's curlicue cut with a burnt stick at night.
I do not trouble my spirit to vindicate itself or be understood,
I see that the elementary laws never apologize.

(I reckon that I behave as proudly as //the level I plant my house by.)//

My voice goes after what my eyes cannot reach,
With the twirl of my tongue I encompass worlds and volumes of worlds.

Speech is the twin of my vision, it is unequal to measure itself,
It provokes me forever, it says sarcastically,
//You contain enough, why don't you let it out then?//

Come now I will not be tantalized — you conceive too much of articulation.

Encompass worlds, but never try to encompass me,
I crowd your sleekest and best words by simply looking toward you.

Writing and talk do not prove me,
I carry the plenum of proof and every thing else in my face,
With the hush of my lips I wholly confound the skeptic.

Now I will do nothing but listen,
To accrue what I hear into this song,
to let sounds contribute toward it. 

Do I contradict myself?
Very well then, I contradict myself.
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)

I have said that the soul is not more than the body,
And I have said that the body is not more than the soul,
I hear and behold God in every object,
yet understand God not in the least.

There is that in me—I do not know what it is—but I know it is in me.
Wrenched and sweaty—calm and cool then my body becomes,
I sleep—I sleep long.
I do not know it—it is without name—it is a word unsaid,
It is not in any dictionary, utterance, symbol.

Something it swings on more than the earth I swing on,
To it the creation is the friend whose embracing awakes me. 
It is not chaos or death—it is form, union, plan—
it is eternal life—it is Happiness.

The spotted hawk swoops by and accuses me,
he complains of my gab and my loitering.
I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable,
I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.

The last scud of day holds back for me,
It flings my likeness after the rest
and true as any on the shadowed wilds,
It coaxes me to the vapor and the dusk.

I depart as air, I shake my locks at the runaway sun,
I effuse my flesh in eddies, and drift it in lacy jags.
I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love,
If you want me again look for me under your boot-soles. 

You will hardly know who I am or what I mean,
But I shall be good health to you nevertheless,
And filter and fibre your blood.

Failing to fetch me at first, keep encouraged,
Missing me one place, search another,
I stop somewhere waiting for you.
After work, I wade back through the silence of the shop:
the lathes shut down, inert, like enormous animals in hibernation,
red oil rags lying limp on the shoulders
of machines, dust motes still climbing shafts
of dawn light, hook and hoist chain lying desultory
as an old drunk collapsed outside a bar,
barn sparrows pecking on the shores of oil puddles—
emptiness, wholeness; a cave, a cathedral.

As morning light washes the walls of Florence,
the boy Leonardo mixes paints in Verrocchio's shop
and watches the new apprentice muddle
the simple task of the Madonna's shawl.
Leonardo whistles a canzone and imagines
a lathe: the spindle, bit, and treadle, the gleam of brass.


//the beat o haimmers
edgin to brittle pairts
that spairk quick and chip//
—from [[Kythings interpreted]]
Or a computer programming language, a software environment, etc.
I asked this question in one of my [[Technology Ideas]].

When reading about computer science, I keep coming across this concept of //the tool being written / created by (or "in") itself.//
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xl="" version="1.1" viewBox="506 234 68 36" width="30" height="30"><metadata xmlns:dc=""><dc:date>2010-09-16 14:51Z</dc:date><!-- Produced by OmniGraffle Professional 5.2.3 --></metadata><defs></defs><g stroke="none" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-dasharray="none" fill="none" fill-opacity="1"><rect width="1118" height="783"/><g><path d="M 538.68195 244.31807 C 540.43927 246.07547 540.43927 248.9247 538.68195 250.68204 C 536.92456 252.4394 534.07532 252.4394 532.318 250.68204 C 530.5606 248.9247 530.5606 246.07547 532.318 244.31807 C 534.07532 242.56075 536.92456 242.56075 538.68195 244.31807 M 511.12607 257.99356 C 511.26108 258.13019 511.39728 258.26608 511.53473 258.40121 C 527.2556 273.86606 552.74414 273.86606 568.46515 258.40121 C 568.60248 258.26617 568.73853 258.13037 568.87354 257.9938 C 568.8736 257.99374 568.8736 257.99371 568.8736 257.99362 C 568.87366 257.99371 568.87366 257.9938 568.87372 257.9939 C 570.72504 256.12051 572.35046 254.11153 573.74994 252 C 573.74994 251.99997 573.74994 251.99994 573.74994 251.99992 C 572.35046 249.8884 570.72504 247.87938 568.87372 246.00606 C 568.87366 246.00613 568.87366 246.00621 568.8736 246.00627 C 568.73865 245.86966 568.60254 245.73383 568.46515 245.5987 C 552.74414 230.13387 527.2556 230.13387 511.53473 245.5987 C 511.39728 245.73383 511.26108 245.86974 511.12613 246.00635 C 511.126 246.00624 511.126 246.00616 511.12595 246.00606 C 509.2748 247.87938 507.64954 249.88837 506.24994 251.9998 L 506.24994 251.99983 C 506.24994 251.9999 506.25 251.99992 506.25 251.99997 C 506.25 252 506.24994 252.00005 506.24994 252.00009 L 506.24994 252.00012 C 507.64954 254.11157 509.2748 256.12051 511.12595 257.9939 C 511.126 257.99377 511.126 257.99365 511.12607 257.99359 Z M 515.44916 252 C 515.8548 251.55469 516.27502 251.11778 516.71014 250.68985 C 522.16632 245.32257 529.06055 242.23206 536.17273 241.41824 C 534.6662 241.96199 533.2525 242.83762 532.04498 244.04512 C 527.65155 248.43852 527.65155 255.56163 532.04498 259.95502 C 533.2522 261.16226 534.6656 262.03778 536.17175 262.58154 C 529.05988 261.76761 522.16608 258.6771 516.71014 253.31009 C 516.2751 252.88219 515.85486 252.44528 515.44922 252 Z M 564.55054 251.99995 C 564.14502 252.44525 563.7248 252.88217 563.28973 253.31009 C 557.83368 258.67712 550.93988 261.76764 543.828 262.58157 C 545.33423 262.03781 546.74756 261.1623 547.9549 259.95502 C 552.34833 255.56163 552.34833 248.43852 547.9549 244.04512 C 546.74744 242.83765 545.33374 241.96202 543.82715 241.41824 C 550.9394 242.23206 557.83356 245.3226 563.28973 250.68985 C 563.7248 251.11775 564.14502 251.55467 564.55054 251.99995 Z M 568.8736 257.99362 C 570.7249 256.12033 572.35028 254.11139 573.74988 252.00002" fill="black" class="glyph"/></g></g></svg>
!From Out the Cave
by Joyce Sutphen

When you have been
at war with yourself
for so many years that
you have forgotten why,
when you have been driving
for hours and only
gradually begin to realize
that you have lost the way,
when you have cut
hastily into the fabric,
when you have signed
papers in distraction,
when it has been centuries
since you watched the sun set
or the rain fall, and the clouds,
drifting overhead, pass as flat
as anything on a postcard;
when, in the midst of these
everyday nightmares, you
understand that you could
wake up,
you could turn
and go back
to the last thing you
remember doing
with your whole heart:
that passionate kiss,
the brilliant drop of love
rolling along the tongue of a green leaf,
then you wake,
you stumble from your cave,
blinking in the sun,
naming every shadow
as it slips.
Type the text for 'excludeMissing'
chkPrivateMode: false
"Come tell us what is saving your life now," the old priest asked of Barbara.  Some years later when she wrote this book, she answered:

What is saving my life now is the conviction that there is no spiritual treasure to be found apart from the bodily experiences of human life on earth.
My life depends on engaging the most ordinary physical activities with the most exquisite attention I can give them.
My life depends on ignoring all touted distinctions between the secular and the sacred, the physical and the spiritual, the body and the soul ...

Whoever you are, you are human.  Wherever you are, you live in the world, which is just waiting for you to notice the holiness in it.  So welcome to your own priesthood, practiced at the altar of your own life.  The good news is that you have everything you need to begin.

—from //An Altar in the World// by Barbara Brown Taylor
Today, as in all recorded history, as man strives to create and preserve his individual and communal identity, he finds himself surrounded by problems he can neither totally understand nor conveniently reject as unintelligible, such as time, life, death, or the existence of a universe.  He is also driven by aspirations whose goals he cannot hope to reach, yet cannot accept as unreachable, such as his ethical needs for justice and truth, or his aesthetic demand for consummate beauty.  Beneath these existential dilemmas man still lives by and for ideas; yet, simultaneously, he remains //only superficially a reasoning animal.//

More basically, man is a //''desiring, suffering, death-conscious, hence time-conscious, creature.''//  Neither the meager diet of scientific interpretation posing as philosophy, nor the obscurantism of pseudomysticism disguised as metaphysics is useful to someone stooped under the burden of daily struggle, while he is carried along into a "brave new world" with the storm of social and industrial advance.

As for the certain conflicts which man can neither resolve nor accept as unresolvable, one may look at them as those between //knowledge felt// and //knowledge understood//.  These two warring projections of a single, underlying tension are ordinarily described as passion and knowledge.

—J. T. Fraser, //Of Time, Passion, and Knowledge: Reflections on the Strategy of Existence//, 1975

Hannah Arendt — //Vita Activa//
Labor, Work, and Action


[[Triple quest for self]]
''My current primary interests:''
*Python language invented by Guido van Rossum
**SAGE mathematics system and notebook created by William Stein
*Wolfram Language announced June 2013
*HTML (a declarative markup language, not a programming language per se), its cousin XML, and Wiki markup / Markdown with hypertext
*Javascript language that runs in all modern web browsers and powers [[this wiki web]]
**~TiddlyWiki and [[Wagn]]
*Visual and grid-based environments, as an extension of the spreadsheet (Excel, Apple Numbers, Quantrix Modeler)
*Smalltalk language invented by Alan [[Kay]] to realize the [[Dynabook]]
*APL and J languages invented by Kenneth [[Iverson]]
*Lisp language invented by John ~McCarthy

'Code' as literature — Donald Knuth:
*"Instead of imagining that our main task is to instruct a computer what to do, let us concentrate rather on explaining to human beings what we want a computer to do… The practitioner of literate programming can be regarded as an essayist, whose main concern is with exposition and excellence of style." ^^[[[15]|]]^^

From New York Times article October 13, 2011:
The C programming language, //a shorthand of words, numbers and punctuation,// is still widely used today, and successors like C++ and Java build on the //ideas, rules and grammar// that Mr. Ritchie designed.

Mr. Ritchie, Mr. Thompson and their Bell Labs colleagues were making not merely software but, as Mr. Ritchie once put it, ''//“a system around which fellowship can form.”//''
[emphasis mine]

Colleagues who worked with Mr. Ritchie were struck by his code — meticulous, clean and concise. His writing, according to Mr. Kernighan, was similar. “There was a remarkable precision to his writing,” Mr. Kernighan said, “no extra words, elegant and spare, much like his code.”
Referred to on the defunct more specifically as ~LMAOs: //land mail art objects//.

//…the profitlessness of mail-art has been an
''emancipation'', a moment of ''economic truancy'' and
''mischief'', as ''irrational as love''.//&nbsp;&nbsp;–William S. Wilson

"''Mail Art as Intermedia'' … Dick Higgins revived the word "intermedia," from the 1812 writings of Samuel Taylor [[Coleridge|]], to define works which fall conceptually between media that are already known; he uses the term to demystify //avant garde// art… Higgins claims that intermediality rests on an artist's or group of artists' desire to fuse two or more existing media (Higgins, 1965 and 1981) and he defines mail art as intermedia."
…between almost any art and non-art media other intermedia are possible. What lies between theater and life, for instance? Between music and philosophy? … If we take any art as a medium and the postal system as a medium, then mail art is the intermedium between these.
* It is decentralized, in that mail artists all rely on other artists to convey their messages, their work, their advertisements for projects. 
* It is international, and it goes beyond the usual cultural barriers of geography and language. 
* There is no sanctity of completion; all that is put into it is subject to further manipulation by other artists: nothing is ever finished. This is what art is really all about, continual reinvention and metamorphosis. Paintings in the museums are just interesting stops along the way, but they are never the end of the road. 
* Because it is freely reproduced and traded, but never sold, it cannot be compromised for the sake of money.
* It embodies the do-it-yourself spirit that has been absent from conventional art and music for too long. Anybody can participate.

Quoting William S. Wilson:
The phrase ''"stable open system"'' I borrow from Michael Polanyi, who borrowed the words to describes life as a stable open system.  The implication here is that mail-art is a model for systems that enhance the animation and livingness of life, and that it must be aware of the structures and functions of other systems, ranging from postal services through to museums.  ''Not entertainment, but art'', has in our culture often worked to ''break "the mind-forged manacles"'' (William Blake), and to enable people to fly beyond the nets of nationalism, religion and language (James Joyce).
Wilson also comments on the irrationality of mail art gifts and the effects of the gifts on the receivers.
…the profitlessness of mail-art has been an emancipation, a moment of economic truancy and mischief, as irrational as love.
–Above research courtesy of Madelyn Starbuck in "[[Clashing and Converging: Effects of the Internet on the Correspondence Art Network|]]"
|''Description''|Provides a following wizard macro and deleteButton view type|
|''Author''|Jon Robson|
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	format(store.getTiddlerText(tiddler.title + "##StyleSheet"));
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	locale: {
		mission: "Which user or space would you like to follow?",
		badpermissions: "Only members of the space can maintain followers.",
		follow: "follow"
	handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
		var locale = wizard.locale;
		var container = $("<div />").addClass("followWizard").appendTo(place)[0];
		if(!readOnly) {
			var form = $("<form />").addClass("followForm").appendTo(container)[0];
			$("<span />").text(locale.mission).appendTo(form);
			var input = $("<input />").attr("name", "space").attr("type", "text").appendTo(form);
			$("<input />").attr("type", "submit").val(locale.follow).appendTo(form).click(function(ev) {
				wizard.addFollowing(ev, input.val());
		} else {
	addFollowing: function(ev, space) {
		var name = tiddlyspace.resolveSpaceName(space);
		if(!name) {
			alert("That doesn't appear to be a valid space name. Please check and try again.");
		var title = "@" + name;
		var tiddler = store.getTiddler(title);
		if(tiddler) {
		} else {
			tiddler = new Tiddler(title);
			merge(tiddler.fields, config.defaultCustomFields);

config.macros.view.views.deleteButton = function(value,place,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
	var tid = store.getTiddler(value)
	if(tid && config.commands.deleteTiddler.isEnabled(tid)) {
		var handler = function(ev) {
		createTiddlyButton(place, "X", "delete this tiddler", handler);

//[[Ich und Du]]// – Martin Buber

[[Desiderata]] – by Max Ehrmann

//[[Man's Search For Meaning]]// – Viktor Frankl

//The [[Glass Bead Game]]// – Hermann [[Hesse]]

"Wendung" ([[Turning]]) and //The Duino Elegies// – Rainer Maria [[Rilke]]

Books and art by [[SARK]] (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy)

The writings of [[Kahlil Gibran→|Out of My Deeper Heart]]

//The God Delusion// – Richard Dawkins

//Confession of a Buddhist Atheist// – and other writings of Stephen Batchelor

//Ishmael// – Daniel Quinn

//Four Quartets// – T.S. [[Eliot]]

Madeline [[L'Engle]]'s "Time Quartet"

//The Omnivore's Dilemma// – Michael Pollan
User-agent: *
Disallow: /bags
Disallow: /recipes
The activity feed is best for sharing opinions on something. To make best use of it create a tiddler and tag it with a username you would like to share thought with on this subject.

For instance I might create a tiddler called [[Animal I'd least like to be stuck in a cage with]]. I might say 
I would least like to be stuck in a cage with a lion as it could tear me apart amongst other reasons.
I then tag it @matias to get @matias's attention to see what he think. This flags it in @matias's activity feed and tells him that I am interested in his thoughts. Of course @matias can ignore it, and if he is not using the activity feed feature he may not even know about the message. If he wants to respond all @matias then has to do is create his own tiddler [[Animal I'd least like to be stuck in a cage with]]. Matias might say
A lion would be not as bad as a great white shark... not only would you be stuck in a cage with it but you would  be underwater with a likelihood of drowning to increase suffering.
It's not over yet.. now I can refine my original post with the thoughts of Matias. I might think mm, @matias has got a point there with the water, but I think a crocodile would more likely eat me then a great white shark and I fancy my chances with the great white.

I then update my tiddler to say 
I would least like to be stuck in a cage with a crocodile as it could tear me apart amongst other reasons. A lion would also be scary however I'm not a good swimmer so would be less likely to be able to make an escape. A crocodile is worse than a shark as shark attacks on humans are rare, so I'd fancy my chances.

We continue replying this way revising our tiddlers till the process finishes and I have a tiddler which clearly explains the [[Animal I'd least like to be stuck in a cage with]] with very detailed reasoning.
''J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel) Tolkien''  (3 January 1892 – 2 September 1973)  South African-born British philologist, scholar, and writer of the fantasies //The Hobbit// (1937) and //The Lord of the Rings// (1954-55), considered the father of modern fantasy literature.

[[NYTimes Obituary: J. R. R. Tolkien|]]
''T. S. (Thomas Stearns) Eliot''  (26 September 1888 – 4 January 1965)  British poet, dramatist, and literary critic whose works include //The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock// (1915) and //The Waste Land// (1922).  He won the 1948 Nobel Prize for literature for //Four Quartets//.  Although born in St. Louis, Missouri, he emigrated to London at age 25 and became a British subject.

[[NYTimes Obituary: T.S. Eliot, the Poet, is Dead in London at 76|]]
But yield who will to their separation,
My object in living is to unite
My avocation and my vocation
As my two eyes make one in sight.
Only where love and need are one,
And the work is play for mortal stakes,
Is the deed ever really done
For Heaven and the future's sakes.

from "Two Tramps in Mud Time" by Robert Frost

I was introduced to this stanza of the poem in Madeleine [[L'Engle]]'s book //The Arm of the Starfish//.
<<activity show:reply show:notify>>
Animal/Homo Desires – ~Space-Binder
I Feel / We Feel (raw sensation) – Feeling & Worth
Poem – [[correspondances]], communing

Ego – I – Attachment – ~Time-Binder
I Do / I Make – Having & Power
Novel – Valor, Agon, Art

//cytosine//  [unstable]
Natural Law – ~I-You – ~Culture-Binder
Desire Sublated
I Know / I Choose – Knowledge & Worth, Dialegence
Talk / [[Tok|The City of Mind]] – Science, Sacred; Hollow Vessel

//thymine [uracil]//
Relinquishing – Bodhi Mind – inspiration from //Prana//
Ich (I Am) und Du – superpersonal
''[[Mandelbrot|Fractal]] Quakes''
Unity / Dissolution – Atman – as close as consciously possible to //Anatta//
The authentic human being is one of us who instinctively knows what he should not do, and, in addition, he will balk at doing it. He will refuse to do it, even if this brings down dread consequences to him and to those whom he loves. This, to me, is the ultimately heroic trait of ordinary people; they say no to the tyrant and they calmly take the consequences of this resistance. Their deeds may be small, and almost always unnoticed, unmarked by history. Their names are not remembered, nor did these authentic humans expect their names to be remembered. I see their authenticity in an odd way: not in their willingness to perform great heroic deeds but in their quiet refusals. In essence, they cannot be compelled to be what they are not.

-Philip K. Dick
"I learned from [[Whitman]] that the poem is a temple—or a green field—a place to enter, and in which to feel. Only in a secondary way is it an intellectual thing, an artifact… I learned that the poem was made not just to exist, but to speak—to be company." (Mary Oliver)
Something knocked in my soul,
fever or forgotten wings,
and I made my own way,
that fire,
and I wrote the first, +++[faint line,]
faint, without substance, pure
pure wisdom
of someone who knows nothing;
and suddenly I saw
the heavens
and open,
palpitating plantations,
the darkness perforated,
with arrows, fire, and flowers,
the overpowering night, the universe.

And I, +++[tiny being,]
Who knows that the infinitely large must be found
in your tiny body?
Upon each point on your body,
thousands of [[Buddha fields|The Old Mendicant]] have been established.

drunk with the great starry
likeness, image of
felt myself a pure part
of the abyss.
I wheeled with the stars.
My heart broke loose with the wind.

(Pablo Neruda)
I think it was Robert Frost who said, //“A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness.”// And then I would like to believe that after awhile it transforms, changes, molds you, together with the words, until there is nothing left but your hands, holding //“emptiness, wholeness; a cave, a cathedral.”// [B.H. Fairchild from //[[The Art of the Lathe]]//]

This is an attempt to find bits and pieces of my life tucked away in poems, waiting to be found, waiting to meet me, again, in another universe. I think I have lived through worlds, a hundred of them, a thousand, little puzzles told by poets [and [[People]]] who knew exactly what I was feeling, even if I couldn’t give them names for it.

10 August 2005
//reclaiming the Muse from museums//
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|extend core search function with additional user-configurable options|
Adds extra options to core search function including selecting which data items to search, enabling/disabling incremental key-by-key searches, and generating a ''list of matching tiddlers'' instead of immediately displaying all matches.  This plugin also adds syntax for rendering 'search links' within tiddler content to embed one-click searches using pre-defined 'hard-coded' search terms.
>see [[SearchOptionsPluginInfo]]
<<tiddler SearchOptions>>
<<option chkSearchResultsOptions>> Include {{{options...}}} slider in "search again" form
2011.04.08 3.0.10 fixed typo in CSS in formatSearchResults_buttons().  Restore missing options in Configuration section.
|please see [[SearchOptionsPluginInfo]] for additional revision details|
2005.10.18 1.0.0 Initial Release
version.extensions.SearchOptionsPlugin= {major: 3, minor: 0, revision: 10, date: new Date(2011,3,18)};
var defaults={
	chkSearchTitles:	true,
	chkSearchText:		true,
	chkSearchTags:		true,
	chkSearchFields:	true,
	chkSearchTitlesFirst:	true,
	chkSearchList:		true,
	chkSearchHighlight:	true,
	chkSearchListTiddler:	false,
	chkSearchByDate:	false,
	chkIncrementalSearch:	true,
	chkSearchShadows:	true,
	chkSearchOpenTiddlers:	false,
	chkSearchExcludeTags:	true,
	txtSearchExcludeTags:	'excludeSearch',
	txtIncrementalSearchDelay:	500,
	txtIncrementalSearchMin:	3
}; for (var id in defaults) if (config.options[id]===undefined)
if ("SearchResults"; // note: not a cookie!"\xa0"; // a little bit of space just because it looks better
// // searchLink: {{{[search[text to find]] OR [search[text to display|text to find]]}}}
config.formatters.push( {
	name: "searchLink",
	match: "\\[search\\[",
	lookaheadRegExp: /\[search\[(.*?)(?:\|(.*?))?\]\]/mg,
	prompt: "search for: '%0'",
	handler: function(w)
		this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
		var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
		if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
			var label=lookaheadMatch[1];
			var text=lookaheadMatch[2]||label;
			var prompt=this.prompt.format([text]);
			var btn=createTiddlyButton(w.output,label,prompt,
			w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;
// // incremental search uses option settings instead of hard-coded delay and minimum input values
fn=fn.toString().replace(/500/g, "config.options.txtIncrementalSearchDelay||500");
fn=fn.toString().replace(/> 2/g, ">=(config.options.txtIncrementalSearchMin||3)");
// // REPLACE for option to "show search results in a list"
//{{{ = function(text,useCaseSensitive,useRegExp)
	var co=config.options; // abbrev
	var re=new RegExp(useRegExp ? text : text.escapeRegExp(),useCaseSensitive ? "mg" : "img");
	if (config.options.chkSearchHighlight) highlightHack=re;
	var matches =,co.chkSearchByDate?"modified":"title","");
	if (co.chkSearchByDate) matches=matches.reverse(); // most recent first
	var q = useRegExp ? "/" : "'";
	if (!matches.length) {
		if (co.chkSearchListTiddler) discardSearchResults();
	} else {
		if (co.chkSearchList||co.chkSearchListTiddler) 
		else {
			var titles = []; for(var t=0; t<matches.length; t++) titles.push(matches[t].title);
			this.closeAllTiddlers(); story.displayTiddlers(null,titles);
			displayMessage([matches.length, q+text+q]));
	highlightHack = null;
// // REPLACE for enhanced searching/sorting options
//{{{ = function(searchRegExp,sortField,excludeTag,match)
	var co=config.options; // abbrev
	var tids = this.reverseLookup("tags",excludeTag,!!match,sortField);
	var opened=[]; story.forEachTiddler(function(tid,elem){opened.push(tid);});

	// eliminate tiddlers tagged with excluded tags
	if (co.chkSearchExcludeTags&&co.txtSearchExcludeTags.length) {
		var ex=co.txtSearchExcludeTags.readBracketedList();
		var temp=[]; for(var t=tids.length-1; t>=0; t--)
			if (!tids[t].tags.containsAny(ex)) temp.push(tids[t]);

	// scan for matching titles first...
	var results = [];
	if (co.chkSearchTitles) {
		for(var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) {
			if (co.chkSearchOpenTiddlers && !opened.contains(tids[t].title)) continue; 
			if(tids[t]!=-1) results.push(tids[t]);
		if (co.chkSearchShadows)
			for (var t in config.shadowTiddlers) {
				if (co.chkSearchOpenTiddlers && !opened.contains(t)) continue; 
				if ((!=-1) && !store.tiddlerExists(t))
					results.push((new Tiddler()).assign(t,config.shadowTiddlers[t]));
	// then scan for matching text, tags, or field data
	for(var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) {
		if (co.chkSearchOpenTiddlers && !opened.contains(tids[t].title)) continue; 
		if (co.chkSearchText && tids[t]!=-1)
		if (co.chkSearchTags && tids[t].tags.join(" ").search(searchRegExp)!=-1)
		if (co.chkSearchFields && store.forEachField!=undefined)
				function(tid,field,val) {
					if (!=-1) results.pushUnique(tids[t]);
				true); // extended fields only
	// then check for matching text in shadows
	if (co.chkSearchShadows)
		for (var t in config.shadowTiddlers) {
			if (co.chkSearchOpenTiddlers && !opened.contains(t)) continue; 
			if ((config.shadowTiddlers[t].search(searchRegExp)!=-1) && !store.tiddlerExists(t))
				results.pushUnique((new Tiddler()).assign(t,config.shadowTiddlers[t]));

	// if not 'titles first', or sorting by modification date,
	// re-sort results to so titles, text, tag and field matches are mixed together
	if(!sortField) sortField = "title";
	var bySortField=function(a,b){
		if(a[sortField]==b[sortField])return(0);else return(a[sortField]<b[sortField])?-1:+1;
	if (!co.chkSearchTitlesFirst || co.chkSearchByDate) results.sort(bySortField);

	return results;
// // HIJACK core {{{<<search>>}}} macro to add "report" and "simple inline" output
//{{{; = function(place,macroName,params)
	// if "report", use SearchOptionsPlugin report generator for inline output
	if (params[1]&&params[1].substr(0,6)=="report") {
		var keyword=params[0];
		var options=params[1].split("=")[1]; // split "report=option+option+..."
		var heading=params[2]?params[2].unescapeLineBreaks():"";
		var RegExp(keyword.escapeRegExp(),"img"),"title","excludeSearch");
		if (matches.length) wikify(heading+window.formatSearchResults(keyword,matches,options),place);
	} else if (params[1]) {
		var keyword=params[0];
		var heading=params[1]?params[1].unescapeLineBreaks():"";
		var seperator=params[2]?params[2].unescapeLineBreaks():", ";
		var RegExp(keyword.escapeRegExp(),"img"),"title","excludeSearch");
		if (matches.length) {
			var out=[];
			for (var m=0; m<matches.length; m++) out.push("[["+matches[m].title+"]]");
	} else,arguments);
// // SearchResults panel handling
setStylesheet(".searchResults { padding:1em 1em 0 1em; }","searchResults"); // matches std tiddler padding,matches,body) {

	function getByClass(e,c) { var d=e.getElementsByTagName("div");
		for (var i=0;i<d.length;i++) if (hasClass(d[i],c)) return d[i]; }
	var panel=createTiddlyElement(null,"div","searchPanel","searchPanel");
	var oldpanel=document.getElementById("searchPanel");
	if (!oldpanel) { // insert new panel just above tiddlers
		var da=document.getElementById("displayArea");
	} else { // if panel exists
		var oldwrap=getByClass(oldpanel,"searchResults");
		var newwrap=getByClass(panel,"searchResults");
		// if no prior content, just insert new content
		if (!oldwrap) oldpanel.insertBefore(newwrap,null);
		else {	// swap search results content but leave containing panel intact'block'; // unfold wrapper if needed
			var i=oldwrap.getElementsByTagName("input")[0]; // get input field
			if (i) { var pos=this.getCursorPos(i); i.onblur=null; } // get cursor pos, ignore blur
			panel=oldpanel; // use existing panel
	return panel;
},text,matches,body) {

	var wrap=createTiddlyElement(panel,"div",null,"searchResults");
	wrap.onmouseover = function(e){ addClass(this,"selected"); }
	wrap.onmouseout = function(e){ removeClass(this,"selected"); }
	// create toolbar: "open all", "fold/unfold", "close"
	var tb=createTiddlyElement(wrap,"div",null,"toolbar");
	var b=createTiddlyButton(tb, "open all", "open all matching tiddlers", function() {
		story.displayTiddlers(null,this.getAttribute("list").readBracketedList()); return false; },"button");
	var list=""; for(var t=0;t<matches.length;t++) list+='[['+matches[t].title+']] ';
	var b=createTiddlyButton(tb, "fold", "toggle display of search results", function() {; return false; },"button");
	var b=createTiddlyButton(tb, "close", "dismiss search results",	function() {; return false; },"button");
	createTiddlyText(createTiddlyElement(wrap,"div",null,"title"),"Search for: "+text); // title
	wikify(body,createTiddlyElement(wrap,"div",null,"viewer")); // report
	return panel;
},pos) {
	var panel=document.getElementById("searchPanel");
	var i=panel.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
	if (show &&"block") { // if shown, grab focus, restore cursor
		if (i&&this.stayFocused()) { i.focus(); this.setCursorPos(i,pos); }
	if(!config.options.chkAnimate) {"block":"none";
		if (!show) { removeChildren(panel);; }
	} else {
		var s=new Slider(panel,show,false,show?"none":"children");
	return panel;
} {
	var d=document.getElementById("searchPanel").getElementsByTagName("div");
	for (var i=0;i<d.length;i++) if (hasClass(d[i],"viewer")) var v=d[i]; if (!v) return;
	else {
		var s=new Slider(v,show,false,"none");
	return false;
} { // TRUE/FALSE=set value, no args=get value
	if (keep===undefined) return this.keepReportInFocus;
	return keep
} {
	var s=0; var e=0; if (!i) return { start:s, end:e };
	try {
		if (i.setSelectionRange) // FF
			{ s=i.selectionStart; e=i.selectionEnd; }
		if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { // IE
			var r=document.selection.createRange().duplicate();
			var len=r.text.length; s=0-r.moveStart('character',-100000); e=s+len;
	return { start:s, end:e };
},pos) {
	if (!i||!pos) return; var s=pos.start; var e=pos.end;
	if (i.setSelectionRange) //FF
	if (i.createTextRange) // IE
		{ var r=i.createTextRange(); r.collapse(true); r.moveStart("character",s);; }
// // SearchResults report generation
// note: these functions are defined globally, so they can be more easily redefined to customize report formats//
if (!window.reportSearchResults) window.reportSearchResults=function(text,matches)
	var; // abbrev
	var body=window.formatSearchResults(text,matches);
	if (!config.options.chkSearchListTiddler) // show #searchResults panel
	else { // write [[SearchResults]] tiddler
		var title=cms.reportTitle;
		var who=config.options.txtUserName;
		var when=new Date();
		var tags="excludeLists excludeSearch temporary";
		var tid=store.getTiddler(title); if (!tid) tid=new Tiddler();

if (!window.formatSearchResults) window.formatSearchResults=function(text,matches,opt)
	var body='';
	var q = config.options.chkRegExpSearch ? "/" : "'";
	if (!opt) var opt="all";
	var parts=opt.split("+");
	for (var i=0; i<parts.length; i++) { var p=parts[i].toLowerCase();
		if (p=="again"||p=="all")   body+=window.formatSearchResults_again(text,matches);
		if (p=="summary"||p=="all") body+=window.formatSearchResults_summary(text,matches);
		if (p=="list"||p=="all")    body+=window.formatSearchResults_list(text,matches);
		if (p=="buttons"||p=="all") body+=window.formatSearchResults_buttons(text,matches);
	return body;

if (!window.formatSearchResults_again) window.formatSearchResults_again=function(text,matches)
	var body='';
	// search again
	body+='{{span{<<search "'+text.replace(/"/g,'&#x22;')+'">> /%\n';
	body+='%/<html><input type="button" value="search again"';
	body+=' onclick="var t=this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'input\')[0];';
	body+='; return false;">';
	if (!config.options.chkSearchResultsOptions) // omit "options..."
	else {
		body+=' <a href="javascript:;" onclick="';
		body+=' var e=this.parentNode.nextSibling;';
		body+=' var!=\'block\';';
		body+=' if(!config.options.chkAnimate)\'block\':\'none\';';
		body+=' else anim.startAnimating(new Slider(e,show,false,\'none\'));';
		body+=' return false;">options...</a>';
		body+='</html>@@display:none;border-left:1px dotted;margin-left:1em;padding:0;padding-left:.5em;font-size:90%;/%\n';
		body+='	%/<<tiddler SearchOptions>>@@';
	return body;

if (!window.formatSearchResults_summary) window.formatSearchResults_summary=function(text,matches)
	// summary: nn tiddlers found matching '...', options used
	var body='';
	var co=config.options; // abbrev
	var q = co.chkRegExpSearch ? "/" : "'";
	var opts=[];
	if (co.chkSearchTitles) opts.push("titles");
	if (co.chkSearchText) opts.push("text");
	if (co.chkSearchTags) opts.push("tags");
	if (co.chkSearchFields) opts.push("fields");
	if (co.chkSearchShadows) opts.push("shadows");
	if (co.chkSearchOpenTiddlers) body+="^^//search limited to displayed tiddlers only//^^\n";
	body+="~~&nbsp; searched in "+opts.join(" + ")+"~~\n";
	body+=(co.chkCaseSensitiveSearch||co.chkRegExpSearch?"^^&nbsp; using ":"")
		+(co.chkCaseSensitiveSearch?"case-sensitive ":"")
		+(co.chkRegExpSearch?"pattern ":"")
	return body;

if (!window.formatSearchResults_list) window.formatSearchResults_list=function(text,matches)
	// bullet list of links to matching tiddlers
	var body='';
	var co=config.options; // abbrev
	var pattern=co.chkRegExpSearch?text:text.escapeRegExp();
	var sensitive=co.chkCaseSensitiveSearch?"mg":"img";
	var link='{{tiddlyLinkExisting{<html><nowiki><a href="javascript:;" onclick="'
		+'	highlightHack=new RegExp(\x27'+pattern+'\x27.escapeRegExp(),\x27'+sensitive+'\x27);'
		+'highlightHack = null; return false;'
		+'" title="%2">%1</a></html>}}}';
	for(var t=0;t<matches.length;t++) {
		body+="* ";
		if (co.chkSearchByDate)
			body+=matches[t].modified.formatString('YYYY.0MM.0DD 0hh:0mm')+" ";
		var title=matches[t].title;
		var fixup=title.replace(/'/g,"\\x27").replace(/"/g,"\\x22");
		var tid=store.getTiddler(title);
		var tip=tid?tid.getSubtitle():''; tip=tip.replace(/"/g,"&quot;");
	return body;

if (!window.formatSearchResults_buttons) window.formatSearchResults_buttons=function(text,matches)
	// embed buttons only if writing SearchResults to tiddler
	if (!config.options.chkSearchListTiddler) return "";
	// "open all" button
	var body="";
	body+="@@display:block;<html><input type=\"button\" href=\"javascript:;\" "
	for(var t=0;t<matches.length;t++)
		body+="'"+matches[t].title.replace(/\'/mg,"\\'")+"'"+((t<matches.length-1)?", ":"");
	body+="],1);\" accesskey=\"O\" value=\"open all matching tiddlers\"></html> ";
	// "discard SearchResults" button
	body+="<html><input type=\"button\" href=\"javascript:;\" "
		+"onclick=\"discardSearchResults()\" value=\"discard "+title+"\"></html>";
	return body;

if (!window.discardSearchResults) window.discardSearchResults=function()
	// remove the tiddler
// // DELIVER [[SearchOptions]] shadow payload
config.shadowTiddlers.SearchOptions = store.getTiddlerText('SearchOptionsPlugin##panel','');
config.annotations.SearchOptions    = 'created by SearchOptionsPlugin';
search in:
  {{nowrap{<<option chkSearchTitles>>titles <<option chkSearchText>>text <<option chkSearchTags>>tags}}} /%
%/{{nowrap{<<option chkSearchFields>>fields <<option chkSearchShadows>>shadows}}}
  {{nowrap{<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>>case-sensitive}}} /%
%/{{nowrap{<<option chkRegExpSearch>>match text patterns}}}
  {{nowrap{<<option chkIncrementalSearch>>key-by-key search:}}} /%
	%/{{threechar smallform nowrap{<<option txtIncrementalSearchMin>> or more characters}}} /%
	%/{{threechar smallform nowrap{<<option txtIncrementalSearchDelay>> msec delay}}}<hr>
  {{nowrap{<<option chkSearchList>>show results in a list &nbsp; &nbsp;}}} /%
%/{{nowrap{<<option chkSearchListTiddler>>save list in ''[[SearchResults]]''}}}
  {{nowrap{<<option chkSearchTitlesFirst>>show title matches first}}} /%
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life is more true than reason will deceive
(or more secret than madness did reveal)
deeper is life than to lose: higher than to have
—but beauty is more each than living's all
futures are obsolete; pasts are unborn
(here less than nothing's more than everything)
death, as men call him, ends what they call men
—but beauty is more now than dying's when


all worlds have halfsight,seeing either with

life’s eye(which is if things seem spirits)or
(if spirits in the guise of things appear)
death’s:any world must always half percieve.

Only whose vision can create the whole

(being forever born a foolishwise
proudhumble citizen of ecstasies
more steep than climb can time with all his years)

he’s free into the beauty of the truth;

and strolls the [[axis of the universe|Axis Mundi]]
—love. Each believing world denies,whereas
your lover(looking through both life and death)
timelessly celebrates the merciful

wonder no world deny may or believe&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^^73^^


create is now contrive;
imagined,merely know
(freedom:what makes a slave)
therefore,my life,lie down
and more by most endure
all that you never were

hide,poor, dishonoured mind
who thought yourself so wise;
and much could understand
concerning no and yes:
if they've become the same
it's time you unbecame

but from this endless end
of briefer each our bliss—
where seeing eyes go blind
(where lips forget to kiss)
where everything's nothing
—arise, my soul; and sing&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^^62^^


2 little whos
(he and she)
under are this
wonderful tree

smiling stand
(all realms of where
and when beyond)
now and here

(far from a grown
-up i&you-
ful world of known)
who and who

(2 little ams
and over them this
aflame with dreams
incredible is)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^^60^^

//how the(myself's own self who's)child will dance!//

and when he's plucked such mysteries as men
do not conceive—let ocean grow again&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^^71^^



,come quickly come
run run
with me now
jump shout(laugh
dance cry

sing)for it's Spring

and in
earth sky trees:
where a miracle arrives


you and I may not
hurry it with
a thousand poems
my darling
but nobody will stop it&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^^63^^
Recent Chapters
# [[1892]] - 1901
# [[1902]] - 1911
# [[1912]] - 1921
# [[1922]] - 1931
# [[1932]] - 1941
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Backwards Flowing Chapters
# [[1862]] - 1891 … 30 years
# [[1832]] - 1861 … 30 years
# [[1802]] - 1831 … 30 years
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# [[1700]] - 1771 … 71 years – the last human lifespan pre-dating the U.S.A.
# [[15th - 17th centuries]] … c. 1400 - 1699 (300 years)
# [[12th - 14th centuries]] … c. 1100 - 1399 (300 years)
# [[8th - 11th centuries]] … c. 700 - 1099 (400 years)
# [[4th - 7th centuries]] … c. 300 - 699 (400 years)
# [[100 BCE]] - 3rd century (c. 299 CE) – 400 years at the dawn of the Common Era
# [[600 BCE]] - 100 BCE (500 years)
# [[2000 BCE]] - 600 BCE (1,400 years)
# [[4000 - 2000 BCE]] (2,000 years)
# [[9,000 Years Ago]] … 7000 - 4000 BCE (3,000 years)
# [[20,000 Years Ago]]
# [[50,000 Years Ago]]
# [[150,000 Years Ago]]
# [[400,000 Years Ago]]
# [[1,000,000 Years Ago]]
# [[3,000,000 Years Ago]]
''Carl (Gustav) Jung''  (26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961)  Swiss psychiatrist who founded analytical psychology, whose works include //The Psychology of the Unconscious// (1912) and //Psychological Types// (1921).  Among his contributions to understanding of the human mind are the concepts of extraversion and introversion, and the collective unconscious.

Jung had the following Latin statement inscribed over the doorway of his home, and on his tombstone:

//''Vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit.'' (Called or not called, God is present.)//
He had discovered it among the Latin writings of Desiderius Erasmus, specifically in a 1563 edition of //Collectaneas adagiorum.// ^^[[[3]|]]^^

[img[Vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit. (Called or not called, God is present.)|][]]

[[NYTimes Obituary: Dr. Carl G. Jung, Pioneer in Analytic Psychology|]]
If we imagine our being as a room of any size, it seems that most of us know only a single corner of that room, a spot by the window, a narrow strip on which we keep walking back and forth. That gives a kind of security. But isn't insecurity with all its dangers so much more human?

We are not prisoners of that room.

Borgeby gärd, Sweden, August 12, 1904
//Letters to a Young Poet//
Rainer Maria [[Rilke]]
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I propose this rate as a means to reduce United States consumption and "free" 1 billion productive acres of land and water that are feeding our consumption.
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September 18, 2011

Disclaimer: This idea is beyond my skills to implement, is possibly not feasible, and perhaps just a mishmash in my head of unrelated, overlapping, or conflicting technologies.
Would it appeal to any other users, or gather mind-share? I don't know. Here it goes:
*Examine the ~TiddlyWiki 'source code' comprised of HTML/Javascript/CSS, as I understand it. What is the internal structure, clarity of code, presence and quality of commenting?
*Rewrite in a Literate Javascript style à la Donald Knuth's philosophy – 'code' as literature.
**"Instead of imagining that our main task is to instruct a computer what to do, let us concentrate rather on explaining to human beings what we want a computer to do… The practitioner of literate programming can be regarded as an essayist, whose main concern is with exposition and excellence of style." ^^[[[15]|]]^^
*Compare with other wiki 'best practices' – one example may be the design of everything2. Wikipedia / ~MediaWiki seems a little farther afield, but may offer some guidance. Survey many other wiki flavors.
*Review scalability, and questions of self-contained vs. cloud-based or a hybrid of the two, and storage in a database.
*Incorporate a Javascript REPL (read-eval-print loop) inside any desired tiddler / node. How can computational expressions best be expressed by non-programmers in a ~TiddlyWiki? I am reminded of what Dan Ingalls called "computational sketches."
*Review dialects or alterations of the Javascript syntax which may work better in the user-facing ~TiddlyWiki (to address the above feature) – or perhaps would even benefit ~TiddlyWiki development.
*Python/Javascript interoperability – would Python be a better user language of ~TiddlyWiki?
*Wolfram Alpha interoperability
*Sage mathematics software (System for Algebra and Geometry Experimentation), look at the tools and notebook interface which evolved around the math packages.
*A digression about the REPL or programming expressions being evaluated inside the wiki.  I am reminded of the Lisp [[programming language]] with its REPL. I don't "speak" Lisp, but its spare syntax and code-as-data philosophy seems compatible with nearly the whole ~TiddlyWiki system architecture being wiki nodes.  [[To what extent can a wiki be written in itself?]]
The Dekatessera describes in fourteen precepts my chosen practice of living.  These ethics are grounded in a naturalist worldview which does not look to an afterlife, nor to a God/Parent made in the image of human desires.  This "life of dialogue" embraces principles of Buddhism and the teachings of Christ, among other philosophies.
!Dekatessera Lexeis ~ δεκατεσσερα λεξεις
!!!I. Look, listen, meet me!  First, choose the way of love and truth.  Strength is fidelity.
The world awaits hallowing; it awaits the disclosure and realization of its meaning. But we must begin. Meet the world with the fullness of your being, and you shall meet God … If you wish to believe, love!
—Martin Buber
//''Resist deifying'' any figure or story that serves human desires.//
''DL 1'' — I and THOU, fellow humans, creatures, the Living World — "the Ground Divine: Being-itself"
No other Lords or man-made Gods //inpangere// — Meet me!
//Come out of slavery through ~Kama-Artha-Dharma-Moksha-Dao//
''DL 2'' — Resist deifying and worship of "graven images."
//(Changed the word "gaze" to "look")//
Direct, unmediated experience of the Divine is available to everyone.  Commit yourself to knowing truth – felt and understood more fully in this world of relations.  Witness the significance outside you and in other beings.  Live in the mysteries and simple truths, the separateness-and-unity.
The strength of your view and your understanding lies in its truthfulness – more precisely its fidelity to the 'actual' world: changing, co-arising events and beings,  extraconceptual realities older and larger than yourself.
	''//Adhitthana Panna://'' [Determination and transcendent insight-outlook.]
	This guidance is first an //enjoinder to dialogue.//  (Contrast the meanings of joining, attention, and attachment.)
	There is no anthropic god or supernatural entity who is jealous for your attention or worship. However, this way requires "the fullness of your being" and nothing less.  Be undistracted by "any other gods before me."  I imagine that Buber's God could be formulated as the "Ground Divine" which is //''Transdeva''.//
	''//Nekkhamma://'' [Renunciation]  Renouncing "false gods" or explaining/justifying stories which serve to allay fear and ignorance.  Loosen the grasp of attachments and stories, or any supernatural agent created atop these. (Gods of physical things.)  Many narratives or explaining stories have been used by the powerful as justificationalism.  Also do not attach yourself to creeds, including this one, or let yourself ossify in dogma.  Release from desires is the way out of figurative slavery.
	This guidance is also for the maintenance of your mind and manner of viewing.  Increase your capacity for knowing and not-knowing (continually listening.)
	Continue [[widening the circle]] of your awareness.
''//Reverence For Life//''
I open my heart and mind
to consider, delight in, protect and celebrate
the beauty, integrity and well-being
of all life-forms and natural systems:
people of all ages, kinds and races,
animals and plants, lands and seas,
which co-exist with me now and which will come after me
into the far future.  These I take
to be my kin, expressions of the same Heart of Being
[Seed of Perfection], the same Living Universe,
of which my life is an expression.
!!!II. Keep faith in the Seed of Perfection dwelling on Earth.  Take refuge in its passages to you, and protect your fellowships.
//These are gifts no one owns — lasting ages and latent everywhere — yet hemmed by uncertainty, human weakness and evil.//
All of the manifest actions of egotism and all of the inner states of sin point to one thing: //repudiation, destruction, and abuse of community for the sake of the self.//
—John Rawls
''Transdeva'' teaching on the "path of enlightenment" and meaning of sin.
	''//Bodhichitta Dharma Sangha://''  The fellowship or community (Sangha) conveys the wisdom or teachings (Dharma – natural law, including science, and human experience) which tend the Seed of Perfection in all, and awakens and enlightens your being (Bodhichitta/God/Christ/Light.)
	Awakening and Enlightenment is your natural "destiny": Buddha/Bodhichitta mind, the Tao, non-dual Natural Perfection. Its ceaseless passages have came down through history (as inherited Dharma), and via communities or kinship paths (the Sangha.)
!!!III. Sustain yourself from the Earth deliberately.  Be mindful of the great throngs of life on every side, arising and dying equally under the sun.  You share their splendor and finiteness.
//Do not wander long from the open sky and living things.//
''DL 3'' — Do not "use the world in vain" as an object for your pleasure, or "take it up in a worthless way."
[[Ecology]] is the science of understanding consequences.
	''//Sila://'' [right conduct, right action, right livelihood.]
	Nothing is beneath your regard.  Be mindful of your conduct and its consequences, and the finitude-impermanence of things.
	The //gazing// of the first guidance is the goodness of near-sighted, intimate immediacy (as in Buber's statement "all else lives in his light.")  This is followed by the goodness of //far-sighted// view which tempers curiosity and impulse, as does //respect//: looking back with regard.
!!!IV. Honor and nurture your fellow beings.  Embrace.  Ease another's suffering. Strive to end poverty and oppression.
//Be here with another: a child, a neighbor, a kin, or a stranger, and be wholly present to them: with words, hands, eyes, and all your intent.//
''DL 5'' — Honor thy father and mother, your brothers and sisters, your children, and continue to widen this circle of loving-kindness.

	Learn to exchange your view for another's.

	''//Metta://'' [~Loving-Kindness]
!!!V. Do not kill or cause harm.  Ignore no evil done by humanity; mend what is possible without violence.  Turn your heart away from vengeance.
''DL 6'' — Thou shalt not kill.
	''//Sila Viriya Metta://'' [Viriya - Action, effort, diligence, vigor.]
!!!VI. Practice, practice, to find strength and clarity in today's purpose.  The outer marks of success cannot satisfy.  What will you bring to being?
''Transdeva'' teaching on the use of will in daily life and in "//practical// matters."  Your //practice// comes forth to be tested daily by the //mundane//, "earthly or secular" circumstances.  You always have a choice how to answer.

What will you bring to being from seeds of evil and seeds of good latent in human nature?
“And ever those, who would enjoyment gain/Must find it in the purpose they pursue” (Sarah Josepha Hale)
!!!VII. Honor the sanctity of coupling and your physical being.  Protect yourself.  Defend and teach one another the same.
''DL 7'' — Thou shalt not commit adultery.
	''//Sila Nekkhamma://'' [Conduct which renounces sexual indulgence or abuse.] Honor your being as sacred, and do not disperse (scatter) its energies - this may include the use of intoxicants, and relates to the eleventh guidance.
In sexual relations, be aware of future suffering that may be caused.  Be fully aware of the responsibility of bringing new lives into the world.  Meditate on the world into which you are bringing new beings.
!!!VIII. Be generous.  Do not steal, hoard, or diminish what is needed by all.
//You provision with and for the means of unborn humanity. Your sources and effects are finite, yet adequate to need. Share them freely.//
''DL 8'' — Thou shalt not steal.
	''//Dana Sila://'' [Generosity, giving of oneself; avoiding greed is Sila?] Using what is not yours can include over-consumption while others are starving. 
!!!IX. Speak truthfully, and do not stand with deception.  Keep questioning!  You shall come to acceptance, but never a livable codex.
''DL 9'' — Thou shalt not bear false witness.
	''//Sacca://'' [Truthfulness, Honesty, Right Speech]
''//Questioning as a Path of Transformation//''
Mindful of the way that answers can become meaningless
without the questions that evoked them,
and that even great truths can become lifeless dogmas,
I embrace the practice of creative, open-ended, questioning
of self, others and institutions as a way of deepening my engagement
with the ongoing quest for a wiser and more compassionate world.
!!!X. Stay alert to the evidence of your senses.  Heed the efficacy of other ways and the test of empirical knowledge.  Let your children think and act freely.
''Transdeva'' teaching on the use of our rational minds, attention to external reality, and non-attachment to views.
//Changed "fruit" to "test"//
"There is an external reality that we ignore at our peril, and indeed much of the evolution of the human species can be described as an increasing concordance between the images within our brains and the reality in the external world." — Sagan
!!!XI. Be grateful.  Loosen the grasp of attachments.  Find a proportion for yourself in the whole.
''DL 10'' — Thou shalt not covet.
	''//Nekkhamma Upekkha://'' [Renunciation which realizes serenity and equanimity; because suffering is caused by craving.]
!!!XII. Avoid haste, distraction and worry.   Reserve quiet contemplative time; from this take congruent action.
''DL 4'' — Remember the Sabbath day.
	''//Sila Khanti://'' [Conduct with forbearance, patience, acceptance, endurance]
	The one intention is to realize connection with all beings, which has been called Interbeing by Thich Nhat Hanh.  The Torah recommended one day of seven as a Sabbath; this could equal two concentrated hours every day (nearly a seventh of your waking time.) It is important to pull away from work and not let it ply your attention during this time. Cultivating mindful habits can "consecrate" every day.
''//Peace and Personal Truthfulness//''
I commit myself to work for the peaceful resolution of conflicts
between persons, between nations and between humans and other species.
And as part of that process, I commit myself to facing and working through my own anger, fear, greed, ignorance, self-deception, unfulfilled needs, and lack of skill,
such as they may be, and also the same, of my culture and my country.
!!!XIII. Save life whenever you can, but also accept death.  Do not live in fear nor speculate on an afterlife.
''Transdeva'' answer to mortality.
!!!XIV. Be here with all your heart, all your mind, and all your strength centered, and respond to life's call.  The Tao is manifest in every time and place.  Come to this peace.
''Transdeva'' guidance to the present moment and a reminder of love.  Points a way toward the Tao that cannot be spoken.

This is the ultimate concern of faith (the centered listening and response): beyond suffering, impermanence, non-self — wisdom that springs from neither fixity nor change.

"Reconcile not with myself:  with what lifts me, sustains me, lets me fall."  (Octavio Paz)

Preserve and restore the Tao in the body and cosmos: Tao being the basic, eternal principle of the universe that transcends reality and is the source of //being, non-being, and change.//

//Absolve yourself.//   Insoluble consciousness, resolution, absolution, dissolution. //Ecstasy steps outside a 'system' of belief.// 

[[Atman, Tao result Google Books|]]

	''//Upekkha Panna Metta Viriya//''
''//Exploratory Spiral of Endless Beginnings//''
Understanding the limited capacity of words to hold spiritual meanings,
and understanding the temptation to try to complete with words
what can only be completed in living,
I affirm these Commitments as a way of mobilizing my inner resources
to continue my path of exploration, action, embodiment, and dialogue,
of compassion, reflection, and celebration,
not as completing, resolving or even fully describing
any of the themes they name. 
I open my heart and mind to affirm and learn from
all that is reverential toward life in every tradition and culture,
and to evolve new affirmations and practices
as my reverence for life deepens.
''Five strengths:''
Seed of Perfection dwelling on Earth - Bodhichitta
Reproach (gentle – have I done this before?)
Aspiration – that wisdom and compassion will increase; fear and ignorance will diminish
''Practice methods:''
Buber's life of dialogue
Frankl's logotherapy – will to meaning
Hegel's dialectic
Interspersed while crafting these words, I recognized:
''There is no perfect formulation for living;
no ethical or existential [[codex →|2011-09-14]]''

My commitment is for a practice now – not in theory, not in lofty sentiments chanted by a few of this fortunate society, sought 'in the ideal' and ever in the distance.  Begin today!
[img(90%,)[The University of Virginia's Rotunda and Pavilions at dusk, 1991, photo by Richard T. Nowitz/Corbis |]]
The University of Virginia's Rotunda and Pavilions at dusk, 1991
photo by Richard T. Nowitz/Corbis (above image linked from [[|]])

Appeared in //Thomas [[Jefferson]]: Architect: The Interactive Portfolio// – by Chuck Wills 
|''Description:''|Formatter to reference other spaces from wikitext |
|''Author:''|PaulDowney (psd (at) osmosoft (dot) com) |
|''License:''|[[BSD License|]] |
|''Comments:''|Please make comments at |
This plugin provides wikitext formatters for referencing another [[space|Space]] on the same TiddlySpace server, as in the following examples:
  {{{@space}}} -- @space 
  {{{~@space}}} -- ~@space 
  {{{Tiddler@space}}} -- Tiddler@space
  {{{[[Tiddler Title]]@space}}} -- [[Tiddler Title]]@space 
  {{{[[Link text|Tiddler Title]]@space}}} -- [[Link text|Tiddler Title]]@space
Links to tiddlers with a title begining with an "@" remain as tiddlyLinks:
  {{{[[@tiddler]]}}} -- [[@tiddler]]
and these may be changed into a space link using {{{@@}}}:
  {{{[[@@space]]}}} -- [[@@space]]
  {{{[[Link to an another space|@@space]]}}} -- [[Link to another space|@@space]]
  {{{[[@space|@@space]]}}} -- [[@space|@@space]]
TiddlySpace includes the [[TiddlySpaceLinkPlugin]] which provides WikiText markup for linking to other spaces on the same server. For example @glossary is a link to the {{{glossary}}} space and [[Small Trusted Group]]@glossary a link to an individual tiddler in the @glossary space. Prefixing the link with a tilde escapes the link, for example {{{~@space}}}.
Email addresses, for example and should be unaffected.
The plugin provides external links decorated so that other plugins may be included to add features such as the ability to dynamically pull externally linked tiddlers into the current TiddlyWiki.
Wikitext linking to a space on another server, for example from a tiddler in a space on to a tiddler or a space on, isn't currently supported. 
/*jslint onevar: false nomen: false plusplus: false */
/*global jQuery config createTiddlyText createExternalLink createTiddlyLink */

function createSpaceLink(place, spaceName, title, alt, isBag) {
	var link, a, currentSpaceName, label;
	try {
		if (spaceName === {
			title = title || spaceName;
			a = createTiddlyLink(place, title, false);
			jQuery(a).text(alt || title);
			return a;
	} catch (ex1) {
		currentSpaceName = false;

	a = jQuery("<a />").addClass('tiddlySpaceLink externalLink').appendTo(place)[0];
	if(title) {
		jQuery(a).attr('tiddler', title);
	if(isBag) {
		jQuery(a).attr('bag', spaceName);
	} else {
		jQuery(a).attr('tiddlyspace', spaceName);

	config.extensions.tiddlyweb.getStatus(function(status) {
		link = status.server_host.url;
		if (title) {
			label = alt || title;
			link = link + "/" + encodeURIComponent(title);
		} else {
			label = alt || spaceName;
		// assumes a http URI without user:pass@ prefix
		if(!isBag) {
			link = link.replace("http://", "http://" + spaceName.toLowerCase() + ".");
		} else {
			link += "/bags/" + spaceName + "/";
		jQuery(a).attr("href", link).text(label);
	return a;

(function ($) {

	config.textPrimitives.spaceName = "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]";
	config.textPrimitives.spaceNameStrict = "[a-z][a-z0-9-]*";
	config.textPrimitives.bareTiddlerLetter = config.textPrimitives.anyLetterStrict;

	config.formatters.splice(0, 0, {
		name: "spacenameLink",
		match: config.textPrimitives.unWikiLink + "?" + config.textPrimitives.bareTiddlerLetter + "*@" + config.textPrimitives.spaceName + "\\.?.?",
		lookaheadRegExp: new RegExp(config.textPrimitives.unWikiLink + "?(" + config.textPrimitives.bareTiddlerLetter + "*)@(" + config.textPrimitives.spaceName + ")", "mg"),
		handler: function (w) {
			if (w.matchText.substr(w.matchText.length - 2, 1) === '.' && w.matchText.substr(w.matchText.length - 1, 1).match(/[a-zA-Z]/)) {
				w.outputText(w.output, w.matchStart, w.nextMatch);
			if (w.matchText.substr(0, 1) === config.textPrimitives.unWikiLink) {
				w.outputText(w.output, w.matchStart + 1, w.nextMatch);
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			if (lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index === w.matchStart) {
				createSpaceLink(w.output, lookaheadMatch[2], lookaheadMatch[1]);
				w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;
		name: "tiddlySpaceLink",
		match: "\\[\\[[^\\|\\]]*\\|*@@" + config.textPrimitives.spaceName + "\\]",
		lookaheadRegExp: new RegExp("\\[\\[(.*?)(?:\\|@@(.*?))?\\]\\]", "mg"),
		handler: function (w) {
			this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
			var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
			if (lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index === w.matchStart) {
				var alt = lookaheadMatch[2] ? lookaheadMatch[1] : lookaheadMatch[1].replace(/^@@/, "");
				var space = lookaheadMatch[2] || alt;
				createSpaceLink(w.output, space, "", alt);
				w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;
		name: "tiddlyLinkSpacenameLink",
		match: "\\[\\[[^\\[]*\\]\\]@",
		lookaheadRegExp: new RegExp("\\[\\[(.*?)(?:\\|(.*?))?\\]\\]@(" + config.textPrimitives.spaceName + ")", "mg"),
		handler: function (w) {
			this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
			var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
			if (lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index === w.matchStart) {
				var title = lookaheadMatch[2] || lookaheadMatch[1];
				var alt = lookaheadMatch[1] || lookaheadMatch[2];
				createSpaceLink(w.output, lookaheadMatch[3], title, alt);
				w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;

	// ensure space links don't appear as missing links
	config.textPrimitives.brackettedLink = "\\[\\[([^\\]][^@\\]][^\\]]*)\\]\\](?=[^@])";
	config.textPrimitives.titledBrackettedLink = "\\[\\[([^\\[\\]\\|]+)\\|([^\\[\\]\\|]+)\\]\\](?=[^@])";

	// reevaluate derrived expressions ..
	config.textPrimitives.tiddlerForcedLinkRegExp = new RegExp("(?:" + config.textPrimitives.titledBrackettedLink + ")|(?:" +
		config.textPrimitives.brackettedLink + ")|(?:" +
		config.textPrimitives.urlPattern + ")","mg");
	config.textPrimitives.tiddlerAnyLinkRegExp = new RegExp("("+ config.textPrimitives.wikiLink + ")|(?:" +
		config.textPrimitives.titledBrackettedLink + ")|(?:" +
		config.textPrimitives.brackettedLink + ")|(?:" +
		config.textPrimitives.urlPattern + ")","mg");

	// treat space links in titledBracketedLink as external links
	var missingTiddlySpaceLink = new RegExp("^@@" + config.textPrimitives.spaceName + "$", "");
	var isExternalLink = config.formatterHelpers.isExternalLink;
	config.formatterHelpers.isExternalLink = function(link) {
		return missingTiddlySpaceLink.test(link) || isExternalLink(link);

The man who determined the surname I carry, my paternal great-grandfather, was abandoned at birth.  Born in New York City in 1898, he spent three years in the New York Foundling Home, and then was adopted by a German family in rural Kansas.  Below is a letter he wrote to the Sisters of Charity as an adult, with the hope of meeting his parents.  I obtained a copy from the New York Foundling records.  Words I could not make out are designated by – –

As far as I know, when he died in 1974, he knew nothing more about his parents and had spent his entire life in the Kansas farming community where he was adopted.


May 9, 1927
Dear Sisters,

Now it has been so long since I wrote you the last time, and I made up my mind today to write you a few lines to let you know that I am well.  I hope that my few lines would reach you the same. 

Now as I wrote you before already, I sure would be Anxious to find out something about my Parents because I will be 29 years here in May already and haven’t heard anything yet, which I think is not right if I am not told.  I think it would be a Blessing for me if I had a Dear Mother or a Dear Father to talk to and tell him all about – – how hard it was all these years – – to struggle to live all by myself which I am doing yet. I didn’t have no good time yet always – – and I have a Family of six Healthy children which are all Boys. Two of them are going to school already with the Sisters of St. Joseph. 

Now Dear Sisters if you could give me any relief and tell me anything about my --mother-- Parents, if any Possibility if I could find them and where – – I could find either one of them, if no other way of getting there.  I Sure would walk (?) their way, this way I have got no – –  But the other way with some Dear Mother or Dear Father all would be Friends. And it seems to me I can not forget because I got something (?) in my mind, and though it looks like I forgot or tried to forget and – – but I cannot do it.

I thought I would write to you because I have been under your care once before, so I thought maybe there would be a possibility to tell me anything that would help me in the Situation.  I think it could be found out if tried once, so Please let me hear from you at once. ''Please.''

Respectfully yours,
J A (née Wagner) 
+ experience

sensory data

what we remember

matter … becoming information
motion …
sound …
energy …
data …in formation …gnosis
[//subjective// gnosis which is "realer than myth" to the sub[[ject|iacere]]]

felt sense or preconceptual feeling

information contrasted with knowledge and experience

content-bearing object

auto-associative memory
''Hermann Hesse''  (2 July 1877 – 9 August 1962)  German-born poet, painter, and novelist whose works, including //Siddhartha// (1922) and //Steppenwolf// (1927), concern the duality of human existence and the alienation of the artist.  He won the 1946 Nobel Prize for literature for //The [[Glass Bead Game]]//.   Died in Switzerland.
Paul Ricoeur suggests a ‘triple quest’ in the constitution of the self; this order ‘is built on the themes of ''having'', ''power'', and ''worth''’, and these quests are intricately linked.

Worth — Human [[art]] — [[adequate life]]

Many in my culture seem to revere human selfhood or achievement — consisting of the above elements.  Hence they revere wealth, power, and 'personality'.  Or simplified, they revere achievement.
That word //achievement// shares its root withs 'chief' (i.e. the 'super-man'.)

//Power is reverence// ^^[[[20]|The beginning of the Beginning]]^^

A useful way to understand how myth speaks to us is to keep in mind the six critical elements of the human condition as set out by contemporary French existentialist philosopher Paul Ricoeur (born 1913): Ricoeur proposed that, in order for humans to be at peace with their lives, they need to address these six issues in their lives: (1) our finitude; (2) our estrangement from God and/or the numinous; (3) our process of becoming and transcendence, in that in each human life, the truth is never whole and complete; (4) the paradox of the freedom and burden of human choice; (5) our existence with, in, and through others, for our sense of meaning is relational; and ultimately, (6) our identity and participation in the cosmos.
Many of us originally turn to the dharma at least in part as a way of trying to overcome the pain of our psychological and relational wounding. Yet we are often in denial about or unconscious of the nature or extent of this wounding. As a result, being a “good” spiritual practitioner can become a compensatory identity that covers up and defends against an underlying deficient identity, where we feel bad about ourselves, not good enough, or basically lacking. Then, although we may be practicing diligently, our spiritual practice can be used in the service of denial and defense. And when spiritual practice is used to bypass our real-life human issues, it becomes compartmentalized in a separate zone of our life that remains unintegrated with our overall functioning.

– excerpted from [["Human Nature, Buddha Nature"|]], an interview with John Welwood, which appeared on //
The Order of ''Interbeing'' (Vietnamese: Tiếp Hiện, French: Ordre de l'Interêtre), was founded between 1964 and 1966 by Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh.

Tiếp Hiện is a ~Sino-Vietnamese term (Chinese 接现). The term did predate the Order of Interbeing's use in other contexts in Vietnamese, but was and remains uncommon. Tiếp means "being in touch with" and "continuing." Hiện means "realizing" and "making it here and now."

The translation "Interbeing" (French: Interêtre) is a word coined by Thich Nhat Hanh to represent the Buddhist principles of impermanence and the nonself characteristic which reveal the interconnectedness of all things.

From the Community of Interbeing Manual of Practice,

''Chapter 4.2, The Mindfulness Trainings''
!!The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings

''The First Mindfulness Training: //Openness//''
Aware of the suffering created by fanaticism and intolerance, I am determined not to be idolatrous about or bound to any doctrine, theory or ideology, even Buddhist ones. Buddhist teachings are guiding means to help me learn to look deeply and to develop my understanding and compassion. They are not doctrines to fight, kill or die for.
''The Second Mindfulness Training: //Nonattachment to Views//''
Aware of suffering created by attachment to views and wrong perceptions, I am determined to avoid being narrow-minded and bound to present views. I will learn and practise non-attachment from views in order to be open to others’ insights and experiences. I am aware that the knowledge I presently possess is not changeless, absolute truth. Truth is found in life and I will observe life within and around me in every moment, ready to learn throughout my life.
''The Third Mindfulness Training: //Freedom of Thought//''
Aware of the suffering brought about when I impose my views on others, I am committed not to force others, even my children, by any means whatsoever – such as authority, threat, money, propaganda or indoctrination – to adopt my views. I will respect the right of others to be different and to choose what to believe and how to decide. I will, however, help others renounce fanaticism and narrowness through compassionate dialogue.
''The Fourth Mindfulness Training: //Awareness of Suffering//''
Aware that looking deeply at the nature of suffering can help me develop compassion and find ways out of suffering, I am determined not to avoid or close my eyes before suffering. I am committed to finding ways, including personal contact, images and sounds, to be with those who suffer, so I can understand their situation deeply and help them transform their suffering into compassion, peace and joy.
''The Fifth Mindfulness Training: //Simple, Healthy Living//''
Aware that true happiness is rooted in peace, solidity, freedom and compassion, and not in wealth or fame, I am determined not to take as the aim of my life fame, profit, wealth or sensual pleasure, nor to accumulate wealth while millions are hungry and dying. I am committed to living simply and sharing my time, energy and material resources with those in real need. I will practise mindful consuming, not using alcohol, drugs or any other products that bring toxins into my own and the collective body and consciousness.
<<tiddler [[Dealing With Anger]]>>
<<tiddler [[Dwelling Happily in the Present Moment]]>>
''The Eighth Mindfulness Training: //Community and Communication//''
Aware that lack of communication always brings separation and suffering, I am committed to training myself in the practice of compassionate listening and loving speech. I will learn to listen deeply without judging or reacting and refrain from uttering words that can create discord or cause the community to break. I will make every effort to keep communications open and to reconcile and resolve all conflicts, however small.
''The Ninth Mindfulness Training: //Truthful and Loving Speech//''
Aware that words can create suffering or happiness, I am committed to learning to speak truthfully and constructively, using only words that inspire hope and confidence. I am determined not to say untruthful things for the sake of personal interest or to impress people, nor to utter words that might cause division or hatred. I will not spread news that I do not know to be certain nor criticise or condemn things of which I am not sure. I will do my best to speak out about situations of injustice, even when doing so may threaten my safety.
''The Tenth Mindfulness Training: //Protecting the Sangha//''
Aware that the essence and aim of a Sangha is the practise of understanding and compassion, I am determined not to use the Buddhist community for personal gain or profit or transform our community into a political instrument. A spiritual community should, however, take a clear stand against oppression and injustice and should strive to change the situation without engaging in partisan conflicts.
''The Eleventh Mindfulness Training: //Right Livelihood//''
Aware that great violence and injustice have been done to the environment and society, I am committed not to live with a vocation that is harmful to humans and nature. I will do my best to select a livelihood that helps realise my ideal of understanding and compassion. Aware of global economic, political and social realities, I will behave responsibly as a consumer and as a citizen, not investing in companies that deprive others of their chance to live.
''The Twelfth Mindfulness Training: //Reverence for Life//''
Aware that much suffering is caused by war and conflict, I am determined to cultivate non-violence, understanding and compassion in my daily life, to promote peace education, mindful mediation and reconciliation, within families, communities, nations and in the world. I am determined not to kill and not to let others kill. I will diligently practise deep looking with my Sangha to discover better ways to protect life and prevent war.
''The Thirteenth Mindfulness Training: //Generosity//''
Aware of the suffering caused by exploitation, social injustice, stealing and oppression, I am committed to cultivating loving kindness and learning ways to work for the well-being of people, animals, plants and minerals. I will practise generosity by sharing my time, energy and material resources with those who are in need. I am determined not to steal and not to possess anything that should belong to others. I will respect the property of others, but will try to prevent others from profiting from human suffering or the suffering of others beings.
''The Fourteenth Mindfulness Training: //Right Conduct//'' (for lay members)
Aware that sexual relations motivated by craving cannot dissipate the feeling of loneliness, but will create more suffering, frustration and isolation, I am determined not to engage in sexual relations without mutual understanding, love and a long-term commitment. In sexual relations, I must be aware of future suffering that may be caused. I know that to preserve the happiness of myself and others, I must respect the rights and commitments of myself and others. I will do everything in my power to protect children from sexual abuse and to protect couples and families from being broken by sexual misconduct. I will treat my body with respect and preserve my vital energies (sexual, breath, spirit) for the realisation of my bodhisattva ideal. I will be fully aware of the responsibility for bringing new lives in the world, and will meditate on the world into which we are bringing new beings.

!!The Five Mindfulness Trainings

''The First Mindfulness Training''
Aware of the suffering caused by the destruction of life, I am committed to //cultivating compassion// and learning ways to //protect the lives// of people, animals, plants and minerals. I am determined not to kill, not to let others kill, and //not to support any act of killing// in the world, in my thinking, and in my way of life.
''The Second Mindfulness Training''
Aware of suffering caused by exploitation, social injustice, stealing and oppression, I am committed to //cultivating loving kindness// and learning ways to work for the well-being of people, animals, plants and minerals. I will //practise generosity// by sharing my time, energy and material resources with those who are in real need. I am determined //not to steal and not to possess anything that should belong to others.// I will respect the property of others, but I will prevent others from profiting from human suffering or the suffering of other species on Earth.
''The Third Mindfulness Training''
Aware of the suffering caused by sexual misconduct, I am committed to //cultivating responsibility// and learning ways to //protect the safety and integrity of individuals, couples, families and society.// I am determined not to engage in sexual relations without love and a long-term commitment. To preserve the happiness of myself and others, I am determined to respect my commitments and the commitments of others. I will do everything in my power to protect children from sexual abuse and to prevent couples and families from being broken by sexual misconduct.
''The Fourth Mindfulness Training''
Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful speech and the inability to listen to others, I am committed to //cultivating loving speech and deep listening// in order to bring joy and happiness to others and relieve others of their suffering. Knowing that words can create happiness or suffering, I am determined to //speak truthfully, with words that inspire// self-confidence, joy and hope. I will not spread news that I do not know to be certain and will not criticise or condemn things of which I am not sure. I will refrain from uttering words that can cause division or discord, or that can cause the family or the community to break. I am determined to //make all efforts to reconcile and resolve all conflicts//, however small.
''The Fifth Mindfulness Training''
Aware of the suffering caused by //unmindful consumption//, I am committed to cultivating good health, both physical and mental, for myself, my family and my society by //practising mindful eating, drinking and consuming.// I will ingest only items that preserve peace, well-being and joy in my body, in my consciousness and in the collective body and consciousness of my family and society. I am determined not to use alcohol or any other intoxicant or to ingest foods or other items that contain toxins, such as certain TV programmes, magazines, books, films and conversations. I am aware that to damage my body or my consciousness with these poisons is to betray my ancestors, my parents, my society and future generations. I will //work to transform violence, fear, anger and confusion in myself and in society by practising a diet for myself and for society.// I understand that a proper diet is crucial for self-transformation and for the transformation of society.
!On a Good Day
Joanna Newsom

Hey hey hey, the end is near!
On a good day,
you can see the end from here.
But I won't turn back, now,
though the way is clear;
I will stay for the remainder.

I saw a life, and I called it mine.
I saw it, drawn so sweet and fine,
and I had begun to fill in all the lines,
right down to what we'd name her.

Our nature does not change by will.
In the winter, 'round the ruined mill,
the creek is lying, flat and still;
it is water,
though it's frozen.

So, 'cross the years,
and miles, and through,
on a good day,
you can feel my love for you.
Will you leave me be,
so that we can stay true
to the path that you have chosen?
I am first a Daddy – the father of Maya, a 4 year-old girl, and Aron, a 3 year-old boy – each marvelous and beautiful as all children are, but singularly so to me.  I share Maya and Aron's journey with their mother Lily, who I have spent the last thirteen years with.

Generally I eschew all labels for myself, but one which may fit my role in the world is that of a [[Humanist Friar or Monk|Layman Monk]].  I am a reader and thinker, a man seeking principles and practices of living.  I want to construct, resolve, reflect and question.  I want to grasp and relinquish, gaze further inward and outward … ''readying myself to offer a world-view to my children.''  This is a place to record it all: which I call the journey of a Dialectic Dad.

I am attracted to [[this wiki web]] medium for its non-linear, wandering structure, as a "place" I can be spontaneous and uncensored, yet also deliberative.  Here I can record my personal [[dialectic]] process – the process by which I try to arrive at //truth// – and chronicle [[what I see and desire]].

I have considered an ancillary purpose as well: if I die before my children reach adulthood, this record might still be in existence so they can come to know me through it. It will be a far richer record than a conventional paper diary.  If I use it with regularity, readers can glimpse a "brain dump" of me – my personal history, my context in society, and the reflections of my loved ones in the mirror of my mind.

Also revealed is my intellectual quest always morphing, connecting, refracting and recombining.  Last, a reader (such as my children at some future time) can come to know my beliefs and values, fears and aspirations.

I aspire for grounded change … and if not visible change, then a shifting, accepting, mindful being-in-the-world.

September 2011; updated September 2013
!!![[Wagn|]] is an open web platform for collaboration…built from simple building blocks called cards. ^^[[[16]|]]^^

It enables users to "integrate your web systems in imaginative and powerful ways," as described by the project website.  Below, one of its developers stated a design principle
://''to keep smoothing the ramp from reader to editor to site-builder.''//
The philosophy behind its implementation seems quite similar to ~TiddlyWiki.  In fact, Wagn [[acknowledges some similarity|]] between the two.  Primary differences are Wagn storing its content in a SQL database and using Ruby on Rails as its infrastructure.

From a Rails Inside review 17 December 2008:  ^^ [[[17]|]]^^
The basic innovation with Wagn is that instead of the editable units being pages, they're cards - and cards come in many different types, each with their own properties. So there are basic cards with a rich-text editor, HTML cards, plain text cards, image cards, executable Ruby cards, user account cards, and more. In addition, it supports "plus cards" - linkages between other cards that let you assign tags or attributes or indicate how other cards combine into tuples. The effect is a sort of cross between a wiki and a database.

Other features include the ability to nest cards within other cards, dynamic form building, a permissions model, and WQL - the wiki query language - which lets you build up flexible cards through searching for other cards.
Comment by [[John Abbe]] @@color(grey)://[Wagn developer]//@@
December 18th, 2008:
Wow, thanks for the positive review! It's especially meaningful to us since we feel like you get most of what we're trying to do (tuples, cross between a wiki and a database, WQL, nesting/inclusion). Another design principle (with much work ahead) is to keep smoothing the ramp from reader to editor to site-builder.
<object width="560" height="349"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="349"></embed></object> 


''The principle of compassion'' lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, calling us always to treat all others as we wish to be treated ourselves. Compassion impels us to work tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of our fellow creatures, to dethrone ourselves from the centre of our world and put another there, and to honour the inviolable sanctity of every single human being, treating everybody, without exception, with absolute justice, equity and respect.

''It is also necessary'' in both public and private life to refrain consistently and empathically from inflicting pain. To act or speak violently out of spite, chauvinism, or self-interest, to impoverish, exploit or deny basic rights to anybody, and to incite hatred by denigrating others—even our enemies—is a denial of our common humanity. We acknowledge that we have failed to live compassionately and that some have even increased the sum of human misery in the name of religion.

''We therefore call upon all men and women'' ~ to restore compassion to the centre of morality and religion ~ to return to the ancient principle that any interpretation of scripture that breeds violence, hatred or disdain is illegitimate ~ to ensure that youth are given accurate and respectful information about other traditions, religions and cultures ~ to encourage a positive appreciation of cultural and religious diversity ~ to cultivate an informed empathy with the suffering of all human beings—even those regarded as enemies.

''We urgently need'' to make compassion a clear, luminous and dynamic force in our polarized world. Rooted in a principled determination to transcend selfishness, compassion can break down political, dogmatic, ideological and religious boundaries. Born of our deep interdependence, compassion is essential to human relationships and to a fulfilled humanity. It is the path to enlightenment, and indispensable to the creation of a just economy and a peaceful global community.
|''Description''|augments tiddler toolbar commands with SVG icons|
|''Keywords''|toolbar icons SVG|
replaces tiddler toolbar commands with SVG icons if available
requires [[ImageMacroPlugin|]]

SVG icons are drawn from tiddlers titled {{{<command>.svg}}}
In readonly mode a tiddler called {{{<command>ReadOnly.svg}}} will be used if it exists.
* rename (IconToolbarPlugin?)
* support more than one more popup menu in the toolbar.
(function($) {

if(!config.macros.image) {
	throw "Missing dependency: ImageMacroPlugin";

var macro = config.macros.toolbar;

macro.icons = {
	cloneTiddler: "editTiddler"

var _handler = macro.handler;
macro.handler = function(place, macroName, params, wikifier,
		paramString, tiddler) {
	var toolbar = $(place);
		refresh: "macro",
		macroName: macroName
	}).data("args", arguments);
	var status = _handler.apply(this, arguments);
	if(tiddler.isReadOnly()) {
	} else {
	var parsedParams = paramString.parseParams("name")[0];
	if(parsedParams.icons && parsedParams.icons == "yes") {
	if(parsedParams.more && parsedParams.more == "popup") {
		// note we must override the onclick event like in createTiddlyButton
		// otherwise the click event is the popup AND the slider
		$(".moreCommand", place).each(function(i, el) {
			el.onclick = macro.onClickMorePopUp;
		// buttons that are after a less command should not be in more menu.
		$(".lessCommand ~ .button", place).appendTo(place);
		$(".lessCommand", place).remove();
	return status;

macro.refresh = function(place, params) {
	var args = $(place).empty().data("args");
	this.handler.apply(this, args);

var imageMacro = config.macros.image;
macro.augmentCommandButtons = function(toolbar) {
	$(".button", toolbar).each(function(i, el) {
		var cmd = $(el).attr("commandname");
		cmd = cmd ? cmd : "moreCommand"; // XXX: special-casing of moreCommand due to ticket #1234
		var icon = store.tiddlerExists(cmd) ? cmd : macro.icons[cmd];
		var text = $(el).text();
		if(readOnly) {
			var readOnlyAlternative = "%0ReadOnly".format([icon]);
			if(store.tiddlerExists(readOnlyAlternative)) {
				icon = readOnlyAlternative;
		if(store.tiddlerExists(icon)) {
			$(el).css({display: "inline-block"}).empty();
			imageMacro.renderImage(el, icon, { alt: text });

// provide onClickMore to provide extra commands in a popup
macro.onClickMorePopUp = function(ev) {
	ev = ev || window.event;
	var sibling = this.nextSibling;
	if(sibling) {
		var commands = sibling.childNodes;
		var popup = Popup.create(this);
		for(var i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) {
			var li = createTiddlyElement(popup, "li", null);
			var oldCommand = commands[i];
			var command = oldCommand.cloneNode(true);
			command.onclick = oldCommand.onclick;
	ev.cancelBubble = true;
	if(ev.stopPropagation) {
	return false;

An unfathomable depth; an abyss or chasm.
The bottom of a chasm or valley.
(literary) An infiniteness of thought.
Joanna Newsom

Mercy me! the night is long.
Take my pen, to write you this song.

Lord: is it harder to carry on,
or to know when you are done?

All my life, I've felt as though
I'm inside a beautiful memory,
with the sound turned down low.

Long-life, show your face.
Slow-heart, curb your taste.
Smoke me out of my hiding place.
Long-life, state your case.

What in the world are we waiting for —
building glowing cities along the shore,
where the wind batters in,
baiting my kin like a matador?

So much value, placed upon
what lies just beyond our plans:
waving my handkerchief,
running along, till the end of the sand.

Long-life, speak your name.
So tired of the guessing game.
But, something is moving,
just out of frame:
brace and aim.

Breaching slowly, across the sea,
one mast —
a flash, like the stinger of a bee —
to take you away,
a swarming fleet is gonna take you
from me.

The universe is getting loose:
sodden spread,
from some leaden disuse,
rushing, unhinged,
toward diminishing lights,
like a headless caboose.

I'll wait for you,
alongside the ocean,
and make do
with my no-skin.
But then, Long-life,
will you let me in?
And then, Slow-heart,
are you gonna know him?
Long-life, speak your name.
I wait, while I decry the wait.
And when I die, may I relate:
Slow heart, congregate.

To leave your home, and your family,
for some distortion of property?
Well, darling, I can't go.
But you may stay
here, with me.
I learned in the book //[[Reading Obama]]// that in 1942, John [[Rawls]] defined sin as:
''//the destruction and repudiation of community.//''

In //A Brief Inquiry Into the Meaning of Sin and Faith//, John Rawls stated:
All of the manifest actions of egotism and all of the inner states of sin point to one thing: namely, repudiation, destruction, and abuse of community for the sake of the self.
!!Wendung : Turning
by Rainer Maria [[Rilke]]
Paris, June 20, 1914
(excerpts follow, combining the translations by Edward Snow and Stephen Mitchell)

//The path from inner intensity to greatness leads through sacrifice.–Kassner//

He had long won it through gazing.
Stars fell to their knees
under his grappling up-glance.
Towers he gazed at with such force
that they were startled
building them up again, abruptly, all in an instant!
But how often the landscape,
overburdened by the day,
rested in his quiet perceiving, at twilight.
Animals stepped trustingly
into his open gaze as they grazed,
and the caged lions
stared in, as into unthinkable freedom;
birds flew straight through it,
as it made room; flowers
gazed back into it 
greatly, as in children.
And the rumor that a //gazer// existed
stirred the less clearly,
more questionably visible ones.
stirred women.
Gazing how long?
How long inwardly lacking,
imploring deep down in his glance?
When he, whose vocation was Waiting, sat far from home…
and later from the tormenting bed, again:
there was counsel in the air,
beyond grasping there was counsel
over his still feelable heart,
over his heart which through the buried-alive body
could nevertheless be felt…
it did not have love.
For the act of gazing sets limits.
And the world gazed at more deeply
wants to flourish in love.
Work of the eyes is done,
begin heartwork now
on those images in you, those captive ones;
for you conquered them: but even now you don't know them.
Behold, inner man, your inner woman!
she who was won
from a thousand natures,
the merely attained,
not yet loved creation.
<div class='toolbar'
	macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::EditToolbar]] icons:yes'>
<div class='heading editorHeading'>
	<div class='editor title' macro='edit title'></div>
	<div class='tagClear'></div>
<div class='annotationsBox' macro='annotations'>
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		macro='tiddlerOrigin height:16 width:16 label:no interactive:no'>
	<div class="privacyEdit" macro='setPrivacy label:no interactive:no'></div>
	<div class='tagClear'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit text'></div>
<div class='editorFooter'>
	<div class='tagTitle'>tags</div>
	<div class='editor' macro='edit tags'></div>
	<div class='tagAnnotation'>
		<span macro='message views.editor.tagPrompt'></span>
		<span macro='tagChooser excludeLists'></span>
|''Description''|provide TiddlySpace-specific filter extensions|
|''Author''|Jon Robson|
<<tsList Private>>
<<tsList Public>>
<<tsList Draft>>
(function($) {

var tiddlyspace = config.extensions.tiddlyspace;
var privateBag = tiddlyspace.getCurrentBag("private");
var publicBag = tiddlyspace.getCurrentBag("public");

config.filterHelpers = {
	is: {
		"private": function(tiddler) {
			var bag = tiddler.fields["server.bag"];
			return bag == privateBag;
		"public": function(tiddler) {
			var bag = tiddler.fields["server.bag"];
			return bag == publicBag;
		draft: function(tiddler) {
			var fields = tiddler.fields;
			var bag = fields["server.bag"];
			return (privateBag == bag && fields[""]) ? true : false;
		local: function(tiddler) {
			return["public"](tiddler) ||["private"](tiddler);
		unsynced: function(tiddler) {
			return tiddler ? tiddler.isTouched() : false;
}; = function(results, match) {
	var candidates = store.getTiddlers("title");
	var type = match[3];
	for (var i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) {
		var tiddler = candidates[i];
		var helper =[type];
		if(helper && helper(tiddler)) {
	return results;

meet me!
choose the way of love
manifold and always near
strength is fidelity
keep faith in the Seed of Perfection dwelling on Earth
take refuge in its passages to You
protect your fellowships
sustain yourself from the Earth deliberately
@@color(brown):be mindful of the great throngs of life on every side@@
arising and dying equally under the sun
You share their splendor and finiteness
honor your fellow beings
nurture your fellow beings
ease another's suffering
strive to end poverty
strive to end oppression
do not kill
@@color(brown):do not cause harm@@
ignore no evil done by humanity
mend what is possible without violence
turn your heart away from vengeance
practice, practice
find strength and clarity in today's purpose
the outer marks of success cannot satisfy
what will You bring to being?
honor the sanctity of coupling
@@color(brown):honor your physical being@@
protect yourself
defend one another
teach one another the same
be generous
do not steal
do not hoard or diminish what is needed by all
speak truthfully
do not stand with deception
keep questioning!
You shall come to acceptance
never a livable codex
stay alert
heed the evidence of your senses
heed the efficacy of other ways
heed the test of empirical knowledge
let your children think freely
be grateful
loosen the grasp of attachments
find a proportion for yourself in the whole
avoid haste, distraction and worry
reserve quiet contemplative time
take congruent action from this quiet
save life whenever You can
also accept death
@@color(brown):do not live in fear@@
nor speculate on an afterlife
be here with all your heart [wholehearted, unhidden]
all your heart, mind, and strength centered
respond to life's call
the Tao is manifest in every time and place
come to this peace
|''Description''|Adds a random color palette to TiddlyWiki|
|''Author''|Jon Robson|
Sets and saves a random color palette on execution

Creates a button, which when clicked will change the color palette
More information at
RGB.prototype.toRGBString = function() {
	return "rgb(%0,%1,%2)".format(parseInt(this.r * 255, 10),
		parseInt(this.g * 255, 10), parseInt(this.b * 255, 10))
function HSL_TO_RGB(h, s, l) { // h (hue) between 0 and 360, s (saturation) & l (lightness) between 0 and 1
	var c = l <= 0.5 ? 2 * l * s : ( 2 - (2 * l)) * s;
	var h1 = h / 60;
	var x = c * (1 - Math.abs((h1 % 2) - 1)); 
	var r, g, b;
	if(typeof(h) == 'undefined') {
		r = 0;
		g = 0;
		b = 0;
	} else if(0 <= h1 && h1 < 1) {
		r = c;
		g = x;
		b = 0;
	} else if(1 <= h1 && h1 < 2) {
		r = x;
		g = c;
		b = 0;
	} else if(2 <= h1 && h1 < 3) {
		r = 0;
		g = c;
		b = x;
	} else if(3 <= h1 && h1 < 4) {
		r = 0;
		g = x;
		b = c;
	} else if(4 <= h1 && h1 < 5) {
		r = x;
		g = 0;
		b = c;
	} else if(5 <= h1 && h1 < 6) {
		r = c;
		g = 0;
		b = x;
	m = l - (0.5 * c);
	return new RGB(r + m, g + m, b + m);

	var macro = config.macros.RandomColorPalette = {
		messagesOn: false, 
		changedPaletteText: "We have assigned you a random theme by adjusting the [[ColorPalette]] tiddler.\nDon't like it? Click <<RandomColorPalette>> for another one.", 
		handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
			paramString = paramString || "";
			var options = macro.getOptions(paramString);
			macro.generatePalette(options, true);
		optionTypes: {
			floats: ["hue", "saturation", "darkest", "lightness", "huevariance", "dark", "pale", "light", "mid",
				"saturation_light", "saturation_pale", "saturation_mid", "saturation_dark"
		getOptions: function(paramString) {
			var args = paramString.parseParams("name", null, true, false, true)[0];
			var options = {};
			var numbers = macro.optionTypes.floats;
			for(var i in args) {
				options[i] = numbers.indexOf(i) > -1 ? parseFloat(args[i][0], 10) : args[i][0];
			return options;
		generateRandomNumber: function(min, max, info) {
			var num = (Math.random() * 1);
			info = !info ? { attempts:0 } : info;
			info.attempts += 1;
			var good = true;
			if(min == max) {
				return max;
			if(min && num < min) {
				good = false;
			} else if(max && num > max) {
				good = false;
			if(!good) {
				if(info.attempts < 5) {
					return macro.generateRandomNumber(min, max, info);
				} else {
					if(max) {
						return max;
					} else if(min) {
						return min;
					} else {
						return 1;
			return num;
		getExistingPalette: function(asJSON) {
			var title = "ColorPalette";
			var tiddlerText;
			if(store.tiddlerExists(title)) {
				tiddlerText = store.getTiddlerText(title);
			} else if(store.isShadowTiddler(title)){
				tiddlerText = config.shadowTiddlers[title];
			if(asJSON) {
				var json = {};
				if(tiddlerText) {
					var lines = tiddlerText.split("\n");
					for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
						var definition = lines[i].split(":");
						if(definition.length == 2) {
							var name = definition[0].trim();
							var value = definition[1].trim();
							json[name] = value;
				return json;
			} else {
				return tiddlerText;
		generatePalette: function(options, save) {
			var outputRGB = options.rgb;
			var palette = macro.getExistingPalette(true);
			var hue = options.hue || Math.floor(Math.random() * 359);
			var saturation = options.saturation || macro.generateRandomNumber(0.3, 0.7);
			var dark = options.dark || options.darkest || macro.generateRandomNumber(0, 0.10);
			var pale = options.pale || options.lightness || macro.generateRandomNumber(0.90, 1);
			var delta = ( ( pale - dark ) / 3 );
			var mid = options.mid || dark + delta;
			var light = options.light || dark + (delta * 2);
			var lightness_values = {Dark: dark, Mid: mid, Light: light, Pale: pale};
			var saturation_values = {};
			for(i in lightness_values) {
				if(true) {
					saturation_values[i] = options["saturation_" + i.toLowerCase()] || saturation;

			var opposite_hue = (hue + 180) % 360;
			var seed = options.huevariance || Math.floor((85 * Math.random()) + 5); // we want it to be at least 5 degrees
			var huetwo = (opposite_hue + seed) % 360;
			var huethree = (opposite_hue - seed) % 360;
			if(huetwo < 0) {
				huetwo = 360 + huetwo;
			if(huethree < 0) {
				huethree = 360 + huethree;
			for(var j in lightness_values) {
				if(true) {
					var saturation = saturation_values[j];
					palette["Primary" + j] = HSL_TO_RGB(hue, saturation, lightness_values[j]);
					palette["Secondary" + j] = HSL_TO_RGB(huetwo, saturation, lightness_values[j]);
					palette["Tertiary" + j] = HSL_TO_RGB(huethree, saturation, lightness_values[j]);
			palette.Background = HSL_TO_RGB(hue, saturation, 0.92);
			palette.Foreground = HSL_TO_RGB(hue, saturation, 0.08);
			palette.ColorPaletteParameters = ["HSL([", hue, "|", seed, "], [", saturation_values.Pale, "|",
				saturation_values.Light, "|", saturation_values.Mid, "|", saturation_values.Dark, "],",
				"[", dark, "|", mid, "|", light, "|", pale, "])"].join("");
			// construct new ColorPalette
			var text = ["/*{{{*/\n"];
			var colorcode;
			for(var id in palette) {
				if(true) {
					var color = palette[id];
					colorcode = outputRGB ? color.toRGBString() : color.toString();
					text.push("%0: %1\n".format(id, colorcode));
			text = text.join("");
			if(save) {
			return text;
		saveColorPalette: function(text) {
			var tid = store.getTiddler("ColorPalette");
			if(!tid) {
				tid = new Tiddler("ColorPalette");
				tid.fields = merge({}, config.defaultCustomFields);
			} // TODO: detect that the ColorPalette in the space comes from outside recipe
			tid.fields[""] = "false"; // edit conflicts dont matter

			// save the color palette in tid
			tid = store.saveTiddler(tid.title, tid.title, text, tid.modifier, tid.modified,
				tid.tags, tid.fields, false, tid.created, tid.creator);
			// an interval is used to cope with users clicking on the palette button quickly.
			if(macro._nextSave) {
			macro._nextSave = window.setTimeout(function() {
					autoSaveChanges(null, [tid]);
				}, 2000);
			// temporary workaround for IE.
			$.twStylesheet.remove({ id: "StyleSheetColors" });
			$.twStylesheet.remove({ id: "StyleSheet" });
			return tid;
		reportChange: function() {
			if(macro.messagesOn) { // only display message once..
				var msgPlace = getMessageDiv();
				if(!$(".changedPalette", msgPlace)[0]) {
					var tempPlace = document.createElement("div");
					wikify("{{changedPalette{" + macro.changedPaletteText + "}}}", tempPlace);
	var btnMacro = config.macros.RandomColorPaletteButton = {
			text: "New ColorPalette",
			tooltip: "Generate a random colour scheme for your TiddlyWiki",
			makeButton: function(place, options) {
				var btnHandler = function(ev) {
					var t = $(;
					var options ="options");
					macro.generatePalette(options, true);
					return false;
				var btn = createTiddlyButton(place, this.text, this.tooltip, btnHandler);
				$(btn).data("options", options);
				return btn;
			handler: function(place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler) {
				var options = macro.getOptions(paramString);
				btnMacro.makeButton(place, options);
Like a vapor or glowing		from this wet and rocky body,
the inert quickens for a while:
blind fish, buzzing bee, hunting owl and wolf,
voices at a campfire,		and the touch of a human hand
extends into lifeless depths	(above, below, inside) …
Understanding comes in fragments.
This is our inheritance:		created, caught, devoured,
ever tenuous grasp		of Will
on the unbounded sum and void …
Everything undulates.
[img[The Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania|][]]
image from Wikimedia Commons – click to read the Wikipedia article

I. Gaze, listen, meet me!  Name your reverence for the Cosmos, and your determination for the Way of Interbeing.
The world awaits hallowing; it awaits the disclosure and realization of its meaning. But we must begin. Meet the world with the fullness of your being, and you shall meet God … If you wish to believe, love! —Martin Buber
II. Resist deifying any figure or story that serves human desires. .  Loosen the grasp of attachments.  Let your children think freely.

III. Sustain yourself from the Earth with diligent respect for all life.  Be mindful of your conduct.

IV. Avoid haste, wrath and mindless habit.  Allot quiet contemplative time.  Do all with the intention for harmonious Interbeing.

V. Honor and nurture your fellow beings, and act with compassion.

VI. Do not kill or cause harm.  Strive vigorously to ease suffering, and to bring an end to war, poverty, and unjust rule.

VII. Honor the sanctity of coupling, and your physical being, and your extension of the human family.

VIII. Be generous; do not steal, or hoard, or diminish what is needed by all.

IX. Speak truthfully, and do not stand with deception.  Keep questioning!

X. Free yourself of craving and jealousy.  Be grateful and live simply.

XI. Keep faith in the Seed of Perfection dwelling on Earth; take refuge in its passages to you, and protect your fellowships.

XII. Stay alert to the evidence of your senses, to the efficacy of other people's ways, and to the fruit of empirical knowledge.

XIII. Save life when you can, but also accept death.  Do not fear it or speculate on an afterlife.

XIV. Be here now, and create gladly. Continuously perfect your view, your knowledge, your empathy, then your action.
Since Darwin, we have been forced, in art as in life, to //mature to finiteness.// I mean maturing as human beings not simply by realizing that there are no usable absolutes for man—//for that mere realization is still a kind of adolescence//—but by accepting one's finiteness and learning to live with it with some degree of sanity and integrity.
—Philip Appleman, "Darwin: On Changing the Mind"
For contrast with //maturing to finity,// see //[[Quenchless thirst]]//.

While both authors [Ralph Wado [[Emerson]] and Loren [[Eiseley]]] acknowledge the reality of human finitude, it is the distinctive manner in which Eiseley approaches this central factor of our existence that provides for his richness as a contemplative thinker.  Eiseley //spiritualizes// our finitude, and in a broad range of ways.  He goes so far as to suggest, ''by way of love'', the possibility of surmounting our physical and intellectual barriers and ''identifying with the rest of the cosmos.''
—Jonathan [[Weidenbaum|pantheist]], "Emerson and Eiseley" appearing in //Artifacts and Illuminations: Critical Essays on Loren Eiseley//
A book by Carl [[Sagan]] referring to this image of the Earth taken from a spacecraft:
[img(70%,)[Pale Blue Dot|][]]
Our planet a mere dot in a band of sunrays amid empty space
Type the text for 'systemConfig'
''M. C. (Mauritis Cornelius) Escher''  (18 June 1898 – 27 March 1972)  Dutch graphic artist known for his often mathematically inspired woodcuts, lithographs, and mezzotints which feature impossible constructions, explorations of infinity, and imaginary metamorphoses.
From "A Tale of Two Gardens", page 295-299 of
//The Collected Poems of Octavio [[Paz]], 1957-1987//

One day,
as if I had returned,
not to my house,
but to the beginning of the Beginning,
I reached a clarity.
I heard a dark green murmur
burst from the center of the night: the neem [[tree]].
The tree would not give way.
Huge as a monument to patience,
fair as the balance that weighs
a dewdrop,
a grain of light,
an instant.
Strength is fidelity,
power reverence:
no one ends at himself,
each one is an all
in another all,
in another one.
The other is contained in the one,
the one is another:
we are constellations.
The enormous neem
once knew how to be small.
At its feet
I knew I was alive,
I knew
that death is expansion,
self-negation is growth.
I learned,
in the brotherhood of the trees,
to reconcile myself,
not with myself:
with what lifts me, sustains me, lets me fall.

[img(90%,)[Azadirachta indica|][]]
A [[Neem Tree|]]
//Azadirachta indica//
from Persian //āzād dirakht//, literally, free or noble tree
	<style type='text/css'>
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			color: #006100;
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			opacity: 0.1;
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<div id="header">
<h1>Your friends</h1>
	javascript is required to see friend's activity
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<script src="/bags/common/tiddlers/jquery-json.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
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<script type='text/javascript' src='/friendjs'></script>
This [[Introduction]] describes the author of this [[wiki|this wiki web]], and how I envision its purpose and structure.

Read the [[Friar's Journeybook]] to follow a portion of my spiritual journey through life, some of it theorized and not yet lived.

[[Books|Books I'm reading or plan to read]] I'm reading with excerpts, commentary, and hyperlinks

Publicly-known people who have been significant <<tag influences>> on my thought and self-conception, listed by birth years [[here→|Influences]]

A list of [[Evocative Words]] and phrases that point a few paths through my life and mind

A collection of <<tag passages>> taken from books, poems, websites, and other literature I read, a few random bits [[here→|passages]]

Some <<tag philosophy>> I've collected and what I'm <<tag [[contemplating now]]>>

For those who may wish to contact me, my email address is dialecticdad (at) gmail (dot) com.
Note: This is a partial list of attributions for passages and ideas that appear in this wiki. It's in need of updating.

Explanation of source links +++[+]
<<tiddler AboutSourceLinks>>
!Hyperlinked Source List
#Not all who wander are lost.  ^^[[[1]|Not all those who wander]]^^ –J.R.R. [[Tolkien]] in [[Evocative Words]]
#//Points of View: a tribute to Alan [[Kay]]// ^^[[[2]|]]^^ edited by Ian Piumarta & Kimberly Rose
#Vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit.  ^^[[[3]|]]^^ from about Carl [[Jung]]'s use of this phrase
#"A Personal Computer for Children of All Ages"  ^^[[[4]|]]^^ paper about the [[Dynabook]] by Alan Kay
#An instrument whose music is ideas ^^[[[5]|]]^^ from "The Dynabook Revisited, A Conversation with Alan [[Kay]]" hosted by in [[Evocative Technology]]
#"Notation as a Tool of Thought" ^^[[[6]|]]^^ paper by Kenneth E. [[Iverson]] in [[Evocative Technology]]
#"Bicycle" ^^[[[7]|]]^^ article by Andy Hertzfeld from – referencing [[bicycle]] for the mind
#Yield who will to their separation… ^^[[[8]|But yield who will to their separation]]^^ from Robert Frost's poem "Two Tramps in Mud Time" in [[Evocative Words]]
#"Remembering Ken [[Iverson]]" ^^[[[9]|]]^^ by Roger Hui
#Front page of [[wiki|this wiki web]] ^^[[[10]|]]^^ created by Ward Cunningham
#"Correspondence on the Etymology of [[Wiki|this wiki web]]" ^^[[[11]|]]^^ by Ward Cunningham
#"What Is [[Wiki|this wiki web]]" ^^[[[12]|]]^^ from
#Description of [[TiddlyWiki|this wiki web]] ^^[[[13]|]]^^ from and alternately at [[|]] website ^^[[[14]|]]^^ under "Philosophy", describes the [[Dynabook]]
#"Literate Programming" ^^[[[15]|]]^^ by Donald Knuth in //Literate Programming// – cited from in [[Technology Ideas]]
#[[Wagn]] Introduction ^^[[[16]|]]^^ from, a wiki software project
#"[[Wagn]]: A Revolutionary Open Source Wiki on Rails" a Rails Inside review ^^ [[[17]|]]^^ by Mike Gunderloy ~Eco-Spiritual Vows/Intentions/Committments ^^[[[18]|]]^^
<<search "^^[" "/%%/">>
According to Wikipedia: "The Religious Society of Friends, also known as the Friends Church, is a Christian denomination focusing on //the [[priesthood of all believers|Welcome to your own priesthood]]//."
"This is the word of the Lord God to you all, a charge to you all in the presence of the living God; be patterns, be examples in all countries, places, islands, nations, wherever you come; that your life and conduct may preach among all sorts of people, and to them. Then you will come to //walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in every one;// whereby in them ye may be a blessing, and make the witness of God in them to bless you: then to the Lord God you shall be a sweet savour, and a blessing."
–George Fox

"There is a principle which is pure, placed in the human mind, which in different places and ages hath different names: it is, however, pure and proceeds from [the ~Ground-Divine] "God." It is deep and inward, confined to no form of religion nor excluded from any, where the heart stands in perfect sincerity.”
–John Woolman
Walking our precious spiritual paths, climbing our mountains of mystical experience, we risk trampling the seed (a favorite metaphor of early Quaker writers): we prize our path and our apparent progress over the tiny germ of God’s righteousness that lies ready to grow and blossom in our hearts. But if we remain still, our hearts, prepared by the work of love’s light, will permit the seed to mature and bear fruit. To borrow a Buddhist verse:
Sitting quietly, doing nothing.
Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself.
The God who makes the sun to rise and the rain to fall doesn’t need our help in nurturing the Christ-seed: the seed grows of itself when we stop stepping on it. Perhaps our new life begins, then, with the simple realization that walking a spiritual path gets us nowhere, that what we need to do is, as Fox tells us, to “be still awhile from thy own thoughts, searching, seeking, desires, and imaginations,” to “stand still in the light.”  Our standing still is our saving act of faith, for it takes faith to stop our seed-trampling travel toward a goal, to accept that we are citizens of the Promised Land here and now if only we have ears to hear the voice of love in our hearts.

On Quaker Theology:
#“God” signifies “love” — in biblical Greek, agape.
#“Love/agape” signifies behavior, empathetic encounter with and response to the actual other in her actual need.
#Each of us has, here and now, a degree (“measure”) of the power of agape.
#That agape-power will shape our lives if we allow it to do so — if, that is, we commit ourselves to it, discern how we are impeding it, and get out of its way.

The essential Quaker message is, then, not only simple but also practical: commit yourself to God/love as that which moves you to respond justly and generously to the other, even at cost to you, and then pay attention to that love’s movement in your heart and allow it to guide and empower you; anything else is distraction and therefore anti-religion, anti-spirituality. In keeping with that, the first Friends announced the end of religion-as-we-know-it, emphatically including the end of teachers, techniques, and speculations. Their theology, like the biblical exegesis supporting it, served their belief that God-who-is-love had come to guide his people himself: it was but a sign directing human beings to the motive power of agape within. In our contemporary distillation of their theology, we follow in that spirit.
The Quaker Universalist Fellowship is a gathering of Friends who work to foster understanding among people from the diverse spiritual cultures which flourish in our globalized human community …
We seek, or create, opportunities for all Friends to engage in constructive dialogue among Quakers and with representatives of other spiritual traditions, in the hope that religious faith, although diverse, will become a force which unites rather than divides the human family. We seek to nurture that unity through lives of simplicity, humility, justice, mercy, and peace so that it becomes a beacon drawing together the human family in love and service to all earthly life.
– QUF Steering Committee, October 2009
Friends testimonies on peace, equality, simplicity, integrity, truth, community, and diversity have evolved over time and are the outward expressions of Friends attempts to turn our idealism into action.  Friends value and pursue actions that reflect our ideals.  Not only do Friends expect that we can live divinely inspired lives, but also we expect that, with Divine power and guidance, we can attain social justice and peace on earth.

That we do not always attain the ideal does not mean we will not continue to strive for it. Consequently, in our meetings for worship and business and in our daily lives, Friends try to manifest our common values:
*life is sacred;
*God's inward presence is experienced universally;
*revelation is continuous;
*simplicity, integrity, community and diversity are essential in the search for truth;
*seeking truth and unity are goals for worship and business;
*the way opens, making the ideal attainable.

These values follow from our realization that there is that of God in everyone.

Quakerism has deep Christian roots.  Many Quakers are Christian and many are not.
My sort of Quakerism deals with our present life, such as it is, here on Earth. Some divisions of Christianity emphasize the role of good works, but even these are focused on an afterlife. Christianity, from its beginnings, was not focused on the “here and now,” but instead on what would come in the hereafter. This is not my focus, and it is why I am not a Christian.
–Sanford L. Segal, //Friends Journal//, February 2010
Quakerism is an experience-based religion meaning that everyone can have a direct encounter with the Divine. By tradition, Quakerism is non-creedal; there are no signed statements of belief or oaths. 

Quakers generally recognize five central testimonies: ''simplicity, integrity, equality, community and peace.'' The testimonies are not rules, but ways of living in the world.
(According to Wikipedia, "In the USA, children and Friends school students are often taught the acronym SPICES, which stands for Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality and Stewardship."
{ Testimony meaning "evidence, statement of a witness" first recorded early 15c., from Old French //''testimonie''// (11c.) < Latin //''testimonium'' 'evidence, proof, testimony,'// < //__testis__ 'witness'// + -//__monium__,// suffix signifying 'action, state, condition.'}@@

''Quaking'' could be an appropriate word before the //mysterium tremendum//.
I imagine a Layman Monk to be a man or woman with a family (of birth or choice), a craft, and a devoted life practice. A monk contributes his productive energies to society (and/or 'a godly life') and keeps his integrity. He grows to strength and wisdom, in community, not in isolation.  I further hope that this path will provision for my children's well-being and happiness.

In October 2011, I realized that the [[Quaker]] Religious Society of Friends may provide one such example of 'lay religious life' since it removes intermediaries and advocates for the 'priesthood of all believers.'  I began attending a weekly Quaker meeting in February 2013. It is 50 minutes of silent meditation followed by conversation and fellowship.

March 24, 2013, I am still searching for words, mindful that the way or Tao must be //lived// ... not spoken or read ... ''Friar'' may be a better term than monk.

December 8, 2013: So many things swirling together—
*[[Quaker]] and catholic (lowercase) Christian life
*[[Transdeva]] rejection of supernaturalism
*Teachings of [[Buber]] and [[Tillich|courage to be]]
*[[Dekatessera Commentary]], my own act of synthesis
*[[Evangelii Gaudium]]

Will something begin to cohere? I feel closer, but fear being lost in mind-games.  Living essentially, go back to the practice at hand.


*My first endeavor is to bring into harmony what I think, what I say, and what I do.  Correct each discrepancy, small and large, as I find it.
*Honor my physical being.
*[[Do not cause harm]], and endeavor toward loving-kindness for all sentient life.
*Give time and full attention to listen and meet another in dialogue. (Begin with my wife and children.)
*Strive with patient, diligent inquiry to understand [[what I see and desire]].  I accept not-knowing and incomplete or evolving answers over delusion.
*I revere this life-arising sphere: the totality of being past, present and future.

I would love to learn and live at a place I've imagined like the [[Village University]].
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When we consider how small after all the cup of human enjoyment is, how soon overflowed with tears, how easily //drained to the dregs in our quenchless thirst for infinity//, we shall not blame ourselves for making so much of the tea-cup…

Those who cannot feel the littleness of great things in themselves are apt to overlook the greatness of little things in others.

—//The Book of Tea// by Kakuzo Okakura

This morning, I thought of the new Pope <<tag Francis>> as I read these words.

Five days later somewhat ironically, I read these words of his predecessor Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger):
Man bears within him a thirst for the infinite, a longing for eternity, a quest for beauty, a desire for love, a need for light and for truth which impel him towards the Absolute; man bears within him the desire for God.